Yoke: (1) Legalistic bondage; (2) Oppression; (3) Joined with; (4) Burden (heavy or light); (5) Under the control of; (6) Harnessed power; (7) Service; (8) Half an acre.

Also see Bound and Egg.

(1) Acts 15:10; Gal. 5:1; (2) Lev. 26:13; Deut. 28:48; 1 Kings 12:4; (3) 2 Cor. 6:14; (4) Isa. 9:4; 10:27; 14:25; 58:6; Matt. 11:29-30; (5) Gen. 27:40; (6) Job 1:3; 42:12; (7) Jer. 27:2, 7; 1 Tim. 6:1; (8) 1 Sam. 14:14.

Younger: If in a dream a person appears younger than they currently are, possible meanings include: (1) You are looking at the spiritual person who is having youth renewed like the eagle; (2) This is the person of the future; (3) Can symbolize purity and humility; (4) Submissiveness (see 1 Pet. 5:5); (5) Spiritual dominion; (6) Immaturity; (7) You may be conversely looking at a person"s past, where that person was independent, selfish, and living a life apart from the Father; (8) This is a person ruled by the l.u.s.t of the eyes and the flesh; (9) Religious zealot; (10) Someone you haven"t known long (If there are two and one younger you may not have known the younger person as long, i.e. it is a younger relationship).

Also see Child/ren and Youth.

(1) Ps. 103:5; (2) Acts 7:19 (where the babies were the future men of Israel); 2 Cor. 4:16; (3) Luke 22:26; John 12:14; (4) 1 Pet. 5:5; (5) Rom. 9:12; (6) 1 Cor. 13:11; (7) Luke 15:12-13; (8) Eccl. 11:9; John 21:18; (9) Acts 7:58; (10) Acts 7:58.

Youth: (1) Redeemed individual; (2) Young person.

Also see Teenager and Younger.

(1) Job 33:23-25; Ps. 103:3-5.

Youth Hostel: (1) Vibrant young church.

Also see Backpackers Hostel.

(1) 1 John 2:13-14.

Yo-yo: (1) Something/issue that goes away and comes back again; (2) Idle hands. (1) Prov. 26:11; (2) Eccl. 10:18.

Zebra: (1) Africa; (2) Double-mindedness (black and white); (3) Lukewarm and in the world (horse: not black, not white).

Also see Horse.

(1) Country of origin; (2) Matt. 5:36-37; (3) Rev. 3:16.

Zeppelin: See Blimp.

Zipper: (1) Opening or opportunity; (2) Not open (stuck zipper); (3) Undone (exposed, revealed, or shamed); (4) Door of your heart; (5) Window of Heaven; (6) Teeth (mouth: keep it "zipped").

Also see Curtain, Door, Genitals, and Veil.

(1-2) Col. 4:3; (3) Isa. 6:5; (4) Acts 16:14; (5) Luke 17:21 & Rev. 4:1; (6) Job 41:14; Prov. 25:19; Prov. 30:14.

Zombie: (1) A Christian who claims to be alive, but who is without true spiritual life; (2) Someone unable to think for themselves; (3) Someone bewitched and controlled by another.

(1) Rev. 3:1; (2-3) Gal. 3:1.

Zoo: (1) Mix of types/races; (2) Caged/frustrated; (3) On display; (4) Out of your environment; (5) Out of control; (6) The world.

(5) As in, "the place is a zoo"; (6) 1 John 2:16.

The Name and Place Dictionary Aaron: (1) Elevated; (2) Stately; (3) Christ as High Priest; (4) High priest; (5) Spokesperson; (6) Intercessor.

(1-2) Name meaning; (3) Heb. 5:1-4; (4) Exod. 28:1-4; (5) Exod. 4:14; (6) Heb. 7:25-26.

Abba: (1) Father; (2) Papa.

(1) Mark 14:36.

Abbott: (1) Head priest of an abbey.

Abb/y/ey: (1) Her father rejoices.

Abel: (1) Vanity; (2) A meadow; (3) True believer; (4) Shepherd; (5) Martyr. (3-5) Gen. 4:1-8; Heb. 12:24.

Abigail: (1) Father of exultation; (2) Her father rejoices.

(1) 1 Sam. 25:14.

Abraham: (1) G.o.d the Father; (2) Father of many nations; (3) Friend of G.o.d; (4) Patriarch.

(1) Gen 22:2ff; (2) Gen 17:4-5; (3) James 2:23; cf James 4:4; (4) Heb. 7:4.

Absalom: (1) Peaceful father; (2) Bodily perfection and outward beauty, but wicked heart; (3) Treasonous heart-stealer; (4) Infidelity.

(1) Name meaning; (2) 2 Sam. 14:25-26; (3-4) 2 Sam. 15:2-6.

Achan: (1) Misfortune or trouble; (2) A person who enriches themselves from G.o.d"s work; (3) Remover of protection; (4) Thief; (5) Deceiver.

(1) Name meaning; (2-4) Josh. 7:1, 11; (5) Josh. 7:4-8.

Adam: (1) Red; (2) Earth colored (of the earth); (3) Human; (4) Humankind (5) Sin; (6) Christ.

(1-2) Name meaning; (3-4) One of four Hebrew words for "human"; 1 Cor. 15:22; (5) Gen. 3; (6) 1 Cor. 15:45.

Adan: See Aidan.

Adelaide: (1) Dignified; (2) Aristocrat; (3) May also carry the person"s a.s.sessment of the city or a person by this name.

Adele: (1) Dignified aristocrat.

Adeline: (1) Amiable; (2) Pleasant.

Adrian: (1) Dark; (2) Dark-skinned.

Adullam: (1) Justice of the people; (2) Shelter.

Agnes: (1) Spotless and pure; (2) Chaste.

Aidan: (1) Fervent; (2) Fiery.

Akubra: (1) Lit. "head covering"; (2) Aussie drover"s (one who drives cattle/ sheep) hat.

Alabama: (1) Cleaners of thickets; (2) Thicket clearers.

Alamo: (1) Poplar tree.

Alan: (1) (Celtic) Good-looking; (2) (Gaelic) Rock; (3) (French) n.o.ble.

Alana: See Alan.

Alba: (1) Dawn.

Albert/o: (1) Shining n.o.bleman.

Alby: See Albert.

Alcatraz: (1) Pelican; (2) Prison.

Alexander: (1) Protector; (2) Defender of people.

Alex/Alexi/Alexia: See Alexander.

Alf: (1) (German) n.o.ble and ready to fight; (2) (Swedish) Advised by elves. Alfonso: (1) n.o.ble and ready to fight.

Alfred: (1) Advised by elves (evil spirits).

Alice: (1) Dignified aristocrat.

Alicia: See Alice.

Alita: (1) Having wings.

Allison: (1) Honorable; (2) G.o.d-like fame.

Almund: (1) One who defends the temple.

Almunda: (1) Worships the Virgin Mary.

Althea: (1) Faultless.

Alvaro: (1) Guard of all; (2) Guards the truth.

Alvin: (1) n.o.ble friend.

Amado: (1) Beloved.

Amalia: (1) Work; (2) Diligent.

Amanda: (1) Worthy of love.

Amato: See Amado.

Amerigo: See Henry.

Amos: (1) Courageous; (2) Carried; (3) A prophet of judgment; (3) Amos 1:1-3.

Amparo: (1) Protection; (2) Shelter.

Amy: (1) One who is dearly loved.

Ananias: (1) Liar; (2) Greed-driven deception; (3) Messenger; (1-2) Acts 5:3; (3) Acts 9:17.

Anarhlia: (1) Drink of water (as possible variant of nahla).

Andre: See Andrew.

Andrea: (1) Womanly.

Andrew: (1) Masculine; (2) Man; (3) Of a man; in Scripture the name is a.s.sociated with; (4) Evangelism (It was Andrew who gathered Simon-Peter).

(4) John 1:40-41.

Angelo: (1) Messenger; (2) Angel.

Angus: (1) Unique choice; (2) Only option.

Ani: (1) Good-looking.

Anita: See Hannah.

Ann: (1) Favored graciously.

Annabel/la: (1) Favored graciously; (2) Full of grace and beauty. Annunziata/o: (1) Announces news; (2) Proclaims.

Anthea: (1) Flower lady.

Anthony: (1) Invaluable.

Antoinette: (1) Invaluable.

Anton: (1) Invaluable.

April: (1) To open; (2) When the buds open.

Ari: (1) (Greek) Great thinker; (2) (Norse) Strength of an eagle.

Ariel/e: (1) Lion of G.o.d.

Arizona: (1) Place of the small spring.

Arlene: (1) A sworn promise; (2) Oath.

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