21) Player_SIN(4)

Lee Shin grabbed the opportunity and moved.

Director Bang Jin-ho felt shivers as he watched Shin Ji-ho’s game screen.


“It happened again!”

Once again, the landmines were shielded in order for the opponent to move forward.

Shin Ji-ho rebuilt his collapsed troops and moved them forward to stop Lee Shin.

But Shin Ji-ho still held the centre. Most of the map was Shin Ji-ho’s territory after controlling the centre.

Shin Ji-ho strengthened the defenses and placed a radar in the 6 o’clock direction.

Lee Shin’s expansion base was in the 6 o’clock direction.

If he isolated that area then the opponent’s resources would be depleted and the amount of strategies possible would fall.

Shin Ji-ho sent some troops to bypa.s.s Lee Shin’s defenses in the 6 o’clock area.

But at that moment.

-You have received enemy fire.

-You have received enemy fire.

The sound was heard in succession.

Shin Ji-ho’s expansion base at the 3 o’clock position and headquarters at the 1 o’clock position were simultaneously raided.

Air transportation ships dropped down troops in a surprise ambush.

Shin Ji-ho needed to defend two areas.

-You have received enemy fire.

-You have received enemy fire.

The messages continued popping up.

“What, f.u.c.k.”

Shin Ji-ho cursed and moved on the defense.

The small handful of troops continued to use guerilla attacks.

Shin Ji-ho had to constantly keep them in check so the timing of his large scale attack was delayed.

During all of this, Lee Shin’s expansion base at the 6 o’clock direction was active. Sufficient resources.

‘Low speed!’

High speed attacks that dragged the opponent along.

Meanwhile, multi-tasking was used to continue producing units and expanding the base.

The glory of Lee Shin. It was like he was before.

Shin Ji-ho sealed off the air transport by installing anti-aircraft guns.

The troops then seamlessly moved to Lee Shin’s expansion base at the 6 o’clock direction.

Lee Shin had buried a bunch of landmines.

Shin Ji-ho used radar to locate and remove the landmines.

The defense of the 6 o’clock base was well underway. His troops hadn’t recovered enough to push Lee Shin.

But despite the risks and sacrifices, Shin Ji-ho didn’t care and started the attack.

Shin Ji-ho had an overwhelming advantage in resources and troops.

He had enough troops to lose some so he made them fight.

Kwa kwa kw.a.n.g!


The mobile turrets started their bombardment.

Light flashes started occurring at the 6 o’clock direction. However, the defense persisted and reinforcements kept showing up.

Some high speed vehicles were coming so Shin Ji-ho quickly buried some landmines.

The reinforcements were delayed by the landmines that Shin Ji-ho planted.

At the same time,

-You have received enemy fire.

The high speed vehicles pa.s.sed by the land mines that Shin Ji-ho buried.

Shin Ji-ho moved his troops through a gap in the enemy.

Sweat flowed from Shin Ji-ho’s forehead and neck.

In the end, he stopped the attack and stepped out of the range of Lee Shin’s turrets.

His. .h.i.t on the 6 o’clock expansion base failed.

Shin Ji-ho reorganized the his troops in order to attack the opponent’s guerilla troops.

But while that was going on, Lee Shin had completed a new expansion base at the 7 o’clock direction.


“What will he make this time?”

“Doing all these things in the midst of fighting.”

“Crazy multi-tasking. Why is he retired?”

The players wagged their tongues.

‘Absolutely not, this a.s.shole!’

Shin Ji-ho clenched his teeth.

He is an active top cla.s.s professional gamer. Shin Ji-ho was one of the best players in South Korea that used the human species. Among the active players.

Shin Ji-ho decided to use the stealth fighters.

He had the air stations start producing stealth fighter jets.

He decided to focus on taking the initiative with the flying units.

The stealth fights simultaneously covered the camp of the opponent.


The stealth fighters were in stealth mode. The invisible enemy started bombing the ground troops.

It was at that moment.


It was the sound of something in stealth mode.


Shin Ji-ho was surprised.

The opponent made the same judgement and used stealth fighters!

The opening of an air war!

A breathtaking fight between the stealth fighters began.

The fighter jets were shot down after being detected by radar.

Quick hands and precise control was needed for the showdown.


Peeng! Pepeng! Peng!

Shin Ji-ho’s stealth fighters were shot down one by one.


Sweat dripped down as Shin Ji-ho pressed the controls.

However, the opponent’s fighter squadron was swift.

A series of controls were simultaneously pressed as missiles flew. The air around Shin Ji-ho became darker as he lost the aerial combat.

The opponent took control of the air and moved against the ground forces.

The support from the air!

2 of Shin Ji-ho’s expansion bases were broken.

Kwa kwa kwa kw.a.n.g!

‘This isn’t possible!’

Shin Ji-ho desperately tried to win but things were getting out of control. His expansion bases were destroyed. The opponent kept increasing his bases…….

In the end.

-G.o.d_JiHo: GG


“Jin-ho hyung, he wasn’t a match?”

“The air war was wrong. The opponent’s control completely suppressed him.”

“Oh my G.o.d……”

The players spoke in low voices.

Shin Ji-ho pulled the earphones from his ear with frustration and typed on the keyboard.

-G.o.d_JiHo: Just one more game.

Shin Ji-ho had a strong fighting spirit. He couldn’t just kneel down to this guy. He wasn’t defeated just yet and wanted to reverse the situation!

-Player_SIN: I don’t want to, it is difficult.

-G.o.d_JiHo: Should we rest for a little bit? ^^

Shin Ji-ho wanted to curse but he restrained himself. But it was one-sided.

-Player_SIN: My arm is numb. Next time.

And the opponent disconnected.

“Kuaaah! f.u.c.k–!!”

Shin Ji-ho punched the keyboard and yelled.

“Ya, stop!”

“Ji-ho hyung!”

The players stopped Shin Ji-ho. In the end, Shin Ji-ho followed Director Bang Jin-ho’s instructions and walked away.

Director Bang Ji-ho saved the replay of  Shin Ji-ho’s game on the PC. Director Bang Jin-ho’s hands trembled with excitement as he moved the mouse.

‘Lee Shin!’

Shin Ji-Ho.

A turn of events.

The audience would burst into great enthusiasm!

‘It is enough for him to return!’

Right now, the players in Group 1 was the main force.

‘There’s no time!’

Director Bang Jin-ho hurried to the office where Park Sang-hyuk was.

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