Charging towards IM, Rei and Eve moved in a zig zag motion. Swiping Taema diagonally, Rei forced IM infront of Eve who then stabbed Mirai towards IM"s chest. Moving his fingers towards the path of Mirai, IM easily blocked it.

"Hmph, you may have taken me off guard with your little trick, don"t think I can"t see that you can"t use it again anytime soon." IM said as he gripped his hand towards Eve"s wrist.

Seeing this, Rei quickly twisted Taema towards IM. Tilting his head to avoid Taema, IM swung Eve towards Rei causing them both to be pushed backwards.

Stabilising himself and Eve quickly, Rei asked.

"Eve what"s the limit of your bankai?"

"I can control time in my domain once a day, I can control the time/age of a person inside my domain. The change depends on the difference in strengh, I can also increase/decrease the time/speed of a person up to a maximum of 50%." Eve said quickly and quietly so that only Rei could hear her.

"Hmm, ok got it. If you can, try decrease IM"s time to make him slower while increasing mine to make me faster." Rei said as he turned Taema into a spear.

Nodding, Eve clasped her hands together as a faint blue aura shun on Rei while a red one appeared on IM.

Using this as confirmation, Rei launched towards IM stabbing Taema towards his foot. Taking a step back, IM avoided the spear only for Rei to use it as a pivot giving IM a devastating round house kick which sent him skidding backwards.

Not giving IM time to rest, Rei threw the spear towards IM. Bending backwards IM dodged the spear, Rei then used the newly increased speed to flash near the spear bringing it down cutting IM in half.

The dark flash started to stretch out to each other st.i.tching the two halves back together.

Rei frowned seeing this and retreated quickly. Just as Rei had retreated, multiple black chains had shot out once more trying to seal him.

Turning 10 wings into 10 swords. Rei connected Enkidu to the pommel of the swords and controlled them to try bind IM. The swords flashed towards IM who had his wings turn into elongated arms which took hold of the swords and swung them back at Rei.

Dispersing the swords back into wings, Rei saw several rows of pink blades. .h.i.tting IM which didn"t cause any marks. IM suddenly kneeled as each of the blades had increased his gravity slightly and several thousands had just hit him.

Seeing the opportunity, Rei brought Taema ready for a horizontal swing as a white energy covered the blade. Turning 12 of his wings into magic circles, Rei swung Taema forwards.

"6 Layered Acceleration : DECIMATE!!" Rei shouted as the shock powered sword energy hit IM. His body started to break into particles but his healing started to balance out the loss.

"Tsk, how the f.u.c.k am I supposed to kill him." Rei said as he saw IM regenerate his attacks. He now regretted not having any methods to fight against immortals. While Enkidu could retrain G.o.ds, IM wasn"t a G.o.d/divine ent.i.ty. But rather he just had ridiculous regeneration. The other n.o.ble phantasms won"t be able to hurt him either since Rei was lacking the last something to allow for their abilities to truly s.h.i.+ne.

Rei continued to struggle on how to defeat the regeneration. Swinging Taema continuously, Rei worked his mind while he fended himself.

[Stage 2 percent reached 100. Activation cam be started at any moment.]

The system suddenly displayed it self in Rei"s mind.

"REI! Go! I"ll hold him back!" Eve shouted as she too saw the notice. Sending waves of blades, Eve tried to restrain IM while Rei unlocks stage two.

Rei looked at Eve with worry.

"Trust me!!" She shouted as he compressed the domain around IM slowing down the time as much as she could.

"STOP WASTING TIME AND GO!!" Eve shouted as strain was visible. Reluctance could be seen on Rei"s face as he landed on the ground undoing bankai and holding Kyoki and Tengoku in his hands.

Opening his eyes once more, Rei could see a endless landscape of white. Two people suddenly walked out of a ripple in the air.

Looking over, Rei could see Kyoki and Tengoku. But this time Kyoki has a pair of daggers instead.

"Kyoki, Tengoku." Rei said towards the duo.

"Rei, to gain stage two you will need to pa.s.s the two trials. Tengoku is the spiritual trial while I am the physical trial." Kyoki said twirling his daggers.

"If you had only created one weapon it would be one trial you know, but the powers would be divided. By creating two, you allowed us to specialise in a area of combat. So the trials are a lot harder." Kyoki warned Rei.

Nodding in understanding, Rei looked at Kyoki before speaking.

"I"ll go for the physical trial first then." Rei said as he traced a sword to prepare.

Tengoku stepped backwards giving the two some room.

"Hahaha so i"m first, well then listen well.

Unveil my dagger, blend in shadow.

Crescent moon s.h.i.+ne, smile in slaughter.

Shojun(Ascend) : Gekko Karitoriki(Moonlit Reaper)"

Kyoki said as his domain spread out around him. A moon could be seen hanging above the domain as black mist could be seen spreading out into the domain.

"Now then Rei, remember to understand my concept and domain." Kyoki said as he dissipated into mist.

Rei suddenly felt a disturbance in the air as he twisted his body to intercept.

"AARRGG!" Rei suddenly felt the dagger slice his back, turning around quickly he couldn"t see Kyoki who attacked him. Feeling a disturbance once more, Rei tried to dodge the attack. Looking back up there were no one there but Rei felt a cut at his calves.

Rei"s brain worked quickly as he tried to figure out what was the cause as soon as possible before he dies.

"Listen well.

Unveil my dagger, blend in shadow.

Crescent moon s.h.i.+ne, smile in slaughter.

There must be a clue if he said listen well."

Rei though as he continued to avoid the hits to no avail. Looking down he saw his wounds pile up behind his legs but the front of his body was fine.

"WAIT! Why am I never getting hit in front of me...." Rei thought.

Kyoki watched as Rei slowly started to piece things together, he held back as to not kill him instantly. Letting him comprehend the clues he left.

"Listen well.

Unveil my dagger, blend in shadows... Blend in shadows... shadows..?" Rei though as he watched what happens to his shadow when he is attacked. Every time he is attacked behind him, the shadow was never in front of him. Looking up he could see the moon moving to make sure his shadow is behind him. Understanding what happened, Rei quickly brought his sword behind him to try block the next attack. But Kyoki suddenly appeared infront of him with a dagger to his neck.

"Good job in working this out so fast. But unfortunately my domain isn"t shadow. I use it to throw my enemies off from the truth. I made you sure of your theory before I revealed the truth. Can you tell what it is?" Kyoki asked looking at Rei.

"Yeah...s.p.a.ce, your domain is s.p.a.ce. You used the shadow and moon in the chant and domain as distraction so that the enemy leaves their guard open once they think it"s shadow. Tricky b.a.s.t.a.r.d." Rei said as he untraced his sword in defeat.

"It"s how you stay alive, bluffs work wonders in fights you know. The domain isn"t entirly a bluff either, it allows me to see weaknesses of things easier." Kyoki said retracting his domain.

"Go do Tengoku"s trial. We"ll help you comprehend the concept of s.p.a.ce after it." Kyoki said pointing at Tengoku.

"Now then Rei are you ready?" Tengoku asked as she walked over.

"Yeah." Rei replied as Kyoki stood back.

"Mine is a lot easier since it is more self explanatory.

Kneel in awe, weakness revealed.

Power taken, mortal sh.e.l.l unveiled.

Shojun(Ascend) : Tengoku No Fuin(Seal of Heaven)!!"

Tengoku said as her domain spread outwards. Within the domain, Rei could see faint golden seals everywhere.

"Let me guess, your concept is seals." Rei said stating the obvious.

"Yes, but this allows you to seal a persons power. The stronger your soul and will, the more you seal. The seal strength is also determined by difference in strength." Tengoku explained as she retracted her domain.

"The two domains work wonders together." Kyoki cut in.

"Now the best way to experience the concept is to feel it." Kyoki suddenly opened a s.p.a.ce ripple underneath Rei causing him to fall into the empty s.p.a.ce.

"Shouldn"t you tell him that time doesn"t pa.s.s in there so he can spend more time to comprehend it." Tengoku said looking at Kyoki.

"Na, this should give him more drive to comprehend the concept of s.p.a.ce." Kyoki said as he waited for Rei to come out of the independent s.p.a.ce.

Rei didn"t know how long had pa.s.sed as he fell into the s.p.a.ce. Time seems to be none existent as he floated in the s.p.a.ce. Sending his haki outwards, Rei tried to find the boundary but couldn"t find it. He started to get anxious as he wanted to go help Eve. He had to quickly comprehend s.p.a.ce. Calming himself, Rei used all of his knowledge to perceive s.p.a.ce. Every second could be used to further understand s.p.a.ce.

Time pa.s.sed in years as Rei continued to experience the concept of s.p.a.ce.

"The quake fruit allows me to transfer the shocks through s.p.a.ce, Unlimited Blade Works transports the n.o.ble phantasms from my inner s.p.a.ce outwards..." Rei continued to think as his understanding of s.p.a.ce deepened.

Rei soon felt like the s.p.a.ce was like a grid, he could reach out and open a connection from one side to another. He could go back right now if he wanted to, but he stopped. Through his understanding, he knew that time didn"t move in this s.p.a.ce, and that his understanding wasn"t deep enough to be used in combat.

Centuries pa.s.sed as Rei understood deeper into the concept of s.p.a.ce. Diving deeper, Rei started to touch on the threshold between concept and law. But Rei didn"t notice as he continued to discover more on s.p.a.ce as his delved deeper.

Millennials pa.s.sed as Rei understood the law of s.p.a.ce. Satisfied with his understanding, Rei stood up causing his bones to crack as he stayed still with out moving. Snapping his fingers he appeared beside Kyoki and Tengoku without them noticing.

"What"s next." Rei said startling the duo as he jumped into combat stances instantly. Seeing that it"s Rei they calmed down.

"d.a.m.n...You only needed to comprehend concept but it seems like you"ve went and comprehended the law." Kyoki marvelled at Rei"s achievement.

"Of course, why would I waste an opportunity like this where time doesn"t pa.s.s." Rei said as he looked towards, Tengoku.

"Did you know that you have spent around 7300 years in there?" Kyoki reminded Rei.

"Doesn"t matter, no time pa.s.sed here after all." Rei stated as he prepared to comprehend the concept of seals.

"The concept of seals isn"t a lengthy process. I"ll transfer my knowledge and the more you use the further comprehension you should get." Tengoku said as she tapped his forehead giving him the knowledge.

"Now then, Rei I think you waited long enough to go help Eve." Tengoku said as Rei gained the concept of seals.

Nodding Rei exited the area on his own and back into the real world.

"Say Tengoku, he really is a monster. He actually calmed himself for over 100,000 years to comprehend the law." Kyoki suddenly said revealing the truth.

"He was only ment to comprehend as far as concept, but using his understanding he had modified the s.p.a.ce unconsciously to hold him longer till he under stood the law of s.p.a.ce." Kyoki continued as he never imagined Rei to be this talented in the understanding of s.p.a.ce.

Rei arrived back into his own body as he looked up and saw IM break out and grab Eve by the neck about to seal her.

Using s.p.a.ce laws, Rei instantly appeared next to IM and hit him faster than he could react. Catching Eve, Rei looked at her with a longing look before saying.

"Did I make you wait for too long?"

"Hahaha....nope just in time." She said as she smiled at him.

"Let me take care of him first before we talk ok?" Rei said as he let her down.

Using s.p.a.ce laws, Rei doesn"t need the wings to help him fly anymore.

"Unveil my dagger, blend in shadows.

Crescent moon s.h.i.+nes, smile in slaughter.

Shojun : Gekko Karitoriki."

Rei said as the domain spread out. Two black daggers appeared in Rei"s hand as he could see a faint red dot moving around IM"s body constantly.

"Is that why he doesn"t die." Rei thought.

"Kneel in awe, weakness revealed.

Power taken, mortal sh.e.l.l unveiled.

Shojun : Tengoku No Fuin!!" Rei said as he stacked his second domain onto his first domain.

"Speed seal, regeneration seal." Rei applied two seals onto IM"s body. Sweat could be seen on Rei"s face as keeping up two domains were extremely stressful for him.

"I think we"ve let you live long enough now..."

Rei said as he appeared out of the shadow of IM. Using the speed seal to slow IM"s reaction and the regeneration seal to slow the healing. Rei ripped out a portion of IM"s body which held the red dot before using the dagger to pierce the core causing IM to suddenly spasm in pain.

"Don"t get most divine can kill you with a snap of his finger....." IM said as his body broke into pieces which further disintegrated.

"Hmph, he better wipe his neck clean for me then." Rei said as he retracted the two domains. He suddenly lost footing as he fell towards the earth.

"The strain of comprehending law was more than I thought." Rei thought before pa.s.sing out.

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