7) Ranking War (1)

“You fought with dedication.”

“Of course. I have to survive until the end of the Ranking War or return to h.e.l.l again. So I need to somehow build some achievements.”

This was why the humans actively cooperated with Lee Shin. But they only got a short break.

“Can they ever escape from h.e.l.l?” Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations. 

“There is a chance.”

Gremory explained.

“When Lee Shin-nim uses summoning on the battlefield, you can appoint specific humans. So everybody will use a chance to appeal to Lee Shin. If they catch your eye then they can be continuously summoned in the future.”

That’s right. Everybody was trying to show their value and loyalty.

“Those who are often summoned to the battlefield and gain achievements will be freed from h.e.l.l and promoted to a Demon World resident.” dfkaifosajdaiofskadnsamdn


“But remember, those in h.e.l.l are the ones who sinned.”

“I’m aware of that. I am experienced at seeing tricks and will remember the people who are good to me.” Read at rainbowturtletranslation.com

“That is a good idea. But are you going to continue using humans in the future?”


“Didn’t you see how weak humans are compared to the h.e.l.lhounds?”

“Many archers were used to kill one h.e.l.lhound.”

“Yes. You might have sympathy for humans but you should pick a stronger race.”

“It isn’t because I’m a human.  I just know the strength of the human race.”

“The strength of humans?” mfndjfahoiajdskdasdnsakldsa


“I’d like you to prove that you’re not just bragging. Do you want to continue with the mock battles?”

“Okay. I’ll let you experience the strength of humans.”

Thus the two people continued with the mock battles.

Lee Shin continued to experience victory and defeats in the mock battles. But as he learned the units and buildings of the humans, he was no longer defeated.

Gremory’s face became puzzled as she experienced a succession of defeats.

Lee Shin studied humans, orcs, elves and dwarves at various different angles. Lee Shin was satisfied after 30 mock battles. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

“Now I know a little bit about the Ranking War.”

“I-Is that so?”

Gremory looked very tired after experiencing 30 mock battles. Out of 30 battles, she had only won 7. Those victories had occurred only on when he hadn’t adapted yet. Once Lee Shin became sufficiently aware of the Ranking War, she didn’t win anymore.

“I have to practice in a different dimensional s.p.a.ce….”

Gremory’s tired face looked at Lee Shin with horror.

“I’ve gone far enough for now. Once a challenge arrives, we will use the 1st battlefield Asteia.

“Y-yes.” ut.i.tuifhasodasdiksaheuafjeahdaid

The Ranking War had 12 different dimensional s.p.a.ces with different geographic characteristics. But he was satisfied with completely figuring out one dimensional s.p.a.ce.

Once back at the palace, Lee Shin few a full length map of Asteia. He peered at the map while studying strategy and tactics.

‘Are creatures the most preferred species?’

In terms of preference, creatures were chosen more often than the other 4. In order of popularity, the rest was the orcs, elves, dwarves and humans.

‘Creatures over the other 4 species. It is likely that the advanced demons will challenge me with creatures.’ Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

Anyway, Lee Shin developed for a variety of hypothetical strategies for different situations.

*     *     *

A few days flew by. But it finally came at last.

“72nd Demon Lord, I greet Gremory-nim.”

A young man with pale white skin visited the palace. He acted polite but his face was filled with self-confidence.

Gremory who was sitting on the throne looked at the man and asked.

“The senior demon Eltima.” Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

“Yes, Gremory-nim. Now the time has come. The senior demon Eltima hereby challenges the 72nd ranked Demon Lord Gremory-nim.”

Lee Shin heard a prince like tone from the man.

‘An att.i.tude like he has already won.’ nmfbdnmfadkashdasikdasj

72 Demon Lords. Just like Gremory said, it seemed like it had special meaning in this place.

‘Hw.a.n.g Byeong-cheol was like that.’

Lee Shin suddenly had a thought.

The number 2, Hw.a.n.g Byeong-cheol.

In fact, he was Lee Shin’s only rival among the pro-gamers. In a friendly match between professional practice teams, Hw.a.n.g Byeong-cheol’s odds of winning was 60%. This meant Lee Shin only had a 40% chance of defeating Hw.a.n.g Byeong-cheol.

Once they ran into each other at the final of the League Cup, Hw.a.n.g Byeong-cheol had a toxic type of excitement. His eyes were laid on the flashing prize and trophy! He was intoxicated with the thought of being the new star of e-sports.

The result was 3 losses out of 5 matches, with 3 consecutive losses. The supposedly more memorable game of the century was a great disappointment to fans.

‘I threw out the bait and he snapped it.’ read at rainbowturtletranslation.com

He patiently waited and thoroughly caught Hw.a.n.g Byeong-cheol.

Afterwards, Hw.a.n.g Byeong-cheol experienced a psychological warfare every time he encountered Lee Shin.  The birth of the number 2.

Lee Shin sensed the same smell coming from the senior demon Eltima who was challenging the current ruler of this throne. gcyuahuadhsajdahskdjasnsajdsbda

‘It won’t be as easy as you think.’

An atmosphere like this. It was Lee Shin’s favourite prey.

Gremory said.

“Okay. According to the law, it is impossible to reject a challenge from someone qualified.”

“How much magic power do you want to use?”

Eltima’s eyes seemed to be filled with thirst.

At that moment, Lee Shin boldly flicked two fingers. Gremory saw him and immediately replied.

“I will choose 20,000 magic power.”


Eltima’s eyes widened. It was greater than expected.

“Are you serious?” Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations

“Do you doubt my words?”

“No, such a thing isn’t possible. Okay. 20,000 is good.”

There was a smile on Eltima’s lips.  Gremory frowned at Eltima’s att.i.tude but ignored it. In the meantime, Lee Shin continued to do a psychological a.n.a.lysis of Eltima.

‘He expected us to bet the lowest amount, 10,000.’

He hadn’t expected them to bet more. Gremory’s losing streak made people disparage her.

“The showdown will be at the 1st battlefield Asteia.”

This was the only battlefield Lee Shin had a.n.a.lyzed and practiced on. There was no other options. Property of Rainbow Turtle Translations


“Then let’s start right away.”

Gremory laid her hands on Lee Shin’s shoulders who was standing next to the throne.


The two of them disappeared.

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