The convention was surprisingly fun.

Rei got to see several decent cosplayers as well as a few new animes that were going to be aired.

As for Fey, she somehow managed to win a compet.i.tion for best cosplay as she looked almost exactly like Evileye. If only they knew.

Buying a few casual clothes as well as a brand-new laptop, Rei prepared to find a flat.

"Where is she..." Rei muttered as he looked around.

Soon he found her still nearby the stage for the compet.i.tion as she was surrounded by fans.

She looked slightly awkward and annoyed as they were a little too eager. Not to mention, most of them were male.

When she saw Rei, she was about to shout out master until Rei gestured with a zip it. She then remembered Rei saying that calling someone master was not allowed in the current world.

"Rei!" She shouted as she blushed a little.

Rei suddenly felt a group of hostile stares lock on to him as he sweat dropped.

"Come on, we"re going to go find a flat." Rei said as she nodded.

Rei could hear the people muttering when they hear about him and Fey finding a flat.

Shrugging slightly, Rei asked around a little and soon found an open flat being rented out.

Going through the necessary procedures, Rei rented the flat as it had two rooms.

"Go set up your room or something. I"m going to do some research." Rei said as she nodded.

The first research he was going to do wasn"t about any worlds but rather computer knowledge and everything to do with electronics.


The more he read, the more records he received and eventually he got what he wanted.

-You understand the ins and outs of anything electronical. You"re able to program AI or large data bases much bigger than the current highest count featuring a data farm. You can hack like no other and are unmatched in the digital world.>

Rei smiled as he started to make a program to help him.

"Search for keywords containing- Power, Overpowered, Skills and words relating to these key words. Compile list of sources that include manga, anime, manhua, webnovels, light novels and novels in general." Rei instructed as the program started to make a doc.u.ment compiling everything straight away.

Giving his body a stretch, Rei let the program do its thing.

Turning on the TV, Rei saw news about his deeds before dying.

"Well isn"t this slightly awkward." Rei muttered seeing them talk about him, but it was a different him.

His laptop screen flashed as he looked down. The list was finished, and the program deleted itself after its duty was done.

Rei saw the descriptions of several abilities and could recreate them instantly. The gaps in his Akas.h.i.+c Records started to get filled but at a slow pace since he still had a few hundred pages to go. Skills he could recreate and skills he couldn"t were separated so he could travel to the worlds later and obtain them.

This included a certain forgotten character who had the most broken stealth Rei knew about. He couldn"t recreate it, so he planned to head there eventually.

However, his other skills were easier to recreate.

Examples being:

Transcendent Trajectory EX- (Can be evolved)

What was initially a spear technique, evolved to become a weapons technique due to Perfect Weapon Mastery. With the skills used to make this, the potential of this skills had surpa.s.sed it"s original. What would have been easy to dodge by people over Divine Rank 5 now becomes a sure hit sure kill for those not in G.o.d hood. The problem is what about after G.o.d hood? Should the user fuse this skill further it may even change the heavenly fate itself.>

From what he had initially read, Rei knew that this surpa.s.s cause and effect only effected those lower than Divine Rank. It was in a similar situation to the spear Gae Bolg. What was supposed to reverse cause and effect and either be dodged by luck or that the enemy was too powerful for the spear to effect.

There were also the few animes that he saw some potential in. Such as the Gourmet Cells of Toriko.

Celestial Gluttony Cells-

What was originally the Gourmet Cells, evolved after fusing with divine powers. User can eat anything in this world and benefit. As the Celestial Gluttony Cells, the demon that manifests is a heavenly demon that the user controls. Power multiplier can be applied depending on how much fuel you have stored. With each "meal", you store a certain portion of the power generated into a storage tank which will be used to fuel the heavenly demon manifestation. Power multiplier can be increase should you increase the fuel burned per second.>

However, it was when he was browsing through the list did he see something unbelievable.

"Oi system. Could this be what I think it is?" Rei asked.


-Library of the heavens path/Akas.h.i.+c Records - Knowledge Branch-

The Library of the heavens path can record anything the user sees. This included cultivation techniques and the knowledge provided in different occupations. However, the more accurate term to deem this is the Akas.h.i.+c Records - Knowledge Branch. As part of the Akas.h.i.+c Records, knowledge is recorded in this section. Knowledge is the focus. One can pa.s.s of knowledge or choose to retain it.

"If I get this part of the Akas.h.i.+c Records, my power will be increased by a lot. Not to mention, from what I"ve read, you"re able to point out weak points of a skill and improve it. If I combine that with my Akas.h.i.+c Records - Skill Branch, then my skills will become even more powerful." Rei said as he read the descriptions of the Akas.h.i.+c Records - Knowledge Branch.

[Indeed. However, I doubt it is easy to copy the Akas.h.i.+c Records - Knowledge Branch using the End as they"re both parts of the Akas.h.i.+c Records.]

"What do you mean?" Rei frowned.

[It is the basic requirement. For example, for host to gain the Akas.h.i.+c Records - Skill Branch, host had to compile thousands of skills and have the ability The End. The basic requirement for the Akas.h.i.+c Records - Knowledge Branch must not be easy either.]

"You know this Zhang Xuan fella had it when he was reborn right?" Rei said as the system fell silent.



[The time needed to copy might be longer then since you need to copy the entirety of the Knowledge Branch.]

"I see. I"ll head to this world first then. Also do you know how many branches there are to the Akas.h.i.+c Records?" Rei asked as he might be able to gain the entire Akas.h.i.+c Records.

[There are four branches from the description of the Akas.h.i.+c Records.

Akas.h.i.+c Records - Skill Branch

Akas.h.i.+c Records - Knowledge Branch

Akas.h.i.+c Records - Heavenly Fate Insight Branch

Akas.h.i.+c Records - Heavenly Fate Rewrite Branch

The Akas.h.i.+c Records itself can be described as a tool. A tool that records everything that happens in the past present and future and holds no power on its own. It is the person who uses this that makes this tool formidable. Just a single branch could allow one to rule supreme. The most powerful being the Heavenly Fate Rewrite Branch. Yet at the same time it is the weakest. Without the Insight branch, one cannot rewrite someone"s fate as they do not know the fate of a person.]

"In that case, doesn"t Yhwach have the Heavenly Fate Insight Branch and the Heavenly Fate Rewrite Branch then? His power, The Almighty, can both peer into the future and change the future." Rei said.

[You are half correct. What he has is a mere fragment. A wasted part of the Heavenly Fate Insight and the Heavenly Fate Rewrite. He could only peer and change what was in his dimension but no anything outside of his dimension. Example being, should he enter Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, his fragments would no longer work.}

"I see." Rei replied in disappointment.

"Make a time stamp at our current location. After I finish with the Akas.h.i.+c Record - Knowledge Branch I"ll return to this time stamp." Rei instructed.


"Fey! We"re going." Rei called out as Fey appeared almost immediately.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"A place called the Library of the Heavens Path world." Rei replied as she nodded.

A portal opened up as they walked through.

Rei and Fey immediately found themselves within a huge library.

"Huh? Where I am?" Rei asked the system.

[Host is currently within the Akas.h.i.+c Records Knowledge Branch. The copying process has started.


"Wait why am I inside?" Rei muttered looking around. When he was using the End to copy abilities, all he had to do was look at the person performing the ability. But yet he was inside right now.

[Due to the uniqueness of the Akas.h.i.+c Records as well as the fact that the current host of the Knowledge Branch not being able to use the full power, host would have to be inside the library and copy it fully.]

"Alright." Rei nodded as he turned to Fey.

Fey was currently sitting on a stack of books whilst reading manga on her phone.

"What are you reading?" Rei asked curious.

"Hm? The webtoon for the series called Solo Levelling or only I level up. It reminds me of master"s system, so I was curious to how it worked." Fey replied showing him the webtoon.

"Hm, some of those skills I can probably recreate. I"ve already got necromancy which is his main cla.s.s as well." Rei muttered reading the panel.

"Well tell me when you found an interesting power." Rei said as she nodded.

He started to browse through the books as the percentage increased.


The system G.o.d was frowning as he looked at the current state of the battlefield. With the zone stretched out all across the higher realms, not many G.o.ds could a.s.sist each other.

Right now he had to overlook the current zone as the only True G.o.d Ranked being.

The enemy forces were mostly made from false G.o.ds who don"t possess G.o.d t.i.tles. The only thing they had to be feared were their numbers. They had the physical power of G.o.ds but not the benefits of G.o.ds. However, that can be wiped out if they continuously sent numbers to them. Even the G.o.ds can get tired.

They had already lost a few High G.o.ds and a single Peak G.o.d that was here initially. The Peak G.o.d was the G.o.d of Storms. He could conjure up a pseudo tribulation storm that killed anything it touched.

However, it was a few days ago that he received news that the G.o.d t.i.tle of the G.o.d of Storms had appeared in the Trials meaning it is free for the taking which also meant that he died.

Hearing the news, the system G.o.d had rushed hear as soon as possible. The situation was dire as their defences were being pushed back bit by bit.

To make matters worse, they had a True G.o.d on their side as well. G.o.d of Thievery. He was able to take the powers of G.o.ds temporarily during battle. There was a time limit as these powers would originate from their G.o.d t.i.tles. But this doesn"t make him any less dangerous as even G.o.ds only possessed a few skills that Originate from their G.o.d t.i.tle.

Seeing the G.o.d of Thievery running rampant on the battlefield, the system G.o.d narrowed his eyes as he charged in as well.

His body lit up in lightning as his speed increased.

"Hehe, another G.o.d had come to- so it was you. System G.o.d." The G.o.d of Thievery narrowed his eyes seeing the system G.o.d charge forward.

Lightning and wind gathered in his hands as he lifted his palms up causing a storm to rise.

The system G.o.d looked up as he could see the lightning gather.

He was about to consume the lightning when he felt his own lightning disappear.

Turning over to the thief G.o.d, he saw that he had stolen his power.

"They sent me here as I am the perfect counter for you. Whatever you bring out, I can take." The G.o.d grinned.

"Is that so?" The system G.o.d said raising his eyebrow.

"As the system G.o.d, I have access to all the skills the system had recorded and could distribute as long as I have high enough of a compatibility. Tell me, do you think you have the same compatibility with all the skills?" The system G.o.d said exposing one of the main problems with the system.


No one apart from him or Eve knew about this as they all thought a person couldn"t take too many of the skills the system gave out. But that was not the case. It was compatibility that determined if they could access the skill or not. With each successful integration, the compatibility would drop meaning the next skill would have a higher chance of failure. Conflicting elements also decreased the comparability in some aspects.

Linking with a fire skill will reduce the compatibility with a water skill. Only a few individuals are able to bypa.s.s this as Rei was one of them. His compatibility with the skills never dropped below 90% with most of them being 100%.

The thief G.o.d was confused until he suddenly felt the aura from the system G.o.d rise.

His hair started to weave around like it was water as it became a silvery white. A galaxy aura seemed to emerge around him as his eyes turned silver. UltrInstinct.

It was also this moment that his body appeared in front of the thief G.o.d.

"Boo." The system G.o.d said as he punched the thief G.o.d in the face.

The thief G.o.d tried to kick towards the system G.o.d, but his body reacted almost instantly. His right hand grabbed hold of the leg as his left hand formed a fist. G.o.dly Might of Saitama.


The punch launched the thief G.o.ds body away as the leg was ripped off.

Letting go of the leg, the system G.o.d walked towards the downed thief G.o.d.

"There is a reason why people fear me as the system G.o.d. I"ll going to show you that reason." The system G.o.d narrowed his eyes.

The thief G.o.d panicked slightly as he tried to steal the skills.

UltrInstinct disappeared as the thief G.o.d smiled before his face twisted with fear.

He couldn"t make any sound as the backlash shot through his body.

"UltrInstinct is a skill which I only have a 30% compatibility with. That"s including the benefit of 20% due to my G.o.d t.i.tle. The highest compatibility I"ve seen with the skill was only 5% excluding a certain individual. Tell me... can you handle it?" The system G.o.d sneered as the thief G.o.d panicked. He wanted to return the skill but it was already destroying him from the inside. Whilst he was at True G.o.d rank, he was a lot weaker than real True G.o.ds. His power were only around low to mid High G.o.d but his ability to steal made him a True G.o.d.

The system G.o.ds" eyes changed as a red ring appeared in his iris. Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

His eyes already started to bleed as his compatibility was only 25%.

"Die." The system G.o.d said simply was he erased the thief G.o.d.

Closing his eyes, the system G.o.d started to heal them. It was one of his best ways to finish a fight as the three-skill combo was very powerful. However, the toll was also great. This was especially so for the Mystic Eyes.

Panting slightly, the system G.o.d opened his eyes once more as they returned to normal.

He was about to walk away when he saw someone who made him shocked.

"Why are you here Rei?"

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