(1-2) Name meaning; (3) As Eve was the first woman she may be representative of women; (4) Gen. 3:20; (5) 1 Tim. 2:14; (6) Adam and Eve can symbolize Christ and the Church.

Evin: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Ezekiel: (1) Whom G.o.d will strengthen.

Ezra: (1) Help; (2) Gives a.s.sistance.

Fabio: (1) A bean farmer.

Fatima: (1) Fascinating; (2) Weaned; (3) Daughter of the prophet.

Fausto: (1) Favoring.

Fay: (1) A fairy; (2) Demon.

February: (1) To purify by sacrifice.

Felicity: (1) Lucky; (2) Happy.

Ferdinand/o: (1) Bold travel; (2) Daring adventure.

Fernando: (1) One who dares adventure.

Ferrari: (1) Blacksmith; (2) Iron; (3) Recognized as fast, powerful, and expensive autos.

Findon: (1) Lit. "heap-hill"; (2) Church hill.

Fiona: (1) Fair complexioned.

Flabio: (1) Golden-haired.

Fletch/Fletcher: (1) One who makes arrows.

Fleur: (1) A flower.

Flint: (1) Hard stone that sparks when hit.

Florence: (1) Blooming.

Florida: (1) Blooming; (2) Flowering. (Song. 2:12-13; Matt. 24:32).

Floyd: (1) (Irish) G.o.d"s will; (2) (Celtic) Grey-haired.

Fogerty: (1) Banished.

Fons/Fonsie/zie: (1) n.o.ble and ready to fight.

Ford: (1) Shallow river crossing.

Forest: (1) One who guards the woods.

Forrest: (1) Tree-covered land.

Forrester: (1) One who guards the woods.

Fran/Francis: (1) From France; (2) A javelin; (3) Free.

Frank: (1) A javelin; (2) Free; (3) From France.

Franklin: (1) A landholder of free birth.

Fred: (1) Peace-making ruler.

Freda: See Fred.

Freeman: (1) At liberty.

Fremantle: (1) A poor man"s thin coat.

Fremont: (1) Great guardian.

Fresno: (1) Ash tree.

Gabby: (1) See Gabriel.

Gabriel: (1) G.o.d-given strength.

Gad: (1) Fortunate; (2) Favorable.

Gail: (1) Full of joy; (2) Delighted.

Gareth: (1) Gentle; (2) Compa.s.sionate.

Garth: (1) Gardener.

Gary: (1) Spear-carrier; (2) Spear.

Gavin: (1) Hawk used in battle.

Gemima: (1) One of two; (2) A twin.

Gemini: (1) One of two; (2) A twin.

Gemma: (1) Precious stone.

Gena: (1) (French) White spirit; (2) (Russian) Of good birth.

Genna: (1) Springtime.

Geoff/rey: (1) Full of peace; (2) Has the peace of G.o.d.

George: (1) Farmer; (2) Ground-breaker; (3) Harvest worker.

Gerrald: (1) Commands with a spear.

Gerrard: (1) Strength like a spear.

Gideon: (1) One who cuts down; (2) May symbolize a great work done by a few.

(1) Judg. 6:25; (2) Judg. 7:7.

Gilbert: (1) Bright pledge/promise; (2) Intelligent boy.

Gilchrist: (1) One who serves Christ.

Gilead: (1) Hill of witness.

Gillian: (1) Youthful.

Giovani: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Gisele/Giselle: (1) Promise.

Gladys: (1) Crippled.

Glen: (1) Lives in the valley.

Glenda: (1) Lives in the valley.

Glenelg: (1) In and out of a valley (viewed as a palindrome).

Glenice: (1) Lives in the valley.

Glynn: (1) Lives in the valley.

G.o.dfrey: (1) The peace of G.o.d.

G.o.dwin: (1) Friend of G.o.d.

Gold Coast: (1) Glorious living; (2) Money (expense or wealth); (3) Ritzy (upmarket); (4) The world.

Goldie: (1) Finances; (2) Precious metal.

Goliath: (1) Exile; (2) Soothsayer; (3) Giant.

(1-4) 1 Sam. 17:4, 23.

Gomez: (1) Adult male.

Goran: (1) Farmer.

Gordon: (1) From the wetlands; (2) Marshy field.

Grace: (1) Favor; (2) Esteem; (3) Mercy; (4) Gift.

(1-4) John 1:14.

Graham: (1) From the gravelly farm.

Grant: (1) Bestow or give.

Greg/Gregory: (1) Watchful; (2) Alert; (3) Vigilant.

Gretel: (1) Pearl; (2) Sea jewel.

Grosvenor: (1) Mighty hunter.

Guenter: (1) Fighter; (2) Warrior.

Guido: (1) Escort; (2) Pilot.

Guiseppe: (1) My G.o.d will increase.

Guild: (1) a.s.sociation of craftsmen.

Gunter: (1) Fighter; (2) Warrior.

Gus: (1) Sword or club of the Goths.

Guy: (1) (Celtic) Well-reasoned; (2) (Teutonic) Fighter; (3) Warrior.

Gwen: (1) Fair complexion; (2) White spirit.

Hal: (1) Ruler of the house.

Halifax: (1) Sacred field.

Ham: (1) Warm or hot/heat; (2) Burnt; (3) Dark.

(1) Gen. 9:18.

Hamish: (1) Replacement; (2) See James/Jacob.

Hank: (1) Commands the household.

Hannah: (1) Favored graciously; (2) Experienced anguish to break through to birth the promise in the Spirit.

(2) 1 Sam. 1:10-17 & Rom. 8:26 & Eph. 5:18.

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