16) G.o.d of the Stadium (3)

Suddenly caster Lee Byung-cheol came up with a different proposal.

-We are responsible so shouldn’t we call player Lee Shin here?

-Eh? That seems good. If everyone quietly watches then Lee Shin will give a commentary.




The audience response was ecstatic. After a while, one of the staff came up the steps towards Lee Shin.

“Player Lee Shin, suddenly asking you to do a commentary……”

“Is it okay?”

“Yes, I know you would rather sit and watch the game but I hope you accept this burden.”

“Then it is a good idea.”

Lee Shin readily accepted and stood up. He was guided up to the commentator’s booth.

“Welcome, player Lee Shin.”

“You suffered because of us.”

The caster Lee Byung-cheol and commentator Jeong Sung-tae welcomed him. Lee Shin sat down in between them. A microphone was placed on his V-neck shirt.

-Player Lee Shin, welcome. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you for a long time.

The caster Lee Byung-cheol said cheerfully.

-Yes, thank you.

Lee Shin replied.

Even so, the audience enthusiastically welcomed his voice.

-In the meantime, may I ask some questions about your personal history?

-That’s enough.

-Ah yes, I won’t do it.



The audience burst out laughing.

-Yes, that is cleared up so let’s focus on the beginning of the 3rd set.

The commentator Jeong Sung-tae settled the atmosphere.

The caster Lee Byung-cheol said.

-Yes! Now Park Jin-su from CT has killed two players and MBS is sending player Choi Chan-young.  The map is ‘b.l.o.o.d.y Ridge.’

-It is a 4 person map where the monster tribe dominates 8:5. Choi Chan-young is a monster player so he must be laughing at the map.

-Yes, but Park Jin-su has now built up the momentum! Don’t you know the game?

-Of course. What does player Lee Shin think of this?

Commentator Jeong Sung-tae slipped the question to Lee Shin.

Lee Shin answered without hesitation.

-MBS should be worried about 3 losses.

-Ah, is that so?

-In the 1st and 2nd set, the players were all hit in the back of the head by Park Jin-su’s gamble. 2 losses in a row means that MBS in now involved in a psychological warfare.

-Psychological warfare, does that mean Choi Chan-young will be too nervous to deal with Park Jin-su?

-Yes, it is easy to guess the opponent’s move when they are caught in a psychological warfare. I would use a trick.

-Ahh, you are very confident.

-In the end, Park Jin-su won’t win because of a physical fight.  There is no other choice.

A sudden fastball.

The caster and commentator was silent for a moment.

As they got older, they couldn’t do physical things for a long time. Therefore, the life was a pro gamer was very short.

While they were talking, the 3rd set had begun.

This time, Park Jin-su chose a common operation instead of a repentance room.

Choi Chan-young was unexpectedly showing a confident operation. He probably didn’t focus on defense due to Director Bang Jin-ho’s instructions.

At that time, a monster that was a sky lord flew into Park Jin-su’s headquarters. The monster was a species that ruled the sky. It led the monsters and disappeared. In the game, human population could increase and there were also invisible units.

Park Jin-su was building a chapel in order to capture the sky rulers.

-Ah! He was too busy building the chapel to notice player Choi Chan-young! Player Park Jin-su, stop the sky ruler from entering!

-Player Choi Chan-young has identified player Park Jin-su’s strategy. Oh, he is using the strategy of personalized dark priests and high priests. Now, it is like this. The charge will be hard to stop.

The two people pointed out Park Jin-su’s mistakes.

Lee Shin was silent until he spoke quietly.

-He deliberately allowed it.


Caster Lee Byung-cheol was startled.

Lee Shin said.

-He told the dark priests to beware of an attack. Now he will upgrade the range of the machines.

Once the laser was completed, it would end horribly for the sky rulers. And the range of the machines started to be upgraded.

-Ah, really! He really is upgrading the range!

The caster Lee Byung-cheol was impressed.

Lee Shin continued. Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

“Now he is all in with the machines. He won’t unplug the zealots.”

5 repentance rooms were produced. Once there was a total of 7, the zealots started to head to Choi Chan-young’s camp.

The dark priests constructed buildings to block the paths and helped Park Jin-su. A long ranged, fully weaponized camp was created.

-That’s right. The chapel sensed any sky rulers that entered the headquarters! Park Jin-su had really prepared a lot for today.

In the end, Park Jin-su’s plan worked perfectly.

The 7 groups of zealots started battering Choi Chan-young’s headquarters. Any enemies that tried to intrude were melted by the lasers.

Step by step, he took control with the laser guns.The map was covered with the bodies of Stingers.

-The chapel will produce dark priests.

It was like Lee Shin said.

2 dark priests were produced like they had received instructions from Lee Shin. While the Stingers were attracting attention, the 2 dark priests attacked the empty expansion base in the 7 o’clock direction.

The invisible a.s.sa.s.sins slaughtered the workers collecting food resources.

Seokeok- Seokeok-

The Stingers withstood any frustrated attacks Choi Chan-young threw at them. The deaths of his workers at the expansion base also cut off his resources. Choi Chang-young made an expression like he was dying.

-Ahh! Choi Chan-young GG!

The audience members shouted.

-MBS has been torn apart today! Park Jin-su killed 3 players! CT’s prominent players are still waiting but he is a mountain beyond mountains! Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

-By the way player Lee Shin, I am so surprised. Everything went like you said. Is there a trick?

-It is just my eyes.

He spoke with a bit of humility.

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