9) Ranking War (3)

Lee Shin was very aware of the shortcomings of humans.

Early on they were too weak.

The archers were weak. The bows and arrows were coa.r.s.e and there wasn’t the proper defense structure.

Two h.e.l.lhounds were summoned with 50 magic power so it would be difficult to win in a one on one fight. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

The creatures were good because they could produce troops quickly early on. This was why the demons preferred creatures and found humans to be weak.

If he invested in defense facilities such as an arrow tower then what if the opponent came attacking? It was wasting money in vain. He would be at a disadvantage over time.

But this Ranking War was like a game made by developers. There wouldn’t be ay unfairness between races. Lee Shin confirmed the strengths of humans through numerous simulations.


He needed to scout in order to verify the opponent.

‘You and you. Go scout. In the 7 and 11 o’clock directions respectively.’


“I’m leaving!”

Two slaves who were collecting magic power moved immediately. Coincidentally, one of them was the older man who had died first the other day.

The Ranking War was the only way to escape from eternal pain in h.e.l.l. The older man was willing to put his life on the line. Even if he died on the battlefield, he would only return to h.e.l.l so there was no need for regrets. ghfjfasbjafbdkjgharialdknds

After the scouts left, Lee Shin immediately built a barrack across the entrance. About 70% of the entrance had been blocked by the barrack. The archers were placed at the first boundary that would allow them to aim at enemies that entered.

“Leave it to us.”

The adults who were summoned cheerfully answered. Lee Shin continued to build barracks and summoned archers.

This was done near the entrance. The result of two barracks at the entrance cause the pa.s.sage to warp into a zigzag shape. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

‘This should stop the rush of too many h.e.l.lhounds.’

Lee Shin knew that the h.e.l.lhounds were fast but dumb. The S shaped entrance path would allow them to be baptized with arrows from the archers.

It was at that moment.

[I’ve found the enemy!]

One of the two slaves sent to scout behind enemy lines cried out.

The older man was the lucky one. He was looking at an entrance where magic circles were placed.

-Magic Circle: Circle to summon creatures.


The collected magic power can summon basic creatures.

Three creatures can be summoned at one time, with 300 magic power required to build the circle.

Palm shaped monsters with claws were being produced inside.

-Claw:  Summoned using a magic circle. The sharp claws can scratch but the damage is small.

‘He is expanding the base.’

The senior demon Eltima was focused on securing magic power. From the start, magic power could be collected at headquarters and places outside.

So there wasn’t a lot of h.e.l.lhounds at the moment.

‘I didn’t think he would be focusing on defense.’

While Lee Shin invested in his own defense, he thought the other side would secure magic power for an overwhelming attack. read at rainbowturtletranslation.com

One more thing needed to be verified.

“Enter enemy headquarters.”

The older man pa.s.sed through the doorway and entered Eltima’s headquarters. Despite being forced to follow the order, the older man was an active partic.i.p.ant.

It was like Lee Shin expected. There were only two h.e.l.lhounds at most. The claws were going around collecting magic power. The two h.e.l.lhounds chased after the older man that entered.

“Run! Continue looking around headquarters.” Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations


The older man ran around and toured Eltima’s headquarters. In the meantime, Lee Shin constructed a 3rd barrack and summoned more archers. Another slave was sent to scout near Eltima’s camp just in case there was an attack.

‘This style of fighting at the headquarters is very cla.s.sic.’

The older man was giving him a very good view of Eltima’s headquarters. Lee Shin was able to catch the timing thanks to him.

Humanity was stronger in the second half of the game. He intended a major attack before Eltima reached the second half. But Lee Shin was going to change the tempo of the first attacks.

‘I can’t just focus on the archers.’

Lee Shin constructed a smithy. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

-Smithy: A facility that provides weapons and armour to summoned troops.


Shield and spear troopers can be summoned from the smithy.

While the smithy was being completed, Lee Shin started to summon shield troopers from the barracks.

At the same time, he issued another instruction to the smithy.

‘Develop weapons!’

-Weapons have started to be developed in the smithy.


Archers, spearmen and shield troopers will be provided better weapons in battle.

The older man scouting Eltima’s headquarters finally died. But the scout had bought him quite some time but the older man had distinguished himself in the Ranking War.

The older man had shown a new building that Eltima was constructing.

-Dragon Altar: An altar to sacrifice creatures.


Once enough creatures are sacrificed, a young dragon can be summoned.

‘I have to finish this game before the dragon is summoned.’

Two shield troopers and two spearmen had been summoned by the 4 barracks. Once added to the 16 archers, there was a total of 20 soldiers.


Lee Shin also had the 3 slaves collecting magic power accompany them. And the slaves were placed near Eltima’s camp. The slaves jumped into Eltima’s camp and showed the situation.

There was a bright light as two magic circles were summoning something. Perhaps it was a dragon. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations


Lee Shin’s 23 man army ran desperately.

*     *     *

-The enemy has appeared!

‘Did that slave come to die again?’

But this time they weren’t scouts. 23 troops!

The normally calm Eltima was surprised.

‘Hahat! Only?’

The majority of the troops were weak archers. The spearmen and shield troopers also had meager weapons.  The dragon could easily wipe them out when summoned.

But at that moment. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations


Suddenly the weapons of the archers, spearmen and shield troopers changed.

The archers held crossbows and the spearmen had long spears. The round shield had been upgraded to a large rectangular shield.

This was a result of the smithy’s weapons development. He had attacked as soon as the weapons finished their development.

Lee Shin’s troops struck the magic circles outside the headquarters. The claws gathering magic power were killed. The 3 creatures just summoned were struck by 16 crossbow bolts.



Two creatures died quickly.

Eltima felt like he was having a nightmare.

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