The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 20 The Second Style of Zhenwu Boxing

Chapter 20 The Second Style of Zhenwu Boxing

The county government office.

In the exercise room of the back office.

Li Mu was sitting cross-legged on the rush cus.h.i.+on in meditation. He was breathing rhythmically and practicing Xiantian Skill.

He was practicing melting the power of the snake blood inside.

A stream of transpiring white mist rose from his head as if it was a steamer.

Li Mu could feel clearly that as he was practicing Xiantian Skill, the burning pain and the heat of snake blood in the limbs of his body were fading away slowly and turning into a very comfortable warm current, which provided a feeling like a hot spring that was spreading all over his body.

The heterogeneous boa constrictor, which was called Green Dragon by Sikong Jing and kept in Shennong Faction with various magic medicine as well as magic, almost had psychic powers while there were some horns on the head and it would soon become a dragon. It had some magic value for those martial art masters since it activated qi and blood, improved the internal qi and even changed the physical condition so that you could resist nearly all of the poisons. As a result, it could be considered that its entire body was a treasure.

Sikong Jing spent over ten years of hard work in raising this snake for the preparation to improve his strength.

He might have taken the snake blood and killed Li Mu if it didn’t happen this time.

Time pa.s.sed.

In a blink of an eye, three days pa.s.sed.

Li Mu was covered with white boiling steam as if he was placed in the steamer. Hot air came out of every pore.

The temperature increased over ten degrees in the secret chamber of the exercise room.

“Whirring…” With a long breath, he opened his eyes and stood up slowly, feeling only comfortable.

Especially the wound on his shoulder, which made him feel no pain at all.

Li Mu removed the bandage and looked at it with great surprise.

“Wow? The wound had completely recovered… There’s no scar left?”

He had never expected this.

Because this wound was a hole when he pulled out the fine steel wolf teeth arrow forcibly since he wanted to be the pretender so that the tearing might get worse and even both sides had become transparent. But now, it recovered completely without any scars at all in half a day.


“Was it because of the mixing with the snake blood or the effect of the Xiantian Skill?”

Li Mu was too excited to make the judgment at this moment.

Then he found a knife happily and tried to cut on his arm to check whether the wound could recover quickly or not. But finally, he gave it up since he felt suddenly that it might hurt a lot.

Anyway, it was good news since such serious wound could recover in half a day.

What was more, Li Mu felt vaguely that his physical condition had changed at some degree, and gained more strength than when he attacked the office of Shennong Faction. He felt that his body was full of strength as if he could break the sky and smash the earth with one punch, which made him feel that there was nothing he couldn’t lift in the world.

Besides, Li Mu also felt he had a great improvement in the five sense organs after this great battle. It seemed that the chains were broken inside, which made him feel so flexible at each joint and the ligaments also became extremely soft too.

Li Mu tried to practice the Zhenwu Boxing.

And he finished the Lifting Pole Style so easily.

There was no feeling of previous restraint, ligament pain, muscle swelling, and numbness when he practiced the first style of Rocking-sky Hammer, instead, it was unprecedented ease. The power came between the waist and abdomen and then went through the spine like the whistling giant dragon, and went out between the fists and legs. As he showed, there was a gas explosion like the thundering.

Li Mu was so deeply attracted by this feeling.

After he finished the first Rocking-sky Hammer, he didn’t continue with the second style of Sky Hammer but repeated the Rocking-sky Hammer.

As he practiced, his movement became more and more stretching and graceful.

Li Mu felt that there was a kind of strange information appearing in his mind; it was the skill to store and supply the power which was so good just like the sudden illumination. And it made Li Mu feel in his mind and he melted it through the whole body ultimately for the instinct of muscles through the style changes of Rocking-sky Hammer.

It was unknown how long it was and Li Mu was so sweaty. However, there was no gas explosion during the styles any longer. As he practiced, it was just like the floating clouds sweeping across the sky or the stream gurgling across the flat bend without any smoke, you would never feel what kind of power it contained.

Li Mu stopped.

He knew he had a deeper understanding of his own power.

Though Zhenwu Boxing was not the martial arts for killing and fighting, it had unmatched effect in the aspects of physical condition improvement, concentrating, enlightening and even opening up the wisdom of martial arts, which was called the simples movement but with big effects. The old faker said that Zhenwu Boxing was a kind of immortal fist and now Li Mu was convinced.

Indeed, it was impossible for common martial arts to have such kind of effects.

Zhenwu Boxing and Xiantian Skill would all be the greatest secret for Li Mu, and they should never be disclosed.

Or else, such an innocent man would get into trouble because of his wealth.

If those martial art masters in this world knew he had such kind of Cultivation Method, it might cause b.l.o.o.d.y compet.i.tions and fights just like the situation when the Age of Wulin appeared in the underworld described in martial arts novels of Jin Yong. Although Li Mu was confident, he needed more time to grow up. He was almost peerless since he had killed the Shennong Faction, but Shennong Faction was just a small faction in the county and Li Mu might not be confident enough when he was facing the real giant martial art power.

Li Mu was moving the limbs in the exercise room.

He came to the stone table for kung fu, and didn’t store force. He shook his fist slowly and punched on the stone table, while the fist sank as if it dropped on the soft dirt and there were no cracks appeared on the tablet.

This was the sign when the strength had converged to the extreme.

Li Mu realized so and punched with heavy force.


Here came a dull thud.

The stone tablets, which were as hard as the iron, suddenly burst open like a ma.s.s of dry flour without warning and turned into a ma.s.s of stone chip powder.

Li Mu blew away the stone power on him, he was quite satisfied with this power.

He realized that what the first style of Rocking-sky Hammer from the Zhenwu Boxing contained was its power supply meaning of “handling complicated matters with ease”. It was a mighty fist but he just showed it so easily just like the straw floating in the wind, which might absolutely defeat the opponent.

“The only regret is that it seems that I cannot get the internal qi and this is required by the martial art masters in this world?”

Li Mu was a little incomprehensible.

The Xiantian Skill didn’t seem to be used for practicing the internal qi, though there was also a kind of warm current inside the meridians when he was breathing, this feeling disappeared after the practice and it didn’t store in the body.

“Maybe I need to try the martial art Cultivation Method of this world?”

Anyway, Xiantian Skill and Zhenwu Boxing were more like a supplementary skill to enhance strength and physique than a real way to fight.

Li Mu was thinking while walking out of the room.

It was deep night outside.

The moonlight was bright and gentle, like s.h.i.+ning water flowing slowly.

One thin figure stood next to the rockery outside the door and was silent like a ghost.

“h.e.l.lo?” Li Mu was frightened; he went close and found it was the young attendant Ming Yue. Then he asked, “d.a.m.n, why are you sneaking and standing here? You scared me.”

Ming Yue turned back, her eyes were s.h.i.+ning like the crescent moon just like the two streaming moonlight. Then she said with dissatisfaction, “h.e.l.lo, Master, you use the wrong word, I’m not sneaky but watching the moon… Well, by the way, what’s that flatterer called Feng or what? He’s waiting for you in the office, he has been there for one hour already.”

As Li Mu heard so, he wanted to laugh.

Even this young child Ming Yue found that Feng Yuanxing was a flatterer?

Maybe he came for the follow-up report on today’s events.

He was about to go out to meet him when suddenly he thought about something, and spoke to Ming Yue with a smile, “Are there any animals like chicken or ducks in our back office?”

Under the moonlight, the little attendant, whose skin was white as ice and snow, had a delicate and pleasant appearance. She held the black braid, tilted her head and thought about it, nodded and replied, “Maybe yes… Master, are you going to kill and eat them? I want to eat chicken b.u.t.tocks.”

Li Mu touched his head hopelessly and said, “All right, the b.u.t.tock belongs to you. Go and kill the chicken and get a bowl of chicken blood for me.”

At the front government office.

Feng Yuanxing was waiting in a rather nervous state.

He had been waiting there for one hour and felt so anxious, but he dared not let out a trace of discontent on his face.

While he was waiting, Feng Yuanxing was recalling what had happened in the office of Shennong Faction. And each time as he did so, he was feeling deeper reverence for Li Mu.

Today, in the beginning, he betrayed Zhou Wu without hesitation since he thought Li Mu was young and easy to get impulsive and might be controlled by proper plan though he had strong power. Feng Yuanxing was so cunning and staying with the local bullies for such a long time and he was confident enough about his strategy and shrewdness, thinking that he might control Li Mu and let this young county magistrate follow him, so that he might be the great power to rule Taibai County. But now, he was more and more uncertain.

Li Mu’s performance made him feel fear in his heart.

The noise of many footsteps came.

Feng Yuanxing felt a shock in his heart, he knew it was the county magistrate coming. Then he stood up quickly, tidied the official robe for a solemn and respectful welcome.

But as he looked up, he was stunned at the sight of the figure coming in through the back-side door.

It was indeed Li Mu.

But he was totally different from what he had expected.

Li Mu, who was now standing in front of him, was wrapped in exaggerated gauzes on his upper body; the blood stains penetrated the bandage, which looked shocking. He looked a little tired with a crutch in his hand, walking very slowly, and showed a look of severe injury which was totally different with the fierce prestige who was living dragons and tigers suppressing all sides during the day. Instead, it was another appearance which was weak to the extreme.

“h.e.l.lo, Master.” Feng Yuanxing was temporarily at a loss, then hurried up and saluted.

Comments (2)

[email protected]

What a troll, all bandaged up ?

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Monarch of Noobs

Thanks for the chapter!

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Chapter 21 Internal Qi

Supported by the little girl attendant Ming Yue, Li Mu waved his hands, sat at the head of the table and said, “Just tell me now.”

Feng Yuanxing bowed himself and said, “h.e.l.lo, your honor, we’ve finished the issue on Shennong Faction headquarter, and the rest people have all been in prison including all of their properties, weapons, medicines and food, etc., they have all been transmitted to the government office and we’re now waiting for your order now. We’ve also seized the Dians.h.i.+ janitor’s family and Zhou family, but…” As he said so, he hesitated for a while and didn’t dare to continue.

“What?” Asked Li Mu in a low spirit.

Gnas.h.i.+ng his teeth, Feng Yuanxing replied, “The Dians.h.i.+ janitor’s and Zhou’s houses had all been empty when we arrived there, all the properties had been transferred and only some servant girls left there. Some of the secret places had been destroyed too and we’ve got nothing so we’ve found anything.”

That’s to say, he came away empty-handed and made no credit at all.

Why suddenly Feng Yuanxing felt thrown into panic in fear that this young county magistrate might say with a gloomy face “Go and die”, then he would be killed by the arrow just like the way when Zhou Wu and Zheng Longxing died… It was just like the feeling of to be in the king’s company as tantamount to living with a tiger.

“Well, it’s OK, you make the decision. Forget it if you cannot check it.” Said Li Mu as he looked uninterested.

He killed Zhou Wu and Zheng Longxing not for money nor the so-called secrets.

Feng Yuanxing was relieved.

Then Li Mu asked again, “Are there any books about martial art in the Shennong Faction’s property?”

“There were several rough Cultivation Method books, and we’d also got ‘Five-poisons Cla.s.sics’ and ‘Training of Qi Formula’ from Sikong Jing. They were common Cultivation Method and just a far cry from your matchless magical kung fu…” Said Feng Yuanxing with flattery again.

Li Mu replied impatiently, “Don’t talk nonsense. Send all the brochures to me.”

Without any hesitation on Feng Yuanxing’s face, he replied quickly, “All right, let me pick them for you now.”

He was about to turn back and leave while Li Mu thought about something and said, “By the way, are there any archery masters in this county?”

Feng Yuanxing turned back and said, “Yes, exactly, your honor. The Dutou Official Ma Junwu from our government office is an excellent archery master in Taibai County. So, are you going to learn, your honor?”

Li Mu nodded, then suddenly, he coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood and phlegm, replied with a paled face, “OK, there’s nothing else here, you can leave now.”

As Feng Yuanxing saw that blood phlegm, he felt a little shocked.

“The magistrate has become more serious than we imagined.”

And he suddenly felt a little worried.

Would this magistrate resist the revenge from b.l.o.o.d.y-moon faction and Zhou family since he was in such condition now?

Zhou Wu and Zheng Longxing were killed, those two great powers suffered heavy losses and they would never leave the matter like that.

Feng Yuanxing left in a reflective mood.

As he left, the little girl Ming Yue jumped with joy, “So, Young Master, why are you pretending to be dying and using chicken blood on your body… Well, that flatter seemed to be convinced and looked so s.h.i.+t… Aha… By the way, why are stilling spitting blood? Are you really dying? Aha… You should keep your word and leave the chicken bottom for me.”

“d.a.m.n… The chicken bottom for you.” Li Mu raised up his hand and slapped her on the back of the head.

d.a.m.n, why this guy was so stupid?

It was deep night outside.

“Li Mu, if I don’t revenge, I’m swearing not to be myself.”

On the deep mountain road to Taibai Mountain outside the county, one 60-odd old man with malicious and insidious face was waving his hands, he was looking at the sparkling Taibai County with shrilling curse.

There were hundreds of people following him.

Among them, they were Deputy county magistrate Zhou Wu’s brothers, wife as well as his son, which were all from Zhou family.

And the old man Zhou Zhenhai, who was making shrilling curse, was just the Deputy county magistrate Zhou Wu’s father.

They were there with hatred in their eyes.

They were living an extravagant life and acting willfully like a local tyrant in the county before, but everything ended since this young new county magistrate came. They had to escape and give up everything now and suffer in the depth of the mountain. Especially those younger generations, who were spoiled and never lived hard, were suffering unspeakably and wished to kill Li Mu while they were running away all night and had bleeding blisters on their foot and bitten by mosquitoes.

“Maybe Li Mu dares not hurt us if we stay in the county, we can use relations.h.i.+ps…” One member from Zhou family spoke reluctantly.

“Shut up.” Said Zhou Zhenhai with a fierce look like a furious lion. He glanced at them and they all looked down, then he said, “d.a.m.n, Li Mu is extremely cruel and merciless that he’s such a bandit. I’ve been ready to completely annihilate for a life-and-death struggle since he’s killed my son. We must have already died if we stayed in the county. You can be back if you want to die now.”

Those people were taken aback and didn’t dare to speak.

Today when he heard the news as Zhou Wu was killed, it was just the former patriarch, Zhou Zhenhai, who overrode all objections and transferred all Zhou family members to save this family after they left Taibai County immediately.

“Humm, he can be arrogant like that for only several days. Let’s go to Taibai Sword Faction and turn to the brother who is the low-level presbyter. He will kill Li Mu for revenge once the master from the Taibai Sword Faction agrees to kill him.”

Zhou Zhenhai said viciously.

“Let’s go.”

He walked with a cane, glanced at Taibai County insidiously again, then took the lead in walking on the rugged foothills towards the deep mountains.

It was dark and cold.

“That’s so good when Zheng Longxing died. He’s just a manager of the faction and b.l.o.o.d.y-moon faction helped him a lot with such a lot of human resources as well as wealth to get this good-for-nothing into the Dians.h.i.+ janitor of Taibai County, but finally he was killed by such a teenager. He’s such an incapable person and that’s good when he died, the earlier the better. So that he will not waste any resources in our faction anymore.”

The sound, which was like the night owl, was reverberating in the black hall.

A blood moon floated in the dome of the hall.

The light in the hall was just like the running blood water while more than 20 martial art masters in b.l.o.o.d.y moon armors didn’t even dare to breath heavily, because they knew the Grand Master was quite unsatisfied about this matter since so many years’ coercion made all of them be afraid this mysterious master in b.l.o.o.d.y-moon faction.

“But we’ll be the joke of Northwest Wulin if we just forget it since one of our b.l.o.o.d.y-moon faction managers was killed. And that’ll also be quite impossible if we want to be at the higher grade for our faction…” Said the Grand Master of b.l.o.o.d.y-moon faction again.

His voice was just like the sound of gold and iron that sounded sick and made you feel palpitations.

“That’ll be easy since Li Mu is also a martial arts fellow. Now come and pa.s.s on a message, inform that I will challenge Li Mu personally on top of Ji Feng Mountain. We’ll solve this matter according to the rules made by the Nine Great Holy Clans.” Said the Grand Master of b.l.o.o.d.y-moon faction whose voice was like bloodsucking reverberated in the big hall.

All the masters from b.l.o.o.d.y-moon faction felt shocked.

Was the Grand Master going to fight after practicing for 10 years?

The Grand Master had been the top master at Joint-thoughts level 10 years ago, and he created his own world by killing that made himself a fearful role for the Northwest Wulin. He chose to retreat practice for a period of time for an extremely vicious and hegemonic skill. Now the rating of flouris.h.i.+ng age for decennial faction level started, and it meant the Grand Master was absolutely sure about his breakthrough since he chose to fight at this time, right?

It could be imagined there would be a sanguinary slaughter since this peerless cruel man from the Northwest Wulin appeared.

What about that young county magistrate of Taibai County?

He must die for sure.

“How can this be called cla.s.sics?”

Li Mu disdained and shook his head, then put aside the dark blue brochure in his hand.

Last night when Feng Yuanxing left, he sent people to present the martial arts brochures collected from the Shennong Faction the first time. Most of the books were useless while two of them were useful, and they were “Five-poisons Cla.s.sics” and “Training of Qi Formula”, which could be barely the martial art secrets.

First Li Mu was reading Five-poisons Cla.s.sics, but he felt a little disappointed after reading.

This so-called “Five-poisons Cla.s.sics” contained mostly on refining poison, making poison and how to forge the weapons with poison, how to set traps as well as using poison to kill people. Generally speaking, it recorded crooked ways and methods to kill people, which might be obtained in the short term but it had limits since it was quite impossible to practice on long term.

Though Li Mu had just started practicing, he had been exposed to various chivalry culture and the old faker’s instruction, which made him understand early that it was not the good idea to obtain through crooked ways. True strength was self-strength rather than external things such as poisons.

So, after reading once, Li Mu found no interest on those things in unorthodox ways like Five-poisons Cla.s.sics.

Then he began to read Training of Qi Formula.

Li Mu’s interest was attracted by the contents recorded in this book, and by the first part of the book, some clear-cut narrative contents.

“The physical bodies are always weak, the elite magic weapons are weak, the water and mountains are weak, and the fire and the cold ice are weak… Everything in the world is weak but the qi is not. Those with qi have strong power and that’s the rule of the universe. It has no shape and no color, odorless and tasteless, which exists up in the ninth heaven and the nether world that makes the fool to be unable to feel. But luckily, there were sages in the ancient times who knew the way of heaven and earth, the meaning of vanity, captured the qi to become spiritual and to be free between the earth and heaven… Till now, the qi forging method has been widely spread. There’re thousands of factions and there’re also countless magic martial arts and secret skills in this world, however, the base lies in the qi forging and there’s no exception for the Nine Great Holy Clans too.”

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