(1-2) Eccl. 10:1.

Fly Spray: (1) The anointing/The Holy Spirit (demonic powers fleeing in His Presence).

Also see Flies.

(1) Matt. 12:28; Luke 11:20 (See Fly).

Foam: (1) Easily blown away; (2) Without substance; (3) Demonic oppression (mouth).

(1) Hos. 10:7; (2) Jude 1:13; (3) Matt. 9:18; Mark 9:20; Luke 9:39.

Fog: (1) Sin; (2) Life snippet; (3) In darkness; (4) h.e.l.l; (5) Hidden; (6) Secret. (1) Isa. 44:22; (2) James 4:14; (3) Acts 13:11; (4) 2 Pet. 2:17; (5-6) Ps. 18:11.

Folding: (1) Putting away; (2) Preparation for storage or travel; (3) Protecting or hiding; (4) Humbling; (5) Sorting; (6) Corruption (wrinkle and creased/ crooked ways); (7) Giving up or quitting.

Also see Spot and Wrinkles.

(1) 1 Cor. 13:11 (childish things); Eph. 4:31 (evil speaking); Heb. 9:26 (sin); (2) Exod. 12:11 (KJV); (3) Josh. 7:11b-12a, 21; Acts 5:1-2; (4) Rom. 14:11; Phil 2:10-11; 2 Chron. 7:14; (5) Matt. 25:32-33; (6) Eph. 5:27; James 1:17; (7) Eph. 6:11, 14 (standing is the opposite of folding).

Food: (1) Word of G.o.d; (2) Jesus; (3) Will of G.o.d; (4) What you"re feeding on. Also see Meal, Meat, and Refrigerator.

(1) Heb. 5:13-14; Matt. 4:4; (2) John 6:54; (3) John 4: 34; (4) John 4:34.

Food Poisoning: (1) Tainted Gospel or ill-prepared preaching; (2) False promises; (3) Food of the world (newspapers, lies, gossip, false information, deceit); (4) UnG.o.dly words that poison your spirit; (5) Curse.

(1) 2 Cor. 11:4; Gal. 1:6; 2 John 1:10; (2) Prov. 23:3, 6-8; (3) 1 John 2:15-17 (cf. John 4:34); (4) Ps. 58:3-4; 140:3; Rom. 3:13; (5) 2 Kings 40:4.

Fool: (1) Unbeliever; (2) Transgressor; (3) Despiser of wisdom and instruction. (1) Ps. 14:1; 53:1; (2) Ps. 107:17; (3) Prov. 1:7b.

Foot: See Feet.

Football: (1) May represent the object of everyone"s attention.

Also see Ball, Goal, and Football Game.

(1) 1 Sam. 9:20b.

Football Game: (1) Counterfeit worship/warfare; (2) False focus; (3) Idolatry; (4) May be representative of business (which for the most part is equally compet.i.tive and all about winning); (5) Life; (6) Spiritual warfare; (7) Ministry.

Also see Goal, Sport, and Winning.

(1-2) 1 Chron. 16:31-33; Ps. 74:4; 96:11-12; 98:7-9; (3) Exod. 20:3-4; (5) 2 Tim. 4:7; (6-7) See Ball.

Footpath: (1) Course of life (good or evil); (2) Hardened heart; (3) Busy heart; (4) Can be what lies ahead or in the past (behind you); (5) Child"s path or journey; (6) Pa.s.sage to hear the Gospel.

Also see Pavement.

(1) Ps. 17:5; 44:18; 119:101, 105; Prov. 1:16; 4:14, 26; (2-3) Matt. 13:4, 19; Luke 10:31-32; (4) Ps. 199:105; Phil. 3:12-13; (5) Gen. 18:19; (6) Rom. 10:15.

Footprints: (1) Angelic encounter; (2) Destiny; (3) Claiming the promise of G.o.d; (4) Evidence (proof of someone being there); (5) Evidence of strongholds (large footprints).

(1) Gen. 32:1-2; 2 Sam. 5:24; (2) Ps. 17:5; 18:33; (3) Josh. 1:3; (4) 1 Sam. 26:12, 16b; Job. 13:27 (KJV); (5) Num. 13:33.

Footsteps: (1) Following; (2) Someone"s replacement (heir apparent); (3) Guidance; (4) Expectancy (getting louder); (5) Leaving (getting fainter).

Also see Stepping and Walking.

(1) Song. 1:8; John 21:19, 22; Rom. 4:12; Heb. 12:1-2; (2) 1 Kings 3:14; 8:25; As in, "walking in the footsteps of his father"; (3) Ps. 25:9; (the word guide here means "to tread"); (4) 1 Kings 14:6; 2 Kings 6:32; 2 Sam. 5:24; Isa. 52:7; (5) Isa. 40:31b.

Footsteps Inside Footsteps: (1) Same spirit; (2) Following someone"s faith/ example.

(1) 2 Cor. 12:18; (2) Rom. 4:12; 1 Pet. 2:21.

Forehead: (1) The mind/thinking; (2) Mental strongholds.

(1-2) 1 Sam. 17:49 (our biggest giants are likewise defeated with a stone (word) to the mind!); 2 Cor. 10:4-5.

Foreign: (1) Non-believer; (2) Not operating in faith; (3) Christ (as not known by Him); (4) Made overseas; (5) Not familiar; (6) Not knowing a situation.

Also see First Nations Peoples, Foreigner, Stranger, Unfamiliar, and Woman (Foreign Woman).

(1) Exod. 12:45; Obad. 1:11; Eph. 2:19; (2) Rom. 4:11-12; (3) Luke 13:25, 27; (4) 1 Kings 10:6-7; (5) 1 Sam. 17:39; Acts 17:23; (6) Heb. 11:9-10.

Foreigner: (1) Possible warning of potential unG.o.dly threat; (2) If you are the foreigner, it may mean you are set apart from the world; (3) A father-figure who is a foreigner may refer to the fact that your relationship with G.o.d as Father is foreign to you; (4) Liar; (5) False hand of friendship; (6) Religious worker who professes to know Christ, but in reality does not; (7) Person not understanding the voice of the Spirit.

Also see Aliens, First Nations Peoples, Foreign, Indigenous, Woman (Foreign Woman), and Stranger.

(1) Eph. 2:12; 4:18; Col. 1:21; Heb. 11:34; (2) Deut. 14:2; 26:18; Heb. 11:9; 1 Pet. 2:9; (3) (4) Ps. 144:11; (5) Ps. 144:11; (6) Matt. 7:22-23; (7) 1 Cor. 14:11.

Foreign Woman: See Woman (Foreign Woman).

Foreskin: See Circ.u.mcision.

Forest: (1) Lost/darkness; (2) Not out of the woods; (3) Harvest crop; (4) Church; (5) Mult.i.tude of people; (6) Army of mighty men; (7) Hiding place for predators; (8) Place of idolatry and works.

Also see Beast, Cedar, Fir Tree, Forest Fire, Jungle, Park, Pine Tree, Rainforest, and Woods.

(1) Ps. 104:20; (2) 1 Sam. 23:15; 2 Sam. 18:6-9; (3) Isa. 32:15-20; (4) 1 Chron. 16:33; Ps. 96:12; Song. 2:3; Isa. 44:23; (5-6) Isa. 7:2, 10:18-19, 34, 29:17-19; Jer. 46:23-24; Ezek. 20:47; Zech. 11:2; (7) 2 Kings 2:24; Ps. 50:10, 80:13, 104:20; Isa. 56:9; Jer. 5:6, 12:8; Amos 3:4; Mic. 5:8; (8) Isa. 44:13-15; Jer. 7:18, 10:3-5.

Forest Fire: (1) Judgment; (2) Gossip or rumor out of control.

Also see Burn, Fire, Forest, and Wild Fire.

(1) Ezek. 20:47-48; (2) James 3:6.

Fork: (1) Lying (forked-tongue); (2) Divided (paths/loyalties); (3) Choice (decision-making).

(1) Gen. 3:4 (serpent split-tongued); (2) Gen. 13:9-11; Mark 11:4 (KJV); (3) Mark 11:4 (KJV), (fork in the road).

Forklift: (1) Organizing (putting things in order); (2) Lying spirit (falsely raising hopes/left on the shelf); (3) Burden lifter.

(1) Neh. 12:44a; (2) 1 Kings 22:22; Mic. 2:11 (as in lifting with a forked-tongue); (3) Matt. 11:28.

Formal: (1) Religious; (2) Official/orderly (legitimate).

(1) Isa. 10:1 (a prescribed form); (2) 1 Cor. 14:40.

Fornication: (1) Actual fornication; (2) Defiled by other lovers; (3) Idolatry; (4) Communing with or friend of the world.

Also see Adultery and s.e.x.

(2) Isa. 23:17; (3) 2 Chron. 21:11; (4) 1 Cor. 6:16; James 4:4.

Forty: (1) A period of trial/testing/probation/proving which closes in victory or discipline; (2) 5 x 8 = 40, as such it means a period of grace [5] followed by revival or renewal [8]; (3) 4 x 10 = 40, as such it means extended or complete [10] dominion [4]; (4) Forty days may mean 40 years (and vice versa).

(1) Deut. 8:2; Num. 13:26 & 14:34; Luke 4:1-14; (2) 1 Sam. 17:16, 52; 1 Kings 19:4-7, 15-16; (3) 2 Sam. 5:4; (4) Num. 14:34; Ezek. 4:6; (cf. Matt. 4:12. Jesus pa.s.sed the wilderness test that Israel failed).

Forty-Five: (1) Undergoing testing and trials with the grace of G.o.d followed by revival.

(1) See Forty and Five.

Forty-One: (1) New beginning after testing/trial; (2) Love after trial.

Also see Forty and One.

(1) Luke 4:14-15; (2) Song. 8:5.

Fossil: (1) Locked in the past.

(1) Gen. 19:26.

Found: See Lost and Found.

Foundation: (1) Christ; (2) Word of G.o.d; (3) Heart; (4) History; (5) Beginning; (6) Genesis; (7) Rock; (8) Love.

(1) 1 Cor. 3:11; (2) Matt. 5:18; 7:24-25; (3) Isa. 28:16; Matt. 13:23; Acts 13:22; Eph. 3:17; (4-5) Job 4:19; (7) Matt. 7:24-25; (8) Eph. 3:17.

Fountain: (1) Deep source; (2) Fountain of Life (Christ); (3) The Holy Spirit; (4) The human spirit/heart; (5) Abundant water supply; (6) Womb; (7) Cleansing; (8) Fear of the Lord; (9) Voice of the righteous; (10) Wisdom.

Also see Waterfall.

(1) Gen. 7:11; Lev. 20:18; Eccl. 12:6; (2) Ps. 36:7-9; Prov. 13:14; Jer. 2:13; Rev. 21:6; (3) John 7:38-39; (4) Matt. 12:34b & James 3:8-11; (5) Gen. 16:7; Num. 33:9; Ps. 114:8; Jer. 9:1; 17:13; (6) Lev. 20:18; Prov. 5:18; Song. 4:12; (7) Lev. 11:36; Zech. 13:1; (8) Prov. 14:27; (9) Prov. 10:11; (10) Prov. 18:4.

Four: (1) Rule or dominion; (2) Earth or the physical; (3) Creation or creative works; (4) Material or earthly completeness; (5) Earthly dominion; (6) Earthly effort or flesh; (7) World (especially city); (8) Division; (9) Not enough; (10) Not known; (11) Not bearable; (12) May say someone is not changing (four corners and four sides to square).

Also see Earth and Earthly.

(1) Gen 1:16; Prov. 30:31; (2) The fourth book of the Bible is Numbers; in Hebrew it is called B"Midbar, which means "the wilderness." This talks of the earth, which is a wilderness compared to Heaven; Prov. 30:24; Mark 13:27; (34) Fourth day saw material creation finished; Job 1:19 (Job"s material completeness was taken that G.o.d may lead him into spiritual completeness); John 4:35; (5) John 11:17, 39, 19:23, Acts 10:11, 30; (6) Gen. 47:24; Acts 27:29; (7) Gen. 15:13; Acts 7:6 (Egypt is a picture of the world; [4x100; 100 = whole; 400 = complete earthly dominion or earthly dominion completed, beginning of spiritual dominion]); (8) Gen. 1:14-18; 2:10 (parted); (9) Prov. 30:15; (10) Prov. 30:18; (11) Prov. 30:22.

Fourteen: (1) Double measure of spiritual perfection; (2) Pa.s.sover; (3) Deliverance and liberty.

(1) 2 x 7; (2) Exod. 12:6; Num. 9:5; (3) Gen. 31:41; Exod. 12:6, 31-33; Acts 27:27-44.

Four-Wheel Drive: (1) Powerful and independent ministry; (2) A ministry that does not have to stay on the road (traditional paths); (3) Full Gospel ministry; (4) Sign of opulence/wealth/prosperity (the "look" of success).

Also see Jeep.

(1) Luke 1:80; (2) Ps. 43:16; 77:19; (3) Mark 16:15-18, 20; (4) Matt. 23:5a.

Fox/es: (1) Little sins (apparently insignificant) that destroy fruitfulness; (2) Sly or cunning spirit/person; (3) Light-footedness (thief); (4) Vermin; (5) Cowardly (lacking spiritual fort.i.tude); (6) Creature of the night; (7) Politician; (8) Stealer or attacker of sheep.

(1) Song. 2:15; (2) Luke 13:32; (3) Neh. 4:3; (4) Ps. 63:10 (KJV); (5-6) Ezek. 13:4-5; (7) Luke 13:32; (8) Ezek. 34:12; Acts 20:29.

Foyer: (1) Exposure (common place); (2) Entry; (3) Exit; (4) Place of welcoming, greeting, or arrival; (5) First impressions.

(1) Gen. 19:1; Exod. 38:8; Num. 10:3; 1 Sam. 2:22; Jer. 1:15; Mark 1:33; (23) Deut. 28:6; (4) 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; (5) Isa. 53:2; Matt. 23:27.

Fragile: (1) Handle with care; (2) Vulnerable; (3) Sensitive.

(1) Gal. 6:1; (2) Gen. 4:7; Judg. 16:19-20; (3) 1 Sam. 18:8.

Frame: (1) The believer; (2) The Church; (3) A support; (4) A devised plan; (5) Something made or about to be made; (6) Something spoken or about to be spoken; (7) Treasuring a memory; (8) Set up.

(1) Ps. 103:14; 139:15; (2) Eph. 2:21 (KJV); (3) Ps. 139:15; (4) Jer. 18:11 (KJV); Ps. 94:20 (KJV); (5) Isa. 29:16 (KJV); (6) Judg. 12:6 (KJV); Ps. 50:19; (7) Phil. 3:13; Eph. 2:11a (KJV); (8) Gen. 39:14; 1 Kings 21:10.

Freezer: (1) Heart; (2) Long-term issue in the heart (long-term storage); (3) Love gone cold; (4) Hardened heart.

Also see Frozen and Ice.

(1) Luke 6:45; (2) Gen. 42:9; (3) Matt. 24:12; (4) Job 38:30.

Freight: (1) Business.

(1) 1 Kings 10:15.

French Fries: (1) Flesh (that which clogs the arteries and stops the flow of life). Also see Fish and Chip Shop and Junk Food.

(1) Gal. 6:8.

Friday: (1) Six; (2) Human; (3) Double income; (4) Eve of rest; (5) Eve or victory; (6) Day of the flesh.

Also see Day and Five (the secular world sees Friday as the fifth day of the week).

(1-2) Gen. 1:26-31; (3) Exod. 16:5, 22, 26, 29; (4) Exod. 23:12; (5) Josh. 6:3; (6) As in, the world celebrates the end of the working week.

Fridge: See Refrigerator.

Friend: (1) Jesus; (2) Obedient disciple; (3) Literal friend; (4) Someone with whom you are familiar.

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