Proofread by Nie Qiao

Previously, Yuan Feng was fortunate to watch Fang Yu, the second childe of clan Fang, performing Black Tiger martial spirit. And now, the form of beast’s shadow occurring above his head is fairly identical with that of the Black Tiger martial spirit conducted by the second young master. There is only minor discrepancy between the two, that is, the martial spirit of Fang Yu is a black tiger while this one is a hideous and singular beast.

Blankly contemplating the beast’s shadow above his head, Yuan Feng’s body is shivering. He is not unfamiliar with the beast’s shadow because the minute before entering this world he was watching the fresco of the beast’s shadow which swallowed him later.

“Is this martial spirit? I"m not dreaming, am I?”

Exhilaration and joy have filled every cell of his body, and now, he is incapable of seeking a proper word to describe his emotions. Although having not witnessed the awakening of martial spirit, the form of the beast’s shadow above his head now definitely coincides with that of the Black Tiger martial spirit performed by Fang Yu. If this one is not martial spirit, he is unable to conceive any other possibilities.

It is very clear in his mind that what the awakening of martial spirit means. As is known to everyone, even the worst martial spirit could also facilitate a warrior to rocket into sky, making him a genius. There is no need to doubt this point.

“Come back!” After being mentally lost for fairly a short time, he shifts thought and then the beast’s shadow above his head burrows back into his body as if it has turned into a part of the body.

“I’m so sure that it is martial spirit, really!”

Martial spirit should have been one part of warrior’s body and its appearance would be totally determined by warriors’ minds after being awakened. The moment when retrieving the beast’s shadow, he is able to a.s.sert he has already awakened the martial spirit and become a rare martial warrior.

“Be cool, be cool! I can’t become frenetic.” After all, he lives between his previous life and this life. Looking around to find that no one has noticed him, then his mind gets appeased.

“The awakening of martial spirit is not a small feat. I had better not let others know it before all the things are made out.”

“Sky-swallowing beast? My martial spirit is called Sky-swallowing beast which is the singular one from palaeoid, capable of swallowing the heaven and earth!”

Calming down, he instantly obtains some information about this martial spirit. Sky-swallowing beast was an unusual and fierce beast which is said to possess the ability to swallow the heaven and earth. However, he was killed by the Mighty person, then extinguished from the world because of his barbarity. It is definitely a vague idea why the fresco of this beast will appear in Jokhang Temple and even bring him to this world. All these things seem to have already been destined.

“Sky-swallowing martial spirit is able to swallow everything on earth and transform them into its own power. Good Gracious! Is this the martial spirit awakened by me?” Sensing the effect of martial spirit, he becomes unsettled once again, his pacified mood being stirred up.

Sky-swallowing martial spirit can swallow everything to improve himself, making up his deficiency, that is, swallow the heaven and earth and then freely travels around the whole world. All things tangible or intangible before the Sky-swallowing martial spirit can be used to replenish his energy. This is the great power of sky-swallowing martial spirit, simple but mighty!

Obviously, this sky-swallowing martial spirit is sure to be brought from the previous world, and it has been lurking in his body all the time. And stimulated by the energy of the ferret meat, he awakens in an instant and comes to his life in this world.

“Don’t care about that too much and I need to look at the power!”

The sky-swallowing martial spirit can swallow everything and transform them into his own power. There is no doubt that the ferret meat is a super specimen.

It can’t be identified whether it is an illusion that Yuan Feng suddenly feels extremely hungry. At this moment, it appears that he can even gulp a whole ferret.

Without considering whether it is hot, he s.n.a.t.c.hes the ferret meat in the bowl and eats it in bites.

A bowl of meat at least weighs one kilogram while it has been eaten up by him in only several bites. And he feels the meat wasn’t eaten by him but by someone else. Evidently, it results from the sky-swallowing martial spirit. After eating the ferret meat, he again practices the Cultivation of Qigong Skills and continues to cement Qi.

Nearly two minutes past, but Qi in meridian still hasn’t run for a circulation. Nevertheless, he observes that this current of Qi gets noticeably strengthened.

“Ha ha ha, it is fairly good. The sky-swallowing martial spirit is so excellent and it my turn to rise.” Though there is no any trace of delight on his face, he has already got himself exhilarated.

Only a bowl of ferret, after the transformation of the sky-swallowing martial spirit, can be turned into a current of Qi to strengthen himself. So if there were a whole of ferret or dozens of ferrets, what level would the effect attain? In addition, rich as the energy of the ferret meat, it’s still a level-three magical beast. If it were replaced by a high-level magical spirit …

Yuan Feng dares not continue to think further. The sky-swallowing martial spirit is terribly extraordinary! “I can’t be too hasty. The issue about sky-swallowing martial spirit can’t be known by others right now. I need to bolster my power secretly and learn some martial skills to gain some ability of self-protection. Then it is time to display my martial spirit.”

As a freshman, Yuan Feng is quite prudent. He can’t distinguish himself for the reason that his level of Ning Yuan Realm is so low and even his wound on arm doesn’t get recovered. Thus, at this time, he can’t make himself too conspicuous. Slowly standing up, he heads toward his abode tardily as usual. However, n.o.body knows the world pattern is gradually changing from the moment.

At the same time, four middle-aged men are sitting opposite one another in the conference hall of Yuan clan.

“The annual fall hunt in Mukden county is coming in less than a month. If anyone has some ideas about it, just speak out.”

A middle-aged man sits straightforwardly in the center of the honored seats, saying with a serene complexion to the three people below. Obviously, this one is the present patriarch of the Yuan clan, Yuan Qingyun.

The lineal descendants of the second generation of the Yuan clan involve four men and one woman. The woman has certainly already got married, so the rest four people run the whole family of Yuan. The second descendant Yuan Qingyun is the present patriarch, protecting and developing the family with the corporate a.s.sistance of the three other men. The first generation of the Yuan clan, with some already dead and others being retired from the world, have rarely appeared in public.

“Second bro, in this fall hunt, our family is requested to devote greater effort. In the preceding ones, both the clan Yun and the clan Fang had magical gemstones enter their ledgers, while only our family gained nothing. It is said that the two clans have exchanged their magical gemstones for medical pills so that all the senior cultivators have made a great progress in their cultivation base. If we still cannot obtain magical gemstones this year, I’m afraid that our clan’s strength will completely lag behind theirs.”  

Hardly had Yuan Qingyun’s voice faded away when one of the three below started to say.

The one who opens his mouth is none other than the youngest lord of the Yuan clan, Yuan Qingyan! Among the four lineal descendants of the family, the second and the fifth are the sons of one mother, and the eldest and the third the sons of the other mother. Naturally, there is a difference in the degree of affinity among these brothers. Every time Yuan Qingyun takes the floor, Yuan Qingyan is the first to respond.

The fifth lord, Yuan Qingyan, is the youngest, but has a more rugged complexion. Just from his appearance, he can be judged as a bold man with an outspoken and honest deposition.

“Hha[a1] , what Fifth Bro has said makes a lot of sense. Since our father resigned as the patriarch, retiring from the world, our family has been failing. Now we are nowhere near the clan Yun and the clan Fang.”

Before Yuan Qingyan finishes his words, the first lord of the Yuan clan, Yuan Qingtian who sits next to him, interrupts: “No offence, my second bro, but it is true that you are superior in the field of martial arts, while, as to the management of clan, you still have a lot to learn.” After these words, he directly reaches for the bowl, tasting the tea unmindfully.   

As the firstborn son, Yuan Qingtian has borne grudges all the time in that he hasn’t been designated as the patriarch of the family. Since then, he has never missed the opportunity to discourage Yuan Qingyun.

“Huh, Big bro, you are wrong to say that. I just advise our second bro to devote greater efforts in the fall hunt. Why have you talked about the management of the clan? Boring, really boring.”

Although Yuan Qingyan is a courageous person, he is the last man to be foolish. He can make out that the eldest brother, Yuan Qingtian, is making use of the subject to release his own dissatisfaction and that he is presumed on groundlessly. Hence, he straightforwardly expresses his discontent.

“Hehe, my fifth bro, don’t be so restive. Big bro is. .h.i.tting the point. I still have a lot to learn in the management of our clan. However, I will never let the Yuan clan lag behind since our father believed in me and pa.s.sed on the family to me.”

Yuan Qingyun lightly smiles, defusing Yuan Qingtian’s sneer with a few words. The implication is also quite obvious---the fact that the former patriarch has pa.s.sed on the position to him justifies his excellence over others, while the rest does not need to be explained at all.

“Huh, it is good for you to be confident, my second bro.” Yuan Qingyun has an expression of surprise on his face, but has no words to argue in that the bare reality, which speaks louder than words, is so clear.

“All right, let’s get down to the business. This fall hunt is very significant both to our clan and the other two. I’ve got the information that Fang Yu, the well-known person in the Fang clan, will show up nine times out of ten. If he comes alone, it will still be ok for us to handle, but if he requests the martial art experts of Yunxiao Sect to help him, I’m afraid it won’t be good news for us!”

“Fang Yu?”

Hearing Yuan Qingyun’s remarks about Fang Yu, all the men present frowned. The fact that a martial spirit warrior has appeared in the third generation of the clan Yuan is a sore thing for everyone all the time. Well, the threat of a martial spirit warrior is really serious. There has been no inborn overmatch in Mukden County for a long time, and Fang Yu, undoubtedly, is the most possible person to become an inborn overmatch.

“Huh, what a big deal can he do just as a martial spirit warrior? As for Yunxiao Sect, I am going to send a message to Aoer soon, asking him to bring his fellow apprentices to a.s.sist us.” After a fleeting interval, the first lord of the Yuan clan, Yuan Qingtian, stands up, high-spirited and vigorous, and says with a haughty look.

Aoer is the eldest grandson of the Yuan clan as well as his son, Yuan Ao. Yuan Ao joined in Sishui Sect by chance at the age of 13. Both Sishui Sect and Yuanxiao Sect are the leading powers with a similar martial strength. However, the time Yuan Ao has spent in Sishui Sect is longer than that Fang Yu has done in YunXiao Sect. Hence, in terms of strength, although the second childe of the Fang clan, Fang Yu, has awakened the martial spirit, he may not be able to defeat Yuan Ao who has joined in Sishui Sect earlier. Of course, Yuan Ao cannot rival Fang Yu with sky-swallowing martial spirit when it comes to position.

“Well, if Aoer can bring martial art experts of Sishui Sect to cheer us, our success seems a.s.sured in this hunt.” Yuan Qingyun’s face beams with delight. Yuan Qingtian’s words were really musical to his ears. And even what he said before is targeted at Yuan Qingtian.

“Hahaha, the greatest success of my life is my son Aoer. By the way, it is hard to predict whether there are some latent diseases in your boy Yuan Feng because of falling down from the cliff before, so I advise you to take time to visit him. In truth, my nephew lacks apt.i.tude for cultivating, if he had certain potential disease, his life would…hey-hey-hey…”

Speaking of this, Yuan Qingyun laughs gloatingly, and then directly stands up. “All right, things are almost negotiated. I will send a message to Aoer right now. Qingtian, please go and see Xiaofeng quickly, don’t let him be satisfied at his degeneration. Hhha!” Finishing his words, he directly leaves the hall with laughter, followed by the second brother Yuan Qingshan who utters no words at all.


After Yuan Qingtian and Yuan Qingshan leave, Yuan Qingyuan cannot help sighing deeply.

“Xiao Feng (this is a nickname of Yuan Feng), Xiaofeng, when on earth can you try to win credit for me?” Shaking his head, Yuan Qingyun abruptly feels a sense of powerless. At the thought of his son who is deficient in wisdom and zeal for knowledge, he feels grieved and helpless in his heart.

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