The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 694 Shocking Rankings

Chapter 694 Shocking Rankings

Ordinary people would go through life, aging, illness, and death, so would pract.i.tioners.

Moreover, pract.i.tioners would encounter many disasters and tribulations on the way of cultivation. It was a journey filled with more dangers and adversities than ordinary people’s roads of life.

Now all the diseases seemed to have fallen on the “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi.

In an instant, his whole body festered and decayed, as if it were to turn into pus.

However, he could still move as fast as lightning.

The swords in his hands were still as bright as stars at dawn.

Shadows moved across.

Blood spurted out.

A bleeding through hole appeared in the Witchcraft Saint’s chest.

It was a sword wound that penetrated his body.

“How come?”

The Witchcraft Saint was as pale as a ghost, with a look of disbelief on his face.

“How come w.a.n.g Yanyi can still make such a terrifying move with his swords while he is so weak and old?”

The “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi, thrust his swords again.

The Witchcraft Saint crazily backed away.

However, that sword move was too mysterious and terrifying. The Witchcraft Saint soon felt the pervasive killing intent that shrouded his entire body. No matter what kind of Gu Witchcraft he used, he could not fend off w.a.n.g Yanyi’s sword strike. The wounds on his body were increasing continuously.

In the end, he directly got off No.1 Immortal-slaying Platform.

“I lost.”

Covered in cuts and bruises, he stood below the Immortal-slaying Platform and stared at w.a.n.g Yanyi with a look revealing complex emotions.

At this time, w.a.n.g Yanyi was like a snowman that was about to melt. His flesh and blood turned into pus, and his shape was barely recognizable. Only the sword in his hand was steady, bright, and accurate!

“How on earth did you do it? You haven’t cultivated any Potential Realm.”

The Witchcraft Saint was covered in blood. He couldn’t figure out the reason.

“In my Heavenly Sorcerer Ghost Realm, w.a.n.g Yanyi has obviously been deprived of the original vigor of life and afflicted with all sorts of diseases and illnesses with manifestations. Why does he still have such a strong fighting ability, as if nothing had ever happened?”

Sword light swirled and a dense mist went up.

The sword light enveloped w.a.n.g Yanyi.

Some living creatures were crawling on the messy surface of his body. Numerous Gu worms were forced out of the festering mess, fell to the ground, and died instantly. These Gu worms were the root cause of w.a.n.g Yanyi’s rapid aging and diseases.

The Witchcraft Saint had not mastered the power of time. What he had mastered was just something like Gu Witchcraft involving the use of Gu worms.

After w.a.n.g Yanyi got rid of the Gu worms, all the signs of aging and diseases in w.a.n.g Yanyi’s body suddenly disappeared.

He became a thin young man with delicate appearance once again.

His body remained unscathed from head to toe.

The Witchcraft Saint stared at him, feeling unresigned, and asked, “Why? How on earth did you do it?”

“One sword for breaking all spells.”

w.a.n.g Yanyi’s answer was very simple.

After that, he turned around to leave.

The two swords flew into the sheaths on his back by themselves.

The fight was over.

Li Mu was carried away by the fight.

The Witchcraft Saint’s Gu Witchcraft was wonderful, but what shocked Li Mu the most was w.a.n.g Yanyi’s swordsmans.h.i.+p.

His swordsmans.h.i.+p was not about moves, or combat skills, or the will or momentum.

Instead, it was about faith.

A faith to win.

Li Mu could tell that when w.a.n.g Yanyi was in the Heavenly Sorcerer Ghost Realm, he was indeed severely injured and deprived of the vigor of life, and his body almost turned into pus. No matter how the Witchcraft Saint made that happen, it was a great crisis for w.a.n.g Yanyi.

w.a.n.g Yanyi won the fight in the end because he had confidence in the swords in his hand.

He was loyal to his swords.

He was emotionally attached to his swords.

His swords meant everything.

That was why his swords could pierce through everything and shatter the Potential Realm.

However, the truth was not as simple as it was described in words.

The key to martial arts cultivation lied in both the realm and the state of mind.

The state of mind was a conception for those in the corresponding realm.

It was meaningless to explain a profound state of mind to ordinary people who didn’t understand martial arts at all or martial arts pract.i.tioners at low cultivation levels, because doing so would be like casting pearls before swine.

However, Li Mu was greatly inspired by w.a.n.g Yanyi’s pa.s.sion for swordsmans.h.i.+p.

Broadswords, swords, and other weapons followed the same principle and shared the same ultimate goal, no matter how they were used.

w.a.n.g Yanyi’s swordsmans.h.i.+p was a great inspiration for Li Mu to improve his broadsword skills.

w.a.n.g Yanyi himself was also a great inspiration for Li Mu.

At this time, the crowd around No. 1 Immortal-slaying Platform burst into a loud earthshaking uproar sounding like a tsunami.

Countless pract.i.tioners were cheering for the victory of the “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi.

“G.o.d of Sword! G.o.d of Sword! G.o.d of Sword!”

Some people were cheering loudly.

This young man from a humble background rose to power using the swords in his hand. Every step he took and every victory he won proved to every ordinary pract.i.tioner from the same background that even ordinary pract.i.tioners could set off a storm of their own even if they did not have magic power and secret skills or the influential backgrounds of top clans and tribes.

The crowd on the VIP spectator stand left one after another.

Most of the people who had received the invitation to watch today’s fight were the pract.i.tioners taking the Witchcraft Saint’s side.

The “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi, sent out only one invitation card, and he sent it to Li Yidao.

Therefore, Li Mu also attracted much attention at this time.

Since yesterday, some people had begun to call the “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi, and the “G.o.d of Broadswords”, Li Yidao, collectively as the “double stars” standing out from ordinary pract.i.tioners. They believed that these two Heavenly Legends had the ability and power to prop up a stretch of sky for ordinary pract.i.tioners.

The ordinary pract.i.tioners in the cheering crowd, including those from both the human race and other races or clans, all greeted Li Mu and cheered for him from the distance.

Li Mu waved to them and then left.

The most discussed topic he heard on the way was naturally the victory of the “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi, over the Witchcraft Saint. The possible changes in the ranking on the new List of Heavenly Legends of the Star Regions after this fight also attracted the attention of countless pract.i.tioners.

A fight between super Heavenly Legends would undoubtedly cause changes in the ranking.

Li Mu made some guesses in his heart.

He was sure of one thing.

The “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi, would definitely rank among the top 10.

However, to Li Mu’s surprise, the new List of Heavenly Legends of the Star Regions was released as soon as he returned to the posthouse.

As expected, the “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi, ranked among the top 10.

He ranked ninth.

Li Mu was greatly surprised when he found that he also ranked among the top 10.

He ranked fourth.

He froze for a while and then found that the young master of the Green Fox Tribe, Linghu Boyan, ranked fifth.

He suddenly understood something.

“It seems that the people making the List of Heavenly Legends of the Star Regions possess some great magic power, and they have already known what happened in the main residence of the Green Fox Tribe. How come?”

Back then, Li Mu activated the power of his white-bone right arm to full throttle and sent the young master of the Green Fox Tribe flying with one strike. In a certain sense, he had defeated the young master of the Green Fox Tribe.

“So such hidden fighting record also counts.”

Li Mu returned to his secret chamber for closed-door training.

His ranking, either the 16th place or the fourth place, did not mean much to him.

The reason was that any of the top 20 super Heavenly Legends would definitely have a chance to meet the little princess, Daji.

Li Mu needed to integrate w.a.n.g Yanyi’s swordsmans.h.i.+p spirit he saw today into his own broadsword skill as soon as possible.

Just before he started closed-door training, he suddenly thought of something. “The ‘G.o.d of Sword’, w.a.n.g Yanyi invited n.o.body but me to watch the fight. Did he mean to let me see his swordsmans.h.i.+p spirit?”

“What? Li Yidao ranks fourth?”

“What happened?”

“Li Yidao just watched a fight sitting on VIP spectator stand.”

“w.a.n.g Yanyi only ranks ninth after defeating the Witchcraft Saint. Why did Li Yidao’s ranking suddenly rise from the 16th place to the top five? What’s going on?”

After the latest List of Heavenly Legends of the Star Regions was released, it shocked not only the Imperium Vulpes Divine City, but also the entire Ziwei Star Zone.

Li Mu’s rise from the 16th to the fourth place was not just a simple rise by 12 places, but a qualitative leap.

Top 20, top 10, and top five.

Every step took him to a new world.

“What on earth has Li Yidao done? How come his ranking has suddenly risen in such a terrifying way?”

Many people were dumbfounded the moment they saw the latest ranking.

Of course, few people had doubts about the fairness of the ranking.

“What on earth has Li Yidao done?”

“According to reliable sources, Li Yidao hadn’t stepped onto any Immortal-slaying Platform since he won one hundred fights yesterday. Instead, he went to the main residence of the Green Fox Tribe.”

“In that case, could it be that Li Yidao had secretly defeated the young master of the Green Fox Tribe, Linghu Boyan, in the main residence of the Green Fox Tribe and taken his place on the list?”

“That’s the only reasonable explanation.”

“Well, is Li Yidao so powerful? The young master of the Green Fox Tribe has established his reputation as a genius for a long time, but not for just one day. He is known as the strongest Heavenly Legend with the Green Fox Tribe’s bloodline in thousands of years of history. How could Li Yidao defeat him?”

There was no wind-tight wall in the world. Walls had ears.

Many pract.i.tioners vaguely guessed the truth according to Li Mu’s whereabouts in the previous day.

They were shocked by the guess.

“Is Li Yidao, a mysterious Heavenly Legend wearing a faceless mask, really so powerful?”

Looking back to the past, many people clearly remembered that even the “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi, lost some of his first few fights with other Heavenly Legends. Later, he suddenly began to soar and staged a strong comeback, as if he had become another person. Li Yidao, however, had never lost a single fight since he stepped onto the Immortal-slaying Platform.

He fought over a hundred fights. It would be fair to say that Li Yidao was the one that had received and accepted more challenges than any other Heavenly Legend during the compet.i.tion between Heavenly Legends.

But he had never lost a fight.

He won all the fights.

More and more pract.i.tioners felt that Li Yidao’s strength was a little terrifying when they thought more carefully about his performance.

Some people thought that the reason why Li Yidao did not rank first was probably that he hadn’t find the opportunity to fight with the top three Heavenly Legends. If he really fought with them, perhaps he would defeat all of them and make his way to the first place, thus performing the most incredible miracle in the Ziwei Star Zone in its history of hundreds of thousands of years.

Anyway, considering the wide variety of combat skills that Li Yidao had displayed previously, there seemed to be nothing he couldn’t do.

The main residence of the Green Fox Tribe soon released the news, admitting that Li Yidao indeed had a fight with the young master of the Green Fox Tribe and defeated the latter with his broadsword in the main residence of the Green Fox Tribe yesterday.

The official news immediately set off an uproar as soon as it was released.

The heat of the victory of the “G.o.d of Sword”, w.a.n.g Yanyi, over the Witchcraft Saint was suddenly obscured by Li Yidao’s victory over the young master of the Green Fox Tribe.

These two names immediately became the hot topics for discussion in the entire Ziwei Star Zone.

It was at this moment that the Heavenly Fox Temple issued the final rules for the martial arts compet.i.tion for marriage.

The top 100 Heavenly Legends were all qualified to partic.i.p.ate in the compet.i.tion. The method for screening candidates was no longer a simple fight in the fighting ring. The Heavenly Fox Clan would open the legendary “Heavenly Fox Secret Realm”. The Heavenly Legends would have to enter this realm and carry out trial practice. The first Heavenly Legend to complete the trial practice task, find the legendary item, and give it to the little princess, Daji, would be the final son-in-law of the Heavenly Fox Clan.

Everyone was shocked on hearing the news.

No one had expected that the Heavenly Fox Clan would be so generous this time. They would even open the legendary “Heavenly Fox Secret Realm” and allow the pract.i.tioners of other tribes and clans to enter it.

It was a rare case in thousands of years.

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