The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 0001 Welcoming your arrival, Your Majesty Demon Lord!

Chapter 0001 Welcoming your arrival, Your Majesty Demon Lord!


Demon Lord!

Symbol of terror and evil! Killing and death are a.s.sociated with him! However, Li Yalin had never thought that he will hold such t.i.tle one day.

This dream like experience, if not because of such comfy bed and afternoon sunshine which was so real, even Li Yalin would be wondering, whether he was dreaming or not. Whenever he woke up, he would be lying down on the same bed. And that was how his daily life waiting till his death began.

Actually, he was just a student who had recently finish his soph.o.m.ore life and having a party of his life. Li Yalin was enjoying his precious time, a happy and fulfilling life in summer. Everyday sitting in front of his computer screen, recording disc with his close friends, this type of life even a deity appears in front of them also they won’t bother.

Such joyous occasion, just because of opening up a random strange parcel!

Li Yalin loved online shopping. He often buys items online. That day when he was recording with his best friends, he received a call from express delivery courier that his parcel had arrived.

Has the snacks that I ordered two days ago arrived?

Li Yalin rushed downstairs to receive the parcel. He quickly opened on the spot as soon as he arrived home. The snacks that he had imagined was not in the parcel. Instead, there was only a piece of red card with a vivid lifelike angel image at the centre of it.

Did the courier send the wrong parcel?

Feeling strange, he took out the card. However, the moment Li Yalin’s finger touched the card, a red ray suddenly illuminated and lighted up the whole room. Li Yalin strangely found himself being dizzy and eventually fainted.

When Li Yalin finally woke up, he was shocked to found himself in the middle of an unknown forest. He could even hear some beast roaring from a distance away.

Where the heck is this? Amazon jungle?!

Li Yalin feeling panic, looked around his surrounding. After all, this was too strange and hard to be accepted. When he was still busy observing the surrounding, a gust of wind suddenly came out of nowhere. Li Yalin immediately shivered.

The current him was just wearing a t-shirt with shorts. Since the forest was so cold, Li Yalin thought the first thing to do was to find a shelter or else he would surely shiver to death.

In an environment unknown to him, a sense of fear started to occupy Li Yalin’s fragile heart. Suddenly collapsed and appeared in a d.a.m.n forest. When the day was so normal and nice, he was trapped in this h.e.l.l for him to suffer.

Wait! Wait! The thing in my hands…..

Until now, Li Yalin was still holding the red card in his hands. The scarlet angel in the card looked so real that it might appear from the card at any moment.

Don’t tell me my appearance here was caused by this d.a.m.n card?!

Li Yalin stared at the card, Abracadabra! I know you brought me here, now bring me back home!

However, Li Yalin’s chant was in vain. Not only the card did not send him home, it instead emitted the same red light ray straight up to the sky.

What does this mean?

Li Yalin was so shocked of the red light appearance that he wanted to throw away the card as far as possible from him. However, the card was sticking to his hand like glue and was resisting his effort.

What type of joke is this?!

Li Yalin now started to cry inside his heart. He knew he had made a mistake. He shouldn’t have touch the d.a.m.n card or even went receive the parcel at all.

O G.o.d, can you give me mercy and help me back home?

Li Yalin while crying prayed hard to G.o.d. But it seemed that this place did not have any presence of G.o.d. His pray was just in vain after all. Instead a group of knight equipped in black armor appeared.

Looking at their general appearance, that looked just like a scene from a terror game in general. They were equipped with a pike while riding on a black dinosaur look alike creature.

The first impression that Li Yalin had of these knights was that he needed to always be on alert as these guys doesn’t seem to be kind hearted. Will they catch him and eat him raw? What was he supposed to do now?


When fear started to take over man’s heart, man will eventually lose his mind. At the moment he did not even run. Instead he tried to hide behind the bushes nearby those black knights. 

It was fine if he did not plan to run. However, he suddenly decided to run out of nowhere. Such ruckus of course won’t be hidden from the sight of those black knights.

Discovering Li Yalin, the black knights shouted at him with some foreign language that he did not understand. Each of them rushed towards his direction.

Li Yalin was just an average student. He even neglected his exercise. How could he outrun those knights riding on dinosaur?

The result was so obvious that in a few steps of him running, Li Yalin felt that his neck was in pain. Apparently, he was being picked up with the mouth of a dinosaur.

Just like that he had become the prisoner of the black knights. However, they did not seem to be interested in eating his raw meat. Instead, after a careful look at Li Yalin, the knight threw him to the back of the dinosaur and took him away.

During this period, Li Yalin did not know how long he had travelled. At the back of the dinosaur, all his courage had long gone. With the dinosaur movement up and down while travelling, he nearly fainted again.

Li Yalin was not even given slightest time to recover himself. One of the knights took him and continued walk. Just that this time in front of Li Yalin was a magnificent huge castle!

Castle? Am I now really in foreign country?

Even now, Li Yalin’s consciousness was still in a mess. But looking at the castle building influence, it seemed like a cla.s.sic European castle.

The black knight dragged him into the castle, continue moved forward and finally dropped him down when they reached a huge hall in the middle of the castle.

H felt that he was being toyed around…

Feeling dizzy, he was dropped from the shoulder of the knight. He pressed his temple but the dizziness still did not disappear. Without any support to lean on, he fell on to the floor.

However, at that moment when his body was about to touch the ground, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him and held his body firmly.

This…..such a nice body scent!

With his blank mind, he felt that his body was pressing on something soft. A unique fragrance was detected by his nose which instantly made Li Yalin confused.

What’s going on?

Li Yalin tried his best to keep his eyes open, and he was shocked to notice that he was actually in the embrace of a beautiful girl!

Blonde hair with a ponytail tied at the back, a greenish blue color eyes with beauty comparable to a jewel, a delicate face with heroic spirit, it was as if the character in those cla.s.sic drawing came alive!


She started to speak, but Li Yalin did not understand a single word at all. However, her voice was so sweet to hear that he couldn’t help himself indulge in it.

Wait a moment! Getting a hold of the current situation is the main priority now!

Noticing Li Yalin did not give any response, the heroic spirit girl helplessly shook her head. She immediately made him stand up, and showed a gesture to him.

What does this mean? Am I supposed to follow you then?

Li Yalin was a bit puzzled but he still voiced out his question. The girl’s expression clearly showed that she did not get any clue at all of his question.

There is no way to communicate at all.

It can’t be help. Seems that sign language is the only way to have any conversation.

After trying to communicate for quite a time, the girl still did not understand Li Yalin at all. He also did not understand what did she wanted to do. In the end, the heroic spirit girl stepped forward and grapped Li Yalin’s hand.

It was not the usual soft hand that girls usually have. Instead, her hand was a bit rough as if she often did lots of hard labour.

What does she want to do?

As a loser in his life, being held hand by a girl should have been a joyous event. But currently, he did not feel even a drop of happiness. He just wanted to know where was he in and how to go home.

But that girl did not want to waste any time at all. Li Yalin was then effortlessly dragged away by her.

So much strength she had!

Despite struggling and trying to break free for several attempts, it was totally useless. Being helpless, he could only take a laissez-faire att.i.tude. How could the weak resists anything from the strong ones?

Just like that, Li Yalin’s hand was being held by the girl. They went all the way into the deeper part of the castle and finally reached at a s.p.a.cious room.

The environment of the room was dark with a few torches burning at the wall. In the middle of the room, a statue about three meter height was placed. It was a female angel with a pair of wing at the back.

Just as Li Yalin looked up at the angel statue, he was surprised. The angel was identical to the one in the card. In fact they were the same one.

Are they the same?

Li Yalin looked back and forth. As he was trying to confirm his hypothesis, the card in his hand began to send out the red light ray again. When the red light ray shined on the statue, there was a violent resonance between two.

Now what happens next?

The floor in the room was shaking. Li Yalin felt something was wrong. His body felt heavy and all sort of unknown scenes started flashing in his mind.

Blood, kill, death………….

What does this represent?

Finally, Li Yalin could not bear it any longer. He then fell on to the ground again, the second time of the same day. It was certainly a great shame to him.

But this time, Li Yalin did not went unconscious for a long time. It seemed to him that it was just for a moment. Anyway after he opened his eyes, he quickly got himself up from the floor.

Not knowing the current situation, he shifted his gaze towards the body of the blonde ponytail girl. Just at this moment, Li Yalin saw her bending down and half kneeling in front of him with her right hand on her chest.

“I welcome your arrival, your majesty Demon King!”

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