Large spider (2)

That night I could hardly sleep from all the excitement I felt in the evening, the next morning I stealthily went to brush my teeth and wash my face such that Misha didn’t notice. I left the house and went into the building where the village head was yesterday.

It was early and the chilly air of the forest was flowing here.
There should already be people that are awake but there was no silhouettes in the area that surveying the area. Because creeping into a woman bedroom was shameful, I was relieved that there was no silhouettes.

When I arrived at the designated building it was also quiet there. A light breakfast and a deep red drink was prepared and there was a message telling me to eat it so I decided eat and wait. The deep red drink seem to be a energy drug.

As I ate the rice and took the energy drug my body became hot from the inside in a few minutes. While putting away the tableware and brush my teeth in order to calm down, I heard knocking sounds from the door.

Tap Tap

“Pl, Please” (Kyle)
“Excuse me” (3 girls)

The door opened as they answered and the three girl from yesterday entered. These three people lined up before me and sat down.


It look like those three have taken a bath in the morning as their hair was moist. It is strangely erotic, and after taking that energy drug my p.e.n.i.s became lively regardless of my intention.

Then Imu who sat down on the other side notice my crotch and her eye became glue to in between my thighs, instantly her face became red.

“K, Kyle-sama” (Sari)

The girl beside Imu made up her mind and made the first move. It is the child who is the tallest among the three and also boyish.

“I am called Sari. Umm, I like running. Then, well” (Sari)
“Pff, fufufufu” (Imu)
“Don’t laugh at me” (Sari)
“But, Kukuku” (Imu)

When Sari introduced herself, Imu burst into laughter suddenly.

“Sari is very tense” (Yun)
“Since Imu is not talking I am subst.i.tuting for her.” (Yun)
“Those two sure have a good relation ?” (Kyle)
“Both Sari and I are from this village” (Imu)

Imu seem to relax completely after laughing that much. Sari expression also relaxes. It seem that after those two laugh they look several time more prettier. I think that the smile of girls can be use as a weapon.

In contrast to those two that are relaxed, the girl with some childishness was looking down.

“Well, err, you are …… ?” (Kyle)
“Ah, Yes !” (Yun)

Because I was a little better I called out to her this time. Then the child raise her face such that she might jump and answered.

“Awa, Awa, Awa I, I” (Yun)
“Umm, are you ok ?” (Kyle)
“I am ok desu” (Yun)

She kept biting her word and doesn’t look ok at all.

“I, I, I am Yun. I came from the next village.” (Yun)
“I am Kyle. I came from a village called Bruno outside the forest with Misha.” (Kyle)
“Bruno ? Do you know it ?” (Kyle)
“I don’t know” (Yun)
“With my knowledge I do not know it” (Sari)
“Well because I was kidnapped and lost consciousness, I do not know how to return from here.” (Kyle)
“Kindapped…..” (Yun)
“If there is any person that surely know it would have to be merchant that go to zabatsuka.” (Imu)
“Zabatsuka ? I have not heard of it” (Kyle)

Hearing the story it seem that it is a very remote place that is far from my village. I become worried whether I can return. But my body is still in a slightly uncomfortable condition because of the energy drug from a while ago.

“Errr, well, then, what to do ?”(Kyle)
“Just in case we discuss this and decided to take turn , well, ahem, concerning about first turn, I request it.” (Imu)

It as just as she said. I get restless when I think that I will have s.e.x with this beautiful girl soon.

“Following next is Yun” (Imu)
“Errrrrrrrrr, fufufufu kaka but, t-t-thank you for my wish.” (Yun)
“And last would be Sari” (Imu)
“Though I a.s.sume you hate it, it seem to be me……” (Sari)
“Not at all. Rather I think that Sari is a beautiful woman.” (Kyle)
“Be-be-be-beautiful woman !?” (Sari)

It was Sari who was relatively compose till then, when I said a beautiful woman, her face became bright red suddenly.

“Until now men or woman have not insulted me but, I have never been called a beautiful woman” (Sari)
“I would like to say that I seem to act like a woman, and was always being teased by calling me Kyra-chan” (Kyle)
“fufufufu” (Sari)
“hahahaha” (Kyle)

Understanding that both of us have a mutual complex, I and Sari stared into each other eyes and laughed.

“Thatー, it is my turn first” (Imu)

Is it because I was stared at by two people, when I put a finger to Sari mouth, Sari bloomed with a smile.

And, Imu sat down beside me, and the remaining two people in the room move to the corner.

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