The Devil's Origin

Chapter 25 : Nightmare (Werewolf)

Chapter 25 : Nightmare (Werewolf)

A/N: This chapter contains gore, violence, cannibalism and non con. Continue reading at your own risk. Rated R18G! Also, this chapter doesn"t contain any key component for the story so it"s okay to skip this chapter if the violence is too much for you. Remember, read at your own risk!

T/N: This chapter is so hard to translate that"s why I keep on procrastinating it.


I could hear it clearly.

The sound of flesh being torn apart, muscles being pulled forcefully, blood dripping precariously from fresh wound.

The sound felt so close, as if someone was tearing somebody right beside me.

It felt so close..

As if…

The sound was coming from my own body.

————-Well of course, because you"re being eaten right now.————-

"Ngh! Ha..Ha..Ha.."

I woke up with a jolt.

I knew it was a dream but the pain felt so real.

Even now, my body was hurting as if I was being torn apart but no wound could be seen on me.

I touched my face and to my surprise, I had been crying in my sleep.

The wet trails of my tears were still fresh and once again, my tear gland broke and I found myself sobbing alone in my bed.

My heart was beating so fast. I was scared.

It felt so real even though it was only a dream but the pain, the memories, the sound, everything felt so real.

I covered my face with my right hand and chanted in my heart.

I"m alright. I"m alright. I"m alright.

……… I"m still alright.

………… I"m not broken yet.


"Young master, did you have that dream again?" Velke called out to me.

I was still burying my face on my pillow, not ready to face the day yet but Velke must"ve noticed that I was already awake and came to check on me.

"I"m sorry I woke you up. Don"t worry, I"m fine."

Instead of leaving, Velke came up to me and patted my back gently.

"Young master, it"s alright. I am here now. Everything will be alright."

The steady rhythm of Velke"s hand calmed my heart and eventually I was lulled back to sleep again.


Please set me free from this nightmare.






The first time it happened, my body felt feverish and the pain spreaded through my body like spider"s web.


Losing himself in madness, the werewolf pierced my skin with his fang.

*munch munch*

He pinned my body down, bit my neck and tore my flesh apart.


I screamed for his name but all I could see in his eyes was nothing but deep hatred for the human.

His heart was already sinking into the pool of madness, my voice couldn"t reach him anymore.

Tears flowing like a river from his eyes, mourning for the loss of his beloved brother.

He pistoned his hips, thrusting his genital into my virgin hole.

My skin got torn from his rough movement, blood and prec.u.m mixing in, the color became grossly pink as if mocking my own weakness.

Lexus was chewing on my flesh but he never stopped thrusting his hips.

I didn"t know where the pain came from anymore, every corner of my body was hurting.

I tried to reach out to Lexus"s face but he bit my arm off instead.


My voice, my desperate plea couldn"t reach him.

The sound of bones creaking, of muscles snapping from my flesh, reverberated inside my head.

His erection grew bigger, he was going to come soon.

His brutal pace grew even faster, I screamed and screamed but to no avail.

My body was nothing but a tool to relieve his l.u.s.t and hatred.


In one swift movement, he broke my right arm.

The white bone sticking up beneath my red wound.

The pain was overwhelming, I"ve never felt this much pain before.

My body slowly shutting down, as if to protect my last bit of sanity from this madness.


Was it pain?

Was it heat?

I didn"t know anymore.

I screamed in despair as my body was filled with nothing but pain.



Inside of Lexus"s mind, everything was the same.

The pa.s.sion for revenge, the pa.s.sion for body, everything got muddled up together in the whirlwind of insanity.

Using his sharp fangs, Lexus tore my arm and chewed my flesh down.

His mouth was dyed in the color of my blood, the smell of fresh wound filled my noise like poison.

While he was tearing my body apart, his hips kept on pistoning in and out of my entrance, his b.a.l.l.s smacked my b.u.t.tock with each thrust.

After he finished eating my arm, he spit my bones out and s.h.i.+fted his hungry gaze onto my stomach.

Without any hesitation, he plunged his teeth into my abdomen.


Bile raising up from my throat, making me vomit my gastric acid out.

Lexus slurped on my entrails and gulped it down.

My body was small compared to his ma.s.sive one, each bite of his large fangs was already enough to split my body in half.

When he was finished with my entrails, he dived in again to chew on my other organs.

I could hear the sound of my organs being pulled from my body, the squelching sound as he gulped on my blood, the cluttering sound as he spit my bones out.

I didn"t know if there was any part of my body that was left untouched anymore.


Suddenly, Lexus"s piercing howl could be heard.

His howl was filled with despair from losing his brother.

Lexus was losing himself to the hatred and grief, I couldn"t help but take pity on his tormented soul.

Even while he was wailing in sadness right in front of me, I couldn"t do anything.

I was powerless.

As if he was tired from crying his heart out, Lexus resumed on eating my stomach out.

At that time, I realized that his mouth dangerously close to my nether region.


His long p.e.n.i.s was still thrusting into me, reaching into my r.e.c.t.u.m.

If he were to eat my womb, he would"ve hurt the children that was growing inside of me.

I couldn"t allow that!

I didn"t know whether Lexus understood it or not but he didn"t touch my womb, instead he was eating other part of my body.

My own blood was choking me, I coughed it out weakly.

My body was screaming, my heart was yelling.

Being faced with this cruelty, I wonder whether my soul will go down into spiral of madness as well?

My head felt like it was being split into two, the ringing wouldn"t stop.

At the same time, Lexus finally reached his limit.

His white, thick s.e.m.e.n spurted inside my womb.

Blackness slowly engulfed my mind, the last thing I could hear was the sound of Lexus eating my body out.


"So, what are you doing here?"

"Master Velke, I came because I heard Maou-sama was hurting because of me.."

In front of Velke, Lexus was sitting in seiza with a sign on his body read "I am a mongrel."

Was this sort of thing going to become the new fetish here?

Like humiliation play or something?

Somehow, my head hurt thinking about it.

I didn"t know that Velke liked that kind of play..

"Why are you sitting in the corridor then?! You"re being a hindrance here!"

"Hii! I understand…"

His wolf"s ear slumped down dejectedly.

"If you can do your job as the castle"s guard perfectly, I might consider my judgement on you."


Lexus"s face brightened up immediately at Velke"s remarks.

His ears twitching up and down excitedly and he sprinted out while yelling ,"I will do my best!"


Actually, I still thought that Lexus was scary.

Just imagining mating with him again, my body s.h.i.+vered involuntarily.

The trauma was already etched deep inside my mind.

There was no one to be blamed on for the incident that happened, Lexus was not himself back then.

I knew that Lexus meant no harm to me but I was still scared of him.

It"s alright. It"s alright.

While chanting to myself, I turned my heel around toward the nursery room to play with the children.


Chapter 26 (not yet)

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