The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 499 Master Also Dropping to His Knees

Chapter 499 Master Also Dropping to His Knees

Chen Shaohua’s face immediately seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

His eyes flashed as fiercely as an enraged beast that was about to burst into full-scale revenge.

“Young Master Chen, there is a wild boy in that room. He is very overweening. Not only did he refuse to come over, but he also threatened that you’d better hurry to his room, kneel before him, and apologize within three minutes, otherwise, you’ll have to bear the consequences.” Ma Zhen reported with a miserable look. The palm prints on his face really hurt.

When had he ever suffered like this?

Seeing that his son had been beaten like this, Ma Mingyu also flared up. “Who is it? How dare he be so unbridled? He dares to hit another man in broad daylight…”

Ma Zhen was in pain and anger. He grunted, “I haven’t seen him before. He’s a young man, but Director Su is very polite to him… He must be the son of a government leader. He’s very pretentious.”

Chen Shaohua stood up, sneered, and taunted, “He wants me to go over, prostrate myself before him, and apologize? Hehe, what a big talk! Even if he is the son of a provincial leader, he is now dead meat…” He turned to look at the white-haired old man on the sofa and said, “Master, would you like to handle this?”

The white-haired old man did not open his eyes. Indifferently, he said, “He Yu, He Fei, you two accompany your Junior Fellow Apprentice Chen to that room and take a look. Don’t get anyone killed.” The words coming out of the seemingly benevolent old man made everyone’s heart skip a beat.

The two young men in white flanking him bowed down in unison and said expressionlessly, “Yes, master.”

Chen Shaohua chuckled and walked out of the room.

The two young men followed closely behind.

At that sight, the others could tell that something bad would happen.

“It seems that the disciples of the old immortal are about to take action. I can’t miss such a great show!”

Ma Zhen, covering his face with both hands, also went out with his friends. Ma Mingyu and several other middle-aged men leaped to their feet as well. Seeing their action, the Su family also got up and hurried out of the room…

“How I hope there won’t be any serious trouble!” Su Yutong’s mother was quite edgy. She took her husband’s hand and followed the others in a haste.

“If you ask me, this w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu is really too senseless. I’ve already asked my second elder brother to warn him, but he still doesn’t know how to retreat in the face of difficulty. And now, he is making such a scene…” Su Yutong’s second aunt said crossly.

Su Yutong’s father glowered at her and countered, “Can you blame w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu for this?” Chen Shaohua was the one being aggressive. In such a situation, he still asked w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu to toast to him. He was clearly bullying him.

However, Su Yutong’s father did not dare to say anything more.

Since things had gone so far today, the situation had already been out of control.

The group of people soon came to the door of the private room called February Plum Blossom.


Chen Shaohua lifted his foot, kicked open the door of the private room, and swaggered in.

As he went in and took a look, his eyes were ablaze with fury, and he could no longer restrain the impulse to kill.

It turned out that Su Yutong was holding hands with a tall and handsome young man beside the table in the private room. They were talking and laughing with affection. Joyful tears glinted in their smiles. She showed no trace of the previous coldness that kept people far away.

She was a whole different person when she was sitting next to that man.

“This young man must be that adulterer, w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu, right?”

Chen Shaohua immediately made up his mind to kill.

He got to kill w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu, and he would do it in front of Su Yutong.

“Killing this shameless man would make this b.i.t.c.h repent in pain for the rest of her life.”

“b.i.t.c.h, I asked you to invite him over, but you didn’t even come back?” Chen Shaohua stared at Su Yutong and demanded with flames of anger in his eyes.

“Tong, how could you…” When Su Yutong’s second aunt came in and saw the scene, she panicked at once. The girl and the boy were sitting so intimately together, and “Young Master Chen” already saw them. Now the Su family could never smooth the thing out.

When the rest of the group came in on their heels and spotted the scene, the Su family exclaimed in their heart, while Ma Zhen and his men immediately took pleasure in Su family’s misfortune.

w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu rose to his feet at once and s.h.i.+elded his girlfriend behind him. Looking at the furious Chen Shaohua, he said, “Who are you? You broke in without our approval. It’s rude. Please go out. You are not welcomed here…”

Chen Shaohua laughed out loud, his eyes full of contempt. He spat, “You dumba*s!”

He had no interest in talking to a man he regarded dead. Instead, he looked at Su Hanwei, who was sitting in another seat, and said with a sneer, “Director Su, is this how you come to invite people? Hehe, look at your niece, having an affair with a wild man? I think you’ve reached the end of your career as a director.”

The second aunt looked anxious as well. She remarked, “Second brother, why… why are you so muddleheaded?” She was feverishly winking at him, asking her second brother to quickly think of a way to meditate and explain all this. She was truly burning with anxiety.

Ma Zhen hated that Su Hanwei simply watched him from the side when he was seized and slapped by w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu. Soon, he had an idea. To deliberately pour oil into the flame, he said, “Director Su, didn’t you say just now that you support Su Yutong and w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu to be together? Haha, now Young Master Chen is here, how would you explain that?”

Su Hanwei did not look at him. He still remained seated next to Li Mu.

By this time, the shock in him had not yet dissipated completely.

He never dreamed that w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu’s family actually had a relations.h.i.+p with Li Mu, an immortal-like man, and their relations.h.i.+p seemed to be quite profound. To be honest, the moment he pushed the door open and spotted Li Mu, he was dumbstruck.

After the journey to Randeng Temple in Mount Shaozu, Su Hanwei deeply understood how horrifying Li Mu could be. He was not only as powerful as an immortal but also a man even the head of the army had to treat with respect.

In the past few days, the scene of bodies lying at the entrance of Randeng Temple that resembled the scene in h.e.l.l still haunted him. Although so many people had been killed, the head of the army did not seem to think it a big deal. Later, when they went down the mountain, the head even warned over and over again that no matter what happened in Baoji City, they must not offend Li Mu, the immortal.

Even her elder sister, when mentioning Li Mu, also became very guarded and fearful. She also took time to privately warn him multiple times that Li Mu’s status was not ordinary, and even several high-level leaders attached great importance to him…

That made Su Hanwei even more awestruck.

Therefore, when he saw his third sister and the rest of the Su family winking at him, he remained silent as if he had not seen them.

As for Chen Shaohua’s question—

He pretended that he didn’t hear it at all.

He could not get involved in the fight between the top cla.s.s, so he decided to wait and see the development of the event.

But in Chen Shaohua’s eyes, his att.i.tude was like adding fuel to the fire. Not bothering to argue anymore, Chen Shaohua directly raised his hand and pointed at w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu, then snarled, “He Yu, make your move. Kill him for me!”

He Yu hesitated for a moment and said, “Master just said…”

“I’ll explain to master.” Chen Shaohua said viciously, “Now, I’m going to make this b.a.s.t.a.r.d in front of me… Just do it!”

Su Yutong quickly grabbed w.a.n.g s.h.i.+wu’s hand, hoping to protect her love.

At this time, Li Mu finally spoke.

“Seems that some people haven’t taken what I said to heart.”

He had already warned the Wulin that whoever committed crimes in the city would get killed without exception. But now, a force in the Wulin was going to kill people in broad daylight… It seemed that the lesson he taught to the martial arts cultivators was still insufficient.

He didn’t speak before, for he wanted to see how arrogant and domineering these people in the martial arts circle could be.

“Now it seems that… even death can’t expiate all their sins.”

Li Mu looked at Chen Shaohua and said calmly, “Let’s say, I’ll give you a chance to kneel down and apologize. If you do it, I can forgive your sect. Otherwise, you and your sect will not exist after today because of your killing intent.”

It was not until now that Chen Shaohua’s eyes fell on Li Mu. He surveyed him from head to toe, and then he coldly sneered, “You were the one who made trouble for me just now. You asked me to kneel down and kowtow to you? You ignorant thing… He Fei, break his legs for me. Make him kneel on the ground, never able to get up!”

The young man in white named He Yu launched an attack at Li Mu without hesitation.

His master had told them before that they should not kill anyone. But as for crippling a few people, he would feel no guilt for that.

However, as soon as he attacked, something terrible happened.

An overwhelming invisible pressure suddenly fell on him, which was horrible to an inconceivable degree. His legs gave way and he had no strength to resist. He directly knelt on the ground. With a crack, his knee bones fractured.

“Aargh, my legs…” He screamed like a pig being slaughtered.


The other young man named He Fei had higher strength. His heart hammered as he first realized that he had met a martial arts expert. Without thinking, he placed a hand on the hilt of the long sword at his waist, wanting to pull it out.

Li Mu simply shot him a glance.

But He Fei felt as if a mountain was bearing down upon him. He knelt on the ground without any suspense. When he fell, his kneecaps crashed against the floor and shattered the tiles. His bones were broken into numerous pieces, and he started howling like a pig being slaughtered as well.


“What just happened?”

It was not until these two ‘immortal’s disciples’ fell down that the people who rushed into the private room finally realized that the situation seemed to be… a little absurd, didn’t it?

Chen Shaohua was so scared that he felt his soul was leaving him.

But he had followed his fellow brothers to see the world, so he reacted faster. He suddenly broke out in cold sweat. At once, he realized that he had encountered a tough opponent. Without saying a word, he whipped around and fled…

“Do you think you can run away?”

As soon as Li Mu raised his hand, he summoned Chen Shaohua back through the air and slammed him on the ground.


Chen Shaohua also knelt on the ground, and his kneecaps were broken, too. He shrieked in agony, “Ah, ahhh… Master, help me… Help me.” The severe pain distorted his face and made him drenched in cold sweat. At this time, he began to feel a little frightened.

“You’re too noisy.” Li Mu raised his hand.

All of a sudden, He Fei, He Yu, and Chen Shaohua could not make a sound.

Their mouths opened and closed silently, their faces horrified, their limbs flailing around.

“I’ve given you a chance. But you don’t know how to repent.” Li Mu said, “Even the death penalty isn’t enough for you…”

Before his voice died down—

“Please show some mercy.”

A voice came in. The old immortal-like man with white hair and a youthful face who had been resting in the room called Deluxe Suite t.i.tled Heaven rushed out at an extremely fast speed. Like a gust of wind, he swept his way into the room called February Plum Blossom.

Li Mu flickered his eyes to him and said, “You, too, get on your knees.”


The immortal-like old man, as if the most obedient grandson, knelt on the ground at once. With a crack, his kneecaps were smashed into many pieces.

At this, everyone’s eyeb.a.l.l.s almost fell to the ground.

Just now, this old immortal had sent his voice through the air and bustled over as quick as lightning. He was really like the super mundane expert in the movies and TV plays. Yet, Li Mu made him kneel down obediently with just one word. The old man was now like a tamed shepherd dog… It was too ridiculous!

Seeing the sight, Chen Shaohua, He Fei, and He Yu, who had been struggling in silence, seemed to have forgotten the pain. They just looked at their master in shock, unable to believe what they had just seen.

“Master… got to his knees as well?”

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