The Devil's Origin

Chapter 32 : Gladiator 

Chapter 32 : Gladiator 


"An auction?"

I was eating my after-lunch dessert, when Collin came to me. 

He was telling me about a rumor he heard while he was traversing the back alley.

"Yes, an illegal auction to be precise. From organ trafficking to human trafficking, they deal with all kind of dirty stuff. It seems like this time they have a new item for sell.. A demonkind they said." 

"T-that kind of thing! We need to rescue them soon!" 

"I thought the same thing as well! But.. We can"t just attack the auction with brute force since the auction must be tightly guarded. I suggest we take a more.. Direct approach." 

"Direct approach..? You mean you want to join the auction?"

"Exactly so."

"But we"re going to need a lot of money to do that, right?"

"Fufu~ Maou-sama, did you forget who you"re talking with? I"m Cat Sidhe, The Dark Merchant you know. Of course I have more than enough savings to enter the auction." 

Oooh! Collin is so reliable!

"Okay! Let"s go rescue our fellow demonkind now!" 

"Before that, can you do something about the cream on your cheek first?" 

While Velke, who had been standing ever so faithfully beside me wiped the cream off my face, me and Collin started to discuss our plan to rescue the rumored demonkind from the auction. 


"I-is this where the auction is?" 

Before me was a building which Collin said the auction will be held on.

There was unknown stains decorating the walls and the building was very shabby looking. 

Inside the dimly lit room, I could see some sort of stage on the center. 

I couldn"t see the face of the other partic.i.p.ant, perhaps the light in this place was delicately dimly lit to prevent people from recognizing each other? 

I was walking into the building with Collin and Velke. 

All three of us were disguising ourselves as humans and wore long, big hood to blend in.

"Yes, I"m certain we"re at the right place."

Up until the very last end, Velke had tried to stop me from going but luckily, Collin was on my side so Velke finally relented and decided to come with us instead. 

"Your voice gives out your age too much. It"s unusual for a child to loiter around the auction so don"t speak while we"re here, okay?" Collin said as he strode toward the manager standing near the door. 


Finally the auction had started and the first item they showed already made my skin crawled in disgust. 

Humankind was really repulsive. 

"To think such a young kid is being auctioned off…" 

"Human, no matter what the gender is sells well in the auction so we"ll be seeing more of disgusting things like this as the auction progress. Humankind have an ugly heart after all." 

True to Collin"s word, from living rare animal, organs, preserved animals to more humans were being showcased in the auction. 


"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present you our main item for tonight! This is a very rare item, dare I say we never seen before in the auction! It"s a…..MINOTAUR!" 

The partic.i.p.ant murmured excitedly. 

"So our target is that minotaur?" 

"No? That""s a human with an ox head st.i.tched forcibly to his body."


"Mao-.. No. Mao, look closely. Does that "thing" look like a demonkind to you?" 

Hmm.. Now that I look at it closely,  aside from its grotesque appearance I don"t feel any demonkind characteristics from it. 

But for some reason, Collin tried to bid on the minotaur several times. 

"are you planning on getting it?" 

"No way. I"m only pretending. If I only bid on the demonkind, people will become suspicious and I want to avoid any unnecessary attention. Anyway from the information I had, the next item will be the demonkind we"re looking for." 

W-whoa..So detailed.. Ah.. I see… Collin had seen the worst side of humankind so of course he"d become extra careful when dealing with humans. 

Ah, seemed like that ox-man had been sold to the fat man over there. 

"Now! The next lineup is a series of service slave! Our first item is a female human! This girl doesn"t have any disease and she"s from Arnovi!" The announcer said. 

"Eh? I thought the auction is finished?" I glanced at Collin worriedly.

"It"s fine."

Afterwards, more and more of sick humans and disabled humans came to the stage. 

"Here"s our last item! A man without right arm! He was a swordsman but he lost his arm so here he is now! A slave ! His appearance is not bad and he"s very very well endowed as well! I can see he"s going to be a good s.e.x slave!" 

"That"s him." 

"Eh? He looks like a human to me.."

"A demonkind.." I muttered out loud. 

"I"m right am I? I have a good nose after all. Those humans are so stupid, if only they realize he"s a demonkind, they could fetch a higher price for him." 

"We"re going to bid on him?"

"Of course."

With that, Collin raised his hand and started to bid for the gladiator.


"Ahhh he"s so cheaaaap!~ We got him for a veryyy good price! A disabled good is really cheappp!~" 

Collin squealed excitedly and smiled innocently at us as he said," Well then I"m going to finish the paperwork for him. Velke-sama please escort Mao back to the inn." 

For a glimpse of the second, I saw why Collin was nicknamed "The Dark Merchant" but I decided not to say anything and followed Velke to our inn.


Two hours had pa.s.sed before Collin returned. 

"Since we already went all the way for him, I thought I should clean him up a bit first. Now, introduce yourself to us. He"s your new master from now on." 

"………………………….but he"s still a child."

A handsome young man came from the door. 

He has sand colored eyes and hair. 

His long arms and limbs made him look taller than his actual height. 

Even though he was only standing normally, his posture looked so dignified like a knight from a fairytale. 

"You"re a gladiator, right?" 


"I"m Maou. I will be your new master."

T/N: In here, Maou is referring himself with kanji, like referring himself as the demon king.

The man before me widened his eyes, he was so surprised that he showed us his true color.

Seeing his reaction, there was no doubt anymore, he was a demonkind through and through. 

"Mao is it? I think you guys already know that I"m a demon, not a human. But still,  I"m a slave. Since you bought me, I will follow your order." 

T/N: In here, Gladiator is referring Mao as Mao in katakana, which means he thought "mao" is our maou"s name. Not the demon king. Get it? 

"Then I will grant you a family." 

"……….? Are you going to give me a woman?"

Eh? I think there"s a slight misunderstanding between us just then…

"Ah~ Good thing the room I booked is on the top floor of the tallest inn in the city. You two can do it without any reservations~ We took great deal in planning this rescue so I can"t help but feel excited!~" 

"Master, I will stay in the room next to you. If there"s anything need, please knock on the door. I will be by your side in second." 

"W-what? What are you guys talking about?!" Gladiator was flabbergasted.

"What do you mean "what"? You"re going to mate with Maou, be grateful! I"m so envious.." 

"Y-you! What did you say ? You"re going to force such a young child to be my partner?? ……. So this is your true color?!" 

"If it"s not for the sake of my young master"s vision, I would never let you contaminate my master with your dirty self…. You should be grateful." Velke spoke venomously, his icy glare made the room temperature drop to zero. 

Maybe because he was scared of Velke, gladiator didn"t say anything in return. 

Velke scoffed and left the room along with Collin, leaving me and gladiator alone together. 

"You, what"s your name?" I asked to break the silence. 

"Ah.. I"ve been called many things but.. The first name I received was Gedo." 

"Okay then I will call you Gedo. Gedo, embrace me now." 

"W-what! Young man, no, master.. Did those two man force you? No matter what, I can"t fathom how could someone be crazy enough to force such young child like you to be held by me." 

"As I said before.. I"m the maou so… It can"t be helped, so let"s just get on with it."

"I know, I understand your name is Mao.. But.. Master, I know I told you that I"d follow your order but please, treasure your body more.. I know I"m just a lowly slave but please think about this more thoroughly."


Somehow I feel like we"re not on the same wavelength..

Did he misunderstood ? Maybe he thought my name was Mao? Usually all the demonkind immediately understood when I said I was Maou so there was no need for unnecessary exposition….


I"m disguising as a human right now! My magic power is also being concealed so there"s no way he can find out that I"m a demon. 

But.. I don"t know how to dissolve the spell without Velke"s help.. 

Hmm.. What to do… Ah well, whatever. I guess it should be alright to continue as it is.

"There"s  special circ.u.mstances in me that forces me to copulate with others. Anyway, you"re mine right? Then you need to follow my order, right?"

"W-well that"s right b-but.."

Guilt rose up from Gedo"s heart, he was at lost at what to say. 

Gedo truly had a good humanity.. Or should I say demonity? 

I threw my clothes off and jumped on the bed, beckoning Gedo to come closer. 

"Please Gedo.. Make me feel good.." I whispered. 

Gedo seemed fl.u.s.tered but in the end he complied and climbed on the bed. 

When Gedo approached, I could feel how vast the difference of our physique. 

Gedo stood at 190cm tall, his muscled body was covered in scars, especially the one on his missing arm.

"Your arm.. Does it hurt?" 

"Oh? This.. It"s from my previous.. Previous.. Previous master. It"s a long story, I don"t feel anything anymore. Umm.. Does it disgust you?" 

"Nope, I just thought that.. I should"ve rescued you faster. Before you got hurt like this." 

"……Master, you"re so kind..I think.. It"d be nice if you can be my last master." 

Gedo looked dumbfounded for a split second before his face broke down in a serene smile. 

He wrapped his arms around my body and stroked me delicately with so much care that no one would expect from such rough body. 

"Ah.. So small.. It feels like I can break you in pieces if I"m not careful." 

Small b.u.t.terflies kisses were laid down upon my stomach, Gedo"s calloused hand sent tingle all over my body as he caressed me like I was a fine silk. 

He traveled further south to my half-hard p.e.n.i.s, coaxing it to full hard-on in no time. 

With just one hand, he engulfed my tiny p.e.n.i.s and stroked it, focusing himself to bring me the utmost pleasure he could give. 

My sensitive body was no match against his loving caress and I came into his hand, my back arched as jolts of c.u.m spurted out from me. 

"Well then master, let us sleep now." Gedo said as he kissed my forehead. 


My voice was still hoa.r.s.e because I had just came but I couldn"t let him end it like this!

Too kind, Gedo was too kind. He only did what he had to do out of obligation but this wouldn"t do. 

I need to save his race from extinction, if we only stopped at this I wouldn"t be able to achieve my goals. 

"Ge-gedo too, you"re already this big and hard. I want to make you feel good too." 


Contrary to Gedo"s refusal, his erection was as clear as the day. 

"Please Gedo? I want Gedo to embrace me, it"s okay if it"s Gedo. Please embrace me, Gedo." 

Gedo"s hard shaft twitched as I pleaded with him to touch me. 

Without any hesitation, I jumped right in and grabbed his shaft with both of my hands. 

It was big and thick, even though I had already used both of my hands, I still couldn"t encircled it fully. 

I used my tongue to wrap around the part that I couldn"t while still continuing to stroke Gedo"s erection with my hand. 

"S-stop it.." 

Breathless moans escaped Gedo"s lips as he tried to stop me using his left hand to no avail. 

I kept licking the hard shaft before me even as I felt Gedo"s prec.u.m filled my mouth with its bitter taste. 

Not long after, Gedo released his seeds with a groan, the sticky and thick white liquid overflowed from my mouth into my face. 

It must"ve been a long time since Gedo last took care of his "other" needs because Gedo kept on c.u.mming even though my mouth was already filled to the brim. 

I wiped the excess c.u.m away from my face, the smell started to cloud my sense with l.u.s.t. 

"Mao-.. Master.. Ugh- I"m sorry.." Gedo said before he pushed me down with one arm effortlessly. 

He pulled my waist up, revealing my twitching blossoming bud to him. 

Gedo seemed intoxicated for a second before he pushed his tongue inside, stretching my virgin hole. 

"Ngh!" I gasped, the stretch was painful but felt good at the same time. 

Compared to the other adult humanoid demon, Gedo"s figure was much bigger so of course every part of him was also big. 

His tongue was equivalent to two, no, three of my fingers. 

Careful as not to hurt me, Gedo wiggled his tongue experimentally, focusing on every fraction of my response before he continued. 

The way Gedo used his tongue and caressed my body lovingly was nothing but experienced. 

It must be because he had been used as s.e.x slave before, Gedo knew exactly where to push my b.u.t.ton to tear me apart. 

"I"m sorry.. Even though you"re still.. So small.. But..Ngh..!"

Gedo"s figure loomed over me, he pushed my shoulder flat to the bed and he pushed the thick blunt head into me. 


The sudden stretch of Gedo"s blunt head turned my vision to white, I screamed in pain even though Gedo had only put the tip in. 

The difference between Gedo"s tongue and Gedo"s p.e.n.i.s was too vast, it was too different, the size was immeasurable. 

My chest heaved heavily as I tried to accommodate myself to the stretch. 

"Ugh.. I"m sorry.." Gedo kissed my back apologetically. 

"Nhg..Ah..It-it"s okay.. Mmngh..! T-that"s why..Nnngh!" 

Little by little, Gedo pushed his p.e.n.i.s in, my sphincter muscle constricted with every movement. 

I screamed with every inch, my body felt like it was being split apart into pieces. 

The bed creaked under Gedo"s heavy body, Gedo"s hand was the only thing keeping my limpless body from falling. 

"Ah..Is..Is it in..?" 

"Y-yeah.. Just a little bit.. Ngh… Ahng.. I"m sorry.. Mao.. Master.." 

Gedo pulled his p.e.n.i.s out to pushed back into my velvety muscle once again. 


I screamed into the bed as Gedo pounded his swollen p.e.n.i.s into me. 

It was painful but euphoric at the same time. 

I couldn"t differentiate the boundary between pain and pleasure anymore. 

"It"s okay.. Just now.. I found your prostate gland.. If I focus on that part…" 

True to his words, Gedo aimed every thrust to hit my prostate gland, bringing me jolts of pleasure with each touch. 

Gedo"s prec.u.m dribbled out of my a.n.u.s, the squelching sound between his sticky prec.u.m and my wet pa.s.sage reverberated through the room. 

"Hy-ah! Nnghh! Ahh!" 

I gasped as Gedo rubbed the blunt head on my pleasure spot.

I couldn"t manage to close my mouth, my saliva kept on dripping from the corner of my lips. 

"Mao..Mao.." Gedo chanted my name like a prayer. 

His p.e.n.i.s was getting bigger, stretching my already abused sphincter even more. 

The headboard thumped against the wall as Gedo quickened his pace, eager for release. 

"I-it"s fine.. In-inside.. Come.. Angh!" 


"It"s..! It"s okay..! Nghhh! You can ah! Do as you like!" 

After I told him that, Gedo pulled his d.i.c.k up to the head and pistoned his hips b.a.l.l.s deep into me. 

The slapping sound between flesh against flesh was like a music to my ears. 

"Gu-h! Nghh! Ahnggh! Ngh!" 

"AAh… What a delicious body… Nghn… It feels like I"m melting.. Mao…Mao.."

My body shook along with the bed, Gedo pace was brutal but he somehow he was able to kept on hitting my prostate gland accurately. 

I could do nothing but moaned and gasped in pleasure as Gedo stimulates my body with his big, hot rod. 

The creaking sound was getting louder like the bed was about to fall apart any second now but my mind blanked out each time Gedo"s blunt tip brushed all my sensitive spot. 

"Ghu-.. Mao.. Mao.. I"m.. Coming.." 


The blunt head swelled and bursted hot, white essence into me, inseminating my womb with Gedo"s baby seed.


Gladiator was a race with high physical ability. 

Even after c.u.mming twice, Gedo"s shaft shown no sign of shrinking. 

The night had just begun. 




"Velke-sama, are you alright? Your face.. You look like you want to curse someone to death." 

"Shut up."

Later into the night, Velke and Collin came to check up on me. 

My stomach swelled like a pregnant woman because I was carrying Gedo"s child. 

Well, in a way I was pregnant huh. 

Gedo went pale from guilt, probably because he didn"t think he would make me pregnant?

Velke scooped me up alongside with the sheet, careful not to jolt my sensitive body too much. 

"Let"s return to the castle promptly."

Velke was about to cast the transportation magic when Gedo interrupted him. 

"W-Wait! Where are you taking him? What are you planning to do with such young boy ? Are you going to have your way with him after what.. I"ve done to him? Is that your fetishest?"

"Shut up. If it weren"t for Maou-sama, I would never let filthy mongrels like you embrace him…. Also, it seems like you"ve thoroughly enjoyed yourself didn"t you?" 

"ah.. T-that"s… But still, I don"t think it"s right to treat such young boy like him as a s.e.x slave…"

"s.e.x slave?? You, you want to die that much??" 

Oi oi oi oi, don"t start fighting in front of me !

"Velke! It"s okay already! Please take me to the Fountain of Life quickly!" 


After giving birth to Gedo"s kid, he finally believed I was the maou, the demon king. 

He still had his doubt but when the evidence was right in front of him, he couldn"t do anything but accept it. 

Gedo once again swore his loyalty to me after he recognized me as the maou. 

"Who would"ve thought such young boy is the real Maou…"

You kept on saying I was young and all but in the end you did have your way with me you know? 


A/N: Velke was holding himself from barging in as he kept his ears plastered to the wall. It"s easy to say that Velke didn"t rest through the night at all. 

T/N: Yaaaaay more s.e.xy time with Maou! And as always Velke my boy is always with Maou ahhh Velkeee!~ Anyway, I"ve finished getting married but now I"m busy cleaning my (our) new house! SO many dustttt. Dust everywhereeeee. I also have my dog with me (a senior pomeranian, he"s 10 years old). The three of us are still adjusting to our new life. Thankfully my current house is closer to my office!~ Oh and the wedding was great, everyone praised me, said I was beautiful (well of course! I know I"m pretty!) No one mentioned about my hubby look LOL. Well to be fair I rarely paid attention to the groom during anyone"s wedding, it"s always about the bride (haha)

Chapter 33 (not yet)

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