The Devil's Origin

Chapter 22 : Kobold

Chapter 22 : Kobold

T/N: Ah I finally finished translating this chapter. As usual, if there"s anyone that want to take this novel over, feel free to contact me ! If no one is willing then you guys have to be patient with my moody updates. Like one day I"m super pumped, translating 2 chapters in one week and one day I"m feeling soooo lazy I don"t even translate anything.


On that day, we held the funeral for the werewolf"s older brother on the other side of Maou"s castle.

The older brother"s name was Regina and the younger one was Lexus.

I held Lexus"s grieving body and apologized to him so many times, like I was chanting a prayer.

Even though I already promised Lexus that I would definitely protect Regina but in the end.. I had failed..

"Maou-sama, please lift your head. It can"t be helped since the opponent was the hero himself. Maou-sama is not at fault at all." Lexus said, even though his face was stained with tears, he was still able to smile at me.

"Thank you, Maou-sama. You were able to locate my brother"s whereabout and retrieved his body back so I could hold a funeral for him and see him one last time before our final goodbye."

I raised my tear stained face as Lexus continued.

"I beg of you, please help me avenge my brothers. Please give me a family, strong enough to defeat my brother"s enemy."

At that moment, I saw how Lexus"s eyes was dyed in hatred toward humanity.


The mating between me and the werewolf was filled with grief and anger.

As if he was being drowned in hatred, Lexus bite my arms off and ate my entrails.

It was a pain that I had never felt before, the feeling of my body being eaten while I was still alive.

Lexus kept on screaming for his deceased brother, his shrieking howl could be heard through the forest.

I was able to produce 20 werewolves eggs and gave it all to Lexus.

That was the only thing I could do for him.


"Young master."

Even without looking, I knew Velke was very angry.

"I know what you"re going to say." I interjected.

"Then tell me why? Why didn"t you call out to me? Why you didn"t call for any help even though he hurt you beyond reason like this??"

After Lexus had finished mating with me, he started crying when he realized what he had done to me.

The werewolf was so blinded by hatred that he let his body moved according to the anger boiling inside him.

Velke came to check up on me and nearly killed Lexus when Velke saw the state I was in.

I lifted my left arm and stroked Velke"s cheek as I explained,"Lexus.. He was blinded by hatred so please don"t blame him. It was inevitable."

"I don"t understand why it was inevitable. I could prevent him from hurting you."

"Since you also lost your family to the hero, you understand Lexus"s hatred as well, right? Like what I said, it was inevitable."

"Young master…"

Velke put his hand over my smaller one and continued," Young master.. I still don"t understand why you let him hurt you so bad like this.."


"Every time I saw you getting hurt.. It was as if I was in h.e.l.l. My heart aches, it was so, so painful for me to see you hurting. Why must you let yourself getting hurt like this..?"


"I want to take you away, away from the demon kind, from the human, from the hero.. I want to hide you in a place where no one can find you."


"One word, just one word is all you need and I will hide you away from all these pain."


I felt myself crying involuntarily when I saw how deep Velke"s love for me was.

"But, I am the maou."

I couldn"t run away from my role.

It was inevitable.


10 days later.

My body was fully recovered, the missing limbs, entrails and everything had fully recovered without any scratch left.

I flailed my right arms experimentally, there was no discomfort at all.

As expected from maou"s cheat skill, [Regeneration]!

*tap tap tap*

Ah, he came today as well.

"How about if you reveal yourself now?" I asked toward the door.


I was surprised when I saw the door was opening, I was eager to find out the figure behind it.

Everyday, someone would"ve placed flowers on maou"s castle door without fail.

The door opened slowly, revealing a timid looking kobold.

"So you"re the one that has been giving me flowers?"

It was the same kobold that I saved 10 days ago from the hero"s hands.

"Maou-sama..Umm.. That.. Umm.. How do you do today?"

"I am fine."

"Is that so! I"m so glad that you are well!"

The kobold"s tail was swinging in full speed as he said that.

"Come closer." I called out to him.


Seemed like the kobold felt that he was indebted to me because I had saved him from the hero back in the forest.

After 10 days of resting, maybe this kobold might be a good first mating partner for me.

"What"s your name?"

"My name is Copper!"

"Pledge your loyalty to me."

"Yes! Maou-sama is the one that saved my life! I"m forever indebted to you! I will serve you forever!!" Copper exclaimed happily, he nodded his head frantically while his tail was swinging in full speed behind him.

"Well then, I will grant you a family."

"E-eh?! M-me?! A family??"

Well, duh. There"s no one else in here but you, is there?

"I-I"m unfit to be granted a family. after all, I"m the most incompetent kobold in my village. I can"t fight well and I"m not popular with the females. E-even if I were to have a pup, the pup would grow up to become useless like me too."

Oh? This is the first time I ever meet this type of demonkind.

"The one that delivered flowers to me everyday was you, right? Or was it someone else stronger in your village that delivered flowers to me? I know it was you. I want to grant you a family so just hurry up and take your clothes off already."

"Y-yes!" Copper stammered as he took his clothes hurriedly.

"MMaou-sama, I-I never mated with anyone before. What do I have to do?" Copper asked innocently, his big, round eyes was glistened with unshed tears.


No good.

This was definitely no good.

I had to be the one taking the lead this time…

Sighing to myself, I started to take my clothes off as well.

Copper was kneeling in front of me obediently while I was taking my clothes off.

"Umm.. First.." I trailed.


So awkward…

"Umm.. Try to kiss my lips for starter."


Copper timidly walked toward me, he leaned his face closer to me and kissed me chastely on the lips.

"I-I kissed Maou-sama!" Copper bashfully said as he covered his face with both of his hands.

Are you some kind of innocent maiden!?

"Keep on kissing me."

Copper obediently continued to kiss me but he never put his tongue in. He only brought our lips together continuously.

"Open your mouth a little and let your tongue out."

"Lhike this?" Copper asked confusedly with his tongue lolling out.

Ah.. No matter how I see it, he looks like a neighboring dog in hot weather with his tongue out like this.

"Okay, now try to bring your tongue into my mouth and suck on my tongue."

I opened my mouth for him and Copper delved his tongue inside, sucking my tongue while he clumsily kissed me. I also sucked his tongue back.

The sensation of our tongue entwining together with both of us sucking on each other experimentally actually felt good.

I could feel myself getting hard as our tongue danced together.

As I thought, my tongue was my erogenous zone after all.

"What do I have to do next?"

"Next..Umm.. Try touching my body?"

Hesitantly, Copper put his hands all over my body. He tried to fondle me from my shoulder, travelling down to my chest. When his nose brushed over my nipples, I let out a breathless moans.

"Does it feels good here?"

"T-that"s right." I gasped as Copper started to lap his tongue over my perky nubs.

In seconds, he began to suck on my areola, "Y-You don"t have to go far!"

"But Maou-sama you seem to be feeling good when I do it." He replied with his mouth still on my chest.

Despite Copper"s clumsy caress, I could still feel my erection grew harder with each touch.

"Maou-sama, this part of you is bouncing eagerly."

"S-shut up."

"Is it okay if I touch this place too?"

Without waiting for my answer, Copper started to put my p.e.n.i.s into his mouth in one swift motion.


Even though he didn"t have any experience at all, he was very eager and remembered all my sensitive places. He kept on stroking the backside of my shaft, lapping his tongue all over my tips while his hands were busy fondling my b.a.l.l.s.

"I-I"m going to come so let go or I will come- ahng! In your mouth!"

"Ish ohkay, chome."

Don"t talk while deep throating me!!

My vision turned white as I came into his awaiting mouth.

"Maou-shama, yhou chame a lots." Copper said with his mouth full of, he swirled my c.u.m from side to side, as if he was trying to savor the taste.

"Copper! Be a good kid and let it out on my hand, yeah like that."

Thankfully Copper was very obedient, he let out the gooey white s.e.m.e.n on my hands.

My partner this time was the prime example of an innocent virgin.

I had no choice but to prepare my backside on my own.

Using my own s.e.m.e.n as lubricant, I started to circle my opening before I braced myself and pushed my finger in.


I finally managed to put my whole finger in, it was only one finger but it felt so good already.

After getting used to one finger, I pushed another finger in and scissored my insides while holding my breath.

Using my other hand, I pulled my b.u.t.tcheeks apart so I could have better visual on my hole.

Breathless moans was falling freely from my mouth as I tried to stretch myself.

Copper"s breath was getting heavier too as he watched on me intensely.

I felt my heartbeat went even faster when I realized that Copper had been watching my every single move.

It was as if I had a spectator while masturbating.

"Maou-sama, I also want to do it."

"Listen well Copper, your nail is too long so you can"t! I will do it myself this time so be a good kid and wait for me, okay?"

"I understand. Maou-sama, you smell so delicious."

This was harder than my expectations..

When I deemed myself stretched enough, I pushed my third finger in.

Pus.h.i.+ng my fingers in and out, I think I was already stretched enough.

"Okay. Now.. Your.. Thing. Put it inside me here, okay?"


Copper shuffled closer to me and positioned his aching p.e.n.i.s in front of me.

He pushed his hips forward but he missed my hole and slipped his p.e.n.i.s onto my stomach instead.

"Maou-sama, I can"t get it in…"

"You f.u.c.king…"

I couldn"t hold myself anymore.

Pus.h.i.+ng all my shame aside, I hovered over Copper laying body and held his erected p.e.n.i.s with my hand, aiming it right into my b.u.t.thole.

"Here, you put it right here, got it?"

"Ahng! Y-yes!"

I slammed my hips down onto his p.e.n.i.s slowly.


"Maou-sama! Are you alright??"

"D-don"t worry about it! J-just focus on getting.. Yours.. Inside..!"

Slowly, my hole was stretched to the brim as more and more of Copper"s big p.e.n.i.s went inside me.

"Mmaou-sama! Ahng!  Maou-sama! Ngh, s-so goo-! Ah, no! I-I"m coming..!"

"Wait! That"s too fast!"

I was taken aback at his statement that I accidently slipped more of his p.e.n.i.s inside, the blunt head pressed on my prostate gland, making me moaned out loud involuntarily.

"Nnghhn..! Ahnng!"

"Maou-sama.. Seems like it feels good.. Right here? Here, yeah. Does it feels good here?"

Like an obedient dog, Copper was quick to memorize my most sensitive spot. He kept on pistoning his hips onto my prostate gland.

"Ahng..! Y-yeah..! Su-such good! Ahng! B-boy!"

"Ahnn! Maou-sama! C-coming! Ahn..Maou-sama I"m-!"

With one breathless moan, Copper came deep inside me, coating my insides with his s.e.m.e.n.



"You can come inside, it"s alright."


Right on my door, there stood timid looking Copper.

"Um.. Is Mr.Velke not here today?"

Copper looked around the room timidly, his eyes scanned the room.

"Right now.. Velke is in the Nursery Room."

Closing my eyes as I sighed, I called out to other dog demonkind.

"The door is open. Just come already, Lexus."

With his tail between his legs, another large built dog demonkind appeared from the door timidly.

"Maou-sama.. How"s your body- I mean.. That.."

"It doesn"t matter anymore. One of my forte as the maou-sama is my st.u.r.dy body after all."

"I-I apologize for my behaviour!!"

Lexus immediately kneeled in front of me, his head was touching the floor.

"It"s alright."

Rather than me, I was more worried about his state of mind. He just lost someone very close to him so he must be hurting as well.

"What about you? Are you doing fine?" I asked.

"Y-Yes.. I"m truly sorry for all the trouble I caused.."

Lexus looked at me with a determined glint in his eyes, a huge contrast to his blind rage before.

"Then, everything is good."

"U-umm! Lexus-kun, he has something that he wanted from Maou-sama!"

"Please appoint me as Maou"s Castle guard!"

"That kind of thing, you need to ask Velke instead of me."

I gave Velke full rein of the management of maou"s castle so it was given he had to ask Velke.

Lexus looked visibly depressed when he heard my answer.

Ah, right he was almost killed by Velke.

"I understand. I will think of a way somehow. I will be in your care from now on, okay?"

The cloud in Lexus"s eyes disappeared immediately, replaced by a bright smile on his face.

He wagged his fluffy tail excitedly.

"That filthy beast over there, why are you here? I told you to never step a foot in here again, didn"t I ?"

From the other side of the door, there stood Velke with deathly glare on his face. He looked like an executor from h.e.l.l.


Both Copper and Lexus immediately stiffened, their tails between their legs as they trembled in fear.

"Don"t be mean, Velke. I like dog, you know so please don"t take things that I like from me."

Velke creased his brow together, he looked visibly disgusted.

"I-I will come again!"

"Pardon us!"

The two dog demonkind ran away together, the sight of them running away in fear with tails between their legs was too funny that I chuckled at them.

I called out to Velke with both of my arms in the air.

Velke immediately complied and embraced my body tenderly.

"For me, as long you"re with me, I can withstand everything. That"s why, please don"t ever leave my side." I whispered as I buried my face between Velke"s neck.

"No matter what, no matter when, I live only for you." Velke replied as he kissed each of my eyelids softly.


T/N: MY G.o.d. WHO"S #TEAMVELKE?? *RAISING BOTH OF MY HANDS AGGRESSIVELY*  This chapter starts with a.. With a very disturbing scene but it ends with this soft fluffy fluttering feeling oh G.o.d, Velke best boiiiii!

Chapter 23 (NOT YET)

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