Baker: (1) devil; (2) Someone who causes things to rise by sowing sin; (3) Schemer; (4) Someone who appeals to the senses, but has something else in the heart (oven); (5) Craftsman of own heart; (6) One who has something to hide; (7) Angry person.

Also see Bake, Bakery, and Oven.

(1-2) Gen. 3:1; Hos. 7:4; (3) Gen. 40:22; (4) Gen. 40:1ff; (5) Hos. 7:6; (6) Gen. 40:16; (7) Hos. 7:6.

Bakery: (1) Your heart.

(1) Hos. 7:6.

Balaclava: (1) Spirit of fear; (2) Thief; (3) Unaware of the devil"s schemes (unknown a.s.sailant).

Also see Terrorist.

(1) Rom. 8:15; (2) John 10:10; (3) 2 Cor. 2:11; Eph. 6:11.

Balances (Scales): (1) Judgment (weighed); (2) Justice; (3) Business; (4) Integrity; (5) Divide; (6) Deceit; (7) Falsehood; (8) Purchase; (9) Considered; (10) Vanity.

(1) Dan. 5:27; Rev. 6:5; (2) Lev. 19:36; Prov. 16:11; Ezek. 45:10; (3) Isa. 46:6; Hos. 12:7; (4) Job 31:6; (5) Ezek. 5:1; (6) Hos. 12:7; Amos 8:5; Mic. 6:11; (7) Prov. 11:1; 20:23; Hos. 12:7; (8) Jer. 32:10; (9) Job 6:2; (10) Ps. 62:9.

Balcony: (1) Prophetic vision; (2) Position of a prophet.

(1) Num. 22:41; (2) Num. 22:41; 1 Sam. 9:19.

Baldness: Appears to have two predominant lines of thought, based on: (1) Humbling and humility; (+) (2) A sign of the cutting away of the flesh; (-) (4) Shame or humiliation; (5) Judgment; (6) Mourning; (7) Fully bald man, like a vulture, could be a demon if unfriendly.

It may be that naturally occurring baldness signifies the former (+), and shaved baldness the latter (-).

Also see Hair, Hair Cut Off, Head, Razor, Shave, Skinhead, and Vulture.

(1) Isa. 22:12; Mic. 1:16; (2) Lev. 13:40-41; 2 Kings 2:23; (4) Lev. 21:5; Ezek. 7:18; (5) Isa. 15:2; Ter. 47:5; (6) Amos 8:10; (7) Mic. 1:16.

Ball: (1) Words; (2) Prophetic words.

Also see Football, Golf Course, Golfer, and Tennis.

(1) See entries below; (2) John 6:63.

Ball (Catching Ball): (1) Listening; (2) Taking hold of someone"s words; (3) Trying to catch you out in your words.

Also see Catcher"s Mitt.

(1) Matt. 13:19; Mark 12:13; (2) Luke 20:20, 26 (KJV); (3) Mark 12:13.

Ball (Deflated Ball): (1) Words without power; (2) Words without the Spirit; (3) Losing the Spirit.

(1-2) Job 33:4; 1 Cor. 2:4; 4:20; 1 Thess. 1:5; Heb. 1:3; (cf. Luke 4:32); (3) Judg. 16:20.

Ball (Hitting Ball): (1) Effective speaking; (2) Authoritative speaking.

(1) 1 Sam. 3:19; (2) Acts 5:40; 16:22.

Ball (Kicking Ball): (1) Pa.s.sing on the message; (2) Going for goal; (3) Persecution; (4) Going against G.o.d; (5) Being proud and forgetting G.o.d.

(1) Judg. 11:17; 19; 2 Tim. 2:2; (3-4) Acts 9:5; 26:14; (5) Deut 32:15, 18; 1 Sam. 2:29.

Ball (Pa.s.sing Ball): (1) Teaching (pa.s.sing on knowledge).

(1) John 8:20; Acts 15:35.

Ball (Rolling Ball): (1) Writing words; (2) Written words.

(1-2) Ezra 6:1-2; Isa. 8:1; 34:4; Jer. 36:2ff; Ezek. 3:1-3; Zech. 5:1-2.

Ball (Scoring): (1) Winning souls.

(1) Acts 2:41.

Ball (Spinning Ball): (1) Lying; (2) Deceptive words; (3) Spinning yarns (story-telling).

(1) Prov. 6:19, 10:18, 12:19, 22, 14:5, 25, 19:5, 9, 21:6, 26:28, 30:6.

Ball (Throwing Ball): (1) Speaking; (2) Pa.s.sing on to others; (3) Casting away. (1) Ps. 50:17; (2) 2 Tim. 2:2; (3) Isa. 22:18; Mark 12:13.

Ball (Transparent Ball): (1) Words without substance (no heart or spirit).

(1) 1 Sam. 3:19.

Ballet: (1) Full of grace (graceful); (2) Love.

(1) Gen. 6:8; John 1:14b; (2) 2 Cor. 8:7; 13:14.

Balloon/s: (1) Celebration; (2) Words; (3) Prophecy: as words that lift (helium balloons); (4) In the Spirit; (5) Filled with the Holy Spirit; (6) Childlike faith; (7) Relief, freedom.

Also see Ball.

(1) Luke 15:23-24; (2) Ps. 33:6 (words are carried on one"s breath); Prov. 1:23; John 6:63; (3) 1 Cor. 14:3; (4) Rev. 17:3a; (5) Luke 4:1; (6) Matt. 18:3; (7) Matt. 11:30.

Bamboo: (1) Young Christian; (2) Hollow Christian (no heart); (3) China; (4) Discipline.

(1) Prov. 11:28; Isa. 60:21; (2) Isa. 29:13; Matt. 15:8; (3) As in "the Bamboo Curtain"; (4) Prov. 23:13 (the rod or cane).

Bananas: (1) Fruit; (2) Wages (fruit of the hands).

Also see Fruit and Yellow.

(1) Deut. 1:25; (2) Prov. 31:16, 31 (KJV).

Banana Skin: (1) Watch your step.

(1) Ps. 73:2.

Band Aid: See Plaster.

Band (Rock): (1) Powerful worship; (2) False worship; (3) Rejoicing; (4) Revival. Also see Rock *n Roll.

(1) 1 Chron. 6:31-32; 15:16; (2) Exod. 32:17-19; (3) 1 Sam. 18:6; (4) 2 Chron. 5:13-14.

Bank: (1) Your heart; (2) Heaven (G.o.d"s treasury); (3) Jesus; (4) Reserve; (5) Sure thing; (6) Wealth/money; (7) Storehouse; (8) Interest; (9) Your place of employment (where you receive financially).

Also see Riverbank.

(1) Matt. 12:35; Luke 6:45; 12:34; 21:1-4; Rom. 2:5; 2 Cor. 4:7; (2) Matt. 6:19-20; Mark 10:21; Luke 12:33; 18:22; (3) Col. 2:2-3; Heb. 11:26; (4) Acts 5:3; (5) As in, "You can bank on that"; (6) Luke 19:23; (7) 2 Chron. 32:27; (8) Luke 19:23; (9) Matt. 20:2.

Banner: (1) Flag; (2) The protection of G.o.d; (3) Love; (4) Fearsome army; (5) A warning; (6) Memorial; (7) Victory.

(1-2) Ps. 20:5; 60:4; (3) Song. 2:4; (4) Song. 6:4, 10; (5) Isa. 13:2; (6) Exod. 17:14-15; (7) Ps. 20:5 (NIV).

Banqueting: (1) Intimate communion; (2) Sumptuous feast; (3) Joy; (4) To feed on; (5) Fleshly indulgence (drinking parties).

Also see Party.

(1) Song. 2:4; (2) Esther 5:4-6; (3) Esther 5:6; 7:2, 7 (wine = joy); (4) Job 41:6; (5) 1 Pet. 4:3.

Baptise/d: (1) Burial of old life; (2) Death and resurrection; (3) Death to sin; (4) Burial of a sinful aspect of one"s life.

(1-4) Rom. 6:1-11; Col. 2:12-13.

Bar (Nightclub): (1) Church/altar (as the communal place where we drink of the Spirit); (2) The world; (3) Haunt of the workers of the flesh; (4) Gathering place for lovers of darkness.

Also see Nightclub.

(1) Eph. 5:18; (2) 1 John 2:16; (3) Gal. 5:19-21; (4) 1 Thess. 5:5-7.

Barbed Wire: (1) Prisoner; (2) Captive; (3) Bondage or stronghold; (4) Legalism; (5) Prohibited area; (6) Boundary of the spiritual realm (should be entered through the cross).

(1-2) 2 Tim. 2:25-26; (3) Luke 13:16; (4) Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7:39; (5) John 10:1-2; (6) Luke 16:26; John10:1-2 (cf. Matt. 27:29).

Barbeque: (1) Heart; (2) Independent spirit (cooking something up outside); (3) Solid Bible teaching (meatfest); (4) Outdoor preaching.

(1) Hos. 7:6a; as in "what"s cooking?"; (2) Prov. 18:1 (cf. KJV); (3) Heb. 5:12; (4) Mark 6:12.

Barber: (1) Enemy; (2) Deceiver; (3) Seducer; (4) Groomer; (5) Cleaner.

(1) 2 Sam. 10:3; Isa. 7:20; (2-3) Judg. 16:19; (5) Lev. 14:8-9.

Barbershop: (1) Enemy"s camp.

Also see Hairdressers.

(1) 2 Sam. 10:4; Ezek. 5:1.

Barefooted: See Shoes.

Barley: (1) Inferior grain; (2) Harvest.

(1) Judg. 7:13-14; (2) Ruth 1:22; 2:23; 2 Sam. 21:9.

Barn: (1) Church; (2) Storehouse of riches; (3) Increase; (4) Greed; (5) Call to trust G.o.d without a bank of resources behind you; (6) Judgment; (7) Harvest.

Also see Building, House, and Stable.

(1-2) Job 39:12; Mal. 3:10; Matt. 6:26; (3) 2 Chron. 32:28; Prov. 3:10; (4) Luke 12:18; (5) Matt. 6:25-33; Luke 12:22-24; (6) Joel 1:17 (broken down barns); (7) Matt. 13:30.

Barrel: (1) Heart (and therefore a person); (2) Storage place; (3) Vessel; (4) Fleshly vessel (individual).

Also see Pans, Pots, Rifle, and Vessel.

(1) A barrel holds water and wine; (2-3) 1 Kings 17:12, 14, 16; (4) As barrels are made of wood and wood is representative of the works of the flesh (see 1 Cor. 3:12-15).

Baseball: (1) Trying to get you out with words (pitching or catching); (2) Words with power (batting); (3) Spiritual warfare (batting and pitching); (4) Hitting hearts with your words (home runs); (5) The enemy getting at you or getting one past you (strike); (6) Lie (curve ball); (7) Making history (hitting the most home runs).

Also see Ball, Bat, Cricket, Football Game, Sport, Umpire, and Winning.

(1) Mark 12:13; (2) Eccl. 8:4; Luke 4:32; (3) Rom. 7:23 (internally: spirit vs. flesh); 2 Cor. 10:3; Eph. 6:12 (in the second heaven against evil spirits); 1 Tim. 1:18; (4) 1 Sam. 3:19; (5) Gen. 3:1; 1 Cor. 10:13; (6) Gen. 24:49; Ps. 33:4; Luke 20:21; (7) Esther 8:5, 8 (it is recorded).

Baseball Bat: See Bat.

Bas.e.m.e.nt: (1) h.e.l.l; (2) Person"s heart; (3) Hiding place; (4) Depression; (5) A place of the flesh.

Also see Upper Room.

(1) Prov. 5:5; Matt. 11:23; Ps. 55:15; (2) Prov. 22:17; (3) Jon. 1:5; (5) As in, "opposite of the upper room."

Basket: (1) Heart; (2) First-fruits; (3) Blessed fruitfulness; (4) A day"s work or provisions; (5) Overflow from faith; (6) Group of people (family, church, nation); (7) Cursed fruit; (8) Escape pod.

(1) Gen. 40:16-17; Deut. 28:5; (2) Deut. 26:2-9; (3) Deut. 28:4-5; Jer. 24:1; (4) Gen. 40:16-18; (5) Matt. 14:20; 15:37; 16:9-10; (6) Jer. 24:1-10; (7) Deut. 28:17; Amos 8:1-2; Jer. 24:1; (8) Acts 9:25; 2 Cor. 11:33.

Basketball Ring (Hoop): (1) Sinking heavenly goals; (2) Reaching forward to what lies ahead.

(1-2) Phil 3:13-14.

Bat/s (Animal): (1) Evil spirits; (2) Unclean spirits; (3) Idolatry; (4) Children of darkness; (5) Blind spirit that develops and uses occultic/demonic senses to "see."

Also see Vampire.

(1-2) Lev. 11:13a, 19b; Deut. 14:18; (3) Isa. 2:20; (4) 1 Thess. 5:5; (5) 1 Sam. 28:8.

Bat (Baseball/Cricket): (1) The rhema word of G.o.d; (2) Your turn or innings; (3) Heart; (4) Discipline (rod of correction); (5) Verbal leverage (tongue).

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