The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 604 Being Besieged on All Sides

Chapter 604 Being Besieged on All Sides

Li Mu pulled the Black Dragon King Sword out of the wall, wiped the blood off, and put it away. Then, he also picked up the broken armor made of black dragon scales from the ground and pocketed it.

These two objects were all Spiritual-tier treasures, which were of great value. Of course, Li Mu would not leave without them.

Feng Zhen the Bloodless Sword had melted into water. All the storage devices he carried fell to the ground. Li Mu picked them up and examined them carefully.

“Well, most of them contain Cultivation Methods and some other things. There are few fairy crystals. Seems that this old man had truly staked all his wealth on the elixir-refining cause.”

In Feng Zhen’s storage devices, Li Mu did not find anything particularly valuable. Instead, he found some books, letters, records of cultivation experiences, and other things that might be useful.

After that, Li Mu looked around, scrutinizing the entire Elixir Room.

It appeared that all the valuable things in the room had long been devoured by him.

“What a great harvest!”

Li Mu felt that the endless primitive natural qi in his body was surging like a river, which had completely been turned into the star power. In his Sea of Consciousness, the divine bridge arching across the sky like a rainbow had crossed his Sea of Consciousness and landed on the other side.

It was the natural qi at the great completeness of the Mortal Realm.

And he could now crush anybody with his physical strength.

Li Mu had a feeling that he was invincible in the world. He so wanted to shout, “Who else can fight me?”

From now on, he didn’t need to hide anymore in the Brilliance Immortal Star Region. He could start planning for all the things he wanted to fulfill.

“I’d better contact the ‘snooper’ first. I guess he’s freaked out not hearing from me for such a long time.”

Li Mu took out the message token and contacted Ding Yi.

After a long time, a reply finally came in. Ding Yi’s extremely surprised voice said, “Sect Master, are you all right? Why contact me so late…”

Halfway through his words, his voice turned high-pitched. “Oh c.r.a.p, they’re coming again…”

Then came the sound of running, panting, and wind blowing.

“Sect Master, we’re on the run. If you’re still alive, quickly go into hiding. Check the immortal net if you have time… You are now the public enemy of the entire Brilliance Immortal Star Region. Those who want to kill you can line up from one end of the Star Region to the other… Second Senior Fellow Apprentice, run…”

The situation over there seemed to be extremely dire.

Li Mu vaguely heard the roar of Second Senior Fellow Apprentice, the pig spirit.

Then, the communication was cut off.

Li Mu furrowed his eyebrows.

What was going on?

Could it be that the two brats didn’t lay low in the Immortal Pavilion but got caught? It sounded like they were running for their lives, didn’t it?

Li Mu was a little puzzled.

But now was not the time to think about these things. There were people waiting for his rescue.

Worried that Ding Yi and Second Senior Fellow Apprentice could not hold on much longer, Li Mu directly punched open the door of the Elixir Room. Before the guards outside could react, they were killed on the spot by Li Mu’s flying broadswords.

“Get them!”

“Let’s see where you can run to.”

“Li Mu’s minions, don’t let them run away!”

All sorts of angry roars came from all directions.

In the sky, a flying shuttle was moving speedily, casting a beam of light on the two figures fleeing rapidly in the alleys while marking their whereabouts.

Hordes of people were flooding over this place from all sides, as though millions of rivers were running into the sea.

Mu Shun was standing on the flying shuttle overlooking the two figures who were fleeing in a panic with a smug smile.

“It’s them. Don’t let any of them escape.” He shouted, “That pig is the one released from the Primordial Stone by that inhuman beast named Li Mu. The other is his attendant…”

Beside him stood more than a dozen figures. Some of them were about the same age as him and had an imperious air. Some were slightly older, but were sharp and strong like vultures. They were all masters of the Tianyi Palace. Feng Zhen the Bloodless Sword had deployed them here from other stars to a.s.sist Mu Shun in arresting those who were related to Li Mu.

Like raindrops, countless Star-demolis.h.i.+ng Arrows shot toward the two figures below.

Those who drew the bow were all high-level crossbow archers. Their shooting skills were extremely excellent.

“Old Zhu, hurry up and fu*king figure something out. I feel that we are gonna die today…” Ding Yi’s left shoulder was shot by an arrow, where blood was gus.h.i.+ng out. Soon, he felt drained. And he was unable to run as fast as he did even though he wanted to.

Next to him, the pig spirit was brandis.h.i.+ng the nine-forked rake that rotated like a large fan, blocking most of the Star-demolis.h.i.+ng Arrows shot at him.

He had also been shot twice in the b.u.t.tocks.

Nonetheless, perhaps it was because his skin was tough or his physical body was strong, the arrows only sank in his b.u.t.ts a little, and there was no bleeding. When he ran, the two arrows shook up and down on his b.u.t.ts, which looked rather hilarious.

Anyway, this pig spirit was really tough.

If he hadn’t blocked most of the arrows, Ding Yi would have been hit by countless arrows and looked like a hedgehog by now.

“I’m trying!” The pig spirit panted for breath, saying, “What if we surrender?”

Ding Yi almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

“How could this count as a solution?”

More cultivators were rus.h.i.+ng over from all directions. Their eyes all reddened with malice as if they were going to tear Ding Yi and the pig spirit into pieces and eat them.

“D*mn, these people are crazy.” Ding Yi was rather frightened.

The pig spirit complained, “It’s all thanks to your Sect Master… How about we surrender now and cross over to the side of progress? There is a chance that these people will show some sympathy and let us off the hook.”

While they were talking, the two of them ran to a dead alley.

Finally, they were cornered and besieged.

The column of light shooting down from the flying shuttle in the sky completely enveloped Ding Yi and the pig spirit. Just like standing in the spotlight, the two were thoroughly exposed and had nowhere to hide. They were now at the center of the stage.

“No more fighting, no more fighting. We surrender, surrender…” Seeing that things were going out of control, the pig spirit immediately threw his rake onto the ground, raised both of his hands, and yelled, “Everyone, please listen to me. I was coerced by Li Mu the Wild Broadsword…”

Enemies slowly closed in on them like a tide.

The flying shuttle descended unhurried and stopped moving when it was more than ten meters above the ground, completely barring them from escaping by air.

“When Li Mu launched the carnage in the Immortal Pavilion, this stupid pig with no backbones was the most dedicated to the job. He is Li Mu’s major accomplice.” Standing on the deck of the flying shuttle, Mu Shun stared at Second Senior Fellow Apprentice, gnas.h.i.+ng his teeth.

On that day, he had been quashed by the pig spirit who broke his leg. How could he forget that humiliation?

“Kill this pig. We’ll have pig head meat today,” Mu Shun order. “With such a fat pick, everybody can have a hunk of meat.”

Second Senior Fellow Apprentice immediately picked up his rake and said, “So, there’s no room for negotiation, is there? With your poor fighting skills, you should go back and beg your teacher to give you more lessons. How dare you want to kill the Pig G.o.d?”

Mu Shun’s face darkened in an instant.

“Where is Li Mu?” A young man in splendid clothes with a long sword stared at Ding Yi and the pig spirit with a haughty look and said sternly, “Tell that inhuman b*stard to show up. Today, I, Ding Sans.h.i.+, the Shooting Star Sword, will avenge those innocent people who died on the South Street!”

“Tell Li Mu to get his a.s.s here.”

“Let’s catch his minions first. Torture him and force him to come clean about Li Mu’s whereabouts. Then, I bet we’ll pin him down.”

“Interrogate them for what? There is no need for interrogation. I say, this man and the pig are definitely not good people since they are with Li Mu. Let’s kill them now to comfort the souls of the deceased on the South Street, and then take our time to track down Li Mu the Wild Broadsword. He can’t escape anyway.”

Voices of reprimand and furious howls erupted like boiling magma, which was hot and dangerous.

“My Sect Master didn’t kill anyone on the South Street. Someone else framed him,” Ding Yi retorted at the top of his lungs.

But no one was listening.

“How dare you defend that b*stard?” Ding Sans.h.i.+ the Shooting Star Sword sneered and scolded, “You really won’t repent. I’ll take off one of your arms first.”

He stuck without hesitation. A shot of sword light darted out as fast as lightning.

He was an expert at an advanced level of the Mortal Realm, and his swordcraft was quite extraordinary.

As Ding Yi’s shoulder had been shot by the poison Star-demolis.h.i.+ng Arrow, he could no longer use his martial arts to resist the blow while on the run. By this time, the poison had already reached his heart, and he had lost the ability to fight. Thus, he could do nothing but watch the long sword stabbing toward him.


Second Senior Fellow Apprentice blocked the sword with his rake.

This kind of resistance immediately infuriated the others.

“Kill them.”

“Rip them to shreds…”

Weapons were unsheathed. Blades shone with a chilling brilliance.

The angry mob rushed over, and the two figures were instantly drowned.

Second Senior Fellow Apprentice was waving the rake so fast that no drop of water could penetrate his defense. While straining to protect Ding Yi by fending off all the blows, the pig spirit privately complained, “It’s over. This time, we really have no way out…”

Ding Yi’s face was pale. His lips were turning black. The blood oozing out from the wound on his shoulder blade was dark green. Ding Yi gave a wry smile. This time, things had really gone out of hand. He was afraid that he would really die here today.

“Yu’er, perhaps I would never get to see you again.”

A delicate face emerged in his head.

A clip of memory flashed back.

Sadly, he would not be able to fulfill the promise he had made.

“Second Senior Fellow Apprentice, just go. Don’t worry about me,” Ding Yi smiled bitterly and called out to Zhu Luyi, the pig spirit.

If without him as a burden, the pig spirit would have a good chance to escape.

Second Senior Fellow Apprentice said nothing. He just kept waving the rake as fast as the wind, fighting head-on with no sign of retreating.

“Just go…” Ding Yi urged loudly. “Hurry up. We can’t both die here!”

Still, the pig spirit did not speak but stood in front of Ding Yi, s.h.i.+elding him. Even though countless blades had cut his skin and numerous punches had landed on his body, he continued to stubbornly stand before Ding Yi like a solid wall without backing away.

This pig was fighting in desperation.

Seeing this, Ding Yi was somewhat moved.

Although this pig was usually lazy and unreliable, it turned out that he was quite righteous and loyal at a critical moment. Ding Yi reckoned that he had misjudged the pig spirit.

He then said, “Second Senior Fellow Apprentice, thank you for your intention to help. But I am already so severely poisoned that I can’t live long. You should go now. I appreciate your kindness. I…”

“Can you stop whining for a sec?” Second Senior Fellow Apprentice was exasperated. Greatly aggrieved, he yelled, “Do you really think I care too much about you to let you die? I also want to run for my life. But if I leave you behind and run away, your Sect Master, a scourge that will plague the world for thousands of years, will definitely hunt me down.”

Ding Yi was instantly rendered speechless.

The touching movement vanished at once.

On the flying boat, Mu Shun gradually became impatient. Hence, he cupped his hands towards a middle-aged scholar beside him and courteously pleaded, “Martial Uncle Qi, please go and kill this pig spirit.”

The middle-aged scholar had a handsome face, almond-shaped eyes, sword-shaped eyebrows, and was wearing a white robe and a kerchief. He was absolutely among the most attractive ones. With an ancient bronze sword hanging from his waist, he was giving off an extraordinary vibe and an inexplicable sense of majesty.

The man nodded. The long sword on his waist was instantly unsheathed. In a flash, he instantly moved to the battlefield below. The Sword Qi zoomed out as overwhelmingly as torrents, forcing all the people surrounding him to back to 100 meters away. Instantly, an unoccupied zone appeared around Ding Yi and the pig spirit.

“Buzz, buzz!”

The soft sound of the vibrating sword rang out.

There was a flash of sword light.

Next second, the nine-forked rake was thrown into the air.

The pig spirit was aghast. Something scarlet was spreading over his wrists. Then tendons in his wrists had been severed, and his hands were now helplessly draping over the cuts. Streams of Sword Intent were whirling around the cuts, preventing them from healing.

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