The Devil's Origin

Chapter 29 : Side Story , The Hero"s Daily Life

Chapter 29 : Side Story , The Hero"s Daily Life

A/N: More like, The Pervert"s Daily Life. The hero is a pervert. That"s it.

T/N: Agreed. I like it though. His perverted thought is amusing.


"Kira.. Onii-tan.. My body.. Feels..Hot.."

"Mao-tan.. Ah.. This part of you is swelling so much.. Don"t worry.. Onii-tan will kiss kiss your pain away, "kay?"

"Ahng..! Onii-tan..! My.. My b.u.t.t feels itchy..! Kira onii-tan, hug me please!"

"Mao-tan..Mao-tan.. Your b.u.t.t.. I will scratch the itch away with my excalibur "kay?"

And then.. I.. to Mao-tan..


"Wuah! Ha..Ha.. A dream huh.."

That was right, the hero"s daily life started with a perverted wet dream.

The hero, with heavy breath was clutching on his lively "son", stroking it to full hardness.  


(Mao-tan… Mao-tan.. Ahn…Ah… In today"s dream as well.. I didn"t get to put my "son" into Mao-tan"s puckering b.u.t.t! Ah… I want to delve my excalibur deep into Mao-tan"s blossoming bud.. Mao-tan.. Mao-tan..Ahn…)

While thinking about doing various obscene things to an innocent 10 years old, the hero came into his hand.

Today too, the hero was in high spirit.


The hero started his morning early.

The hero woke up before the sunrise and started practicing his magic and swordsmans.h.i.+p.

The hero swung his sword for 1000 times and chanted a spell but he stopped just before the spell finished to cancel it so he could practice his magic repeatedly without damaging the surrounding area.

Of course, the hero"s gallant figure while practicing was a sight to behold.

A group of young maiden woke up early dead in the morning just so they could catch a glimpse of the hero morning practice.

"Kyaaa!~ Hero-sama"s forehead is glistening with sweat, how wonderful!~"

"Sweating in the morning is good for your body. Your complexion becomes clearer and you can have better stamina as well." The hero replied to the group of squealing young maiden.

"Kyaaa~ Hero-sama! How lovely!~" Their eyes became heart shaped as they stared at the hero"s perspiring figure.

"Fu-! Ha! Ha!" The hero once again, resumed his morning practice.

Now then, shall we tried to have a look at the hero"s mind? The same hero who slayed thousands of monster, the protector of humanity.

(One Mao-tan! Two Mao-tan! Three Mao-tan! Ah… Mao-tan..! Those plump and small lips..! Mao-tan.. I want to put it inside Mao-tan"s small mouth.. Make it super wet.. Super sticky… Ah.. Mao-tan..! Ah..! Ahn…! Mao-tan.. So moe..! Mao-tan..! Ah, I forgot to count.)

Right, that was the hero"s usual line of thought. Nothing unusual.

Now that the hero had finished his morning practice, the hero returned to his room to have breakfast.

The hero who had cheat-like abilities prepared some sunny side up with bacon on the skillet and a serving of sandwich.

Then the hero started to eat his breakfast while reading today"s newspaper.


"In order to celebrate the hero"s successful flood control work in Mild city, we"re planning to have a charity dinner party. The representative of the neighboring country will also partic.i.p.ate in the banquet….."

"Even though I"m the hero, I"m but an ordinary adventurer. For me to come to such grand celebration like that is a little.."

"What are you talking about? Hero-sama you"re the hero of our country, of course your partic.i.p.ation will be vital for the celebration."

"If you insist.."

The hero was in the middle of this country"s parliament meeting, the king was trying to convince the hero to join the celebration party.

From the outside, the hero looked so galant and vibrant, the perfect example of a prince from fairytale.

Now, let us take a peek into the hero"s inner thoughts….

(Haaaaaaaaaaaaaah… So annoying.. Soooo annoying.. I have no desire to be involved in such superficial thing. Rather than that, I"d prefer if I can spend my time flirting with Mao-tan instead.. Ah.. Who wants to have a chitchat with a bunch of old man anyway? Ugh.. The downside of being a hero is just so… Ah… Mao-tan.. Mao-tan.. Mao-tan"s soft skin must"ve felt so good.. His small lips.. With my excalibur.. I want.. Mao-tan…)

While thinking about obscene things, the hero smiled gently, easing everyone"s heart with his calming visage.

"Next, there"s a strange development in the demonkind"s movement. Our intel believe the Maou has been revived. If it"s true, we will need to prepare some precaution to handle this matter.."

"Impossible." The hero said bluntly before he added,"I"ve hunted the demonkind down to their extinction. The revival of the Maou is simply impossible."

"If hero-sama said so, then there"s no need to concern ourselves with such trivial information."

"Understood. Next agenda is.."

The hero had done a great job in exterminating the demonkind, all of the n.o.ble put great trust in the hero"s word in anything related to the demonkind.


After the meeting had been concluded, the hero walked through the castle"s corridor to have a lunch in the town when a melodic voice called out to him,"Killatur!"

The voice belonged to a young woman with long blonde hair and beautiful face. She was Millalud, the first princess of this country.

"Princes Millalud."

"Ah Killatur-sama, it"s a pleasure to meet you here."

Of course, in every fairytale the princess will marry the hero who saved her country. The royal family of this country also had been trying to get the first princess, Millalud to marry the hero.

"Oh Killatur-sama.. Everytime Killatur-sama went to exterminate the dreadful demon, Millalud couldn"t help but clenches in worry. Millalud.. Millalud"s heart feels like it"s going to burst from anxiety. Millalud couldn"t sleep at night because Millalud can"t help but worry about Killatur-sama"s wellbeing.." The princess whispered softly as she clung to the hero, pressing her two voluptuous mountains onto the hero"s solid rock chest.

Yes, she was fully utilizing her bouncy chest, the most lethal weapon a lady could had.

A weapon that our Maou didn"t have.

"Princess Millalud, please don"t worry about me. I appreciate your concern but exterminating demonkind is my duty. I will never abandon my duty no matter how dangerous it is."

(Ugh.. Her chest is so disgusting.. Don"t get me started about her perfume.. Ugh.. So disgusting.. Ah.. If only Mao-tan was here.. The smell of soap permeating from Mao-tan"s delectable body.. Ah… I want to do various things with Mao-tan… My "son" will definitely be delighted to see Mao-tan fresh out of bath figure.. Ah Mao-tan.. I want to see Mao-tan.. Ah.. I want to hug Mao-tan realll right.. My "son" will surely wake up in an instant if Mao-tan cling to me.. Ah Mao-tan…)


"Princess Millalud.."

The princess and the hero stared at each other, their figure looked so ethereal as if they had came out of a painting.

Anyone who saw this scene, couldn"t help but to agree that the princess and the hero looked so incredibly beautiful together.


After parting with Princess Millalud, the hero finally able to had his lunch in the town.

When he had finished eating, the hero continued his venture to the slum district.

The hero put on his hood to stay incognito, he slid across the busy street with limber foot until he stopped in front of an ordinary looking house.

He knocked lightly on the door and uttered a secret pa.s.sword, revealing the door open.

"Oh, it"s you again."

"Do you have any new information?"

Seemed like the hero had been secretly gathering information without the guild noticing.

"No matter how many times you ask me the answer will remain the same.. I told you, we"ve caught a sight of a young boy that fits the description of your "Mao" in the neighboring country but it"s hard to get to the root of it since the neighboring country is very big and they doesn"t have reliable census system.. Please give us some more time.."

"If it"s money you want, I will pay no matter how much you asked."

"You.. Just what"s the relation between you and that boy?"

"If you have no intention in helping me, I want you to return my money."

The information broker immediately stiffened.

"I will continue to scour for information."

"If something happened to this establishment, you do understand that you will speak nothing of our meeting,right?"

"I understand."

It went without saying that the hero didn"t want anyone else to know that he had been desperately trying to search for Maou.

The information broker knew very well that a fate worse than death was waiting for him if he broke his promise to the hero.

After the hero finished his business with the information broker, he went back to the main street and pulled his hood off.

"Ah! It"s the hero!!"

"You"re right! It"s the hero!!"

As the hero approached an orphanage, a group of young girls and boys ranging from 10-13 years old waved their arms enthusiastically at the hero.

Of course, the hero returned the excited gesture with his usual warm smile.

The hero entered the orphanage courtyard and walked toward the sister.(T/N: not an actual sister but more like the .. female catholic priest that works in orphanage)

"It"s not much but please take this." The hero said as he gave a bag of gold to the sister.

"Wh-a! This is too much!" The sister exclaimed.

"Children are the treasure of our country. It is my duty to help them in any way I can."

"Oh my.. Hero-sama.. Thank you very much!"

After that,the hero rolled his sleeves up, ready to play with the excited children.

"Well then! Today I will play with you guys. Anyone who wants to play with me, come here!"

"Waaaah!~ Hero-sama! Carry me up please!"

"Ah! Carry me next, carry me next!~"

"Ahahhaa, come on, line up every one. I will carry all of you!"

The hero carried two kids at the same time on both of his arms, the sight of the hero playing with a group of children was really heartwarming.

Yeah, the hero was a shotacon so of course he"d be delighted to play with young children. Especially when the children were wearing short pants like this.. Of course it was normal for young and lively childrens to wear short pants.. But the hero was a pervert after all… Hmm..

(T/N: Hanzubon is a really really short pants that children wears.)

Now, let us take a peek into the hero"s inner thoughts….

(These children lost their parent in the war.. It"s not only the demonkind but the human itself also wage war against each other.. I wonder if there"s anything I can do to protect these children"s smile.)

………It was .. It was a normal and honest line of thought.

Hmm.. Perhaps we had peered into a wrong person"s thought? Ah no, it was the hero alright.


"Hero-niichan, bye-bye!~" The children laughed refres.h.i.+ngly as they bid their goodbyes.

Now that the hero had finished playing with the children, let us take a look into the hero"s thoughts again..

(Ahhh…I knew it, short pants is amazinggg..! I want to make Mao-tan wear short pants.. And then… Mao-tan will run to me while yelling "Onii-tan!~".. But then Mao-tan will fall over and sc.r.a.pes his knee.. Then..I will lick his injured knee… I will lick Mao-tan"s knee.. Lick him… I will lick him.. Lick his soft and smooth skin… Ahh…. Mao-tan..! Nnghhh..! I feel like I"m going to come..! Wh…Ngh….Ahn… Mao-tan.. Mao-tan.. Ah… Ah…)

What..What an indecent thought..

I see.. So the hero was not a shotacon but a mao-con instead.

(T/N: so the hero does not l.u.s.ting over random young boy, he only l.u.s.ts over Maou)


Night time.

The hero had a simple dinner, took a bath and changed into a simple pajamas, ready to go to sleep.

It was a normal and simple routine except..

The hero"s hand creeped into the bed cover, travelling south to his pants and with deft fingers, he stroked his arousal while thinking about a certain young boy.

(Ah..Ah..Ah…Ahng… Nngh.. Mao-tan.. Mao-tan.. Ah! Ahng..! If you touch Onii-tan like that..! Nngh..! Onii-tan gonna.. Nngh..! Onii-tan gonna come soon..! Ah..! Ah…! Mao-tan…! When you slurp my excalibur ravenously like that..! Nngh..! Ah! Ahhh! Mao-tan! Mao-tan! Co-comiiiing..! Nnghh!)

After satisfying his high s.e.xual drive to the point of almost chafing his sensitive shaft, the hero finally went to sleep contently.

And that was the conclusion of the hero"s tranquil daily life.


T/N: I really enjoyed translating this chapter, especially the hero"s inner dialogue. He"s soooo perverted!

Chapter 30 (not yet)

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