The Devil's Origin

Chapter 5 >>

The First Egg

“… lord … . . you …”

I heard a voice in the distance.

“My lord!”

A beautiful face filled with worry was unexpectedly close.

As I sat up, something came up from the back of my throat.


I puked, after all.

Uwa, sorry, it’s dirty. I’ve thrown up on myself, but since I haven’t eaten anything, it’s only liquid.

“My lord, are you alright?”

Despite witnessing such a disgusting thing, Velke soothingly rubbed my back. What a kind monster …

Hold on.

I withdraw my previous statement. A kind monster wouldn’t have left his d.i.c.k in.

“Pull it out … please, just pull it out …”

I wonder how long I’ve been unconscious. Velke is embracing me carefully, but he seems to have neglected something.

“Then, I will pull out.”

As Velke slid himself out, it felt as though a part of me was being taken away.

“Mmm . . !”

When I clench my teeth against the pain, Velke’s shoulder presses against my lips. Does he want me to bite his shoulder so I won’t accidentally bite my tongue?


A grunt slips out.

There’s blood dripping from Velke’s shoulder. I’d bitten him fiercely.

Velke’s profile was close. His ears were sharp, like an elf’s.

When his slender d.i.c.k finally popped out, cloudy white liquid poured down my inner thighs. As uncomfortable as it was, I felt a sense of relief.

I clench shut instinctively, and I’m ashamed to realize that I can’t quite close all the way.

This … does this mean … what am I going to do if it won’t close . . ?

Velke, who seemed to think I’m crying out of pain, placed a soft kiss on my cheek to comfort me.

<>< you="" have="" mated="" for="" the="" first="" time!="" cheers="" for="" your="" good="" work!=""> >

Towards that incorporeal voice, murderous intent gathered.

It had been a terrible experience. I hadn’t expected to have such a hard time.

More importantly, what was I going to do about my c.u.m-filled hole? It’s a little amazing; it’s as though I was built to be thrust into.

<>< it="" seems="" that="" the="" damage="" to="" your="" body="" is="" substantial.="" do="" not="" worry;="" you="" will="" be="" alright!="" you="" posses="" the="" skill="" 「regeneration」which="" will="" soon="" restore="" your="" body="" to="" its="" original="" state.=""> >

I think I remember having such an ability.

<> >

Well, if it’ll put me back to how I was, that’s good …

<>< regardless="" of="" how="" many="" times="" you="" mate="" in="" the="" future,="" your="" body="" will="" always="" return="" to="" its="" virginal="" state.="" your="" partners="" will="" all="" need="" to="" lubricate="" you="" thoroughly.=""> >

In other words, no matter how much I try to get used to it, my body will reset and I’ll have to taste that pain again!? Seriously!?

My face is clouded with despair.

On the plus side, I’m being spoiled by Velke, who seems to have misunderstood again.

I don’t want to tough my way through this.  If I have to start from scratch every time, I’m worried my tastes will change.

<>< by="" the="" way,="" you="" have="" leveled="" up!="" you="" are="" now="" level="" 10.="" because="" you="" mated="" with="" such="" a="" strong="" monster,="" your="" level="" increased="" drastically.=""> >

+ 5「 Perception」

+ 10「 Devil’s Command」

+ 5「 Soundless Voice」

+ 10「 Demonic Voice」

+ 1 Velluclesis Egg

<>< the="" devil’s="" castle="" has="" also="" developed="" two="" new="" rooms.=""> >

RPG-esque stats pop into my head one after another, and I reel in shock.

That’s right … the Devil’s Castle … my house …

“Velke …”

“What’s wrong?”

When I spoke, he looked down at me anxiously.

“I want to go home.”

After arranging things with Velke, we went from the dark cave to the Devil’s Castle.

It seems that he naturally knows the location of the castle after swearing allegiance to me. In only a few hours I returned to the place where I’d been born, and I felt a weight lift off my chest.

At the same time, I could feel something terrible happening inside me.

Pain shot through me, as though something was stretching inside me, and as I watched my belly began to distend.

As instructed by the System, I hadn’t cleaned out Velke’s s.e.m.e.n. Apparently, leaving it in made it easier to generate eggs. Were the eggs causing this pain?

<>< now,="" devil,="" you="" should="" return="" to="" the="" fountain="" of="" life.=""> >

Wracked with pain, I was held carefully by Velke and carried to the pool.

<>< this="" is="" where="" you="" will="" lay="" the="" eggs.=""> >

Here? Really? No wonder you claimed it was an important place.

I slipped out of Velke’s arms and sank into the lukewarm liquid.

“Velke, I’m going to give birth to your child now, so … please lend me a hand.”

“Of course.”

Velke’s eyes look a little red and moist. After I settled into the pool, he hugged me from behind and stroked my hair.

Because of my appearance, Velke seems to be treating me as a child.

The 「Regeneration」skill still hasn’t activated; the c.u.m from deep inside me is dripping out.

Where is the egg?

Even when I pressed in a hesitant finger, I didn’t hit the egg.

I exhale and try to put pressure on my lower abdomen. I could almost hear a squelch as the egg slid a little further down.

Slippery … ugh, it’s slimy …

Velke lent me his hand to bite this time. His beautiful hand that gently caressed me … I’m sorry for leaving a bite mark, but I’m grateful that I have something to distract me from the pain.


The egg finally pressed down on the membrane of my womb. My body trembled as it pa.s.sed through at an excruciatingly slow pace. Velke’s hot tongue licks up my flowing tears.

However, even after the egg started to poke out of my r.e.c.t.u.m, it couldn’t quite escape the sphincter.

When I reached down, I could touch the slimy surface of the egg with my finger.

A little more-! Although it had already come out, the egg retreated inwards as though refusing to be born.

“My lord … may I a.s.sist you?”

I peered at him through tear-filled eyes; Velke gave me a worried look in return.

I nodded, a little sharply, and with his free hand he reached between my thighs. Quickly, he pushed in two fingers, and I paled as I realized what he planned to do.

“Ah … stop …”

“I’ll be gentle.”

He added a third finger, then the fourth, and finally managed to squeeze in his thumb, forcing open the sphincter.

“Hey- augh!!”

Tears streaked across my face. Velke’s hand penetrated me with a nauseating sound.

Because his palm was too wide, he didn’t put all of it in, but his fingers wrapped around the egg and pulled.

“This is the child of you and I, my lord. Surely, they will be strong.”

The agonizing pain of his hand tearing the egg from me resulted in the successful birth of a large egg. Huge, to be accurate. I couldn’t believe that something like that had been in my body.

“My lord, my lord … thank you for giving birth to my child.”

Velke’s eyes were moist. I am glad that he’s happy.

This egg, the first egg of the Velluclesis …

The hole in my backyard is hanging open. Somewhere through the haze, I realized that if this egg were the first, then … I’m going to have to do this all over again!!

Congratulations, MC!! You’re a mother now!

          ~ ~ ~          Chapter 5 >>

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