Grey Hair: (1) Old or mature; (2) Wisdom; (3) G.o.d; (4) Close to death; (5) Deserving honor and respect; (6) The devil (accusing, arrogant, proud, lying, or deceptive individual).

Also see Hair.

(1) Gen. 42:38; (2) Job 12:12; Prov. 16:31 & 20:29; (3) Dan. 7:9, 17, 22; (4) Gen. 42:38; 44:29, 31; Deut. 32:25; Hos. 7:9; (5) Lev. 19:32; (6) Rev. 12:9, 20:2.

Grief: See Mourning.

Griffin: (1) Commanding angel; (2) Powerful prophetic angel from G.o.d.

Also see Lion and Eagle.

(1) 2 Sam. 1:23b; Dan. 7:4; (2) Rev. 22:6.

Grim Reaper: See Death and Destroy.

Grind: (1) Proud person judged; (2) Judgment coming; (3) s.e.xual relations; (4) Harsh treatment; (5) Confinement and slavery.

(1) Matt. 21:42, 44; (2) Matt. 24:41; (3) Job 31:10; (4) Isa. 3:15; (5) Lam. 5:13; Judg. 16:21.

Groaning: (1) Symbolizes heartache and a desire for release or birth of the spirit; (2) Bondage or affliction; (3) Oppression; (4) Complaint; (5) Wounded or vexed soul; (6) Grief (heartache); (7) Bruised heart; (8) Pain; (9) Death; (10) Awaiting release.

(1) Rom. 8:26; 2 Cor. 5:2, 4; (2) Exod. 2:23-24; 6:5; Ps. 102:20; Acts 7:34; (3) Judg. 2:18b; (4) Job 23:2; (5) Job 24:12; Ps. 6:3, 6; 38:8-9; Jer. 51:52b; (6) Ps. 6:6-7; John 11:33, 38; (7) Ps. 102:4-5; (8) Rom. 8:22; (9) Ezek. 30:24b; Ps. 102:20; (10) Rom. 8:23.

Grocery Store: See Supermarket.

Groom: (1) Jesus; (2) You in union with someone or something; (3) Christ or His offspring (b.l.o.o.d.y groom).

Also see Best Man.

(1) Mark 2:19-20; John 3:29; (3) Exod. 4:26 & 1 Cor. 10:16.

Grotto: (1) Heart; (2) Earthly treasure; (3) Religious shrine.

Also see Cave, Shrine, and Treasure.

(1-3) Matt. 6:19-20.

Guarantee: (1) The Spirit; (2) Promise; (3) a.s.surance in Christ; (4) Faith.

(1) 2 Cor. 5:5; (2) Luke 24:49; (3) Acts 2:36; 17:31; (4) Heb. 11:1 (AMP).

Guide: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) Jesus; (3) Mentor/leader; (4) An angel; (5) The Bible; (6) The rhema word (a word spoken in season).

Also see Map and Pointing.

(1) John 16:13; Rom. 8:14; (2) John 10:27; 21:19, 21; Heb. 12:2; (3) 1 Kings 19:21b; Acts 8:30-31; (4) Gen. 19:15-16; (5) Ps. 119:105; (6) Prov. 15:23b; Isa. 50:4; Acts 8:30-31.

Guinea Pig: (1) Feeble; (2) Fearful; (3) Wise; (4) Timid; (5) p.a.w.n; (6) Experiment; (7) Sin that you want to keep (as a pet).

Also see Pet.

(1-4) Prov. 30:24-26 (conies KJV); (5) As in, "being used"; (6) As in, "They are just using me as a guinea pig"; (6) Heb. 12:1.

Guitar: (1) Praise and/or worship; (2) Freestyle worship (guitar with no neck); (3) May symbolize religious seduction (or false worship); (4) Performing/ grandstanding.

Also see Music, Musical Instrument, and Rock *n Roll.

(1-2) Ps. 33:2; 92:3; 144:9; 150:4; Isa. 38:20; (3) 1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:13; 1 John 2:26; (4) 2 Sam. 6:5; John 7:18.

Gums: (1) Issue of the heart (bleeding gums).

(1) Matt. 15:18; Luke 6:45.

Gun: (1) Words; (2) Weapon; (3) Accusation; (4) Threatening words (loaded gun).

Also see Bow and Bullets.

(1-2) Isa. 54:17; (3-4) Ps. 22:13.

Gunman: (1) The accuser of the brethren; (2) Condemnation.

Also see, Contract Killer, Gun, Sniper, and Rifle.

(1) Rev. 12:10; (2) Matt. 12:37; John 5:24 (KJV); Rom. 8:1; 1 Tim. 3:6; James 3:1-9; 5:12.

Gutter/s: (1) Channel of the Spirit; (2) Lowest point (rock bottom); (3) Water catchment; (4) Humble soul recognition of being spiritually poor.

(1) Judg. 15:19; Isa. 44:3; John 7:38-39; (2) Mic. 7:10; (3-4) Matt. 5:3.

Also see Drain, Kerb, Plumber, and Trench.

Dirty Roof Gutters (1) not dealing with issues in your life/chur ch/ministry (the run-off of wrong authority structures).

(1) Matt. 23:26.

Haemorrhoids: See Hemorrhoids.

Hail: (1) Judgment; (2) Wrath.

(1) Ps. 78:47; Isa. 30:30; Ezek. 13:13.

Hair: (1) Anointing; (2) Vanity or self-glory; (3) Sin; (4) Separation unto G.o.d; (5) Speaks of covering (woman); (6) Glory; (7) Strength; (8) Fine line (accurate); (9) Protection or care; (10) Prophet or recluse; (11) Innumerable; (12) Humbling love and devotion; (13) Speaks of shame (long hair on male); (14) Selfglory (long hair on male); (15) Set apart for G.o.d (long-haired boy);(16) Person in the world (ponytail); (17) Glory (curly hair like a lion"s mane); (18) Stronghold of thoughts (caught in the hair); (19) Self-glory/pride (caught by the hair); (20) Renewal of the mind (+/-) (washing hair).

Also see Baldness, Grey Hair, and Hairy.

(1) Judg. 16:19-20; (2) 2 Sam. 14:26; 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3; (3) Lev. 13:3-4, 10ff; (4) Num. 6:5-8, 18-19; (5) 1 Cor. 11:15; (6) Prov. 16:31; Dan. 7:9; 1 Cor. 11:15; Rev. 1:14; (7) Judg. 16:22, 28-30; (8) Judg. 20:16; (9) 1 Sam. 14:45; 2 Sam. 14:11; 1 Kings 1:52; Matt. 10:30; Acts 27:34; (10) 2 Kings 1:8; (11) Ps. 69:4; (12) Luke 7:38, 44; John 11:2; 12:3; (13) 1 Cor. 11:14; (14) Judg. 16:17; 2 Sam. 14:26; (15) Judg. 13:5; (16) Isa. 31:1; (17) Song. 4:1; Dan. 7:9; Rev. 1:14; (18) Gen. 40:17; (19) 2 Sam. 18:9; (cf. 2 Sam. 14:26); (20) t.i.t. 3:5 & Rom. 12:2.

Haircut: (1) Cleansing from sin; (2) Rejection; (3) Loss of/or removing the anointing.

(1) Lev. 14:8; (2) Jer. 7:29; (3) Judg. 16:19-20.

Hair Cut Off: (1) Shame; (2) Subjection; (3) Judgment; (4) Humbling; (5) Breaking of a vow.

Also see Baldness.

(1-3) Isa. 3:24; 7:20; 15:2; Jer. 7:29; Ezek. 5:1; (4-5) Judg. 16:19-21.

Hairdressers: (1) Vanity; (2) Grooming (self-glory); (3) Church (as the place where hair [the flesh] is trimmed).

Also see Barber Shop.

(1-2) 2 Sam. 14:26; 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3; (3) Num. 6:19.

Hair Extensions: (1) Authority/covering; (2) Not happy with your covering (pulling out extensions).

(1-2) 1 Cor. 11:15.

Hair (Not Singed): (1) G.o.d"s protection.

(1) Dan. 3:27.

Hair Pulled Out: (1) Abuse; (2) Ashamed; (3) Being taken advantage of (some/ part of hair pulled out); (4) Frustration.

(1) Isa. 50:6; (2) Ezra 9:3; Neh. 13:25; (3) Isa. 50:6; (4) As in, "I"m pulling my hair out because nothing is being done about it!"

Hair (Wanting it white or black): (1) Warning to watch what is coming from your mouth; (2) Promises you can"t keep.

(1-2) Matt. 5:36-37.

Hairy: (1) Fleshly person (hairy arms, legs, back).

Also see Legsa"Hairy Legs.

(1) Gen. 25:25 & Rom. 9:13.

Hallway: See Corridor.

Halo: (1) Glory of G.o.d; (2) An angel.

(1) Matt. 17:2; Rev. 1:16; 10:1.

Hamburger: (1) Fast food; (2) Sermon; (3) Words or teaching quickly or ill-prepared; (4) Not balanced nutrition; (5) Words spoken without consideration of impact or consequences.

(1) Heb. 5:14; (2) Heb. 5:12-14; (3) 1 Tim. 3:15-16; 2 Tim. 4:3; (4) Mark 4:19; An example of this might be where someone says that fasting is no longer applicable based on Isaiah 58, though Jesus plainly says that we are expected to fast in Matthew 6:16; (5) Eccl. 5:2.

Hammer: (1) G.o.d"s Word; (2) Using the Word of G.o.d to bring thoughts captive and killing wrong (human-made) thoughts; (3) Speaks of human-made building; (4) Unholy efforts of people; (5) Idolatry; (6) Babylon (or warlike nation); (7) Communism.

Also see Mark in Name and Place Dictionary.

(1) Jer. 23:29; (2) Judg. 4:21; 5:26; (Sisera means "Binding in chains" and may speak of strongholds [att.i.tudes of mind]) cf. 2 Cor. 10:3-5; (3) 1 Kings 6:7; (4-5) Ps. 74:6; Isa. 44:12; Jer. 10:2-5; (6) Jer. 50:23; (7) As in, "hammer and sickle" on flag.

Hand/s: (1) Heart; (2) Flesh; (3) Work of the flesh; (4) Works; (5) Crippled heart (withered or malformed hand); (6) The Church (G.o.d"s hands); (7) G.o.d"s provision or doing; (8) Taking; (9) Responsibility; (10) Dominion, control, or authority; (11) Oath or pledge; (12) Opposition; (13) Help; (14) Leading out; (15) Carrying; (16) Grabbing or grasping; (17) Gift or giving; (18) Payment; (19) Harm, hurt, or hit; (20) Readily available (at hand); (21) Within reach; (22) Custody or capture; (23) Reaching out; (24) Power or strength; (25) Invitation; (26) Direction; (27) Laziness (poor)/diligence (rich); (28) United; (29) Diligence (rule)/slothful (are ruled); (30) Doing (own); (31) Purchase; (32) Hidden (slothfulness); (33) Silence; (34) My side of the agreement (a hand); (35) Despondency and disappointment (hands hanging down).

Also see Broken, Fingers, Fist, Handle, Hands Folded, Hands Laid On, Knuckles, Palm, Left and Right, and Shaking Hands.

(I) Ps. 24:4; 58:2; Prov. 21:1; Eccl. 7:26; Song. 5:4; James 4:8; (2) Luke 24:39; Eph. 2:11b; (3) Exod. 32:3-4; Dan. 2:34; (4) Gen. 4:11; 5:29; 31:42; Deut. 3:24; Prov. 12:14; Eccl. 2:11; (5) Luke 6:6-11; (6) 1 Cor. 12:12; (7) Eccl. 2:24; 9:1; (8) Gen. 3:22; (9) Gen. 9:2; (10) Gen. 14:20; 16:6, 9; 24:10; 41:35; (II) Gen. 14:22; 21:30; 24:2; 38:20; 47:29; (12) Gen. 16:22; (13) Gen. 19:10; (14) Gen. 19:16; (15) Gen. 22:6; (16) Gen. 22:10; 25:26; Prov. 30:28; (17) Gen. 24:18; 33:10; Prov. 31:20; (18) Gen. 31:39; (19) Gen. 32:11; 37:21-22; Prov. 6:17; (20) Gen. 32:13; (21) Gen. 33:19; (22) Gen. 38:18; Prov. 6:5; (23) Gen. 38:28; (24) Gen. 49:24; Exod. 13:16; Prov. 3:27; (25) Prov. 1:24; (26) Prov. 4:27; (27) Prov. 10:4; (28) Prov. 11:21; 16:5; (29) Prov. 12:24; (30) Prov. 14:1; Eccl. 9:10; (31) Prov. 17:16; (32) Prov. 19:24; 26:15; (33) Prov. 30:32 (hand to mouth); (35) Heb. 12:12.

Handbag: See Bag.

Hand Grenade: (1) Anger needing/wanting release; (2) Carrying tension; (3) Wanting to throw cell phone (not being able to free oneself from people wanting you); (4) Fear of something erupting; (5) Wanting to get rid ofa" distance yourself froma"a potential hazard (throwing hand grenade).

(1) Num. 24:10; Lam. 2:3; (2) Jer. 17:22; (3) Mark 3:7, 20; 7:33a; (4) Job 22:10b; (5) 2 Sam. 11:15.

Handkerchief: (1) Speaks of great faith and anointing; (2) Speaks of indirect acts of faith and healing; (3) Miracle; (4) Releasing the anointing for healing or deliverance (giving handkerchief); (5) Receiving the anointing for healing or deliverance (receiving handkerchief).

(1-5) Acts 19:12.

Handle: (1) To understand and gain control over something/someone; (2) Spiritual stranglehold; (3) No longer held captive (handle falling off); (4) No longer out of control; (5) Uncontrollable (too hot to handle); (6) Deceit and deception (secretive or wrong handling); (7) Truth (handling something openly).

(1) As in, "I"ve got a handle on my new position now"; (2-3) John 14:30 (NIV); (4-5) As in, "He"s not able to handle it." (6-7) 2 Cor. 4:2.

Handlebars: (1) Leadership (steering the ministry); (2) Person getting in your way (someone on the handlebars); (3) Freeloader/burden to the ministry (someone on the handlebars); (4) Someone uncomfortable with the way things are going/or the way you are going about things (carrying someone on the handlebars).

(1) Ps. 23:2-4; (2) Gen. 13:1, 14; (blocking your vision); (3) Acts 15:36-39; (4) John 6:60, 66.

Hand Rail: (1) Barrier; (2) Support.

(1) Deut. 3:5 (KJV); Job 38:10-11; Ps. 107:16; (2) Job 40:18.

Hands Folded: (1) Laziness; (2) Famine; (3) Self-destruct.

(1) Prov. 6:10; 24:33; (2) Eccl. 4:5.

Hand Shaking: See Shaking Hands.

Hands Laid On: (1) Impartation; (2) Blessing; (3) Hurting; (4) Identifying with; (5) Death (hands on the eyes); (6) Healing; (7) Persecution.

(1-2) Gen. 48:13-20; (3) Gen. 22:12; (4) Gen 48:16; (5) Gen. 46:4; (6) Mark 6:5; 16:18b; (7) Luke 21:12; 22:53 (KJV).

Hand Writing on a Wall: (1) The future is determined; (2) Judgment; (3) Weighed and found wanting; (4) Rumor.

(1-3) Dan. 5:5, 27; (4) As in, hearsay.

Hanging: (1) Cursed; (2) The Cross; (3) Conversion; (4) Christ; (5) Despondency (hands hanging down); (6) Feeling regret and guilt; (7) In the second heaven (positive experience).

(1) Mark 9:42; Gal. 3:13; (2) Luke 23:39; (3) Gal. 2:20; (4) Acts 5:30; 10:39; (5) Heb. 12:12; (6) Matt. 27:4-5; (7) Ezek. 3:14, 8:3.

Hang Glider: (1) Ministry in the Spirit; (2) Waiting on G.o.d.

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