Tweezers: (1) Sensitivity; (2) Accuracy; (3) Carefully.

(1) 2 Sam. 18:5; (2) Matt. 7:5; (3) Luke 10:34; 1 Cor. 12:25.

Twelve: (1) Perfect government or rule; (2) Divine organization; (3) Apostolic fullness; (4) Literally 12.

(1-2) Gen. 49:28; Exod. 28:21 (12 sons of Jacob); Exod. 24:4 (12 pillars); Josh. 4:3, 9 (12 stones); Josh. 3:12-13 (12 priests bearing the ark); Job 38:32 (Sun and moon made to rule the day and night. To do this they pa.s.s through the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Hebrew: Mazzaroth completing 360 degrees); Luke 6:13 (12 apostles); John 11:9 (12 hours in a day); 12 months in a year; Rev. 21:10-21 (New Jerusalem (perfection of rule) 12 gates, 12 pearls, 12 angels, 12 foundations, 12 precious stones, 12 fruits); Exod. 15:27 (12 wells at Elim); (3) Exod. 24:4; Matt. 10:2-5; 19:28.

Twenty: (1) Expectancy; (2) Waiting; (3) Accountability; (4) Responsibility; (5) Service; (6) Literally 20.

(1-2) Gen. 31:38, 41; (Jacob waited 20 years to get his inheritance); Judg. 15:20; 16:31; (Israel waited for deliverance through Samson); 1 Sam. 7:2; (The Ark waited 20 years at Kirjath-jearim); 20 dreams recorded in Scripture; (3-5) Exod. 30:14; (Israel numbered from age 20 years and upward); Num. 1:3, 18-24; (Warfare at 20 years); 1 Chron. 23:24, 27; (Levites served from age 20 years).

Twenty-One: (1) The product of 3 x 7, it therefore means fullness or the completion [3] of spiritual perfection [7]; (2) Expecting G.o.d (20 + 1); (3) Serving G.o.d (20 + 1).

(1) Exod. 12:18; (2-3) Dan. 10:13; Hag. 2:1.

Twenty-Two: Carries the meaning of double eleven. (1) Disorganization; (2) Disintegration; (especially in regard to the Word of G.o.d); (3) Expecting testimony (20 + 2); (4) Expecting separation or division (20 + 2).

(1-2) 1 Kings 14:20; 1 Kings 16:29.

Twenty-Four: (1) Governmental perfection.

(1) Josh. 4:2-9, 20; 1 Kings 19:19; Rev. 4:4.

Twenty-Five: (1) Being brought to account by the grace of G.o.d; (2) Expecting grace or mercy (20+5).

(1-2) See Twenty and Five.

Twenty-Six: (1) Being brought to account because of the flesh.

(1) See Twenty and Six.

Twenty-Eight: (1) Awaiting or expecting a new beginning.

(1) See Twenty and Eight.

Twig: (1) Young and tender Christian; (2) The position of a twig on a plant may indicate its standing (i.e. high twig is royalty/leadership).

(1) Ezek. 17:4, 22.

Twins: (1) Contention; (2) Double-mindedness; (3) Unity/union; (4) Symmetry; (5) Double portion; (6) Double blessing; (7) A repeat experience.

The s.e.x of the twins is important to their interpretation.

Also see Baby, Boy, Girl, and Two.

(1-2) Gen. 25:24, 27-28; Gen. 38:27 (the product of contention and different intent); (3-4) Song. 4:2, 5; 6:6; (5) Dan. 1:13; (6) Prov. 20:7; (1) Gen. 12:13 & 20:2; Ps. 85:8.

Twister: See Tornado.

Two: (1) Witness; (2) Testimony; (3) Division or separation; (4) Difference; (5) a.s.sociation or agreement; (6) Reward: multiplication (7) Support; (8) Warmth; (9) Doubt (double-mindedness); (10) Death (precedes 3 [resurrection]); (11) Second heaven (spiritual realm); (12) Repeated situation.

Also see Twins.

(1) Matt. 18:16; (2) John 8:17; (3) Gen. 1:6-8; (4) Gen. 13:6-7; Exod. 8:23; Matt. 24:40-41; (5) Amos 3:3; (6) Eccl. 4:9; (7) Eccl. 4:10, 12; (8) Eccl. 4:11; (9) Matt. 14:30-31; 21:21; Mark 11:23; James 1:8; 4:8; (10) Gen. 1:6-8 (no blessing); (11) Eph. 6:12 (cf. 2 Cor. 12:2); (12) Mark 14:72.

Two Hundred: (1) Insufficient or insufficiency; (2) Double blessing/harvest (hundredfold x 2).

Also see Hundred.

(1) Josh. 7:21; (cf. Ps. 49:7-9; Mark 8:36-37) (insufficiency of money); Judg. 17:4-6; (insufficiency of religion); 2 Sam. 14:26; 18:9 (insufficiency of beauty); John 6:7 (KJV); (2) Matt. 13:23.

Tyre: See Tire.

UFO: (1) Spiritual princ.i.p.ality; (2) Deceiving spirits; (3) Counterfeit portals. Also see Alien and s.p.a.ceship.

(1) Eph. 6:12; (2) Gal. 1:8; (3) 2 Cor. 11:3.

Ugly:(1) UnG.o.dliness; (2) Sin; (3) Without the Spirit (no life).

Also see Beautiful.

(1) 1 Sam. 16:13; (2) Isa. 64:6; (3) Gen. 41:3.

Umbilical Cord: (1) Soul-tie.

(1) Gen. 44:30.

Umbrella: (1) Covering; (2) Protection; (3) Authority structure; (4) Shield. (1-2) Gen. 19:8b; Jon. 4:6; (3) Matt. 8:9; (4) Eph. 6:16.

Umpire: (1) G.o.d; (2) Authority.

(1) 1 Cor. 5:13; (2) Exod. 2:14; Deut. 21:2; 1 Chron. 17:10.

Uncertainty: (1) Double-mindedness; (2) Doubt (not operating in faith); (3) A call to draw near to G.o.d and humble the heart; (4) May indicate a person is avoiding the question; (5) Inner battle between flesh and spirit; (6) Awaiting confirmation or more revelation; (7) Time to look to G.o.d not circ.u.mstance.

(1-2) James 1:6-8; (3) James 4:8; (4) John 9:25; (5) Rom. 6:16; (6) Gen. 24:21; (7) Gen. 27:21; 1 Sam. 17:10-11.

Uncle: (1) Married Christian brother; (2) Actual uncle; (3) A relative who takes advantage of you; (4) An uncle could speak about his character, name, position, or profession.

(1-3) Gen. 28:2 & 29:25.

Uncooked: (1) Not ready for consumption; (2) Raw.

(1-2) Exod. 12:9; Acts 10:10; Heb. 5:12-14.

Under: (1) Inferior position; (2) In subjection to; (3) Influenced by; (4) Hidden; (5) In the shade; (6) In the shadow of; (7) Idolatry (green tree); (8) Spiritual adultery; (9) Protection and safety; (10) Living safely/prosperously; (11) Annoyance (under the skin); (12) Authority structure.

Also see Above and Below.

(1) Deut. 28:13; (2) 2 Sam. 12:31; (3) Luke 6:40; (4) Judg. 3:16; (5) Song. 2:3; (6) Ps. 91:1; (7) Deut. 12:2; (8) Jer. 2:20; 3:6, 13; (8) Ps. 91:1-4; (9) 1 Kings 4:25; Mic. 4:4; Zech. 3:10; (10) Neh. 4:1; Esther 5:9; (11) Matt. 8:9.

Underarm: See Body Odor and Hairy.

Underground: (1) Undercover (under authority); (2) Secretive or hidden; (3) Inside the heart; (4) Buried; (5) No hope (trapped underground).

Also see Burying, Cave, Tunnel, and Under.

(1) Exod. 33:22; Matt. 8:9; (2) Josh. 10:16; 1 Kings 18:13; (3) Song. 2:14; (4) Gen. 23:19; (5) Josh. 10:18.

Under the Hood: See Auto Engine and Engine.

Undertow: (1) Undercurrent; (2) Dissension; (3) Hidden pull (on hearts); (4) Lose position (pull down); (5) Destruction (pull down); (6) Division; (7) Sedition.

(1, 3) 2 Sam. 15:4-6; (2) Acts 23:10; (4) Isa. 22:19; Jer. 1:10; (5) Jer. 18:7; (6) Acts 13:8; (7) Num. 12:1-2; Gal. 5:19-20.

Underwater: (1) Death of the flesh; (2) Baptism; (3) Death or dead; (4) Cleaning the conscience; (5) Overwhelmed; (6) Going under (opposite of "keeping my head above water"); (7) In the Deep; (8) In the Spirit; (9) Sunk; (10) Not operating in faith.

Also see Deep, Drowning, and Water.

(1) Gen. 6:17; 2 Pet. 3:6; (2) Acts 8:38-39; 1 Cor. 10:1-2; (3) Job 26:5 (KJV); Rom. 6:3; (4) 1 Pet. 3:21; (5-6) Ps. 61:2; 77:3; 124:4; 142:3; 143:4; (7) Ps. 42:7; (8) Ezek. 47:5; (9) Exod. 15:5; Ps. 69:14; Jon. 2:3; (10) Matt. 14:30.

Underwear: (1) Spiritually vulnerable; (2) Coming to or from nakedness; (3) Not ready (ill-dressed); (4) Revealing someone"s true spiritual state; (5) Not yet clothed with Christ; (6) Stripped of upper garments; (7) The bare essentials; (8) Shamed; (9) Deeply grieved; (10) s.e.xual perversion; (11) Self-atonement; (12) Uncovered wickedness; (13) What you are wearing on the inside; (14) Unrighteousness (dirty underwear).

Also see Breast, Genitals, Nakedness, and Pants.

(1-4) Mark 14:51-52; John 21:7; (5) Rom. 13:14; Gal. 3:27; (6-7) John 21:7; (8) 2 Sam. 13:18-19; (9) Gen. 37:34; (10) Lev. 18:6-23; (11) Gen. 3:7; (12) Ezek. 16:57 (NKJV); (13) Eph. 3:16; (14) Isa. 64:6.

Undone: (1) Perishing (without protection); (2) Incomplete (not finished); (3) Revealed; (4) Without strength; (5) Destroyed or cut off; (6) Neglecting; (7) Loose or release.

(1) Num. 21:29; (2) Josh. 11:15; (3-5) Isa. 6:5; (6) Matt. 23:23; Luke 11:42; (7) Isa. 58:6.

Unfamiliar: (1) Not recognized; (2) Not known; (3) Dead to the world; (4) Spiritually insensitive.

Also see Foreign, Foreigner, Strange, and Woman (Foreign Woman).

(1-2) Matt. 25:12; Acts 17:23; (3) 2 Cor. 6:9; (4) Matt. 17:12.

Unicorn: (1) G.o.d/Jesus; (2) Strength.

(1) Num. 23:22 (KJV); (2) Ps. 18:2; 89:17.

Unicycle: (1) Going it alone; (2) Moving in your own strength; (3) Without G.o.d.

Also see Bicycle and Clown.

(1) Gen. 2:18; Exod. 18:14; (2) Num. 14:42; Job 18:7; (3) Eph. 2:12.

Uniform: (1) Recognized authority. (2) Members; (3) All the same.

(1) Rom. 13:3-4. (2-3) Rom. 12:16; 1 Cor. 12:12; Phil. 2:2.

Unite: See Bound, Cleave, and Marriage.

University: (1) Education; (2) Study; (3) Intellect or human wisdom; (4) Degree or qualification; (5) Human authority; (6) Human wisdom; (7) Natural person; (8) School of the Spirit (higher learning).

(1-2) Acts 22:3; 2 Tim. 2:15; (3) 1 Cor. 1:19-20-25; James 3:13-18; (4) John 7:15; Acts 7:22; (5-6) John 7:15-17; 1 Cor. 2:1-5; (7) 1 Cor. 2:14; (8) John 14:26.

Unprepared: (1) Prayerlessness; (2) Danger of falling into temptation; (3) Not willing to pay the price; (4) Need for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit; (5) Not praying in the Holy Spirit; (6) Not understanding the sign of the times.

Also see Watch.

(1) Matt. 24:42; 26:41; Luke 12:35-40; 21:36; 22:40; Eph. 6:18; Rev. 3:3; (2) Matt. 26:41; Mark 14:38; (3) Matt. 22:11-14; (4) Matt. 25:1-13; (5) Jude 1:19-20; (6) Matt. 16:3; Mark 13:33; 1 Pet. 4:7.

Unrecognized: (1) In the Spirit.

(1) Luke 24:16, 31; John 20:14; 1 Cor. 2:14.

Unseen Accomplice: (1) The Holy Spirit.

(1) John 16:13; 11:51.

Unstable: (1) Double-minded; (2) Heart trained in covetous practices; (3) to fall back into sin; (4) Unlearned in the ways of G.o.d and likely to twist things to suit themselves; (5) Shall not excel.

(1) James 1:8; (2-3) 2 Pet. 2:14; (4) 2 Pet. 3:16; (5) Gen. 49:4.

Up: (1) G.o.d; (2) Heaven; (3) Spiritual ascension; (4) Approval or success; (5) Pride; (6) Positive; (7) Operating in faith (as in "nowhere to look but up"); (8) Spiritually strengthened.

Also see Down, North, and Uphill.

(1) Gen. 14:22; (2) Gen. 28:12; Deut. 4:19; (3) Isa. 2:3a; (4) As in, "thumbs up"; (5) Matt. 4:5-6 (appealing to "the pride of life"); (6) Ps. 24:7; (7) Heb. 12:2; (8) Ps. 110:7.

Upgrade: (1) Moving to another spiritual level; (2) Pa.s.sing through death (spiritual promotion).

Also see Computer.

(1) 2 Cor. 3:18; (2) 2 Kings 2:11.

Uphill: (1) Spiritual ascension; (2) Battling, as in, "an uphill battle".

(1) Ps. 122:1; Isa. 2:3a; Mic. 4:1; (2) 1 Sam. 14:13.

Upper Room: (1) Spiritual place; (2) Heaven; (3) Spiritual thinking.

Also see Upstairs.

(1) Acts 1:13; 2:1-4; (2) John 14:2; (3) Isa. 55:9; Matt. 6:20.

Upright: (1) Righteous; (2) Standing in faith; (3) Truth; (4) Leadership; (5) Not in bondage; (6) Good; (7) Honest conduct; (8) G.o.d; (9) Integrity; (10) Understanding (spiritually in tune); (11) Blessed.

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