[437] H. W. Bates, in "Journal of Proc. Linn. Soc." vol. vi.

1862, p. 74. Mr. Wonfor"s observations are quoted in "Popular Science Review," 1868, p. 343.

[438] Kirby and Spence, "Introduction to Entomology," vol. iii.

p. 299.

[439] Robinet, "Vers a Soie," 1848, p. 207.

[440] "Transact. Ent. Soc." 3rd series, vol. v. p. 486.

[441] "Journal of Proc. Ent. Soc." Feb. 4th, 1867, p. lxxi.

[442] For this and other statements on the size of the s.e.xes, see Kirby and Spence, ibid. vol. iii. p. 300; on the duration of life in insects, see p. 344.

[443] "Transact. Linnean Soc." vol. xxvi. 1868, p. 296.

[444] "The Malay Archipelago," vol. ii. 1869, p. 313.

[445] "Modern Cla.s.sification of Insects," vol. ii. 1840, p.


[446] See Mr. B. T. Lowne"s very interesting work, "On the Anatomy of the Blow-Fly, Musca vomitoria," 1870, p. 14.

[447] Westwood, "Modern Cla.s.s. of Insects," vol. ii. p. 473.

[448] These particulars are taken from Westwood"s "Modern Cla.s.s. of Insects," vol. ii. 1840, p. 422. See, also, on the Fulgoridae, Kirby and Spence, "Introduct." vol. ii. p. 401.

[449] "Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft. Zoolog." B. xvii. 1867, s.


[450] I am indebted to Mr. Walsh for having sent me this extract from a "Journal of the Doings of Cicada septemdecim,"

by Dr. Hartman.

[451] L. Guilding, "Transact. Linn. Soc." vol. xv. p. 154.

[452] Koppen, as quoted in the "Zoological Record," for 1867, p. 460.

[453] Gilbert White, "Nat. Hist. of Selborne," vol. ii. 1825, p. 262.

[454] Harris, "Insects of New England," 1842, p. 128.

[455] "The Naturalist on the Amazons," vol. i. 1863, p. 252.

Mr. Bates gives a very interesting discussion on the gradations in the musical apparatus of the three families. See also Westwood, "Modern Cla.s.s." vol. ii. p. 445 and 453.

[456] "Proc. Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist." vol. xi. April, 1868.

[457] "Nouveau Manuel d"Anat. Comp." (French translat.), tom.

i. 1850 p. 567.

[458] "Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft. Zoolog." B. xvii. 1867, s.


[459] Westwood, "Modern Cla.s.s. of Insects," vol. i. p. 440.

[460] Westwood, "Modern Cla.s.s. of Insects," vol. i. p. 453.

[461] Landois, ibid. s. 121, 122.

[462] Mr. Walsh also informs me that he has noticed that the female of the _Platyphyllum concavum_, "when captured makes a feeble grating noise by shuffling her wing-covers together."

[463] Landois, ibid. s. 113.

[464] "Insects of New England," 1842, p. 133.

[465] Westwood, "Modern Cla.s.sification," vol. i. p. 462.

[466] Westwood, ibid. vol. i. p. 453.

[467] Landois, ibid. s. 115, 116, 120, 122.

[468] "Transact. Ent. Soc." 3rd series, vol. ii. ("Journal of Proceedings, p. 117.)

[469] Westwood, "Modern Cla.s.s. of Insects," vol. i. p. 427; for crickets, p. 445.

[470] Mr. Ch. Horne, in "Proc. Ent. Soc." May 3, 1869, p. xii.

[471] The _Oecanthus nivalis_, Harris, "Insects of New England," 1842, p. 124.

[472] Platyblemnus: Westwood, "Modern. Cla.s.s." vol. i. p. 447.

[473] B. D. Walsh, the Pseudo-neuroptera of Illinois, in "Proc.

Ent. Soc. of Philadelphia," 1862, p. 361.

[474] "Modern Cla.s.s." vol. ii. p. 37.

[475] Walsh, ibid. p. 381. I am indebted to this naturalist for the following facts on Hetaerina, Anax, and Gomphus.

[476] "Transact. Ent. Soc" vol. i. 1836, p. lx.x.xi.

[477] See abstract in the "Zoological Record" for 1867, p. 450.

[478] Kirby and Spence, "Introduct. to Entomology," vol. ii.

1818, p. 35.

[479] See an interesting article, "The Writings of Fabre," in "Nat. Hist. Review," April, 1862, p. 122.

[480] "Journal of Proc. of Entomolog. Soc." Sept. 7th, 1863, p. 169.

[481] P. Huber, "Recherches sur les Murs des Fourmis," 1810, p. 150, 165.

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