School ended as the group gathered at the roof of the school.

"Now then are you guys ready?" Rei asked as they looked at all the students leaving the school.

"Are you sure that the person doing this will show up?" Emiya asked unsure.

"Of course, from my understanding of the master. He is a complete jacka.s.s that doesn"t know s.h.i.+t and is a coward." Rei said waving his had to dismiss Emiya"s question.

It wasn"t long before they heard a scream.

"See? Complete jacka.s.s." Rei said as he clapped once causing a green transparent screen to expand out rapidly as it encase the whole school area before becoming invisible.

"Now then, let"s go talk to our friend shall we." Rei said as he teleported the group to the source of the scream.

"She"s drained of her mana!" Rin said as she quickly went over to heal her while Emiya helped the student up.

"h.e.l.lo Rider chan." Eve said to an empty s.p.a.ce confusing Rin and Emiya.

Snapping his fingers, Rei removed the invisibility of Rider using a seal to hold her in place. 

"Now then, I believe your master already know my capability yet he still persists." Rei said walking up to Rider.

She tried to struggle but couldn"t move. Rei walked towards her before using a combination of both s.p.a.ce law and seal concept to track down where Rider get"s the source of her mana, in other words. Where s.h.i.+nji is.

"Now then, shall we say hi to your master?" Rei asked Rider with a smile.

"Rin, Emiya you wanna come? But i"m going to be killing him so if you don"t want to see what happens just say so. I"ll be back soon anyways." Rei said over his shoulders towards the duo.

"No i"ll follow, I want to see what kind of idiot would be so obvious and idiotic in this war." Rin said standing up after helping the student.

"And you Emiya?" Rei asked as Emiya stayed silent.

"....I"ll come." Emiya said after some hesitation.

Rei then smiles ominously as he knew what Emiya will soon see. Unbeknownst to Emiya.

Snapping his fingers, Rei teleported the group to where s.h.i.+nji is.

Emiya blinked a little before looking around. His eyes widened in both shock and rage as he saw s.h.i.+nji raping Sakura in the room with Sakura having a dead look on her face which gained the look of disbelief before turning into shame of seeing Emiya appear in the room.

"AHH! Where did you guys appear from?!?!" s.h.i.+nji shouted in shock as he quickly fell backwards exposing his self naked which Eve looked away to not dirty her eyes of s.h.i.+nji"s d.i.c.k.

"Hou~ would you look at that. Now I feel like a prophet. Now then Emiya kun. Your friend has just raped one of your important people. Will you still forgive him or will you get revenge for Sakura?" Rei whispered in Emiya"s ear like the devil. Emiya"s body shook as he didn"t know what to make of the situation.

Rin only watched with seething anger on her face.

"Did you know that Sakura was actually your sister, she was adopted into the family and was experimented with for years and s.h.i.+nji had been raping her since she was little." Eve also whispered into Rin"s ears telling her the truth.

"Kill no torture him for all that he"s done." Emiya said turning his head away not wanting to look at the scene.

"Hou are you sure? You don"t want to lay your hands on him?" Rei asked Emiya.

"NO!!" Emiya shouted as his ideals were conflicted. He wanted to save everyone and help correct them onto the right path but he also couldn"t forgive s.h.i.+nji for raping Sakura for all these years.

"Kuhuhuhu, very well. I"ll do it." Rei said as he walked forward causing s.h.i.+nji to back off trying to run away.

"Rin? Would you like to help or watch?" Rei asked Rin.

"I"ll watch the whole way. Make it painful." Rin said with her face completely furious.

"Now then Sakura if you don"t want to watch just turn away kay?" Eve said with a smile as she walked next to Rei preparing to help.

Archer materialised next to Rin as he watched.

(NSFW!!! Torture so skip if you don"t like. Imma torture s.h.i.+nji since I hate him with pa.s.sion)









Walking up to s.h.i.+nji, Rei made a independent s.p.a.ce so that s.h.i.+nji"s screams can"t be heard from outside the room and made a seal to increase the sensitivity of s.h.i.+nji"s skin.

"Kuhahahahaha, sate sate sate. s.h.i.+nji, you"ve f.u.c.ked up. Big time." Rei said as he materialised small scalpels with broken edges.

Summoning some chains, Rei bound s.h.i.+nji up from the ceiling as he held the scalpel. Rei then proceeded to use the scalpel to slowly cut off small pieces of s.h.i.+nji"s d.i.c.k causing him to scream out in pain from the fact that the seal had increased his senses by 100x. Eve hummed slightly while she keeps a watch on s.h.i.+nji"s life force so that he doesn"t die too quickly,

Peeling it layer by layer, Rei cut down on the skin around the d.i.c.k slowly. 

"Say Eve, you got any salt or acid?" Rei asked as he continued to cut the d.i.c.k. s.h.i.+nji screamed in the background causing his throat to go hoa.r.s.e quickly.

"Hmm, they should have it in the house. Don"t worry i"ll go get some." Eve said as she exited the room with a smile promising slaughter on anyone in the house since they were all trash to begin with from experimenting on Sakura since such a early age.

Lowering the scalpel to the b.a.l.l.s, Rei upped the seal for s.h.i.+nji to experience 200x times the pain. Cutting slowly, Rei started to turn the ball sack into small ribbons to extend the pain that s.h.i.+nji felt from them. s.h.i.+nji tried to thrash around in pain but the chains had bounded him tightly. Rei then used his fire demon powers to heat up the chain causing s.h.i.+nji to thrash around more. Rei had made sure to keep a seal keeping s.h.i.+nji conscious the whole way.

Using the scalpel, Rei then continued to cut lightly on the nerves in the b.a.l.l.s making sure not to sever them.

Using his s.p.a.ce laws, Rei then created a small s.p.a.ce around the b.a.l.l.s which constricted slowly.

Feeling the pain on his b.a.l.l.s s.h.i.+nji begged with tears and snot everywhere.


s.h.i.+nji shouted mid sentence as the pressure increased threatening to burst his b.a.l.l.s. Rei used some of his magic to reinforce the b.a.l.l.s so that they wont burst so soon. It wasn"t until the s.p.a.ce had shrunk down to 1/2 the size of the pinky finger did the b.a.l.l.s then exploded into a ma.s.s of blood and flesh. s.h.i.+nji slumped down as the pain overwhelmed him.

Eve returned just in time with a bag of salt while there were some specks of blood on her body.

"Sorry it took so long. They had more people than I thought." Eve said with a smile as she handed Rei the bag.

"Actually your just in time." Rei said taking a handful of salt before throwing it onto s.h.i.+nji"s lower body which caused him to quickly spasm furiously as the salt increase the pain he felt and timed that by a factor of 200x.

s.h.i.+nji was woken up by the sudden increase in pain.

Rei then brought the scalpel towards the upper abdominal area just below the chest.

"You know s.h.i.+nji, the most sensitive area"s of a male body starts with the p.e.n.i.s and b.a.l.l.s. Next are the inner thigh, inner bicep, front and back of the knee, side and upper area of the abdominal and the neck. We have plenty of time for you to try them all out." Rei smiled as he cut the upper abdominal area slowly.

Rei repeated the process of cutting the sensitive areas into small pieces to increase the pain and added salt to every wound causing chemical burns to appear in certain areas. Soon, s.h.i.+nji had cuts, burns, ripped flesh and bones show all across his body. As a final touch, Rei scanned s.h.i.+nji"s whole body as he then proceeded to set small white flames to all of his nerve endings causing a great influx of pain.

"AAAHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" s.h.i.+nji shouted out in absolute pain for the final time before Rei stopped it. 

s.h.i.+nji had only managed to hold on because Rei kept a seal to stop his spirit from breaking.

"Kill me PLEASE!!!! KILL ME!!!!!" s.h.i.+nji begged.

"Sure." Rei said giving s.h.i.+nji some hope. Rei then smiled s.a.d.i.s.tically before saying.

"Just kidding." And gestured for Eve to turn back time.

Doing so, s.h.i.+nji saw his body turn back to the stat just before the torture.

"no no no no No nO no NO NO NO NO NOO!!! NOOOO!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!NoOoOoooOOOOO!!!!" s.h.i.+nji shouted as he slowly became insane living his torture all over again.

Rei repeated the entire torture 4 times before the seal couldn"t stop s.h.i.+nji"s spirit from breaking anymore as his brain activity stopped completely. 















.(END OF NSFW!!!!!!/ TORTURE!!!!!!!)

Rei shrugged as he teleported the group back into Rin"s mansion leaving the mangled corpse of s.h.i.+nji in his room.

Emiya sighed heavily as he sat down mentally weakened from what he had witnessed.The person he though as a friend had raped a person important to him for the majority of her life....

Rin went over to the naked body of Sakura who had watched the entire event. Using her jacket, Rin covered the body of Sakura as she took her to the bathroom to clean up.

"Sensei are you satisfied with his torture?" Rei asked as he made sure Emiya couldn"t hear them.

"...." Archer said nothing.

"Didn"t Sakura also get raped by s.h.i.+nji in your timeline? He also killed her didn"t he." Rei said reminding Archer of what happened.

"Thank you for saving Sakura, but now like before. I feel empty from killing s.h.i.+nji." Archer said as he went invisible.

Rei could feel that they didn"t appreciate what he did to some extent even though s.h.i.+nji had raped Sakura and did a lot of inhuman s.h.i.+t.

"Eve, do you think I went wrong there." Rei said to Eve as he looked towards where Archer had disappeared.

"...You want the truth?" Eve asked.

"Go for it."

"Well yes and no. s.h.i.+nji was trash and raped Sakura since young, So I believe it was right to torture him, maybe not as much but still torture him. Maybe letting Emiya here see that wasn"t so good. But I guess that just means we got much to learn no? I still need to fully understand other types of human interactions while you are admittedly "Broken". We"re both broken in some aspects so we just need to learn together. But no matter what, i"ll always support you." Eve said hugging Rei from behind.

"....." Rei was silent as he though about his current broken condition which he didn"t mind before but now having some second thoughts.

"I suppose I shouldn"t completely disregard the importance of human life right Eve?" Rei said.

"Yeah, we"ll sort our selves out step by step." Eve said to Rei.

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