(1) John 20:28; (2) Rom. 13:1.

Pressure Cooker: (1) Pending explosion (arguments, destruction, conflict). Also see Boiling and Bomb.

(1) 1 Sam. 20:30-33.

Priest: (1) Religious or legalistic leader; (2) Believer; (3) Jesus Christ; (4) Holy man; (5) Religious spirit; (6) A father (priest of the home).

Also see Pastor.

(1) Heb. 8:4; 10:11; (2) 1 Pet. 2:9, 5; Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:6; (3) Heb. 7:17, 26; 8:1; 911; 10:19-21; (4) Exod. 31:10; (5) Num. 5:30b; (6) Judg. 18:19.

Prime Minister: (1) Jesus Christ; (2) Senior minister; (3) Literally the prime minister.

Also see President.

(1) Heb. 3:1; 1 Pet. 5:4; (2) Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 1:12; 1 Pet. 5:1-2.

Prince: (1) Jesus Christ; (2) Satan; (3) Princ.i.p.ality (unG.o.dly); (4) Seated in heavenly places.

(1) Isa. 9:6b; (2) Matt. 12:24; Eph. 2:2; (3) Eph. 3:10; 6:12; (4) Eph. 2:6; Col. 3:1.

Printer (Computer): (1) Mouth; (2) Words.

(I) Job 15:13; Ps. 26:7; 68:11; (2) Ps. 19:14.

Prison: (1) The world; (2) Captivity and bondage; (3) Stronghold; (4) Place of confinement; (5) Place of heart refinement; (6) Place to develop truth; (7) Satan"s kingdom; (8) Place of judgment/punishment; (9) h.e.l.l; (10) Taken captive; (II) Prisoner of Christ; (12) Constrained by the love of G.o.d; (13) Bound by your own thoughts/words.

(1) Col. 1:12-13; 2 Tim. 2:25-26; (2) Isa. 20:4; 61:1; (3) Zech. 9:12; (4-6) Gen. 42:16 (KJV); (cf. Ps. 105:17-19); (7) 2 Tim. 2:26; (8) 2 Pet. 2:4; (9) 2 Pet. 2:4 (NIV); Jude 1:6; (10) 2 Tim. 3:6; (11) Eph. 3:1; Philem. 1:1, 9; (12) 2 Cor. 5:14; (13) Prov. 23:7.

Prisoners: (1) Unbelievers; (2) Captives of satan; (3) Captive sinners; (4) Captives of false religion; (5) Oppression; (6) Addiction.

(1-2) Luke 4:18; 2 Tim. 2:26; (3) Rom. 7:23; (4) 2 Tim. 3:6; (5-6) Prov. 23:29-32.

Private School: (1) Holy Spirit schooling; (2) Mentoring (outside system); (3) Restricted or exclusive training; (4) Cult or religious church (boarding school).

(1) Luke 1:80; 1 John 2:27; (2) 1 Kings 19:19-21; Matt. 5:1-2; (3) Acts 4:13; (4) Matt. 5:20 (full of rules and you don"t get to go home [Heaven]) Propeller: (1) Spirit-driven (good or evil).

Also see Helicopter.

(1) Mark 1:12 (KJV); Luke 8:29.

Prosthetic Limbs: (1) Not real; (2) Human-made; (3) False walk (legs); (4) False strength (legs or arm).

(1) 2 Sam. 20:9-10; Zech. 13:6a; (2) Ps. 147:10; (3) Num. 22:32b; Jer. 7:9; (4) Ps. 84:5a.

Prost.i.tute: See Harlot.

Prost.i.tution: (1) Exploited for money; (2) Selling yourself; (3) s.e.xual favors; (4) Unlawful trading; (5) Clandestine trading.

(1-5) Gen. 38:15-18.

Prune: (1) Discipline; (2) Judgment.

Also see Purge and Tr.i.m.m.i.n.g.

(1) John 15:2; (2) Dan. 4:14; Matt. 3:10.

Psychiatrist: (1) Someone inside your head.

(1) Prov. 23:7a; Lam. 3:60-61 (cf. Ps. 119:95).

Public Toilet: (1) Slander; (2) Gossip; (3) Church that repeats a matter; (4) Church, ministry, business, or household whose sin is exposed publicly (possibly about to be exposed by media).

(1-2) Prov. 6:16-19; (3) Prov. 17:9; (4) Rev. 3:1.

Puddle: (1) Deposit of the Spirit.

(1) Acts 2:17-18.

Puffer Fish: (1) Proud Christian; (2) Wanting to appear more important/spiritual than they really are; (3) Christian filled with head knowledge; (4) Christian lacking love; (5) Religious spirit.

(1-2) 1 Cor. 4:18-19; 5:2; (3) 1 Cor. 8:1; (4) 1 Cor. 13:4; (5) Col. 2:18.

Pulley: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) Encourager.

Also see Crane.

(1) Ezek. 3:14; 8:3; 11:1; (2) Prov. 12:25.

Pulling: (1) Saving (pulling into/out); (2) Redeeming (pulling in again); (3) Rescuing (pulling out); (4) Sheltering (pulling to you); (5) Destroying (pulling down); (6) Humbling (pulling down); (7) Selecting (pulling out); (8) Demolishing (pulling down); (9) Dismembering (pulling in pieces); (10) Uprooting (pulling up); (11) Stripping (pulling off); (12) Rebelling (pulling away); (13) Cleansing (pulling out); (14) Discouragement (pulling down).

Also see Pushing and Towing.

(1) Gen. 19:10; Jude 1:23; (2) 1 Kings 13:4; (3) Ps. 31:4; Luke 14:5; (4) Gen. 8:9; (5) Ezra 6:11; (6) Isa. 22:19; Jer.1:10; 18:7; (7) Jer. 12:3; (8) Jer. 24:6; 42:10; Luke 12:18; 2 Cor. 10:4; (9) Lam. 3:11 (KJV); Acts 23:10; (10) Ezek. 17:9; Amos 9:15; (11) Mic. 2:8; (12) Zech. 7:11 (KJV); (13) Matt. 7:4 (KJV); Luke 6:42 (KJV); (14) Deut. 1:28.

Pulpit: (1) Preaching ministry; (2) Church"s teaching; (3) Pastor; (4) Sermon; (5) Invitation to speak.

(1-2) Matt. 4:23; 9:35; Luke 20:1; Acts 5:42; 15:35; (3) Eph. 4:11; t.i.t. 1:7a, 9; (4) 2 Tim. 4:2; (5) Acts 10:22.

Pulse: (1) Life.

(1) Lev. 17:11.

Pump: (1) Building up in the Holy Spirit; (2) Pressure; (3) Receiving spiritual life (pumping).

(1) John 7:38-39; Jude 1:20; (2) As in, "under the pump"; (3) Lev. 17:11; John 6:63.

Pumpkin: (1) Witchcraft; (2) Disappointment (something turns into a pumpkin); (3) Fruit of the world (pumpkin is the world"s largest fruit).

Also see Witchcraft.

(1) 2 Chron. 33:6b-7a; (3) Num. 11:5.

Punch: (1) Spiritual warfare; (2) Exercising faith; (3) Impacting word; (4) Getting knocked around a bit.

Also see Fist.

(1) 1 Cor. 9:26; (2) 1 Tim. 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:7; (2) 1 Sam. 3:19; (4) Prov. 25:18.

Puppet: (1) Manipulative or controlling spirit; (2) Someone else is calling the moves; (3) Under someone"s control; (4) Mouthing words without heart; (5) Not real.

Also see Parrot and Remote Control.

(1-3) 1 Kings 21:7-8; (4) Isa. 29:13; Matt. 15:8; (5) John 12:5-6.

Puppy: (1) Immature unbeliever; (2) Someone needing attention and support; (3) Uncommitted follower; (4) Someone who is going to grow into a dog.

Also see Dog.

(1) Rev. 22:15; (2) John 6:26 (someone following because they want their flesh satisfied); Also consider puppies are in need of constant care; (3) Matt. 8:19-22; 10:38; (cf. John 6:2 & 6:66); (4) Matt. 13:32 (just as seeds grow into trees).

Purchase: See Buying.

Purge: (1) Purify; (2) Cleansed; (3) Sort/separate; (4) Pruning.

(1) Heb. 1:3 (KJV); (2) Mark 7:19 (KJV); Heb. 9:14, 22 (KJV); 10:2 (KJV); 2 Pet. 1:9; (3) Matt. 3:12 (KJV); Luke 3:17 (KJV); 1 Cor. 5:7; 2 Tim. 2:21 (KJV); (4) John 15:2 (KJV).

Purple: (1) Royalty; (2) Kingship; (3) Luxurious and/or indulgent; (4) Righteousness.

(1-2) Judg. 8:26; Dan. 5:7; John 19:2; (3) Acts 16:14; Rev. 18:12; (4) Exod. 28:15 & Eph. 6:14.

Purse: See Wallet.

Pushing: (1) Doing things in own strength; (2) Without the Spirit; (3) Fleshly or immature leadership; (4) Struggling; (5) Forcing someone into something they don"t want to do; (6) Working their/your agenda; (7) Forcing back; (8) To undermine; (9) Exerting dominance; (10) Expanding dominion and influence; (11) Exerting pressure upon; (12) Overflow (good measure pushed down).

Also see b.u.t.ton Pushing and Pulling.

(1-2) Rom. 8:14 (being led instead of pushing); (3) Ps. 80:1; Isa. 40:11; (4) As in, "I feel like I"m pushing uphill"; (5) As in, "She was pushed into it"; (6) As in, "pushing your own barrow"; (7) 1 Kings 22:11 (KJV); (8) Job 30:12; (9-10) Dan. 8:4; (11) Dan. 11:40 (KJV); (12) Luke 6:38.

Puzzle: (1) Confusion; (2) Test; (3) Riddle/parable; (4) Searching out mysteries. (1) 2 Chron. 20:12; John 13:7; (2) Gen. 22:1; (3) Num. 12:8; (4) 1 Cor. 14:2.

Pyjamas: See Pajamas.

Python: (1) Divination; (2) Fortune-telling spirit (familiar spirit); (3) Forecasting spirit catering to the will of people; (4) Spirit that seeks to squeeze out the spiritual life by applying pressure.

Also see Snake.

(1-2) Acts 16:16; 1 Sam. 15:23 (rebellion means "divination" in Hebrew); (3) Matt. 16:21-23; (4) 1 Thess. 5:19.

Quarry: (1) Faith (moving mountains); (2) Removing major sin.

Also see Rock/s.

(1) Matt. 21:21; Mark 11:22-23; (2) Ezek. 11:19; 36:26; Zech. 7:12.

Queen: (1) The harlot of the false church; (2) Manipulation and control (Jezebel); (3) Queen of heaven (false G.o.d); (4) Brought forward for a time such as this (you as the queen); (5) Judgment.

(1) Rev. 17:1-18:7; 174; 18:7; (2) 1 Kings 19:1-2; 21:5-16; Rev. 2:20; (3) Jer. 7:18; 44:17-19; (4) Esther 4:14b; (5) Matt. 12:42; Luke 11:31.

Quench: (1) Smother; (2) Put out (fire or light); (3) Stop or restrict; (4) Satisfy their thirst.

(1) Matt. 12:20; (2) Num. 11:2; 2 Sam. 21:17; Mark 9:43-45; Eph. 6:16; Heb. 11:34; (3) 1 Thess. 5:19; 2 Kings 22:17; (4) Ps. 104:11.

Queue: (1) Waiting.

Also see Ticket and Waiting.

(1) Luke 8:40.

Quick/ly: (1) Holy Spirit upon; (2) Given spiritual life; (3) Importance; (4) Window of opportunity; (5) Time running out; (6) Salvation; (7) Suddenly; (8) Soon; (9) Can be a sign of unbelief.

(1) Rom. 8:11 (KJV); 1 Kings 18:46; 1 Cor. 15:45 (KJV); 1 Pet. 3:18 (KJV); (2) John 5:21 (KJV); 6:63 (KJV); Rom. 4:17 (KJV); Heb. 4:12; (3) Matt. 28:7-8; Luke 14:21; John 11:29; (4) Acts 12:7; Rev. 2:5, 16; (5) Matt.5:25; John 13:27; Rev. 3:11; (6) Eph. 2:1, 5 (KJV); Col. 2:13 (KJV); (7) Rev. 11:14; (8) Rev. 22:7, 12, 20; (9) Isa. 28:16; John 13:27.

Quiet: When people are quiet, it may indicate: (1) They are uncommitted; (2) They are showing prudence (cautiousness); (3) They have received correction; (4) They respect your wisdom; (5) They are fearful of reprisal; (6) They are meditating (thinking through the word); (7) They are waiting on G.o.d.

(1) 1 Kings 18:21; (2) Amos 5:13; (3) Job 6:24; (4) Job 29:10; (5) Esther 4:13-14; (6) Josh. 1:8; (7) Ps. 46:10.

Quilt: (1) Protected by G.o.d; (2) Covering (bed quilt); (3) Grand/mother"s influence (ornate quilt); (4) Warmth.

Also see Blanket.

(1) Ps. 91:4-5; (2) Judg. 4:18; 1 Sam. 19:13; Prov. 7:16; (3) Gen. 24:67; (4) Job 31:20.

Quiver (noun): (1) Home; (2) Ready and waiting; (3) Spiritual warfare; (4) Threat of death; (5) Brace yourself with faith.

Also see Arrows.

(1) Ps. 127:4-5; (2) Isa. 49:2; (3) Gen. 27:3; Isa. 22:6; (4) Jer. 5:16; (5) Eph. 6:16.

Rabbit: (1) Unbeliever; (2) Sin; (3) Unclean spirit; (4) Multiplication; (5) Spirit of l.u.s.t; (6) Pestilence (pestilent to farmers).

(1-2) Lev. 11:6; Deut. 14:7 (unclean and not dividing G.o.d"s Word); (5) 2 Sam. 13:14. (as measured by the rabbit"s prolific ability to reproduce); (6) Matt. 13:19.

Racc.o.o.n: (1) UnG.o.dly, adaptive, and opportunistic thief.

(1) John 12:5-6.

Race: (1) The race of faith; (2) Christ"s life; (3) The course of life.

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