(2) Acts 6:5.

Nicole: (1) Victory of the people.

Nigel: (1) Champion; (2) Winner.

Nike: (1) Victory.

Nikita: (1) Victory of the people.

Nintendo: (1) Entrusted to Heaven"s store.

Noah: (1) Comfort; (2) Rest.

Nolly: (1) The olive tree.

Noni: (1) Highly esteemed; (2) Honored.

Nora: (1) Esteemed; (2) Honored.

Noreen: (1) Law; (2) Regulation.

Norelle: (1) Comes from the north.

Norm/an: (1) Man from the north.

Norr/ie/y: (1) Man from the north.

North Dakota: (1) Allies.

Norton: (1) Northern farm.

Norwood: (1) Northern forest.

November: (1) Nine.

Nun: (1) Fish.

Oakley: (1) Field of the oak tree.

O"Brien: (1) Son of a strong man.

October: (1) Eight/h; (2) Eighth month from March, the beginning of ancient Roman calendar.

Odette: (1) Prosperous.

Odin: (1) The chief G.o.d.

Ohio: (1) Beautiful river; (2) Great river.

Oklahoma: (1) Red people.

Olaf: (1) Relic; (2) Inherited from forbears.

Olive: (1) The fruit of the olive.

Oliver: (1) The olive tree.

Olivia: (1) Fruit of the olive tree.

Onkaparinga: (1) The women"s river.

Onslow/e: (1) Hill of a zealous man.

Ony: (1) An eagle.

Oprah: (1) A young deer. (1) Ps. 42:1.

Orlando: (1) Well known in the land.

Orson: (1) Young bear.

Osborn/e: (1) One who fights for the G.o.ds.

Oscar: (1) Spear of the G.o.ds.

Oshea: (1) Son from the fairy palace.

Osmar: (1) Glory from G.o.d.

Osmund: (1) Security of G.o.d.

Ossie: (1) One who fights for G.o.d.

Oswald: (1) The power of G.o.d.

Oswego: (1) The outpouring.

Oswin: (1) Friend of G.o.d.

Owen: (1) Of good birth.

Pacoima: (1) Running water. (1) John 7:38.

Paige: (1) Attendant.

Pamela: (1) Sweetness of honey.

Parkhurst: (1) Dweller in the park house.

Parkins/on: (1) Son of stone.

Pasquale: (1) Born at Easter.

Patrice: (1) n.o.ble; (2) Aristocrat.

Patricia: (1) n.o.ble; (2) Aristocratic.

Patrick: (1) n.o.ble; (2) Aristocratic.

Paul: (1) Small; (2) Little; (3) Humble.

Paris: (1) One who loves.

Paterson: (1) Father"s son.

Payne: (1) Rural; (2) Villager; (3) Homely.

Pedro: See Peter.

Peggy: (1) Pearl.

Pennington: (1) Lit. "Penny town"; (2) i.e. Poorville.

Penny: (1) Plant with large, handsome flowers.

Penrith: (1) Main river crossing.

Percival: See Percy.

Percy: (1) Penetrates the valley.

Perri: (1) The tree bearing pears.

Perry: (1) (French) Rock; (2) (Latin) Roaming, travelling, wanderer; (3) (French) The tree bearing pears.

Persian: (1) Independent (as in cat).

Perth: (1) Shrubbery with p.r.i.c.kles or spines.

Peta: (1) See Peter; (2) Golden-colored eagle.

Peter: (1) A rock; (2) A stone.

Petronella: See Peter.

Philadelphia: (1) Brotherly love.

Philip: (1) One who loves horses; (2) Lover of Egypt (turning to the world).

(2) Isa. 31:1, 3.

Phoebe: (1) Radiant; (2) Glowing.

Phoenix: (1) Red as blood; (2) Mythological bird that was resurrected.

Phylis: (1) A leafy green branch.

Pierre: See Peter.

Pino: (1) My G.o.d will increase.

Pirie: (1) The son of Peter; (2) Dweller by the pear tree.

Pittsburgh: (1) Former steel producer; (2) Pirates (baseball team).

Polly: (1) Beloved one.

Porsche: (1) Portion or offering.

Port: (1) A door; (2) Doorkeeper.

Priscilla: (1) Old; (2) Lived long.

Prospect: (1) Positive future.

Pryor: (1) Officer in a monastic order.

Quade: (1) Powerful ruler.

Quaide: (1) Powerful fighter.

Quanesha: (1) Energetic or vivacious; (2) Woman.

Queens (NY): See Queen in Metaphor Dictionary.

Queensland: See Queen in Metaphor Dictionary.

Quigley: (1) Wild or unruly hair.

Quigly: (1) Of mother"s side.

Quimby: (1) Lady"s estate.

Quincy: (1) Fifth born.

Quinten: (1) Fifth born.

Quong: (1) A bright light.

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