Arnold: (1) Strength of an eagle. (Isa. 40:31).

Art: See Arthur.

Arthur: (1) Having the strength of a bear.

Asa: (1) One who heals.

Asher: (1) Joyful.

Ashley: (1) Grove of ash trees.

Ashlyn: (1) Grove of ash trees.

Ashton: (1) A farm of ash trees.

Aspen: (1) The poplar or aspen tree.

Atlanta: (1) Mighty huntress.

Audrey: (1) Has strength.

August: (1) (English) Born in the eighth month; (2) (Latin) Grand and magnificent (venerable).

Aurelio: (1) Golden; (2) Gilded.

Austin: (1) Renowned.

Austen: (1) Grand and magnificent.

Aymeric: (1) Diligent ruler.

Azam: (1) Greatest; (2) Biggest.

Balder: (1) Without hair.

Bali: (1) Jewel of the east.

Baltimore: (1) Settlement of the big house.

Bani: (1) Constructed.

Barack: (1) Blessed.

Barak: (1) Lightning flash.

Barbara: (1) Stranger; (2) Foreigner.

Barret: (1) Having the power of a bear.

Barrett: (1) At the head; (2) Chief.

Barry: (1) Lives near the border; (2) Having the strength of a bear; (3) Excellent marksman.

Bart: (1) Son of the furrows; (2) Son of the ridges; (3) Son of the plowman. Barton: (1) Lives on a barley farm.

Baruch: (1) Exalted; (2) Blessed.

Bea: See Beatrice.

Beatrice: (1) One who brings joy.

Beena: (1) Comprehends; (2) Discerns.

Belinda: (1) One who comes with wisdom.

Benedict: (1) Blessed.

Benit/a/o: (1) Blessed; (2) Happy.

Benjamin: (1) Son of my right hand; (2) Son of my strength.

Ber: (1) A bear.

Bernadette: (1) As brave as a bear; (2) Burn a debt (play on words).

Bernice: (1) She brings victory.

Bernie/Bernard: (1) As brave as a bear.

Berri: (1) Bend in the river.

Bess: (1) My G.o.d is bountiful.

Betty: See Elizabeth.

Bethany: (1) House of dates.

Bethel: (1) House of G.o.d.

Bevan: (1) Young soldier.

Beverley: (1) Field where beavers live.

Beulah: (1) Married; (2) Joined in marriage.

Biju: (1) Victory; (2) Jewels.

Bill: See William.

Bina/h: (1) Comprehends; (2) Discerning.

Bing: (1) Cauldron-shaped hollow.

Blake: (1) Dark; (2) Dark-skinned.

Blair: (1) Child of the field; (2) From the plain.

Blaise: (1) One who lisps or speaks imperfectly.

Blayze: (1) Flaming fire.

Bo: (1) Pleasing appearance; (2) Respected; (3) Having the strength of a bow; (4) Cherished.

Boaz: (1) Fleetness; (2) In His strength.

Bob: (1) One whose fame shines brightly.

Bobby: (1) One whose fame shines brightly.

Boca Raton: (1) Mouth of the mouse; (2) Place where pirates hid.

Bolton: (1) From the main house on the farm.

Bondi: (1) The place of breaking water.

Bonnie: (1) Beautiful; (2) Good.

Boston: (1) Town by the woods.

Bosworth: (1) Lives near the cattle yards.

Boyle: (1) Money-making.

Brad: (1) Broad.

Bradley: (1) Large clearing; (2) Broad meadow.

Brazil: (1) Strength; (2) Conflict.

Brenda: (1) A sword or swordsman.

Brendon: (1) Lives by the beacon.

Brenton: (1) A steep hill.

Brett: (1) Old English tradition; (2) British; (3) Not changing; (4) Government; Brewer: (1) Beer-maker.

Also see Brewery and Drugs.

Brian: (1) Strength; (2) Hill; (3) May represent Jesus as the arm or strength of G.o.d.

Also see Hill and Strength in Metaphor Dictionary.

(3) 2 Kings 9:24 & John 12:38.

Bridget: (1) Has strength.

Brock: (1) Lives beside the stream.

Bronwyn: (1) Fair-breasted; (2) May represent the Holy Spirit.

Brooke: (1) Lives beside the stream.

Bruce: (1) Forest.

Bruno: (1) Brown Brunswick: (1) Bruno"s village.

Bryce: (1) (Celtic) Quick; (2) Watchful; (3) Aspiring; (4) (Scottish) Marked with freckles.

Bubba: (1) Good fellow.

Buick: (1) (Irish) Outlying farm; (2) (Dutch) Fat man.

Burn: (1) Lives near the stream.

Cain: (1) Murderer; (2) Carnal believer; (3) Man of the flesh; (4) Self-righteous believer; (5) Sin at the door; (6) Religious.

(1-6) Gen. 4:1-16; Heb. 11:4.

Cairns: (1) Mound of rocks.

Caitlin: (1) Pure; (2) Spotless.

Caleb: (1) Dog; (2) Bold; (3) Impetuous.

Callum: (1) Dove-like.

Campbell: (1) Crooked mouth; (2) Bent mouth.

Camden: (1) Winding valley.

Cameron: (1) Has a bent nose; (2) From the place where the stream bends. Camilla: (1) Temple attendant.

Canada: (1) Village; (2) Settlement.

Canberra: (1) Field for meeting; (2) Capital (place of decision-making). Candace: (1) Radiant.

Cape Canaveral: (1) Cane break; (2) Place of rocket launches.

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