Also see Bake, Baker, and Oven.

(1) Gen. 40:16-17; (2) As in, "wanting a piece of the action"; (3) Hos. 7:6; (4) As in, "finger in the pie"; (5) 2 Cor. 4:7; (as contents enclosed).

Pier: See Jetty.

Pierce: (1) Sorrow and grief.

(1) Luke 2:35; 1 Tim. 6:10.

Pierced Ear: (1) Pledging love; (2) Pledging slavery; (3) Sensitivity to master"s (G.o.d"s) voice.

(1-3) Exod. 21:5-6.

Pig: (1) Unbeliever; (2) Sin; (3) Unclean spirit; (4) Devil/demon; (5) Woman without discretion.

(1-2) Matt. 7:6; Luke 15:13-18; (3-4) Matt. 8:30-32; Mark 5:16; (5) Prov. 11:22.

Pigeon: (1) Christ; (2) Spirit of poverty (poor person"s sacrifice/offering).

Also see Bird/s, Dove, Park, and Spirit of Poverty.

(1) Lev. 1:14-17; 14:5-7; (2) Luke 2:24; (cf. Lev. 12:8).

Pillar: (1) Reliable and strong load-bearing (responsible) leadership; (2) Christ; (3) The Church; (4) The Holy Spirit; (5) Resurrection; (6) Stability and firmness; (7) Covenant witness; (8) Gravestone; (9) Corrosive person (salt); (10) Wisdom"s seven pillars; (11) Warning of Christ"s return (pillars of smoke).

(I) Gal. 2:9; Rev. 3:12; (2) Gen. 35:14-15; (3) Gen. 35:14-15; 1 Tim. 3:15; (4) Exod. 13:21-22 (fire and cloud); (5) Gen. 28:18 (a pillar erected); (6) Song. 5:15; (7) Gen. 31:51-52; (8) Gen. 35:20; (9) Gen. 19:26; (10) Prov. 9:1; (II) Joel 2:30.

Pillow: (1) Christ (He on whom we rest, and dream); (2) Resting in faith, regardless of circ.u.mstance; (3) Heart; (4) Covering that guards your heart (pillowcase).

(1) Gen. 28:11-18 (in setting the stone upright and anointing it Jacob prefigures the resurrection); (2) Mark 4:38, 40; (3) Matt. 11:29; (4) Prov. 4:23.

Pills: See Drug Use.

Pilot: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) One who is steering; (3) Spiritual guidance.

(1) Ps. 43:3 (The light is fueled by oil); Luke 4:1; (2-3) Acts 13:2, 4.

Pimples: (1) Fleshly imperfections; (2) Adjust spiritual diet by being obedient; (3) Spiritual detoxification and heart revealed (facial pimples); (4) Spiritual immaturity; (5) Pimples on the body may indicate physical health issues relating to that part of the body.

Also see Face and Spot.

(1) 2 Cor.7:1; (cf. Gal. 5:19-21); (2) John 4:34; (3) 2 Tim. 2:21; (4) 1 Cor. 13:11.

Pin: (1) Word; (2) Tie/fastener; (3) Jesus Christ; (4) End of relationship/project (As in, "pulling the pin").

Also see Nail and Pierce.

(1) Eccl. 12:11; Col. 2:14; (2) Judg. 16:14; Isa. 22:23; (3) Isa. 22:23; (4) John 13:30.

Pinch: (1) Invitation of the flesh; (2) Fleshly seduction; (3) Offense.

(1-3) Gen. 4:7.

Pine (Tree): (1) Upright person.

(1) Isa. 60:13 (cf. Ps. 92:12).

Pink: (1) Flesh; (2) Sensual; (3) Immoral; (4) s.e.x; (5) Childhood innocence; (6) Feminine; (7) Young and delicate; (8) Calm.

(1) Rom. 2:28; (2-4) Deut. 22:15-17; (5) 1 Sam. 17:42; (6) As in, "pink for girls and blue for boys"; (7) 1 Sam. 17:42; (8) As in, "pink room."

Pipe (Smoking): See Smoking.

Pipe (Water): (1) Vessel (person or church) of the Word and Spirit; (2) Being led by the Spirit and Word of G.o.d.

(1) 2 Kings 20:20 (cf. 1 Kings 18:1, 6-7a); (2) 2 Sam. 5:8.

Pirate: (1) Immoral get-rich-quick lifestyle; (2) Gold-digger.

Also see Thief (1-2) John 12:4-6.

Pistol: (1) Close range attack of words/thoughts; (2) Someone close speaking against you; (3) Spirit of l.u.s.t (9mm).

Also see Bullets, Gun, Rifle, and Smoking.

(1) Gen. 44:18; Mal. 3:5; (2) Matt. 26:14-16; (3) 2 Sam. 13:14-15.

Pit: (1) h.e.l.l; (2) Trap; (3) Prison; (4) Heart.

(1) Gen. 37:20; Prov. 1:12; Isa. 14:15; Ezek. 26:20; Rev. 9:1-2, 11; 11:7; (2) Prov. 22:14; 23:27; 26:27; 28:10; Jer. 18:22; (3) Jer. 38:10-13; (4) 2 Cor. 4:7.

Pitchfork: (1) Lies; (2) Devil.

Also see Fork.

(1-2) John 8:44; (2) By a.s.sociation.

Pizza: (1) Quick and easy fix for the flesh; (2) Temptation to doubt genuine revelation as a "pizza dream"; (3) Word of G.o.d (as bread).

(1) Luke 4:3; (2) Acts 26:24; (3) Deut. 8:3; Matt. 26:17.

Plague: (1) Curse; (2) Judgment; (3) Sin.

(1-3) Ps. 106:29.

Plain: The plain is contrasted against the mountain; therefore, plain represents: (1) Spiritual low place; (2) Place of the efforts of people; (3) Appealing to the natural eyes; (4) Lacking spiritual sight; (5) Place of vulnerability; (6) Place of preparation; (7) Straight or righteous (opposite of crooked).

Also see Crooked and Mountain.

(1) Gen. 19:17; (2) Gen. 11:2-4; (3) Gen. 13:10-12; (4) Deut. 34:1; (5) Gen. 19:17; (6) Num. 22:1-26:3, 63; 31:12; (7) Isa. 40:4 (KJV).

Plan/s: (1) G.o.d"s destiny for you; (2) Blueprints of Heaven.

(1) Jer. 1:5; 29:11 (NIV); (2) Exod. 25:40; Luke 1:31-32.

Planet/s: (1) May represent people.

Also see Mars, Orbit, Pluto, and Satellite.

(1) Gen. 37:9-10; 1 Cor. 15:47.

Plank: (1) Fleshly issue of the heart.

(1) Matt. 7:3.

Plant (noun): (1) Individual or significant plants represent people, churches, or nations. (2) Small plants may represent children.

(1) Isa. 5:7 (Judah); Isa. 53:2 (Christ); Matt. 15:13 (individuals); Matt. 21:33ff; (2) Ps. 144:12, Isa. 53:2.

Plant (verb): (1) Established by G.o.d; (2) Burying the flesh; (3) Spreading the Gospel; (4) Be born again; (5) Flourish; (6) Leading to harvest; (7) Planting weeds.

Also see Sowing.

(1) Gen. 2:8; Matt. 15:13; Luke 20:9; (2) Rom. 6:5; (cf. John 12:24); (3) 1 Cor. 3:6; (4) Eccl. 3:2; Isa. 61:3; (5) Ps. 92:13; (6) Ps. 107:37; (7) Matt. 13:25; 15:13.

Plantation: (1) Church; (2) Kingdom of G.o.d.

Also see Fruit Tree, Orchard, and Vineyard.

(1) As a gathering of fruit trees (cf. Ps. 1:3); (2) Matt. 21:28-31.

Plaque: (1) Public declaration.

(1) Esther 8:13.

Plaster (Medical Strip): (1) Covering up the real issue; (2) Superficial patch-up job; (3) Placebo.

(1) Matt. 15:8; (2) Matt. 9:16; 2 Kings 12:2-3; 15:3-4, 34-35.

Plastic: (1) Superficial; (2) Not real; (3) Saying it, but not living it; (4) Cheap; (5) Not yet open to view (sealed plastic bag); (6) Not real; (7) Non-Christian hearts (plastic bags and bottles).

(1) Col. 2:18a; (2-3) Matt. 15:8-9; (4) Matt. 8:19-20; Luke 9:61-62 (looking for "easy believism"); (5) Isa. 29:11; Dan. 12:4, 9; (6) Rev. 3:1-2; (7) Matt. 5:29-30; 9:17 (these will perish!).

Plate: (1) Heart. (2) What is seen on a plate may be showing a heart"s desire; (3) Someone"s agenda; (4) Portion and serving; (5) Ration; (6) Resources and supply; (7) Workload and responsibility; (8) Food; (9) Provisions; (10) What someone deserves.

Also see Platter, Pots and Pans, and Vessel.

(1) Ps. 78:18; Prov. 3:3 (KJV); 23:7-8; (2) Ps. 73:25-26 (Aportion is what you get on a plate); Eccl. 2:10 (KJV); Dan. 1:8; (3) Prov. 23:6-7; (4) Luke 12:42; (5) 1 Kings 17:12; (6) 2 Sam. 9:11 (What"s on the plate speaks of the extent of resources available); (7) As in, "I have a lot on my plate at the moment"; (8-9) Prov. 23:1-3; (10) Luke 12:46.

Platform: (1) Pulpit.

Also see Pulpit.

(1) Gen. 23:3; Matt. 10:27.

Platter: (1) Represents the heart; (2) Too good to be true (silver platter); (3) Blessing; (4) Spoilt; (5) Martyr (head on a platter); (6) Influence of a Jezebel spirit (head on a platter).

Also see Cup and Plate.

(I) Matt. 23:25-28 (KJV); Luke 11:39 (KJV); (2) As in, "handed to him on a silver platter"; (3-4) As in, "handed to him on a platter"; (5-6) Matt. 14:8.

Playing: (1) Childlikeness; (2) Spiritual immaturity; (3) Spiritually deaf; (4) Looking for outward response; (5) s.e.xual defilement; (6) Spiritual idolatry; (7) Worship; (8) Foolishness; (9) Entering into the Spirit; (10) Innocence; (II) Sign of peace; (12) Not serious.

Also see Toys.

(1-4) Matt. 11:15-19; Luke 7:32; (5) Lev. 21:9; Judg. 19:2; Hos. 2:5; (6) Exod. 32:6; Jer. 2:20; 3:6; 1 Cor. 10:7; (7) 1 Sam. 16:16-18, 23; 2 Sam. 6:5; 1 Chron. 15:29; (8) 1 Sam. 26:21; (9) 2 Kings 3:15; (10) Isa. 11:8; (11) Zech. 8:5; (12) As in, "He"s just playing around."

Playground: (1) Spiritually immature and idolatrous church.

(1) Exod. 32:6, 8.

Pliers: (1) Grabbing words (looking for leverage); (2) Gripping and tearing words (grabbing and pulling with pliers); (3) Can be looking for release from something (pulling out a nail).

(1) Mark 12:13; (2) Job 16:9; (3) Eccl. 12:11 (words); Isa. 22:23-25; Jer. 10:4 (idols).

Plowing: (1) Believer; (2) Preparation for harvest; (3) Call to seek G.o.d; (4) Hope; (5) Preparing or opening hearts; (6) Breaking up hardened hearts; (7) Working the heart with words (good or evil); (8) Questioning; (9) Whipping; (10) Wanting the past (looking back); (11) Looking forward; (12) Intercourse (seed sowing); (13) Worship.

Also see Farmer and Plowman.

(1) Luke 17:7, 10; (2) Job 4:8; Prov. 20:4; 21:4; Isa. 28:24-25; Hos. 10:11; 1 Cor. 9:10; (3) Hos. 10:11-12; (4) 1 Cor. 9:10; (5) (Isa. 28:24-25 & Matt. 13:18-19 cf. Luke 3:4-5); (6) Hos. 10:12; (7) Job 4:8; Prov. 21:4; Hos. 10:13; (8) Judg. 14:18; (9) Ps. 129:3; (10-11) Luke 9:62 (plowing requires that the plowman look forward, having two targets (the immediate and distant future) to keep his lines straight); (12) Deut. 22:10 (cf. 2 Cor. 6:14); Judg. 14:18 (social intercourse); (13) Hos. 10:11.

Plowman: (1) One who prepares the hearts; (2) G.o.d; (3) Pioneer; (4) Servant; (5) Believer.

See also Farmer and Sower.

(1) Isa. 28:24-25; Matt. 3:3; (2) Hos. 2:23; 1 Cor. 3:9; (3) 1 Cor. 3:6; (4) Luke 17:7; (5) Luke 9:62.

Plumber: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) Anointed ministry connecting others to the life-giving Spirit; (3) G.o.d/Jesus Christ.

(1) Isa. 44:3; John 7:38-39; (2) Judg. 15:19; John 7:38-39; (3) John 1:33; 4:14 Acts 2:17-18.

Pluto: (1) h.e.l.l; (2) The devil; (3) Distant person.

(1-2) Pluto is an alternative name of hades; (3) Matt. 2:1.

Pocket: (1) Heart; (2) Profiting; (3) Stealing; (4) Hiding place; (5) Holding place; (6) Money.

Also see Pick-Pocket.

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