Chapter 47

Translator: Rosana

Editor: PlayerProphet

The harem left and the only one left was Qing He, but Bai Yang’s head hurt more than ever.

It would be up to him to be affectionate to all the flowers and plants in his own backyard, but Qing He was different. She was a personal gift from the Demon King. If he withheld affection from her, he’d have two problems to deal with.

First, Xie Ze Tian’s unwillingness to spoil the beauty was misunderstood as pining over the Demon King, it would be disrespectful to the Demon King. Disrespecting the Demon King came with severe consequences. Second, it wasn’t like he could refuse everyone forever, so he might as well spoil the one that was delivered to his doorstep. However, Bai Yang was reluctant to spoil her, since she was sent by the Almighty Demon King himself. What sort of secret plan was the Demon King brewing?

Neither paths were viable, so Bai Yang contemplated the issue until the sky went dark.

He lingered in his study for another half hour. He only left when he was forced to, ushered out by the servants.

In his room, Qing He was waiting obediently. With a small smile, her face was destructively alluring.

As someone who l.u.s.ts uncontrollably for beauties, what kind of reaction should I have? Bai Yang lamented in his heart, but wore a lecherous expression on his face. Approaching Qing He, he reached out his hand and caressed her cheek. “Your skin is so smooth.”

Xiao Ling was speechless. “Sir, can’t you try another pick-up line when you flirt with someone? Every time, it’s this same line no matter the scenario! Aren’t you sick of it?”

Bai Yang was also speechless. “Who has the time to make every pick-up-line unique? It’s not like I actually want to flirt with her. Do you really think I’m such a pervert?”

Xiao Ling: “You may not be a pervert, but Xie Ze Tian collects people for his harem. Can’t you act like someone who collects a harem?”

“If you’re so good at this, do it yourself!”

The two argued in his head.

Qing He spoke up. “My Lord, this small one has something to say.”

Bai Yang waved his hand. “Whatever you want, baby. If it’s in my power, I’ll do it.”

He a.s.sumed she wanted something.

“It’s a relief to hear your Lordship say this.” Qing He bowed elegantly. “This servant has a message from His Highness for your Lordship.”


The Almighty Demon King?

He couldn’t just talk to him in person, so he sent a beauty over to pa.s.s on a message?

“Go on.” Bai Yang became serious.

“His Majesty said he’ll give your Lordship more responsibility in the future, so he hopes your Lordship will be able to focus on your work and not distract yourself by indulging in l.u.s.t,” Qing He said softly, “His Highness gifted myself to your Lordship so I can supervise you. I hope your Lordship will be able to forgive me.”

Bai Yang: “…”

He knew something was wrong when his Highness sent him a beauty out of nowhere! Responsibility? I don’t believe that!

That beauty was blunt. To his face, she told Xie Ze Tian she was there to monitor him as soon as I arrived, and she didn’t care if I’d be upset about it.

If she’s already being so frank and open, how should I react?

Bai Yang considered it. He couldn’t think of anything, so he just said “oh.”.

Qing He glanced at him, before saying, “It’s pretty late. Your Lordship should go to sleep.”

Qing He got up from the bed and walked to the side room. Carrying a mattress, she walked out and spread it on the floor with the apparent intention to sleep there.

Bai Yang was stunned. “Qing He, what are you doing?”

“Sleeping on the floor,” she replied.

“Why are you sleeping on the floor?”

“Your Lordship, I just told you. His Highness sent me here to supervise you so that you focus on your work and don’t indulge in l.u.s.t. Your Lordship couldn’t have forgotten so quickly, right?”

Bai Yang: “….”

So he didn’t have to spoil Qing He?

Bai Yang felt extremely fortunate.

Qing He seemed to interpret Bai Yang’s silence as distress, so, with feeling, she added, “Your Lordship, you shouldn’t blame His Majesty. His Highness said I’ll be permitted to leave someday, once you find your true love and settle down with a child. He won’t complain about who you shower with affection in the future.”

“Then what about the people in my harem?” Bai Yang asked. “I can’t spoil them either?”

Qing He narrowed her eyes. “My Lord, you can spoil them if you want to disobey military orders.”

Bai Yang: “….” Hehe, the Demon King’s orders are ruthless. He even wants to control my private life.

Once upon a time, Bai Yang worried about how to refuse his harem, but the Demon King has taken care of the problem for him, hehe.

Bai Yang wasn’t grateful, but very upset.

But his agitation didn’t matter much. He would be the Demon King’s errand dog, to shelter from his wrath.

He couldn’t refuse. He had to accept it.

Bai Yang coughed. “Fine, it’s already late. Let’s sleep.”

Qing He did what she set out to do. The next day, when she walked out of Bai Yang’s room, she’d already reached celebrity status in the harem. She was flattered by others wherever she went. Qing He also lived up to her role as the favored concubine. She outcla.s.sed all the other concubines, causing a shift in power.

Soon enough, Qing He stood at the top and controlled the yard with an iron fist. There was no end to her limelight, and no hope to steal it from her. As such, Bai Yang no longer had to fear someone climbing into his bed. No one dared to interfere when he was with Qing He, unless Bai Yang took the initiative.

He was upset when the Demon King first sent Qing He, but Qing He was talented at controlling the courtyard harem, and he was able to complete his Daily Tasks, guaranteed.

There were still inconveniences, though. If he wanted news regarding the Male Lead in the Human Realm (though not limited to actions regarding the Human Realm), he didn’t dare act out of character.

Xie Ze Tian was domineering and arrogant, while Bai Yang was a cowardly dog; the difference between them was huge. Before, when Qing He wasn’t escorting him everywhere, he was able to relax and act like himself in the mansion. Even if he walked around barefoot, no one would care. With Qing He there, Bai Yang was afraid that if he stepped out of character too much, that information would be pa.s.sed onto the Demon King, and make him suspicious.

By then, the vacant positions in the Palace of Eternal Darkness had mostly been filled. The Demon Realm had gone through huge reconstruction; those who should be promoted were promoted, and those who should be demoted fell. The Demon King was busy, so he didn’t have time to meet with Bai Yang.

People like Zhong Zhuo and Hua Fei Hua got proper rewards and new responsibilities. Only Bai Yang’s position has remained the same. It seemed like the Demon King no longer intended to promote him.

Bai Yang didn’t care about fame or fortune at all. Instead, he was anxious because the Demon King rejected Bai Yang’s suggestion of returning to the Human Realm, and left him to stay in his manor.

He stayed in the Demon Realm for a while, clueless about the Male Lead’s situation. The Male Lead couldn’t have reached the Nascent Soul Stage yet, so he should be safe for the time being.

When he was anxious enough to die, news finally came from the Palace of Eternal Darkness, summoning him there.

He didn’t know what the Demon King wanted, but he wanted to discuss returning to the Human Realm again. Thus, when he heard of the news, Bai Yang rushed over to the Palace of Eternal Darkness.

There were several new faces among the guards of the Palace. When they saw Bai Yang, they saluted him with respect. Without words or glances to spare, the guards seemed more serious than before.

Bai Yang hurried to the main hall, meeting a few demon generals along the way. These generals saluted Bai Yang as soon as they saw him.

Bai Yang gave a slight nod to greet them.

As Bai Yang walked away from the crowd, he heard someone say something like“We still don’t know who is going to be the Captain of the Guard.”

Bai Yang ignored them and proceeded to the main hall. There, the Demon King was reading an official doc.u.ment. He didn’t even look up when he heard Bai Yang, saying, “You’ve arrived?”

Bai Yang stepped forward and crouched to one knee. “Your Highness, you summoned me?”

The Demon King put down his pen and raised his hand. “Get up, first.”

It wasn’t like Bai Yang liked kneeling, so he stood up.

The Demon King coughed. “Did you receive the gifts I sent you?”he asked.

“I did.” Bai Yang replied.

“Are you satisfied with them?”

Am I even allowed to say I’m dissatisfied?

Of course I can’t!

So, Bai Yang, hiding his true feelings, said, “Many thanks, Your Highness. I’m very satisfied.”

Hearing his words, the Demon King smiled a humorless smile. “Including the beauty I sent you?”

If you already know, why bother asking?

His heart has really rotted into nothing.

Bai Yang grumbled under his breath, before putting on a grateful expression. “Thank you, Your Highness,” he said. “The beauty is gorgeous enough to dominate nations. I liked her very much.”

The Demon King seemed satisfied with his answer. “I’m glad to hear you liked her.”

You sent me a beauty, but wouldn’t let me touch her. Not only that, she doesn’t let me touch anyone else, either. What are you thinking?

If Bai Yang was still the original Xie Ze Tian, he’d probably hate the Demon King to death. Bai Yang was glad that Qing He was sent to his manor, so he no longer had to deal with the other concubines, but Qing He was the Demon King’s eyes. Being monitored every day wasn’t very comfortable.

“I know in your heart that you hate me for this, but it’s for your own good.” The Demon King said, as though he knew what Bai Yang was thinking. “You told me you wanted power and fame. I’m granting that wish”


Bai Yang almost raised his head.

“I’m promoting you to the Commander of the Guard,” the Demon King said casually.

The Demon King is actually telling him to be Commander of the Guard?

The four guardians of the Demon Realm were Zhong Shuo, Hua Fei Hua, Luo Jian Feng, and Xie Ze Tian. They all hold prestigious positions in the Demon Realm. Each of them had a position meant to protect the law, but they were all figurehead positions. They don’t actually do the jobs themselves, they’re just meant to flaunt their status.

Beside these fake positions, they had other a.s.signments. For instance, Luo Jian Feng led a Dark Guard sector, and was in charge of Human Realm affairs. Hua Fei Hua controlled the intelligence network while Zhong Shuo controlled the military. Only Xie Ze Tian’s subordinates had such little power. This was also why Bai Yang a.s.sumed the Demon King disliked Xie Ze Tian.

Xie Ze Tian only controlled one of the Soaring Eagle Teams. Each member were elites, able to take on ten men at once, but their numbers were few. The Demon King gave Bai Yang a Dark Guard team recently as well. Bai Yang left them in the Human Realm to search for the boundary pillars. In the Demon Realm, Bai Yang only had a Soaring Eagle Team, and therefore had the smallest force of the four guardians.

Now the Demon King wanted to give him the position of Commander of the Guard, meaning he would have the power of the imperial guards at his command. It was an important position, coveted by many. The Demon King gave him the position as a display of trust in Xie Ze Tian.

In this position, Xie Ze Tian’s influence would increase exponentially.

The original Xie Ze Tian might have been ecstatic at the news. But, this outcome wasn’t great for Bai Yang.

What did it mean to be Guard Commander? The role was to protect the magic capital, the Palace of Eternal Darkness, and act as the Demon King’s personal guard. In other words, once he took on the position, he’d have to stay in the Demon Realm and lose the freedom to travel around.

It was about to get harder to travel between realms. How was this a good thing?

Absolutely not, never in a million years!

“Despite Your Highness proposing such a high position for me,” Bai Yang said, keeping those thoughts in mind, “this subordinate is afraid he will be incompetant. I implore Your Highness to consider someone else.”

Bai Yang’s rejection may have exceeded the Demon King’s expectations. His face, usually calm and cold, was shocked. He raised an eyebrow. “What did you say?”

“This subordinate wishes for His Highness to rescind your command,” Bai Yang said.

The Demon King didn’t speak, and fixed his deep gaze on Bai Yang, as though trying to determine whether Bai Yang meant what he said. After a while, he seemed to accept Bai Yang’s expression as sincere. He was honestly rejecting the position. The Demon King furrowed his brows. “Why?”


The reason was… quite simple. Because he didn’t want to stay in the Demon Realm, and wanted to travel to the human one.

But he couldn’t say that. Instead, Bai Yang replied, “This subordinate’s mind is dull, and won’t be useful. The Commander of the Guard is an extremely important position, yet this subordinate thinks of themselves as incompetent.”

The Demon King’s expression improved a little. “If I say you can do it, you can do it. Are you doubting me?”

Why are you so overbearing? Am I not allowed to say no to your gifts?

Bai Yang fumed internally. “I think Hua Fei Hua is more suitable,” he said.

“There are other things for Hua Fei Hua to do.”

Bai Yang racked his brain for an excuse. “Your Highness, I…”

The Demon King waited for him to answer. Yet, after a while of Bai Yang unable to explain himself, the Demon King’s expression sank. “You don’t want to do it?”

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