(1-4) Consider that in Rev. 9:21 the word sorceries, elsewhere translated "witchcraft," is the Greek word pharmakeia, from which we get the word pharmacy, and put this into 1 Sam. 15:23; (5) Gal. 5:19-21; 2 Pet. 2:10; (6-7) 2 Tim. 3:1-4; (8) 2 Tim. 3:6-7; (10) Eph. 5:18.

Drum: (1) Spiritual warfare.

Also see Beat, Drummer, Music, and Worship.

(1) 2 Chron. 20:21-22; 2 Cor. 10:4.

Drummer: (1) G.o.d (as the One who is in charge of the timing); (2) Leader (pulse/heartbeat of the ministry).

Also see Beat, Drum, Music, and Worship.

(1) Gal. 4:4; Eph. 1:10; (2) John 13:25.

Drunk: (1) Spirit-filled; (2) Issue with alcohol; (3) Under the influence of religion; (4) Power trip; (5) Using the tongue against brothers in the Lord; (6) Disgraced; (7) Guaranteed woe, sorrow, contentions, complaints; (8) Intoxicated with the world.

(1) Eph. 5:18; Acts 2:4, 15; 1 Cor. 12:13; (2) Eph. 5:18; (3) Rev. 17:1-2; (4) As in, "drunk with power"; (5) Jer. 46:10; (6) Gen. 9:31; Lam. 4:21; (7) Prov. 23:29-35; (8) Rev. 17:2.

Dry: (1) Without the Spirit (dead); (2) Thirsting for G.o.d; (3) Barren place; (4) Wilderness; (5) Desert; (6) Valley.

(1) Ezek. 37:2, 9-10; (2) Ps. 42:1; (3) Job 15:34; (4) Isa. 50:2; Jer. 51:43; Ezek. 19:13; (5) Jer. 50:12; (6) Ezek. 37:1-2.

Duck (noun): (1) Unclean spirit; (2) Fleshly spirit being; (3) Migrating (in flight); (4) Unity (flying in formation); (5) Vulnerable (out of water); (6) Resisting the Spirit (water off a duck"s back); (7) Easy target.

Also see Birds and Mud.

(1) Ps. 40:2; Isa. 57:20; duck"s are muddy bottom-feeders with webbed feet; (2) 2 Kings 5:20, 25-26; (3) Rev. 12:14; (4) Ps. 133:1; (5) As in, "sitting duck"; (6) Acts 7:51; (7) As in, "sitting duck."

Duck (verb): (1) Humble; (2) Hiding.

Also see Bowing.

(1) Isa. 2:11; (2) As in, "ducking for cover."

Dugong: (1) Worldly idol (sea cow).

Also see Walrus.

(1) Exod. 32:24; 1 Kings 12:28.

Dumb: (1) Silence because of confidence in G.o.d; (2) No reproof; (3) Ignorance; (4) Idolatry; (5) Influence of evil spirit (deaf and dumb); (6) The product of doubting G.o.d"s Word; (7) Unbelief.

Also see Deaf and Mute.

(1) Ps. 39:9 (NKJV); Isa. 53:7; (2) Ps. 38:13-14; (3) Isa. 56:10; (4) Hab. 2:1819; 1 Cor. 12:2; (5) Matt. 9:32-33, 12:22; Mark 9:17-18, 25-26; (6) Luke 18:21; (7) As in, "no confession of faith."

Dumb Waiter: (1) The Holy Spirit.

(1) John 16:13 (KJV).

Dune Buggy: (1) Powerful itinerant ministry.

(1) Luke 1:80.

Dung: (1) Works of the flesh that perish; (2) Offense; (3) Refuse, waste, garbage; (4) Fertilizer; (5) Dealing with, precedes the refreshing of the Holy Spirit.

Also see Faeces, Rubbish, and Urination.

(1) Job 20:7; Ps. 83:10; 113:7; Jer. 8:2; Ezek. 4:12; Zeph. 1:17; Phil. 3:4-8; (2) Matt. 16:23; Luke 14:23; Rom. 5:17; (3) 1 Kings 14:10; 2 Kings 9:37, 18:27; Lam. 4:5; Phil. 3:8; (4) Jer. 16:4; 25:33; Matt. 13:8; (5) Neh. 3:14-15.

Dusk: (1) End times; (2) Running out of time.

(1) Luke 24:29; (2) Matt. 20:6 & John 11:9.

Dust: (1) Human; (2) Humbled; (3) Numerous; (4) Under a cloud of controversy; (5) Under the feet; (6) Death; (7) Beginning and end of mortal humanity; (8) Dishonored; (9) Contempt or disapproval (throwing dust into air or dusting feet off).

Also see Dust Storm and Earth.

(1) Gen. 2:7; (2) Isa. 2:10-11; 47:1; (3) Gen. 13:16; 28:14; Num. 23:10; 2 Chron. 1:9; (4-5) Nah. 1:3; (6) Isa. 26:19; (7) Gen. 3:19; (8) Ps. 7:5; (9) 2 Sam. 16:13; Acts 22:23.

Dust Storm: (1) A declaration warning of pending judgment; (2) Earthly witness against a city or nation; (3) A call to come under the Blood; (4) If no repentance, then the strength of the city or nation will be struck down; (5) A sign preceding deliverance and revival.

Also see Dust and Whirlwind.

(1) Nah. 1:3 (cf. Exod. 8:16 & Matt. 10:14); (2) Exod. 8:16 & Matt. 10:14 (cf. Deut. 4:26; 19:15); (3-4) Exod. 12:7, 12-13 (cf. Gen. 49:3; Deut. 21:17; Ps. 78:51); (5) Exod. 12:31.

Dynamite: (1) Impact of the Holy Spirit.

(1) Acts 1:8; 8:19; 10:38; Rom. 15:13.

Eagle: (1) Spiritual self; (2) Prophet (seer); (3) G.o.d; (4) Strength; (5) Israel; (6) Swift; (7) Heavenly resting place (nest); (8) Lifted by the Spirit (not by effort); (9) Unsettled home/church (Time to move on); (10) Instrument of judgment; (11) Angel (white eagle); (12) Warring angel.

(1) Isa. 40:31; Matt. 24:28; (2) Exod. 19:4 & 1 Sam. 9:9; (3) Exod. 19:4; Deut. 32:11-12; the Book ofJohn depicts Jesus as Divine (ie. the Eagle); (4) Ps. 103:5; Isa. 40:31; (5) Rev. 12:14; (6) Deut. 28:49; 2 Sam. 1:23; Job 9:26; Jer. 4:13; Lam. 4:19; Hab. 1:8; (7) Job 39:27; Prov. 23:5; Jer. 49:16; Obad. 1:4; (8) Prov. 30:19; (9) Deut. 32:11-12; (10) Prov. 30:17; Ezek. 17:3-20; (11) Luke 17:37 & John 20:12; (12) Dan. 10:6, 13.

Ear: (1) Heart; (2) Physical ear; (3) Turned to fables; (4) Hearing G.o.d"s voice; (5) Eager to hear spiritually (cleaning ears).

Also see Deaf, Hearing, and Itching.

(1) Matt. 10:27; 11:15; 13:9, 15, 43; Luke 1:44; 9:44; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; (2) Luke 22:50-51; Acts 7:51, 57; 11:22; 28:27; (3) 2 Tim. 4:4; (4) John 10:3; (5) Isa. 50:4; Matt. 11:15.

Early: (1) Quickly; (2) Eager; (3) Measure of your desire for G.o.d; (4) Time of revelation; (5) Beginning; (6) Straight away or soon; (7) Diligently.

(1) Hos. 5:15b; (2-3) Ps. 63:1; Prov. 8:17; 24:22; Mark 16:2; Luke 21:38; John 8:2; (4) Prov. 8:17; Luke 24:1-6 (5) Matt. 20:1; Mark 16:9; (6) Ps. 46:5; 78:34; 90:14; 101:8; (7) Ps. 63:1 (the word early [Hebrew: shackar] also means "diligently").

Earring/s: (1) Hearing; (2) Having ears (obedience) for false G.o.ds; (3) Love slave (ears for G.o.d); (4) Spiritual sensitivity (feathered earring); (5) Hearing heavenly glory (flower earring); (6) Hearing the voice of G.o.d (gold earring); (7) Hearing the words of redemption (silver earring); (8) Hearing a false gospel (bra.s.s/bronze earring).

Also see Adorn, Awl, and Hearing.

(1) Deut. 5:1; Mark 4:9; (2) Gen. 35:2-4; (3) Exod. 21:1-6; (4) Matt. 11:15; (5) Rev. 19:1; (6) Exod. 21:5-6 & Rev. 9:13; (7) Exod. 21:5-6 & Matt. 26:15; (8) Exod. 21:5-6 & 1 Kings 14:26-27.

Earth: (1) The non-faith realm; (2) Sight realm; (3) The natural non-spiritual realm; (4) Humanity; (5) G.o.d"s footstool; (6) Land of our pilgrimage; (7) Physical domain.

Also see Earthly, Four, Heaven, Sea, and Soil.

(1) 1 Cor. 2:14; (2) Matt. 6:10; (3) 1 Cor. 15:46-47; (4) 2 Cor. 4:7; (5) Acts 7:49; (6) Heb. 11:13; (7) Matt. 6:10.

Earthly: (1) Human/flesh; (2) Worldly; (3) Without faith; (4) Secular; (5) Creation; (6) Worldly wisdom.

Also see Earth, Orange, and Red.

(1) Gen. 2:7; 1 Cor. 15:47; 2 Cor. 4:7; 5:1; (2) John 3:12, 31; Col. 3:2; (3) John 3:12; Phil. 3:19; Col. 3:2; (4) Phil. 3:19; (5) Matt. 13:35; Heb. 1:10; (6) James 3:15.

Earthmovers: (1) Leadership working in the flesh.

Also see Digging.

(1) 1 Cor. 15:47.

Earthquake: (1) Power of G.o.d; (2) Shaking; (3) Revival or eve of revival; (4) Voice of G.o.d; (5) Judgment; (6) Shock; (7) Opened heart/s; (8) Visitation by G.o.d.

(1) 1 Kings 19:11-12; (2-3) Acts 4:31, 16:26-34, 17:6; (4) Ps. 29:8; (5) Rev. 6:12, 8:5, 11:13, 19; (6) 1 Kings 19:11-12; (7) Matt. 27:54; Acts 16:26; (8) Isa. 29:6; Zech. 14:3-5; Matt. 28:2; Luke 21:11; Rev. 16:18.

East: (1) Place of G.o.d"s glory; (2) Sun (Son) rising; (3) Expectancy; (4) Waiting on G.o.d; (5) Praise and worship; (6) Looking to G.o.d; (7) Receiving a gift/ message from someone n.o.ble from the east means it is G.o.d-given; (8) Receiving a gift from an unreliable source from the east may mean it is demonic (Eastern religion); (9) Consider aspects in your own environment relating to east.

Also see West and Sun.

(1-2) Ezek. 43:1-2; (3) The sun rises in the east; Mal. 4:1-2; (4) Jon. 4:5; (5) Num 2:3 (Judah means "praise").

Eating: (1) Reading or studying the Word (a.s.similating the Word); (2) Communing; (3) Agreement with (covenant); (4) Friendship; (5) Given to fleshly appet.i.tes; (6) The best the world has to offer without G.o.d; (7) Receiving; (8) Revelation; (9) Devouring; (10) Taking; (11) Consuming.

Also see Biting, Cannibals, Eating (Satisfied), and Eating (Not Satisfied).

(1) Isa. 55:1, 10-11; Jer. 15:16; Heb. 5:12-15; (2) Job 42:11; (3) Song. 4:16; (4) Ps. 41:9; (5) Prov. 23:2; (6) Eccl. 2:24; 3:13; 8:15; (8) Matt. 16:15-17; (9) 1 Pet. 5:8; (10-11) Gen. 41:20, 27-30.

Eating (Satisfied): All of these will be satisfied: (1) t.i.thers; (2) The meek; (3) The righteous; (4) The repentant.

(1) Deut. 14:28-29; (2) Ps. 22:26; (3) Prov. 13:25; (4) Joel 2:12, 26.

Eating (Not Satisfied): Causes of not being satisfied: (1) Walking contrary to G.o.d; (2) Wicked; (3) Not listening to G.o.d; (4) Sin; (5) Neglecting G.o.d"s house.

(1) Lev. 26:26; (2) Prov. 13:25; Isa. 9:18-20; (3) Isa. 55:2-3; (4) Mic. 6:14; (5) Hag. 1:4, 6.

Echo: (1) Returning message; (2) Relayed message; (3) Bouncing words (hardened hearts); (4) Having your deeds/words return to you; (5) Not returning empty.

(1) Gen. 32:6; (2) Exod. 19:8; (3) Num. 13:26; (4) Ps. 7:16; (5) Isa. 55:11.

Ecstasy: (1) Speaking in tongues; (2) Bliss; (3) Revival; (4) Rapture; (5) Joy. Also see Drug Use.

(1) 1 Sam. 10:4-6 (prophesying means literally "speaking in ecstasy"); (2) 2 Cor. 12:4; (3) Acts 2:4; (4) 1 Thess. 4:16-17; (5) John 16:24.

Edge: (1) Eve of something new; (2) On the forefront; (3) Upset or nervous; (4) Fringe; (5) Border.

Also see Cliff.

(1) Num. 33:37; (2) As in, "cutting edge" technology; (3) As in, "she was on edge all night"; (4) Exod. 26:4-5; (5) Num. 33:37.

Effervescence: (1) New spiritual life.

Also see Soda.

(1) John 4:14, 7:38-39.

Egg/s:(1) Promise/s; (2) New beginnings; (3) Gift; (4) Schemes/plans; (5) Eggs without yolks speaks of promises without heart (i.e. empty promises); (6) Potential; (7) Fertility.

(1-3) Luke 11:12-13 & 24:49; (4) Isa. 59:5.

Eggsh.e.l.ls: (1) Sensitivity; (2) Fear of upset (walking on eggsh.e.l.ls); (3) Proceed cautiously; (4) Vulnerable; (5) Empty promises.

Also see Eggs (1-4) Job 39:14-15; (5) Prov. 23:7-8.

Egg Yolk/Yoke: (1) Promise; (2) The Holy Spirit; (3) Heart; (4) Life; (5) No egg yolk means no life or heart in a promise (empty promise).

(1-2) Luke 11:12-13 & 24:49; (3-5) Job 6:6; Jer. 17:11 (KJV).

Egypt: (1) The world; (2) The unspiritual, materialistic system; (3) The place of slavery to Pharaoh (satan); (4) That kingdom ruled by philosophy and the physical senses; (5) Anti-G.o.d; (6) Superpower.

(1) Exod. 3:8; John 15:19; (Acts 7:34 & Gal. 1:4); (2) Matt. 13:22; 16:26; 25:34; Mark 4:19; John 3:19; 8:23; Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 4:4; 2 Pet. 1:4; 1 John 2:16; (3) Gal. 4:3; (Exod. 6:5-6 & Eph. 2:2-3); John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11, 33; 17:15; 1 Cor. 2:12; 510; 1 John 4:4; (4) John 14:17, 19; Col. 2:8; (5) James 4:4; 1 John 2:15; (6) Ezek. 30:6.

Eiffel Tower: (1) The Cross; (2) Human achievement/ pride; (3) France.

(1) As the world"s most recognizable landmark. Likewise many of Israel"s memorials point to the Cross. Exod. 12:14 (Pa.s.sover); Exod. 17:14 (victory over Amalek); Josh. 4:7 (crossing Jordan). (2) Gen. 11:4; (3) By a.s.sociation.

Eight: (1) New beginnings; (2) Superabundant and satiating; (3) Abounding in strength; (4) To make fat or cover with fat or oil; (5) Worship; (6) Resurrection or regeneration; (7) Circ.u.mcision of the heart (cutting off the sins of the flesh); (8) Eternity (eight sideways is an eternal loop).

(1) Matt. 28:1; Eight marks the start of a new week; (2-4) These meanings come from the root of the Hebrew word for eight, Shahmeyn; (5) Ezek. 40:26, 31; (Seven steps led to the outer court [rest], eight steps led into the inner court [worship]); (6) Matt. 28:1, 6 (first day of the week is the eighth day); 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5; (7) Gen. 17:12 & Rom. 2:29; Col. 2:11; (8) Mark 10:30 (two worlds now and future); Matt. 28:1 (eighth day); Rev. 21:6 (alpha and omega).

Eighteen: (1) 2 X 9 = 18; as such, 18 means: Judgment by the Word of G.o.d; or (2) Judgment by division (mutual destruction); or, (3) Fruitful a.s.sociation; Alternatively 18 may mean: (4) 10 + 8 = 18; As such 18 means: Complete new beginning; or (5) Complete putting off of the old self.

(1) Judg. 3:12, 14; 10:7-8; Luke 13:4-5; (2) Judg. 20:24-25, 42-44; (3) 2 Kings 22:3-10; (4-5) Luke 13:11-16 (v. 13, "made straight," i.e. upright in spirit cf. Ps. 51:10).

Electricity: (1) Power of G.o.d; (2) His Spirit witnessing with our spirits.

Also see Lightning.

(1) Luke 8:46; (2) Rom. 8:16.

Elephant: (1) G.o.d Almighty; (2) Prominent person (Christ); (3) Powerful ministry; (4) High profile ministry; (5) Large ministry; (6) Tough character; (7) Prophetic ministry; (8) Larger than life personality; (9) Insensitive (thick skinned); (10) Big issue; (11) A significant memory; (12) Great future (baby elephant); (13) Unwanted (white elephant); (14) Heavy-handed.

(1) Jer. 32:17; Rev. 11:17 (He is great and powerful as the largest land animal); (2) 1 Sam. 9:2b; (3) Acts 19:11; 1 John 4:4; (4) Luke 7:28; (5) John 6:10; (6) Exod. 11:3; Heb. 7:4; (7) Jer. 6:17; Ezek. 33:6; Amos 3:6-7; (elephants use their trunks as trumpets to sound alarm and have exceptional hearing and smell); (8) 1 Sam. 17:4; (11) Neh. 4:14.

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