Also see Python and Precious Stones.

(1) Exod. 28:19; 39:12; Rev. 21:20; (2) As in the "amethyst python."

Amphetamines: (1) Hype (false excitement); (2) Speed.

Also see Drugs.

(1) Rom. 10:2; (2) 2 Kings 9:20.

Amphibious Vehicle: (1) Evangelistic ministry; (2) Ministry in the Spirit.

Also see Hovercraft and Sea.

(1) Matt. 4:19; (2) Rom. 8:14; Rev. 1:10.

Amplifier: (1) The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions (makes the message clearer); (2) Revelation (voice of G.o.d).

(1) Num. 12:6; Deut. 4:36; (2) Exod. 19:16; Rev. 10:3; 14:7.

Anaconda: See Python.

Anchor: (1) Jesus Christ; (2) Security; (3) Hope; (4) Brake; (5) Slow down. (1-3) Heb. 6:19-20; (4) Acts 27:29; (5) As a "sea anchor" is used to slow a vessel.

Anchovy/ies: (1) School child/ren (small school fish); (2) Something that puts a bad taste in your mouth; (3) Someone who hasn"t lost their saltiness.

(1) Matt. 4:19, 19:14; (2) 2 Kings 4:40-41; (3) Matt. 5:13.

Ancient: (1) Very old; (2) Lasting; (3) Forefather; (4) Long ago; (5) Wisdom. Also see Antique and Old.

(1-2) Deut. 33:15; Judg. 5:21; Ps. 119:100; (3) 1 Sam. 24:13; Ezra 3:12; (4) 2 Kings 19:25; Ps. 77:5; (5) Job 12:12.

Angel/s: (1) Messenger of G.o.d; (2) Guardian; (3) Minister; (4) G.o.d"s Presence; (5) G.o.d"s servants; (6) Spirits (good); (7) Reapers; (8) a.s.sistant; (9) Spiritual warriors; (10) Worshippers; (11) Familiar spirit (morphing angel); (12) Jesus (Angel of the Lord).

Also see Feather/s and Wings.

(1) Dan. 10:11, 14; Luke 2:19-20; (2) Ps. 91:11; Matt. 18:10; (3) Matt. 4:11 Luke 22:43; (4) Luke 9:26; 15:10; (5) Matt. 13:41; (6) Ps. 104:4; Matt. 25:41 Heb. 1:7, 14; Rev. 12:9; (7) Matt. 13:39; (8) Heb. 1:14; (9) Dan. 10:13 (10) Heb. 1:6; (11) 1 Sam. 28:7; (12) Exod. 3:2-5, 14.

Angels Ascending and Descending: (1) Portal/open Heaven; (2) Establishing the Kingdom on earth.

(1) Gen. 28:12; (2) Matt. 6:10.

Anger: (1) Literal anger; (2) Fear; (3) Frustration; (4) Insecurity; (5) Blocked goal; (6) Jealousy; (7) Grief; (8) Provocation.

(1) Matt. 5:22; (2) Ps. 20:2; (3) Luke 14:21; (4) 1 Sam. 18:8; (5) 1 Sam. 20:30; (6) Luke 15:28; Rom. 10:19; (7) Mark 3:5; (8) Col. 3:21.

Angler: See Fisherman.

Animals: As a very general rule, domestic animals may represent: (1) Christ; (2) Believers; (3) Israel.

Wild animals may represent: (4) Gentile nations; (5) Unbelievers; (6) People who return to the ways of the world; (7) Demon powers.

Also see entries under individual animal names.

(1) Lev. 4:3, 14, 23; (2) Isa. 53:6; (3-4) Jer. 50:17; (4-5) Dan. 7:3ff; 8:3, 20; (6) 2 Pet. 2:12-15; Jude 10-11; (7) Scripturally unclean animals may represent demonic powers.

Ankle: (1) Walk; (2) Support; (3) Base/foundation; (4) New standing; (5) Preaching the Gospel with strength; (6) Strained relationship (sprained ankle); (7) Ineffective preaching (sprained ankle); (8) Unfaithful person (sprained ankle); (9) Relationship; (10) Broken relationship (broken ankle).

(1) Ezek. 47:3; (2-4) Acts 3:7; (5) Ps. 147:10 & Rom. 10:15; 1 Cor. 4:20; (6) Eph. 4:16; (7) 1 Sam. 3:19; (8) Prov. 25:19; (9-10) Eph. 4:16.

Ankle-deep: (1) First-steps; (2) Shallow; (3) Uncommitted.

(1) Ezek. 47:3.

Anniversary: (1) Revival; (2) Revival of memories; (3) Memorial or reminder. (1) Ps. 85:6; (2-3) Exod. 12:14; Lev. 23:24; Num. 10:10.

Anointing: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) Consecration; (3) Spiritual Coronation; (4) Divine equipping; (5) Leadership.

Also see Perfume and Spray.

(1) Acts 10:38; (2) Exod. 28:41; 29:29; 30:30; (3) 1 Sam. 15:1 & (1 Sam. 10:1 & 11:15); (1 Sam. 16:13 & 2 Sam. 2); (4) Exod. 28:41; 2 Cor. 1:21; (5) 1 Sam. 10:1.

Anorexia: (1) Without spiritual revelation; (2) Depleted spiritually (no anointing/fat); (3) Lying spirit; (4) Selfish heart; (5) Possible sign of abuse (verbal, emotional, s.e.xual); (6) Stress; (7) Actual anorexia.

(1-2) Prov. 28:25; Isa. 58:11; (3) 1 Kings 22:22; (4) Prov.11:25; 28:25; (5-6) Dan. 6:18.

Ant: (1) Diligence; (2) Wise one; (3) Small; (4) Insignificant.

Also see Termites.

(1) Prov. 6:6; (2-3) Prov. 30:24-25; (4) Prov. 30:25.

Antenna: (1) Spiritual sensitivity or senses; (2) Prophetic gifting.

(1) Matt. 11:15; (2) Jer. 29:19; Zech. 7:12.

Ant Hill: (1) Lowest mountain; (2) Works of the flesh.

(1) Isa. 40:4; (2) Gal. 5:19-21.

Antique: (1) Very old; (2) Valuable; (3) Collection; (4) Out of date; (5) Respect. Also see Ancient and Old.

(1) Job 12:12; Ps. 77:5; (2) Matt. 13:52; (3) Luke 12:33; (4) 1 Sam. 2:22 & 4:18; (5) Job 32:6.

Antlers: See Horns.

a.n.u.s: (1) Seeing someone"s a.n.u.s may mean that you have been offended by them; (2) Abomination.

(1) Gen. 20:9b; (2) Lev. 18:22; 1 Cor. 6:9; Rom. 1:27.

Ap e: See Monkey.

Apostle: (1) Christ; (2) A "sent-out one"; (3) Church-planter; (4) Miracle-worker.

(1) Heb. 3:1; (2) From the Greek: Apostolos means "sent forth, one sent"; (3) 1 Cor. 9:1; (4) Acts 5:12; 2 Cor. 12:12.

Apple: (1) Love; (2) Temptation; (3) Fruit; (4) Health; (5) Precious (apple of the eye); (6) Prized possession (apple of the eye); (7) New York.

(1) Ps. 17:8; Song. 2:5; Zech. 2:8; (2-3) Gen. 3:6 (loosely portrayed as an apple); (4) As in, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"; (5) Deut. 32:10; Ps. 17:8; Prov. 7:2; Lam. 2:18; (6) Zech 2:8; (7) Known as the "Big Apple."

Apple Tree: (1) Young man; (2) Lover; (3) Christ; (4) One who bears good or bad fruit.

(1-3) Song. 2:3; (4) Matt. 7:17.

Ap.r.o.n: (1) Slave; (2) Serving; (3) Lay person.

(1-2) John 13:4; (3) Acts 6:1-7.

Aqua: As aqua is Latin for "water," see Water.

Archer: (1) Hateful person who uses piercing words; (2) User of hurtful words; (3) Wounder; (4) Man or woman of the flesh/world.

Also see Arrows and Bow.

(1-2) Gen. 49:23; (2) Ps. 64:3; (3) 1 Sam. 31:3; 2 Chron. 35:23; Job 16:13; (4) Gen. 25:27 & 27:3.

Architect: (1) G.o.d.

Also see Plan/s.

(1) Ps. 127:1; 1 Cor. 3:9, 16.

Archway: (1) G.o.dly opportunity; (2) Open Heaven.

Also see Circle and Domed Roof.

(1-2) Gen. 9:13.

Arena: See Spotlight and Stage.

Ark: (1) Christ; (2) Presence of G.o.d; (3) Throne; (4) Vessel of Salvation; (5) Mercy seat.

(1) Exod. 25:10; Josh. 3:13, 16; Col. 2:9; (2) 2 Sam. 6:11-12; (3) Ps. 80:1; Rev. 11:19; (4) Gen. 6; (5) Heb. 9:4.

Arm: (1) Christ; (2) G.o.d; (3) Ministry a.s.sistant; (4) Church member; (5) Arms impaired indicates works affected; (6) Unable to a.s.sist (arms tied); (7) Strength or influence; (8) G.o.d"s judgment (broken arm).

Also see Left and Right, Limbs, and Legs.

(1) Isa. 40:10; 59:16; 63:5; (2) Jer. 32:17-18; (3) As in, "my right hand man"; Matt. 5:30; (4) 1 Cor. 12:14-15; (5) Isa. 44:12a; (6) Dan. 6:14-16; as in, "my hands are tied"; (7-8) Ps. 18:34; Ezek. 30:21; Zech. 11:17.

Armchair: (1) G.o.d (as a place of rest); (2) You as G.o.d"s resting place; (3) The throne of G.o.d; (4) Lazy know-all (armchair expert).

Also see Chair and Sofa.

(1) Deut. 12:9; 2 Chron. 14:11; Isa. 30:15; Heb. 4:10; (2) 2 Chron. 6:41; Acts 7:49; (3) 1 Kings 10:19; (4) Prov. 26:16.

Armor: (1) Christ; (2) Divine protection; (3) Natural reasoning (non-faith); (4) Protection; (5) Insurance; (6) Rejecting individual talents (forcing conformity); (7) Human intervention; (8) Arguments; (9) Right standing with G.o.d.

(1) Rom. 13:12-14; (2) Rom. 13:12; Eph 6:10-18; (3-6) 1 Sam. 17:38-39; (7) Isa. 22:8; (8) Luke 11:22; (9) 2 Cor. 6:7.

Army: (1) Spiritual force; (2) G.o.d"s people; (3) Spiritual warfare; (4) Those spiritually in step (who keep rank, same heart).

(1) 2 Kings 6:16-17; (1-3) Eph. 6:12; (4) 1 Chron. 12:33, 38; Joel 2:7.

Arriving: (1) Entering your destiny/Promised Land (arriving in vehicle).

(1)Josh. 1:11.

Arrow/s: (1) Piercing words; (2) False witness; (3) Evil words; (4) Children; (5) An individual as a ministry; (6) Conviction; (7) Judgment; (8) Adversity; (9) Deliverance; (10) Stay or depart; (11) Prophetic words (victory arrows); (12) On earth as in Heaven Also see Darts and Archer.

(1) Ps. 38:2; 64:3; Prov. 25:18; (2) Prov. 25:18; Jer. 9:8; (3) Ps. 11:2; 91:5; (4) Ps. 127:4-5; (5) Isa. 49:2; (6) Job 6:4; (7) Deut. 32:23; Ps. 64:7; (8) Ezek. 5:16; Job 6:4; (9) 2 Kings 13:17; (10) 1 Sam. 20:20-22; (11-12) 2 Kings 13: 17-18; Matt. 6:10.

Art Cla.s.s: (1) Prophetic school.

(1) 2 Kings 2:5; 6:1.

Art Gallery: (1) Prophetic conference; (2) Recognized prophetic ministry; (3) Recognized creative anointing; (4) Anointed to be creative.

(1) 2 Kings 2:3; (2) Gen. 37:3; 41:12; Dan. 5:11-12; (3) 1 Sam. 13:14 & 16:13; (4) Exod. 31:2-4.

Arthritis: (1) Sin; (2) Inflamed within; (3) Incapacitated; (4) Stiff/rigid/religious; (5) Bitterness/unforgiveness; (6) Bondage; (7) Need for the Word of G.o.d (medicine).

(1) Lev. 21:17-19 (NIV); (2) Eccl. 7:26; Jer. 4:18; James 3:14; (3) Eph. 4:16 (contrasted with); Col. 2:19; (5) Acts 8:23; (6) Matt. 22:13; John 11:44; Acts 21:11; (7) Heb. 4:12.

Artifacts (Ancient): (1) Foundational Bible truths; (2) Things that tell of ancient ways of life; (3) Made by skilled artificers (inventors).

(1-3) 2 Chron. 34:11-14 (craftsmen = artificers), note that when they set about faithfully (v. 12) rebuilding the temple, G.o.d gave them the spiritual flooring, pillars, and roofing (v. 14) to truly rebuild: the Word of G.o.d!

(Also see 2 Kings 22:8-11; 1 Chron. 29:5; Neh. 3:6 [Old Gate]).

Artist: (1) Creatively anointed; (2) Seer prophet (expressing what is seen in a vision or painting pictures with words).

(1) Exod. 31:3; 35:31; (2) Dan. 7:1; 8:26; Matt. 17:9.

Ascend/ing: (1) Rising spiritually; (2) Turning to G.o.d; (3) New position/authority; (4) Progress; (5) Rising with self-effort/religion; (6) Spiritual gift.

(1) Gen. 12:10-13:1; (2) Opposite of Jon. 1:3, 5; (3) Eph. 2:6; (4) Ps. 24:3; (5) Gen. 11:4; Gal. 1:13-14; (6) Eph. 4:8.

Ash/es: (1) Worthlessness; (2) Judgment; (3) Shame; (4) Repentance and sorrow; (5) Contrasted with prosperity; (6) Tread down.

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