The Devil's Cage

Chapter 1285

With speculations in its heart, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary looked at its contractor who was finis.h.i.+ng the last few dishes on the table.

"Don"t you think you should pay a little more attention to the problems we are facing right now?"

b.l.o.o.d.y Mary crossed its arms and leaned on the banquet table.

"Problems right now?"

"Didn"t you notice? It"s self-evident."

"It"s so obvious that it"s like adding cinnamon and vanilla to a piece of mutton, you don"t even have to think, he is just a… pitiful soul pushed to the front stage."

Kieran swallowed the piece of mutton in his mouth, his words had a noticeable pause.

Looking at Kieran"s reaction, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary couldn"t help but ask, "He is a pitiful soul, alright, but aren"t you surprise?"

b.l.o.o.d.y Mary was unwilling to give in, it really wanted to see the surprise on Kieran"s face, but the actual outcome was more disappointing than ever.

This time, Kieran didn"t even want to reply.

Watching Kieran move his fork and knife together, gobbling down the food, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary took multiple deep breaths.

It told itself to calm down, calm down… calm… d.a.m.n it!

It"s such a good chance, why do I have to give up now?

b.l.o.o.d.y Mary spoke again when the thought blossomed.

"Why aren"t you surprise?"

"A human becoming a Blood Kin"s house leader, and it"s the house that specifically targets humans."

"Regardless of reasons and logic, none of this makes sense… Huh?!"

b.l.o.o.d.y Mary"s continuous rants were put to an abrupt stop. It looked at Kieran"s right hand, or more precisely, [Mesly Ring] at Kieran"s right index finger.

Kieran"s answer was obvious.

The [Mesly Ring] could control other people.

So, why couldn"t there be more items or spells similar to [Mesly Ring]?

If such items or spells existed, it became reasonable that a human was the house leader of the Blood Kin.

Likewise, the one who controlled Erbus. K was also apparent: the house leader of House of K, the original one.

Other than this answer, Kieran couldn"t think of anything else at the moment.

Looking at Kieran"s calm reaction, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary helplessly shrugged, but it still didn"t want to give up.

"Everything is within your expectations? Even the items or spells like the [Mesly Ring]?"

b.l.o.o.d.y Mary stared Kieran"s face, hoping to find some changes in his reaction.

Unfortunately, he was still expressionless as ever, his eyes didn"t even move or flinch.

"I am not G.o.d, I can"t see everything."

"Besides, not even a G.o.d can be omniscient. What I can do, however, is try my best in predicting the possible outcomes."

"When I got [Mesly Ring], I"ve been thinking about what should I do when I face enemies with similar items or spells. And now since we came across one, I"ll just proceed according to my plan. That"s it."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Kieran didn"t hide anything from his own contracted demon.

After all, from a certain aspect, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary was closer than his friend Lawless and Starbeck.

"What about the uniqueness?"

"Isn"t everyone unique in a certain way?"

"Aren"t the things they acquire unique as well?"

"Why didn"t you think about that?"

b.l.o.o.d.y Mary was looking at Kieran with a look of disbelief.

Kieran picked up the bowl of oyster cream soup and drained it with a few gulps. 

After showing a satisfying face, he said slowly, "Yes, everyone is unique in their own way. So what you think is important cannot be my reference to locate my target. Only I know what is good for me."

Kieran showed a ridiculing smile after that.

"Aren"t you like this as well? Or… Did you give up?" Kieran asked.

Correct, from a certain aspect, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary was indeed closer to Kieran than Lawless and Starbeck, but Kieran never thought it could surpa.s.s the two.

A knife can hurt people, but it can hurt you too.

From the very beginning, Kieran reserved a certain level of vigilance and caution against b.l.o.o.d.y Mary and the other cardinal sins.

Because of that, these unique existences would never surpa.s.s Lawless and Starbeck.

When Kieran showed that ridiculing smile, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary"s heart skipped a bit. Then, unknown to itself, its gaze started to drift away.

It pretended to size up the banquet hall, trying to find more things of value.

However, its presence changed drastically. That wickedness of a demon could no longer stay put, even if it covered it up decently on the surface, its roots never changed.

b.l.o.o.d.y Mary was forced to form a contract with Kieran, the one-sided kind, so if it could free itself from the Contract, it would not mind at all.

Even more so, when b.l.o.o.d.y Mary discovered more secrets, it already had more thoughts on its mind, but it knew how hard they were to execute.

So, it had always been careful. It was waiting patiently, waiting for the chance to discover its contractor"s weakness.

The moment before its eyes was a great opportunity in its mind, but…

The atmosphere in the banquet all almost froze all of a sudden.

Kieran didn"t speak. He placed the knife and fork neatly beside the plate after eating, but b.l.o.o.d.y Mary wished for more food to distract its contractor.

However, its wish would be hard to come true.

In the end, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary"s drifting gaze landed at Kieran, whose presence became dangerous.

"I don"t want something that I can"t control around me. Or… would you present more leverage, persuading me to keep you around even if you might pose a threat?" Kieran said calmly.

He took out [Fantos Ma.n.u.script] from his bag and ignited the Devil Flame at his left hand.

b.l.o.o.d.y Mary"s eyes shrunk. It clearly felt Kieran"s killing intent.

Since b.l.o.o.d.y Mary was always around Kieran, it would never doubt how resolute he was. It knew if it couldn"t provide a satisfying explanation to Kieran, he would burn [Fantos Ma.n.u.script] and followed by itself.

b.l.o.o.d.y Mary had no intention to taste the burning of the Devil Flame.

"I...I-I submit."

Hesitantly, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary took out its only leverage.

And other than its own self, what else could it offer?

[High Demon, b.l.o.o.d.y Mary submitted willingly…]

[Contract changing…]

[Use 100 Points to form Slave Contract? Yes/No]

"Yes," Kieran answered.

[Contract changing…]

[b.l.o.o.d.y Mary (High Hetero-Form) has fully submitted to the user"s control, acquired detailed description.]

[Check b.l.o.o.d.y Mary (High Hetero-Form) detailed attributes? Yes/No]


"High Hetero-Form?"

"Detailed attributes?"

Kieran squinted his eyes and chose "yes."

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