Family: (1) Believers (those in the family of G.o.d); (2) The Church; (3) Those who speak the same language; (4) Spiritual fellowship; (5) Your own family.

(1) Eph. 3:15; (2) Ps. 107:41; (3) Gen. 10:5.

Famine: (1) Lack of the Word of G.o.d; (2) Poverty; (3) Actual famine.

(1) Amos 8:11; (2) Jer. 29:17.

Famous Person: (1) Jesus Christ; (2) Someone in your acquaintance who in some way relates as a parallel of a famous person; (3) The spirit of a famous person (if they are pa.s.sed away and righteous); (4) Look up the meaning of the person"s name (For example, if Mel Gibson was in your dream, Mel means "Chief," therefore, this may symbolize Christ); (5) That actual person; (6) The world"s glory (as in Hollywood personality); (7) The job, role, character, or pa.s.sion of the famous person.

Also see Superhero.

(1) Mark 1:28; Luke 4:14, 37; (2) Matt. 11:14; 17:12-13; (3) 1 Sam. 28:15; Matt. 17:3; 22:32; (6) Matt. 4:8; (7) Matt. 11:14.

Fan (verb): (1) Stirred by the Spirit; (2) Separate (winnow); (3) Judge; (4) Purge; (5) Increasing the heat; (6) Cooling.

(1) John 3:8; (2) Isa. 41:16; Jer. 4:11; (3) Jer. 15:7; 51:2; (4) Matt. 3:12; (5) Rev. 16:8-9; (6) Job 37:21b (KJV).

Fan (noun): (1) Spirit.

(1) John 3:8.

Fancy Dress: See Costume Hire.

Farm: (1) The harvest field; (2) Kingdom of Heaven; (3) G.o.d"s Kingdom; (4) The World; (5) Israel; (6) The believer; (7) Evangelical ministry.

Also see entries under Field and Harvest.

(1) Matt. 9:36-37; 13:24-30; John 4:35; (2) Matt. 13:24-30; 20:1ff; (3) Matt. 21:28-32; John 10:9, 16; (4) Matt. 13:38-39; 21:33-43; Rev. 14:15; (5) Isa. 5:1ff; Luke 13:6-9; (6) 1 Cor. 3:9.

Farmer: (1) Spiritual leaders (good and bad); (2) G.o.d the Father; (3) Christ (Sower); (4) Preacher; (5) Evangelist; (6) Minister; (7) The believer; (8) Laborer; (9) Worker.

(1) Matt. 21:33-45; Mark 12:1ff; Luke 20:9ff; 2 Tim. 2:6; (2) John 15:1; 1 Cor. 3:9; (3) Matt. 13:37; (4-9) 1 Cor. 3:6.

Fast: See Fasting and Quick/ly.

Fast Food: See Junk Food.

Fasting: (1) Dying to self; (2) Cleansing of the vessel or garment; (3) Humbling oneself before G.o.d; (4) Cutting off the flesh; (5) Empowering; (6) Hungering for Christ; (7) Denying the flesh to sensitize the spirit; (8) Not swallowing what is being served up; (9) Separation from the world; (10) Literal fast; (1) Matt. 6:16; Luke 2:37; Acts 13:2; (2) Matt. 9:14-17; (3) Ps. 35:13; (4) 1 Cor. 9:27; (5) Matt. 17:21; Luke 4:2, 14; (6) Mark 2:20; Luke 5:35; (7) Matt. 3:4 & Luke 1:80; (8) Prov. 23:1-3, 6-8; (9) Dan. 1:8.

Fat & Fatness: The meaning of fatness breaks into two main categories: (+) Well-favored; or, (-) One who has forsaken G.o.d and become desensitized to the things of the Spirit because of opulence and pride.

Fat & Fatness (+) Well-favored: (1) Well-favored; (2) The best; (3) Flourishing; (4) Generous; (5) Plentiful; (6) Influential (for good); (7) Anointing of the Holy Spirit.

(1) Gen. 41:4; (2) Gen. 4:4; 45:18; 1 Sam. 2:29; 2 Sam. 1:22; Luke 15:23, 30; (3) Num. 13:20; Ps. 92:14; (4) Prov. 11:25; (5) Isa. 30:23; (6) Ps. 92:14; Prov. 11:25; (7) Isa. 21:5; Acts 10:38 (anoint means "to smear with oil or fat").

Fat & Fatness (-) Proud/Desensitized: (1) Flesh; (2) Forsaken G.o.d; (3) Pride; (4) Desensitized; (5) Hired hands (in the ministry for money); (6) Living to fleshly appet.i.tes; (7) Influential (for bad); (8) Being spiritually lazy/resting in the flesh (fat backside); (9) This group are also being readied for judgment, as in, "fattened for the slaughter"; (10) Self-indulgent.

Also see Cat.

(1) Deut. 32:15; Jer. 50:11; (1 Sam. 2:15-16 & 4:18); (2) Deut. 31:20; 32:1315; (3) Ps. 17:10; (4) Ps. 119:69-70 (fat heart = desensitized); Isa. 6:10; (5) John 10:13; (6) Ps. 78:29-31; (7) Ps. 78:31 (KJV); (8) Neh. 9:25-26; (9) James 5:5; (10) Judg. 3:17, 21-22; James 5:5.

Father: (1) G.o.d (Heavenly Father); (2) Spiritual authority/covering; (3) Jesus Christ; (4) Spiritual leader or mentor (father in the faith); (5) Natural father; (6) Spiritual ancestors; (7) The past; (8) The devil (unbeliever, sinner, or liar"s father).

(1) Matt. 6:9; 2 Cor. 1:2-3; 6:8; (2) 1 Chron. 24:19 (KJV); 25:3, 6; (3) Isa. 9:6; (4) 1 Cor. 4:15; 1 Thess. 2:11; 1 Tim. 5:1; (5) Eph. 5:31; 6:2; (6) Heb. 1:1; (7) Job 21:8; (8) John 8:44; 1 John 3:8.

Father-in-Law: (1) Mentor; (2) Wise counsel; (3) Guide; (4) Mutual benefit; (5) Legalistic leader; (6) Actual father-in-law.

Also see Brother-in-Law and Son-in-Law.

(1-2) Exod. 18:18-24; (3-4) Num. 10:29, 31-32; (5) John 3:10.

Feathers: (1) Covering; (2) Protection; (3) Trust; (4) The Holy Spirit; (5) Glory; (6) Coward (white feather); (7) Evidence of angels.

Also see Angel/s and Bird/s.

(1-3) Ps. 91:4; (4) Isa. 40:31; (5) Ezek. 17:3, 7; (6) Rev.21:8; (7) Exod. 25:20; Isa. 6:2.

Feces: (1) Dirty (defiled); (2) Sin; (3) Self-righteousness; (4) Clean up required. Also see Dung, Sewage, Toilet, and Urination.

(1-4) Isa. 64:6; Phil. 3:8.

Fear of Man: (1) People-pleasing; (2) Telling people what they want to hear.

(1) Prov. 29:25; (2) 2 Tim. 4:3.

Feeding: (1) Speaking or teaching; (2) Fueling; (3) Doing the will of G.o.d.

(1) 1 Cor.3:1-2; (2) Prov. 26:20; (3) John 4:34.

Feeling: (1) Spiritual sensitivity. How a person feels in a dream or vision is a very strong indicator of meaning; (2) For example, a sense of peace while flying conveys we are comfortable in the Spirit. However, the same scene with a sense of impending danger is a warning about our spiritual state; (3) It should be noted that just as we have five physical senses, so we also have five spiritual senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing.

(1) Eph. 4:19; (3) Ps. 34:8; 1 Kings 18:44; 2 Kings 6:16-17.

Feet: (1) Messenger; (2) Bearer of good news; (3) Ministry; (4) Heart; (5) Walk; (6) Offense.

Also see Broken and Shoes.

(1) Rom. 10:15; (2 -3) Isa. 52:7; (4) Prov. 6:18; (5) Acts 14:8, 10; (6) Prov. 6:18; Matt. 18:8.

Feet (Dirty Feet): (1) Sinful nature; (2) Offense (wiping dust off).

(1) John 13:10; (2) Luke 10:11.

Feet Cut Off: (1) Unreliable witness (fool); (2) Unable to preach the Gospel. (1) Prov. 26:6; (2) Rom. 10:15.

Feet On: (1) Defeat or oppression (someone"s feet on you); (2) Victory (your feet on someone or something); (3) Being trampled on.

(1-2) Josh. 10:24; Matt. 5:13; Luke 10:19; (3) Matt. 5:13.

Feet (Stamping Feet): (1) Aggression; (2) Defiance; (3) Temper tantrum.

(1-3) Ezek. 25:6.

Feet (Webbed Feet): (1) Walking in the Spirit; (2) Seasoned in the things of the Spirit.

(1-2) Ezek. 47:5; Matt. 14:26; Gal. 5:16.

Female: See Woman.

Fence: (1) Barrier; (2) Boundary or demarcation; (3) Provides protection or rest; (4) Trust; (5) Garrison or army; (6) Fortified; (7) Blocked (fenced in); (8) Changing loyalties (jumping the fence); (9) Changing camps; (10) Control issue.

Also see Hedge and Wall.

(1-2) 2 Chron. 17:2; (3) Num. 32:17 (KJV); 2 Chron.14:6; Job 1:10; Isa. 5:2; (4) Deut. 28:52 (KJV); Jer. 5:17; (5) 2 Sam. 23:7; 2 Chron. 17:2; 32:5; (6) Deut. 9:1; Josh. 10:20; (7) Job 19:8; (8-9) 1 Sam. 29:4; (10) Num. 22:24, 26; 2 Kings 25:10; 2 Chron. 25:23; 2 Cor. 10:4-5.

Ferret/s: (1) Unclean spirit; (2) Someone who is mistakenly perceived as being inquisitive, playful, or innocent, but who is deadly and kills the Spirit (ferrets love blood, and the life [Spirit] is in the blood).

(1) Lev. 11:29-30 (KJV); (2) (Lev. 17:11 & Job 33:4).

Ferris Wheel: (1) Eternity; (2) G.o.d"s will (bringing Heaven to earth); (3) Life (ups and downs); (4) Unsettling change (fast ferris wheel and struggling to hold on).

(1) Gen. 9:11 (note the "never again"); Ezek. 1:18-20 (spirit is eternal); (2) Matt. 6:10; (3) Eccl. 3:6; (4) Matt. 6:28.

Fertilizer: (1) Word of G.o.d; (2) Words of encouragement; (3) Edification; (4) Praying in the Spirit; (5) Prophecy; (6) Love; (7) Five-fold ministry gift; (8) Trials (testing of the Word); (9) Preparing for fruit.

(1) 1 Pet. 2:2; (2-3) Rom. 14:19; Eph. 4:29; (4) Jude 1:20; (5) 1 Cor. 14:4; (6) 1 Cor. 8:1; Eph. 4:16; (7) Eph. 4:11-12; (8-9) Luke 13:8-9.

Fever: (1) Curse for disobedience; (2) Plague; (3) Suffering or torment.

Fever (Healing from Fever): (4) Healed in the Atonement; (5) Jesus rebuked fever; (6) Healed through faith in the Word.

(1-2) Deut. 28:15, 22; (3) Luke 4:38-39; Acts 28:8; (4) Matt. 10:7-8 (the coming of the Kingdom); (5) Matt. 8:14-15; Mark 1:30-31; Luke 4:38-39; Acts 28:8; (6) John 4:47-52.

Field: (1) World; (2) The believer; (3) Harvest (someone in the field); (4) The Church or a church.

Also see Farm and Harvest.

(1) Matt. 13:38; (2) 1 Cor. 3:9; (3) Matt. 9:38; John 4:35; (4) Luke 15:25; 17:36.

Fifteen: (1) Acts of divine grace; (2) Resurrection.

(1) 3 (Spirit fullness) x 5 (Grace); (2) 2 Kings 20:6; Esther 9:18, 21; John 11:18 (KJV); Acts 27:28.

Fifty: (1) Jubilee; (2) Liberty/liberation; (3) Release/freedom; (4) Deliverance/ rest; (5) Pentecost; (6) The perfect consummation of time; (7) Extreme grace.

(1-4) Lev. 25:10, 40, 54; Num. 8:25 (Levites freed from service at 50 years of age); (5) Lev. 23:16; Acts 2:1-4; (6) 7 x 7 +1 = 50; Acts 2:1; (7) 5 (grace) x 10 (complete).

Fig: (1) Represents political Israel; (2) False religion (fig leaves); (3) Prosperity; (4) Prayer (under the fig tree); (5) Judgment (falling fruit, no blossom); (6) Selfrighteousness (fig leaves); (7) Dead religious system (bearing no fruit).

(1) Matt. 21:19; Hos. 9:10; (2) Gen. 3:7 (unable to cover sin); (3) 1 Kings 4:25; Song. 2:13; (4) John 1:48-50; (5) Isa. 34:4; Nah. 3:12; Joel 1:7; Hab. 3:17; Matt. 21:19 (pending judgment); (6) Gen. 3:7 (own covering); (7) Matt. 21:19-20.

Fight: (1) Fight of faith; (2) Spiritual battle/warfare; (3) Outward afflictions; (4) Worldly l.u.s.ts; (5) Angelic battle; (6) Fight using the Word of G.o.d.

Also see Battle.

(1) 1 Cor. 9:26; 1 Tim. 6:12; (2) John 18:36; Eph. 6:12; (3) Heb. 10:32; (4) James 4:1-2; (5) Rev. 12:7; Dan. 10:13, 20; (6) Rev. 2:16.

Filing Cabinet: (1) Heart; (2) Memory.

(1) Prov. 3:1, 4:4b, 20-21; (2) 1 Chron. 28:9; Isa. 50:4.

Film: See Movies.

Filming: (1) Bringing focus to an issue or focusing on an issue; (2) Doc.u.menting (recording good/bad memories).

Also see Camera and Movies.

(1) 2 Sam. 12:1-7; Matt. 6:26; (2) Esther 1:19.

Filthiness: (1) Sinful; (2) Iniquity; (3) Self-righteousness; (4) The world"s view of the Church; (5) Foul language; (6) Greed for gain.

(1) Job 15:16; Isa. 4:4; Ps. 14:3; 53:3; (2) Zech. 3:3-4; (3) Isa. 64:6; (4) 1 Cor. 4:13; (5) Col. 3:8; (6) 1 Tim. 3:3, 8; t.i.t. 1:7, 11; 1 Pet. 5:2.

Find: See Lost and Found.

Fine Print: (1) Details; (2) Instructions; (3) Contract; (4) Questionable content in a contract; (5) What is not said up front; (6) Revelation (mysteries revealed).

(1-3) Ezra 4:15, 21-23; Esther 1:22; (4-5) Matt. 22:15; Mark 12:13; Luke 20:20, 26; 1 Cor. 4:5; (6) Prov. 25:2; Rom. 16:25; Eph. 3:9.

Finger/s: (1) The Holy Spirit (The Finger of G.o.d); (2) Kingdom of G.o.d; (3) Ownership; (4) Recognition; (5) Speaks of looking for evidence through feelings; (6) Speaks of an amplification in intricacy and detail of what is being done (just as we use our fingers to amplify our touch); (7) Sensitivity; (8) G.o.d"s government/rule (the finger of G.o.d).

(1-2) Matt.12:28 & Luke 11:20; (3) Lev. 4:6, 17, 25, 30, 34; Isa. 2:8; (4) Exod. 8:19; (5) John 20:25, 27; (6-7) Song. 5:5 (fragrance); Isa. 59:3 (sin); Dan. 5:5 (judgment); Ps. 144:1 (warfare); (8) Luke 11:20 (cf. Exod. 31:18).

Finger/s (Pointing Finger): (1) Accusation; (2) Blame-shifting; (3) Direction. (1-2) Prov. 6:13; Isa.58:9.

Finger/s (Tip of the Finger): (1) Amplifies the lesson; (2) Small amount; (3) Sensitivity.

(1-3) Luke 16:19-31 (note v. 24); Jesus teaches that even though the greatest faith (small amount of water [i.e. word]), be exercised after death, it is too late! (cf. Matt. 15:27-28). The small amount depicted in dipping the tip of the finger also amplifies the rich man"s need/torment. Also note the great gulf between the believer and unbeliever. Therefore, Jesus amplifies here the need to outwork faith in love this side of eternity.

Fingernails: See Nails (Finger).

Fingerprints: (1) Ident.i.ty (source of the evidence); (2) Ownership; (3) Recognition; (4) DNA; (5) Wrong motive; (6) Being exposed (fingerprints found); (7) Signs and wonders (marks of the Holy Spirit); (8) G.o.d"s handiwork.

Also see Finger and Hand.

(1) Exod. 8:19; (2) Prov. 7:3; (3) Job 37:7; John 20:25; (5-6) Prov. 6:12-13; (7) Matt. 12:28 & Luke 11:20; (8) Exod. 31:18; Deut. 9:10; Luke 11:20.

Fire: (1) Presence of G.o.d; (2) Cleansing; (3) Judgment; (4) Strife; (5) h.e.l.l; (6) Affliction; (7) Tongue; (8) G.o.d"s Word; (9) Gossip; (10) Pa.s.sion; (11) l.u.s.t and adultery; (12) Anger or jealousy; (13) Glory of G.o.d; (14) Love.

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