Also see Hit, Trumpet, and Wind.

(1-2) Matt. 7:25, 17; John 6:18; (3) Isa. 40:7; John 3:8; (4) Job 20:26; Isa. 54:16.

Blue: (1) Heaven/ly; (2) Spirit/ual; (3) Royalty (king); (4) Jesus; (5) Holy Spirit (dark blue); (6) Human spirit (light blue); (7) Healing (as a heavenly reality); (8) Complete; (9) Reminder of seeking the Kingdom first (if looking at blue).

(1-2) Exod. 28:31; 36:8, 35; 39:1; Num. 4:7; 15:38; (3-4) Esther 8:15; (5) John 1:32; (6) Rev. 1:6; 5:10; (7-9) (cf. Exod. 39:24; Num. 15:38-39 & Matt. 9:20-21).

Blueberries: (1) Fruit of the Spirit.

Also see Berries, Blue, and Strawberries.

(1) Gal. 5:22-23.

Blues Music: (1) Depression; (2) Cultural a.s.sociation with oppressed peoples. (1-2) Ps. 137:1-3.

Blunt: (1) A blunt weapon means ineffective words; (2) Rude, outspoken, or tactless; (3) Dull; (4) Blunt words often require raised volume.

(1) Ps. 58:6; Isa. 54:17; (2) Eph. 5:4; (3) Isa. 59:1; (4) Eccl. 10:10.

Blushing: (1) Embarra.s.sment; (2) Anger; (3) Shame; (4) Stress; (5) Guilty.

(1) Ezra 9:6; (2) Gen. 39:19 (NIV); (3) Ezra 9:6; Jer. 6:15; (4) Job 16:16 (5) Ezek. 16:63.

Board: (1) Secular leadership; (2) Religious council; (3) Elders.

(1) Acts 4:8; (2) Matt. 5:22; 10:17; 12:14; 26:59; (3) Acts 11:30; 14:23.

Boarding School: See Private School.

Board Meeting: (1) Communing over business matters; (2) Running a business; (3) Business plans and agenda; (4) Ambition; (5) Council; (6) Accountability.

(1) Acts 4:15; (2) Acts 4:16-21, 5:27, 29; (3) Matt. 26:59; Luke 22:66-67; (4) 2 Sam. 15:12; John 11:47-48; (5) Matt. 5:22; 10:17, 12:14; 26:59; (6) Acts 15:6, 22.

Boardwalk: See Jetty.

Boat: (1) Ministry; (2) Life"s journey; (3) Person; (4) Holy Spirit transport; (5) Church.

Also see Battleship, Canoe, Rowing, Ship, Shipwreck, and Speedboat.

(1) Luke 5:3-10; (2) Mark 4:35; (3) John 3:8; Acts 18:21b; (4) 2 Sam. 19:18; (5) 1 Pet. 3:20; Matt. 14:22.

Boat Trailer: See Trailer (Boat).

Body: (1) Death (dead body); (2) The Body of Christ; (3) The temple of G.o.d; (4) Sacrifice; (5) Spiritual body; (6) Organization; (7) The flesh.

(1) Ps. 79:2; 110:6; (2) Rom. 12:5; 1 Cor. 6:15; Eph. 5:30; (3) 1 Cor. 6:19 (individually); 2 Cor. 6:16 (corporately); (4) Rom. 12:1; (5) 1 Cor. 15:44; (6) 1 Cor. 12:25; (7) Rom. 8:13; 1 Cor. 6:16; Col. 1:22a.

Body Odor: (1) Offense/ive; (2) Works of the flesh.

(1) Gen. 3:19 & Gen. 4:2-5; (2) Ezek. 44:18.

Bogey/Boogie (Dried Nasal Mucus): (1) Person offended by the things of the Spirit; (2) If another person has the bogey, it may be that they have offended you; (3) Wrong spirit (resistance to the Spirit of G.o.d); (4) Evil spirit; (5) "Bogey man": under Demon.

(1) Matt. 13:57; John 6:61-63; (2) Matt. 16:23; (3) Acts 7:51; (4) Acts 13:8-10.

Boiling: (1) Anger; (2) Purification; (3) Enlivening.

Also see Pressure Cooker.

(1) Gen. 44:18; Num. 11:1; Isa. 42:25; (2) Num. 31:23; (3) Jer. 20:9.

Boils: (1) Test; (2) Anger; (3) Plague.

(1) Job 2:7; (2) Lev. 13:23 (burning boil); (3) Lev. 13:22 (spreading).

Bolts: (1) a.s.surance; (2) Sure words; (3) Immovable; (4) Build/ing; (5) Tie together or unite; (6) Foundation; (7) Lock.

Also see Nails, Nuts, and Bolts.

(1) Ezra 9:8; Isa. 22:23; (2) Eccl. 12:11; (3) Isa. 41:7; Jer. 10:4; (4-6) Ezra 4:12; Neh. 4:6; Eph. 2:21; (7) 2 Sam. 13:17-18.

Bomb: (1) Words of sudden detrimental impact (dropped bomb); (2) Explosive or shocking words; (3) Sudden destructive event; (4) Shocking announcement (i.e. resignation); (5) Empowered by the Holy Spirit (loading a bombsh.e.l.l); (6) Words that burn (positive or negative); (7) Unresolved issue that will blow up in the future (time bomb); (8) Explosive outburst.

Also see Arrow, Missile, Rocket, and Terrorism.

(1) 1 Sam. 3:19 & Prov. 18:21; (2) Matt. 26:21; Luke 22:21; (3) Jer. 51:8; 1 Thess. 5:3; (4) As in, "she dropped a bombsh.e.l.l"; (5) Acts 1:8; (6) Jer. 20:8; Luke 24:32; (7) Gen. 4:2-3; (8) Prov. 18:21.

Bonds: See Bound.

Bones: (1) Dead; (2) Without spiritual life; (3) Broken-spirited; (4) Having sorrow of heart; (5) Hopelessness; (6) Feeling cut off from G.o.d; (7) Envy (rotten bones).

(1-2) Ezek. 37:4, 11; (3) Prov. 17:22; (4) Prov. 15:13; (5-6) Ezek. 37:11; (7) Prov. 14:30.

Book: (1) Bible; (2) Judgment (Lamb"s book of Life); (3) Literal book; (4) Words; (5) Law; (6) Go by the book; (7) Contract; (8) Meditate; (9) Life plan; (10) An individual (a heart).

Also see Bookcase, Library, and Scroll.

(1) Josh. 1:8; (2) Rev. 13:8; 21:27; (3) Luke 4:17; (4) Luke 3:4; (5) Josh. 1:8; (6-7) Exod. 24:7; (8) Josh. 1:8; (9) Ps. 40:7; Heb. 10:7; (10) Prov. 3:3; 2 Cor. 3:3.

Bookcase: (1) Mindset; (2) Ideals and beliefs; (3) Church full of head knowledge. Also see Book.

(1-2) Josh. 1:8a; Col. 3:2; (3) 1 Cor. 8:1-2.

Bookmark: (1) Revelation; (2) Verse for meditation.

Also see Highlighter and Ta.s.sels.

(1-2) Josh. 1:8.

Boomerang: (1) What goes around comes around (positive or negative); (2) Something that the Spirit brings back to you; (3) Australia.

(1) Isa. 55:11; Gal. 6:7; (2) Gen. 41:9-14 (cf. Gen. 40:23); (3) By a.s.sociation.

Boom Gate: (1) Waiting on G.o.d.

(1) Ps. 62:5.

Boots: (1) External or outward walk (what you do out of the home); (2) Work; (3) Military/warfare.

Also see Cowboy, Shoes, and Ball-Kicking.

(3) 2 Cor. 10:3.

Boss: (1) Jesus; (2) G.o.d; (3) Natural leadership; (4) Spiritual leadership; (5) Father.

(1) Matt. 10:24-25; John 13:13-14; (2) Ps. 123:2; Gen. 24:12; Isa. 40:22; (3) Gen. 39:2; 1 Sam. 24:6; (4) 2 Kings 2:3, 5; (5) Mal. 1:6.

Bottle/s: (1) Heart (as a vessel of the Spirit); (2) Old bottles may speak about the old self; new bottles the new self; new bottles (wine skins) are adjustable/ flexible/stretchable; (3) Local church; (4) Wineskins need to be able to vent (that is, speak out or they will burst); (5) Old bottles may speak about deception; (6) Sharing a bottle speaks of friendship/communion/covenant meal; (7) Welcome; (8) Sucking the life out of people (emptying bottles and laying them down).

Also see Vessels and Wine.

(1-2) Jer. 13:12-13; Matt. 9:17; John 2:6-10; (3) Matt. 9:17; (4) Job 32:19; (5) Josh. 9:4, 13; (6) 1 Sam. 1:24; 10:3; 16:20; (7) 2 Sam. 16:1; (8) Jer. 48:12.

Bottle Cap/Top: (1) Stopping words coming out (+/-) (capping a bottle).

Also see Bottle.

(1) Matt. 9:17 (KJV) & Prov. 30:32 (cf. Eccl. 10:12). As in, "put a lid on it!" Bought: See Buy/ing.

Bound: (1) Spiritually bound with words; (2) Under control; (3) Captive or confined; (4) Opposite of freedom; (5) To be dead spiritually.

A person can be bound: (6) By religion; (7) By the world; (8) By an unclean spirit; (9) By satan; (10) By iniquity; (11) In the Spirit; (12) By the state; (13) By people Also see Cord, Loosing, and Rope.

(1) Acts 23:12, 14, 21; Matt. 16:19; 18:18; (2) Mark 5:3-4; (3) Mark 6:17-20; John 18:12; (4) John 8:33; (5) John 11:44; (6) John 18:12; Acts 9:2, 14, 21; 21:11; (7) Acts 7:7; (8) Luke 8:29; (9) Luke 13:16; (10) Acts 8:23; (11) Acts 20:22-23; (12) Acts 22:29; (13) Acts 24:27.

Boundary: (1) Covering; (2) Kingdom of G.o.d; (3) Decision; (4) Heaven and h.e.l.l; (5) Righteous and sinner; (6) Blessed and cursed; (7) Dividing G.o.d"s Word or G.o.d"s Word dividing.

(1) Gen. 19:8b; (2) Deut. 17:14; (3) Num. 13:30-14:1; (4-6) Matt. 25:33-34; Luke 16:26; (7) 2 Tim. 2:15; Heb. 4:12.

Bow (As in, Bow and Arrow): (1) Heart (that which shoots words); (2) Words launched at a distance; (3) Deceitful heart (distorted bow); (4) Ready (bent bow).

Also see Arrows and Left.

(1) Ps. 64:3; Hab. 3:9; (2) 1 Sam. 20:20-22; (3) Ps. 78:57; Hos. 7:16; (4) Ps. 11:2.

Bowing: (1) Humbling oneself; (2) Greeting; (3) Worship; (4) Paying homage. Also see Bending, Duck, and Knee.

(1) Isa. 2:11; (2) Eastern culturally-accepted greeting; (3) Matt. 28:9; (4) Acts 10:25-26.

Bowl: (1) Heart.

Also see Vessels.

(1) Eccl. 12:6.

Box: (1) Heart; (2) Righteous/ness (white box); (3) Innocence (white box); (4) Insincere heart (plastic box); (5) Confined or restricted; (6) Spiritual gift or present; (7) Not unpacked or not in use (something boxed up).

(1) Matt. 26:7 (KJV); (2) 1 Kings 3:6; Rom. 10:10; (3) Ps. 106:38; (4) Isa. 29:13; (5) As in, "put in a box"; (6) Mark 14:3 (as does the alabaster box, which was broken that the fragrance of the Holy Spirit may fill the house); (7) Luke 7:37 (KJV).

Boxing: (1) Spiritual Warfare; (2) Under attack; (3) Adversity; (4) Need for discipline.

(1-2) 2 Cor. 10:3-4; Eph. 6:12; (3) Isa. 30:20; Heb. 13:3; (4) 1 Cor. 9:26-27.

Boy: (1) The world; (2) Actual boy; (3) Legacy or heritage; (4) Inheritance; (5) Heir; (6) Future; (7) Young generation; (8) Promise.

Also see Baby, Girl, and Son.

(1) Luke 9:41; John 16:21; Gal. 4:3; (3-5) Matt. 21:38; Gal. 4:1, 7, 30; Heb. 1:2; Rev. 21:7; (6) Job 21:8; (7) Gen. 48:19b; Amos 2:11; (8) Gal. 4:28.

Bra: (1) Righteousness; (2) Integrity of heart; (3) Support; (4) Brazen (no bra); (5) Loose woman (no bra); (6) Feral (no bra); (7) Wh.o.r.e (no bra); (8) Nurture (bra as care and support).

Also see Breast.

(1) Eph. 6:14; (2) 1 Kings 9:4; (3) Rev. 1:13 (KJV); (4-6) Hos. 2:2; Prov. 5:19, 6:29; (7) Prov. 5:19-20; (8) Isa. 60:4.

Braces (teeth): (1) Bound (restricted) by your words; (2) Ineffective bite/no power; (3) Speaking other than what G.o.d has directed you to say; (4) Legalism; (5) Hypocrisy; (6) Need for corrective speech.

Also see Teeth.

(1) Num. 21:5-6; Matt. 16:18; (2-3) Num. 22:38; (3) 1 Cor. 2:4; 1 Thess. 1:5; Heb. 4:12; (4) Matt. 23:4; (5) Matt. 23:2-3.

Brake/s: (1) Stop or slow down; (2) Stop speaking; (3) Stop hearing; (4) Slow down; (5) Feeling out of control (no brakes); (6) Feeling like you started something that you cannot stop (no brakes); (7) No limits (no brakes).

(1) Exod. 14:13; (2) Rom. 3:19; 2 Cor. 11:10; t.i.t. 1:11; Heb. 11:33; (3) Acts 7:57; (4) Ps. 103:8; 145:8; Prov. 14:29; 15:18; 16:32; Joel 2:13; Acts 27:7; James 1:19; (5) Prov. 25:28; (6) James 3:5; (7) Matt. 9:17 (the new wineskin has no breaks!).

Branch: (1) Jesus; (2) Channel of the Holy Spirit (anointed one); (3) Believer/ Christian; (4) Fruit bearer; (5) Honorable elder; (6) Influence (long branch = long reach); (7) Day; (8) Pride (endangered branches); (9) Union with G.o.d (flourishing branch); (10) The king (the highest branch).

(1) Isa. 4:2; 11:1; Jer. 23:5; 33:15; Zech. 3:8; 6:12; (2) Exod. 25:31-37; Zech. 4:12-14; (3) Matt. 13:31-32; John 15:5; (4) Num. 13:23; Isa. 4:2; 17:6; Ezek. 17:8; 19:10; John 15:2, 4; (5) Isa. 9:14-15; 19:15; (6) Ezek. 31:5; Dan. 4:14; (7) Gen. 40:10-12; (8) Rom. 11:17-22; (9) Prov. 11:28; (10) Ezek. 17:22.

Bra.s.s: (1) Judgment; (2) Financial Hardship; (3) Without love; (4) Third place.

(1) Exod. 27:1-2; Rev. 1:15; (2) Matt. 10:9; (3) 1 Cor. 13:1; (4) Mark 12:42.

Breach: (1) Break through/forth; (2) Fracture; (3) Break; (4) Spiritual gap; (5) Repair needed; (6) Wound; (7) Broken wall; (8) Hole.

(1) Gen. 38:29; 2 Sam. 5:20; 6:8; (2) Lev. 24:20; (3) Num. 14:34; (4) Judg. 21:15; 1 Kings 11:27; Ps. 106:23; Prov. 15:4; Isa. 22:9; (5) 2 Kings 12:5-7; 22:5; Isa. 58:12; (6) Job 16:14; Isa. 30:26; Jer. 14:17; Lam. 2:13; (7) Isa. 30:13; Ezek. 26:10; (8) Amos 6:11.

Bread: (1) Christ; (2) The Word of G.o.d; (3) Broken body (breaking bread); (4) Communion (breaking bread); (5) Death; (6) Words (our hearts feed on words); (7) Affliction (unleavened bread); (8) Life (bread sustains life).

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