The Devil's Cage

Chapter 603

Chapter 603
Chapter 603: Mismatched
Translator: Dess Editor: EbonyFrost

Dawn arrived .

The Warren campsite was just starting to get busy on the rebuilding .

Mary was sitting beside a shortened table, on the table was an oil lamp which acted as the only source of light within the tent . Even though it was brightened to the max, a big portion of the tent remained dimmed, especially Mary"s back as her shadow was enlarged because of the angle from the light source .

King James VIII was still asleep on the mattress .

After Kieran defeated the first wave of the Prairies invaders, the old king fell into a slumber as though he had lost consciousness . He was exhausted beyond personal limits .

The king was already exhausted while Jeanne was alive and it drained his body, even more, when the Prairies riders arrived at his land .

In fact, the moment the king arrived at Lightning Fortress, he did everything by himself from initiating the rebuilding process of the fortress to gathering the remaining forces .

Even though his subjects were helping by his side, he only had two to three hours of rest in the past few days, it further drained his weak body .

Mary clearly saw the exhaustion even in his sleep, the face of her father in name was pale, as though his fire of life was burning its last straw .

She frowned as she tightened the blanket on him .

Although she still failed to look straight at her father"s face, she really felt pity for the man .

The king was supposed to be in his prime age but instead, he was old and weak . His whole life was tainted with ink, darkness filled his time and robbed the colors of his existence .

The king wasn"t happy throughout his life .

Mary was certain of it . He was just forcing a smile before her and while he was alone, he"d sigh endlessly .

"The duties of a king…" Mary muttered softly .

The girl instantly felt immense pressure from living example beside her .

The day before the Prairies soldiers invaded, King James VIII has already notified his officers, subjects, and consultant that Mary has been appointed as the legal heir to his throne .

When the king died, Mary will ascend as queen .

But doubts lingered in her mind .

Looking at how weak the king was, the girl wasn"t delighted at all about the throne, instead, she felt worrisome . All she wanted at that moment was Swusters Castle .

She wanted to return to the place where she was born and grew up .

Right after the thought bloomed, her heart turned heavy instantly . She remembered Swusters Castle was destroyed and her mother was buried right underneath .

Her eyes turned red .

She could remove the mature mask on her while she was alone, after all, she was still a child .

But she didn"t let her tears roll down her cheeks because she knew tears wouldn"t do her any good .

Tears couldn"t be exchanged for what she longed for and it would only place her in a more difficult position .

Mary reached her hand at the hilt of [Thorn Blade] . It was the blade that her mother left her but because of its weight and length, she couldn"t wield it normally . Still, Kieran"s reminder made her carry the blade with her all the time .

"Communicate with the blade? Feel the blade"s feelings?"

Mary couldn"t understand what Kieran meant but it didn"t stop her from trying it .

She trusted Kieran, whenever she thought of him, her heart would grow hot .

The hot sensation would make her stronger and allow her to ignore her loneliness .


The blade inside its sheath let out a heavy chime .

It was unusually short though . When Mary wanted to check on the chime, it faded without a trace causing her to think it was her mind playing tricks on her .

Someone else thought differently though .

A sudden rushed breathing revealed a person from the shadow, he extended his one of his hand at [Thorn Blade] and the other, Mary"s throat .

Mary remained still on the spot as though she was frightened beyond actions .

The man immediately laughed viciously .

It was too easy! The mission a.s.signed to him was too easy!

It wasn"t just easy, the reward was great!

The blade must be a weapon of legacy!

"Give it to me!"

The man"s heart was unusually excited, causing him to speak out in a sharp voice .

Just as he voiced his greed, it was stopped immediately and he was left with a weakened breath .

He exhaled more than inhaled and it weakened him further .

A strong palm appeared on the man"s neck without his notice and following the clench of the fingers, the man was being suffocated .

His face turned purplish and even stuck his tongue out yet it couldn"t conceal the fright in his eyes .

"How are you here!? Shouldn"t you be distracted?!"

The man was robbed of his words but the question arose in his heart .

Mary stood up and went over to Kieran .

"If everyone in the Viper Sect is this stupid, no wonder all of you were exterminated by Folly! You people abducted Bosco publicly and brought him to Lightning Fortress . Even a common man would know something was not right! Or did you think because of the Prairies invaders, Lightning Fortress had fallen into panic and had lost basic logic to make a decision?" Mary asked in a heavy tone .

The man couldn"t utter a word to reply because Kieran was grabbing his neck .

The suffocation didn"t only rob the man"s mobility, it also put his life at risk .

Kieran looked at the captive in his hand and doubts began to fill his heart .

"This is too easy . . . "

The situation at hand seemed to be much easier than he expected .

Similar to what Mary had said, even a common man could notice something wasn"t right .

Being an organization that suffered destruction and wanted to reinstate their order in Riverdale by hiding their presence from the public, their actions didn"t match their intentions .

In fact, it looked a lot like child"s play .

"He is just a small goon, let"s pay a visit to that naive curator . "

Kieran grabbed the man and headed to the back of the campsite while doubts lingered in his heart; Mary followed .

. . .

"I did it! Warren soldiers have lost their logical judgment under the pressure from the Prairies invader!"

Fanner laughed coldly in his heart when he saw Kieran appear before him .

Fanner was actually thinking about solving the situation at hand, but who knew Torstar the idiot"s simple mission would expose the real situation behind Warren"s defending soldiers .

The results were surprising in a good way!

"This time, I will…"

Fanner was planning something in his heart but before the thought could take form, his eyes opened wide in shock .

What did he see?


Another Kieran was walking towards him and was grabbing Bob in his hand .

Without a second thought, Fanner seized Bosco and retreated to the horses .

Their mission had failed!

All Fanner wanted to do now was to leave in one piece .

Fanner firmly held the standard techniques and actions of an firm in his mind, so he carried it out without delay .

However, the "Kieran" before him showed an evil smile .

Fanner who had Bosco in his hand started to feel dizzy as the scene around him started to distort . Then, his vision suffered a blackout and he stood there blankly .

"Master!" b.l.o.o.d.y Mary bowed to Kieran .

Following Kieran"s signal, the high demon vanished into nothing .

The soldiers around including Mary were astonished by the scene . Their eyes grew more respectful and revered towards Kieran .

Kieran strode over to Fanner while the gazes showered him .

"I need an extra tent!"

Kieran said after grabbing Fanner .

Chapter 603 MismatchedTranslator Dess Editor EbonyFrostDawn arrived . The Warren campsite was just starting to get busy on the rebuilding . Mary was sitting beside a shortened table, on the table was an oil lamp which acted as the only source of light within the tent . Even though it was brightened to the max, a big portion of the tent remained dimmed, especially Mary s back as her shadow was enlarged because of the angle from the light source . King James VIII was still asleep on the mattress . After Kieran defeated the first wave of the Prairies invaders, the old king fell into a slumber as though he had lost consciousness . He was exhausted beyond personal limits . The king was already exhausted while Jeanne was alive and it drained his body, even more, when the Prairies riders arrived at his land . In fact, the moment the king arrived at Lightning Fortress, he did everything by himself from initiating the rebuilding process of the fortress to gathering the remaining forces . Even though his subjects were helping by his side, he only had two to three hours of rest in the past few days, it further drained his weak body . Mary clearly saw the exhaustion even in his sleep, the face of her father in name was pale, as though his fire of life was burning its last straw . She frowned as she tightened the blanket on him . Although she still failed to look straight at her father s face, she really felt pity for the man . The king was supposed to be in his prime age but instead, he was old and weak . His whole life was tainted with ink, darkness filled his time and robbed the colors of his existence . The king wasn t happy throughout his life . Mary was certain of it . He was just forcing a smile before her and while he was alone, he d sigh endlessly . The duties of a king Mary muttered softly . The girl instantly felt immense pressure from living example beside her . The day before the Prairies soldiers invaded, King James VIII has already notified his officers, subjects, and consultant that Mary has been appointed as the legal heir to his throne . When the king died, Mary will ascend as queen . But doubts lingered in her mind . Looking at how weak the king was, the girl wasn t delighted at all about the throne, instead, she felt worrisome . All she wanted at that moment was Swusters Castle . She wanted to return to the place where she was born and grew up . Right after the thought bloomed, her heart turned heavy instantly . She remembered Swusters Castle was destroyed and her mother was buried right underneath . Her eyes turned red . She could remove the mature mask on her while she was alone, after all, she was still a child . But she didn t let her tears roll down her cheeks because she knew tears wouldn t do her any good . Tears couldn t be exchanged for what she longed for and it would only place her in a more difficult position . Mary reached her hand at the hilt of Thorn Blade . It was the blade that her mother left her but because of its weight and length, she couldn t wield it normally . Still, Kieran s reminder made her carry the blade with her all the time . Communicate with the blade Feel the blade s feelings Mary couldn t understand what Kieran meant but it didn t stop her from trying it . She trusted Kieran, whenever she thought of him, her heart would grow hot . The hot sensation would make her stronger and allow her to ignore her loneliness . Fung The blade inside its sheath let out a heavy chime . It was unusually short though . When Mary wanted to check on the chime, it faded without a trace causing her to think it was her mind playing tricks on her . Someone else thought differently though . A sudden rushed breathing revealed a person from the shadow, he extended his one of his hand at Thorn Blade and the other, Mary s throat . Mary remained still on the spot as though she was frightened beyond actions . The man immediately laughed viciously . It was too easy The mission a.s.signed to him was too easy It wasn t just easy, the reward was great The blade must be a weapon of legacy Give it to me The man s heart was unusually excited, causing him to speak out in a sharp voice . Just as he voiced his greed, it was stopped immediately and he was left with a weakened breath . He exhaled more than inhaled and it weakened him further . A strong palm appeared on the man s neck without his notice and following the clench of the fingers, the man was being suffocated . His face turned purplish and even stuck his tongue out yet it couldn t conceal the fright in his eyes . How are you here Shouldn t you be distracted The man was robbed of his words but the question arose in his heart . Mary stood up and went over to Kieran . If everyone in the Viper Sect is this stupid, no wonder all of you were exterminated by Folly You people abducted Bosco publicly and brought him to Lightning Fortress . Even a common man would know something was not right Or did you think because of the Prairies invaders, Lightning Fortress had fallen into panic and had lost basic logic to make a decision Mary asked in a heavy tone . The man couldn t utter a word to reply because Kieran was grabbing his neck . The suffocation didn t only rob the man s mobility, it also put his life at risk . Kieran looked at the captive in his hand and doubts began to fill his heart . This is too easy . . . The situation at hand seemed to be much easier than he expected . Similar to what Mary had said, even a common man could notice something wasn t right . Being an organization that suffered destruction and wanted to reinstate their order in Riverdale by hiding their presence from the public, their actions didn t match their intentions . In fact, it looked a lot like child s play . He is just a small goon, let s pay a visit to that naive curator . Kieran grabbed the man and headed to the back of the campsite while doubts lingered in his heart Mary followed . . . . I did it Warren soldiers have lost their logical judgment under the pressure from the Prairies invader Fanner laughed coldly in his heart when he saw Kieran appear before him . Fanner was actually thinking about solving the situation at hand, but who knew Torstar the idiot s simple mission would expose the real situation behind Warren s defending soldiers . The results were surprising in a good way This time, I will Fanner was planning something in his heart but before the thought could take form, his eyes opened wide in shock . What did he see Kieran Another Kieran was walking towards him and was grabbing Bob in his hand . Without a second thought, Fanner seized Bosco and retreated to the horses . Their mission had failed All Fanner wanted to do now was to leave in one piece . Fanner firmly held the standard techniques and actions of an firm in his mind, so he carried it out without delay . However, the Kieran before him showed an evil smile . Fanner who had Bosco in his hand started to feel dizzy as the scene around him started to distort . Then, his vision suffered a blackout and he stood there blankly . Master b.l.o.o.d.y Mary bowed to Kieran . Following Kieran s signal, the high demon vanished into nothing . The soldiers around including Mary were astonished by the scene . Their eyes grew more respectful and revered towards Kieran . Kieran strode over to Fanner while the gazes showered him . I need an extra tent Kieran said after grabbing Fanner .

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