The Deity Of War

Chapter 109

/ / The Deity of War - Chapter 109
The Deity of War - Chapter 109

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Translator: Johnchen
Editor: Calofel

Chapter 109: I"ll Kill You

“Elders, please inspect this strange badge!”

One of the instructors flew into the sky, and handed Qi Ying"s badge over to the elders in the sky.

All of them gathered around with intrigued expressions, before drawing sharp breaths in unison. The elders pa.s.sed the badge around, and each of them inspected it for a long time.

“How strange! His True Energy manipulation is black, so how could his affinity with the vital energy of heaven and earth be white? At most, I"ve only ever seen someone with a disparity of two levels between those two aspects, but he"s teetering off both extremes!”

“His basal properties apt.i.tude is also white? But he"s a fifteen-year-old Fifth Energy Martial Stage warrior… That"s not a low cultivation base by any means, so he should at least have red apt.i.tude there; how did he end up with white?”

“Could it be that the spell formation malfunctioned?”

“That can"t be; no one else has received any strange results… You guys have to notice as well, that his bloodline apt.i.tude is grey!”

All of the elders" brows furrowed at the mention of that.

Grey apt.i.tude!

That was only a color that could appear during the a.s.sessment of one"s bloodline apt.i.tude. The Yun Xiao Academy took in over a thousand disciples each year, and among those batches, there were always over ten that had black bloodline apt.i.tude. However, grey apt.i.tude was something that they had not seen for many years!

Grey didn"t represent outstanding apt.i.tude; instead, it indicated a special case.

The case was so special that the spell formation on the Cloud Steps was unable to gauge the nature of the bloodline.

There were a few disciples in the history of the academy that had grey bloodline apt.i.tude, and almost all of them awakened mutated Battle Spirits after reaching the Spirit Martial Stage. However, the mutations could be good or bad. Some mutated Battle Spirits only received special traits, some mutated into useless trash, and some transformed into extraordinarily powerful Battle Spirits!

One of the elders stroked his long beard and contemplated with narrowed eyes. “We have to have an in-depth discussion about this boy!”

Qi Ying was feeling very nervous. He didn"t know which cla.s.s he was going to be a.s.signed to. If he were allocated to the Black Cla.s.s, then he would be taking a significant stride toward her! But if he were put in the Purple Cla.s.s or below, then it could entail many difficulties for him in the future!

Gradually, more and more people reached the fifth platform, and were allocated to different One could tell from a quick glance that over eighty percent of the disciples were put in the Jade and Crimson, leaving less than a twenty percent split between the remaining three

All of the had estimated potential caps.

The cap for the Jade Cla.s.s was projected to be at the Third Spirit Martial Stage, while for the Crimson and Green, those caps were at the Sixth and Ninth Spirit Martial Stages respectively. As for the Purple and Black Cla.s.s disciples, they were projected to reach the Earth Martial Stages!

The disparity in power between warriors of different ranks in the Spirit Martial Stages, was significantly larger than that of Energy Martial Stage warriors. In the Energy Martial Stages, it was relatively common to see warriors defeat opponents of higher cultivation bases. However, that became a lot rarer in the Spirit Martial Stages. It was said that Earth Martial Stage warriors possessed extremely terrifying power, and that they were capable of extraordinary feats; the magnitude of which only belonged in fictional stories to the average person.

Generally speaking, the warriors" final cultivation base limit was not far away from the projected cap of their respective As such, the academy could ensure the most precise allocation of resources possible, reserving more resources for those of higher with greater potential, and vice versa.

That often made a significant impact in a warrior"s future, as resources were a vital part of cultivation. For example, if there were two warriors with the same potential, and one of them was put in the Green Cla.s.s, while the other was in the Purple Cla.s.s, that could result in a future disparity of one reaching the Sixth Spirit Martial Stage, while the other would reach the Eighth Spirit Martial Stage.

Soon, Feng Hemu and the others also arrived at the fifth platform.

Among the nine of them, seven were allocated to the Jade Cla.s.s. Feng Hemu received three reds and two whites, with red bloodline apt.i.tude, thereby placing him in the Crimson Cla.s.s, while Sun Changyu received four red and one white, thus putting him in the same cla.s.s.

The two of them had both performed above their expectations, and were very excited.

They all gathered around Qi Ying and asked, “Young Master Qi, which cla.s.s did you get a.s.signed to?”

Qi Ying shrugged and replied, “My case seems to be a little special, so the instructors are still working on delivering a verdict. Who knows which cla.s.s I"ll get put in?”

Even though Qi Ying was quite optimistic, he didn"t dare to brag.

If he told everyone that he could get into the Black Cla.s.s, only to end up in the Jade or Crimson Cla.s.s, then he would die of embarra.s.sment!

In uncertain times like those, it was best to say as little as possible!

In the air above. 

“I think this is the best verdict for that disciple.”

“I agree.”

After a round of discussion, the elders finally made a decision on Qi Ying, and informed the instructors accordingly.

The fat instructor flew over and took Qi Ying"s badge, before landing in front of him with a smile on his face. “Qi Ying, after consulting the elders, we"ve arrived at a conclusion.”

“Which cla.s.s am I going to?”

Qi Ying"s heart thumped with antic.i.p.ation and nerves.

The nine people around him were also waiting with bated breath. They were praying with all their might that Qi Ying would get into the Black Cla.s.s, thereby giving them an unfathomably powerful ally in the academy!

“Your situation is very special; as you know, you have two very mediocre results, an exceptional one, one that is well above average, and one that is ambiguous… As such, it would be unreasonable to place you in the Purple or Black, but sending you to the Jade or Crimson would clearly be a waste of your talents. So…”

“Green Cla.s.s?”

“Green Cla.s.s.”

The instructor nodded with a smile.

“Wow! As expected, Young Master Qi really is the most talented among us Celestial River County disciples! Getting into the Green Cla.s.s is a really good result!”

“Congratulations, Young Master Qi!”

Feng Hemu, Sun Changyu, and the others immediately offered congratulatory words. At the very least, the Green Cla.s.s placed Qi Ying above over eighty percent of the disciples, which was certainly nothing to be scoffed at!

However, Qi Ying himself was feeling slightly disappointed.

After all, he was hoping to make an impact as soon as he entered the academy. The Green Cla.s.s was in an awkward position where it was not good, but not bad either, and it made him a little disappointed.

The Green Cla.s.s disciples were still very far away from the true core disciples!

Light flashed from the fat instructor"s hand, and Qi Ying"s jade badge slowly changed color and shape. Soon, it transformed into a green jade pendant with golden characters inscribed upon it.

He handed the jade pendant over to Qi Ying and said, “From this day forth, you will be an official disciple of the Green Cla.s.s! Oh, by the way, I just so happen to be an instructor from the Green Cla.s.s; my name is Liancheng Ying. Would you look at that? I"m going to be instructing you AND we both have the same Ying in our names!”

Qi Ying hung the jade pendant from his waist, and bowed to the fat instructor. “Qi Ying pays his respects to Instructor Liancheng Ying!”


Liancheng Ying laughed heartily as he patted Qi Ying on the shoulder. “Go join the other Green Cla.s.s disciples!”


Qi Ying strode toward the designated Green Cla.s.s area, and as he was pa.s.sing by Madam b.u.t.terfly, he heard a faint voice. “I know how you are. Don"t try to cause any trouble in the academy, and don"t even dream about trying to get closer to Qin Susu, or I"m going to kill you!”

The Deity of War - Book 1 (Chapter 1 to 77) & Book 2 (Chapter 78+) is Available at Amazon!

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