Proofread by Nie Qiao

As the sky darkens, the whole Mukden County becomes quiet gradually, and there are fewer pa.s.sing pedestrians. The boisterous day is finally departing.

On the street, Yuan Feng is rambling with a slight shade of confusion on his face.

"Both the Yun clan and Yun Mengchen are very weird and eccentric. They must have secrets. She, as a casual manager of a restaurant, can actually be so formidable that she simply looks down upon the inner disciples of Yun Xiao Sect. I don"t know what kind of truth is hidden behind this." 

Since he walked out of the Dawn Tower, he has been contemplating today"s happenings all along. 

It appears that neither Yun Mengchen nor manager Qian treat Fang Yu with respect. As a general rule, Fang Yu cannot be offended anyhow in that he must have a great and promising future with his ident.i.ty as a disciple of Yun Xiao Sect and the martial spirit in his body. Even so, however, Yun Mengchen still gave offence to him without thought.

"There are only two possibilities. One is that the Yun clan has developed to such a degree that it doesn"t fear Yun Xiao Sect. The other is that Yun clan has drawn strong support in secret which is not inferior to Yun Xiao Sect in the least."  

Offending Fang Yu is equivalent to offending Yun Xiao Sect, which Yun Mengchen cannot be aware of. However, she isn"t afraid of Yun Xiao Sect. That obviously means Yun clan has a power that is not weaker than that of Yun Xiao Sect, which shows it has a powerful background support.

"The possibility of the first a.s.sumption is next to nothing. So it seems that Yun clan is supported by a strong power and this power cannot be inferior to Yun Xiao Sect." 

He still remembers Yun Mengchen"s words before Fang Yu left that Black Mountain Country is very small, and so is Yun Xiao Sect!

"Tsk, tsk. It seems that the second Miss of Yun clan cannot be superficially beautiful! How could it be possible that she is a traditional girl of a common small family since she could broaden her eyes to the outside of Black Mountain Country?

With a grin, he feels a trace of excitement in his heart.

This world is really wonderful and splendid with unknown people and undefined things. There are so many interesting stuffs to explore that he will never feel bored.

However, not everyone can achieve the exploration of the unknown field. It needs one"s own strength as the prerequisite.

"It is getting late and I should go back, attempting to make a breakthrough."

Catching a glimpse of the sunset glow on the horizon, he provisionally put his thoughts aside. Something cannot be known and touched by him now. Yun Mengchen must have secrets which he is not qualified to know.

"When I have a chance, I must let my father know that we had better not provoke Yun clan."

Smacking his lips, he doesn"t think more, directly proceeding towards the mansion of Yuan family.

On his way home Yun Feng utters no words. And when the night almost falls, he finally goes back to his own room, directly sitting in a crossed-legged meditative position.

He directly starts to cultivate with the left millennium ginseng, which has been less than half part after use, and the pack of red ginseng, which is acquired on the market, lies in front of him.

At the beginning, he simply regulates his breath and circulates his Qi throughout his whole body, and then he starts to gulp the herbs without hesitation.

Only within a little while, the half of the millennium silvery ginseng and seven or eight sticks of time-honored red ginseng are devoured by him. 

Both the millennium silvery ginseng and the red ginseng work better than the simple spiritual herbs devoured by him as tonics. Immediately, he is enveloped by a mist, which is caused by the effusion of spiritual energy in herbs.

The image of sky-swallowing martial spirit naturally appears to convert the most spiritual herbs" energy to Qi in his meridians and elixir field, which can, on the one hand, reinforce his meridians and bones to improve his spiritual and physical quality, and, on the other hand, elevate his level of Qi. The two things can be done at the same time.

With the development of his cultivation base, it is more challenging for him to go further. In the past, he can casually consume some Qi to make a breakthrough, but with the time going by, more energy is needed to attain the next realm. The sky-swallowing martial spirit can transform the energy of outside world to his Qi as much as possible, but the achievement of this requires sufficient energy as a precondition.

From the fourth level of Ning Yuan Realm to the fifth lever, the energy required is more than all the energy used for the previous breakthroughs with no doubt. Hence, it is not so easy to make it.

Of course, when he achieves the fifth level of Ning Yuan Realm, it will be harder to attain another level. Even with the abundant energy, he also needs to have an increasing understanding of his martial skill. Unless he can have a great luck, he cannot break through a level within a few days. And without luck, he may not make it until a few months later.

During the circulation of Qi, his meridians all over his body just resemble a network of rivers with the Qi as the water. And as he runs the martial skill of the fourth-level Ning Yuan Realm to the ultimate, the speed of water in rivers is faster and faster towards a peak. Since he started to devour the spiritual herbs, his meridians have expanded and strengthened by more than a trillion folds. Now, his quality of cultivation has been of first rank not only in Mukden County but also in the whole Black Mountain Country. What"s more, it will continue to improve and develop as he consumes more rare and valuable herbs.

The Qi supplied by the half of the millennium silvery ginseng and seven or eight sticks of red ginseng is quite a little. Nevertheless, the amount of Qi needed in the breakthrough from the fourth level of Ning Yuan Realm to the fifth one is far beyond Yuan Feng"s imagination. He has run his Pei Yuan Skill for dozens of times, but still fails to make a breakthrough.

"Tsk,tsk. It seems that I have considered it too easy! The fifth level of Ning Yuan Realm can be regarded as a level of experts. How can it be so simple to make a breakthrough?"

He cannot be more familiar with the fourth-level Ning Yun Skill, but there is still a tiny shortfall in his reserve of Qi, which hinders him from the breakthrough at one fling.

In fact, his reserve of Qi has been already enough for a common warrior at the fourth level of Ning Yuan Realm to make a breakthrough to the fifth level. However, his meridians are extremely tenacious now and far stronger than his counterparts" at the same level, which naturally makes his breakthrough more difficult and demanding.

Of course, although it is harder to make a breakthrough, if he makes it sometime, he can obtain a stronger Qi base than his counterparts at the same level and a superior fighting capacity to average warriors". There is a directly proportional relationship in these aspects.

"It doesn"t matter. Failing to press on to the finish without letup, I can hone and polish my skill slowly and deliberately. Based on my speed of circulating Qi now, I can run it for thousands of times all over my body. From this point, a night seems to be enough to break through."

Raising the corners of his mouth, he condenses his Qi and acc.u.mulates his operation of Peiyuan Skill again. Immediately, the Qi in his meridians rapidly circulates with a faster velocity.

It takes an average warrior a few minutes to circulate his Qi throughout his body, while the process can only reproduce whips of Qi additionally. However, for him with expanded meridians and improved qualities, it will only take a short time of a dozen breaths. At the same time, the condensed Qi by him after a circulation will be far more than that by common warriors, which also means that he can cultivate much faster than common people.

With a calm and patient state of mind, he puts a stop to all distracting thoughts, obsessed with his cultivation.

It is known to everybody that cultivation is drudgery.

Circulating Qi again and again is not so easy as people think. It will not only hone and test the cultivators" willpower, but also load their bodies down. It can be regarded as a double torture both physically and spiritually. Many people can only see the strength of warriors but ignore their arduousness when cultivating it day and night.

Of course, just because practicing martial arts is not easy, the difference is made between the mighty warriors and the weak ones. The more effort one makes, the more powerful one is likely to be. Likewise, those who hesitate to endure hardship and always try to shirk cultivation by tricks must take a back seat without doubt.

Yuan Feng is not afraid of hardship, circulating his Qi over and over again. Owing to the too fast speed, he feels that no parts of his body are not aching. What"s worse, controlling the martial skill wholeheartedly makes him more exhausted.

Everyone in this case presumably chooses to give up except him. Whether in the previous life or this life, he has never been afraid of hardship in the least because he is very clear in his mind that the infinite sweetness is awaiting him after the hardship.

The night wears on, and the whole mansion of Yuan clan is quiet. Now, all people have fallen asleep. The occasional chirpings render the mansion more serene and tranquil.

The round moon climbs to the mid-heaven stealthily and then sinks down in the west. A night by that way, quiet and soundless.

With the moonset, the sun is rising, but not over the horizon, and the whole world is still a little dim. People have not awakened from sound slumber, while in the depth of the mansion of Yuan clan---the room of Yuan Feng, the third childe, who has been the last one to cultivate before, has stayed up the whole night.

"Almost there, almost!"

Beads of sweat appear on his forehead, and Yuan Feng"s face looks a little pale. He cannot know how many times on earth he has circulated his Qi throughout his body last night. He has become numb with the pain of his body and broken through the limit of spiritual exhaustion. The night is so agonizing, but no matter how agonizing it is, he must make it.

To be frank, both Fang Yu and Yun Mengchen in the Dawn Tower before have raised an alarm for him. In this world, people"s strength speaks for them. Fang Yu is mighty so he can defy Yuan Feng; while Yun Mengchen is mightier so she can defy Fang Yu. The rule of the world is very simple.  

In terms of potential, perhaps n.o.body can surpa.s.s him with the sky-swallowing martial spirit, but he cannot afford the consequence of waiting. No matter how great his potential is, he will still be trampled upon at others" will when he is weak. This question should be considered: "How many extraordinary prodigies have died midway before they are fully developed?"

So he cannot wait, and he cannot afford to wait. If he wants to survive in the world, or even live at a high position, he must seize every minute and every second to cultivate so that he can be fully developed in good time.

The sweat on his forehead is dripping and the physical load is reaching the limit. However, his eyes suddenly open at this time.

  "The fifth level of Pei Yuan Skill, go."

Without a stop of cultivation last night, his reserve of Qi has finally reached the degree to break through the fifth level of Ning Yuan Realm. Sink or swim depends on this action.


An imperceptible crash comes from the deep of his soul. All meridians in his body at this moment becomes more solid and tenacious, and the Qi in them also increases a lot instantly, circulating faster and faster.

  "I make it."

The excited expression is shown on his face. When he feels the change of his body, both the spiritual exhaustion and physical pains are immediate swept away, vanishing in a flash.

"The fifth level of Ning Yuan Realm, I finally achieve it."

Clenching his fists tightly, he cannot feel more fulfilled at this moment.

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