Proofread by Nie Qiao

Back to his room, Yuan Feng sits on bed in a lotus position, pondering. The awakening of the sky-swallowing martial spirit means a great deal to him. Now, what he needs to do is enhance his strength as much as possible by way of utilizing the sky-swallowing martial spirit.

“Energy, what I lack most is energy. At this moment, I need substantial energy to be transformed into Qi. At least I need to make a breakthrough to attain the level three of NingYuan (Soul Condensation) Realm so that I’m able to cultivate martial skills. Although I’m a level-two warrior, there is no discrepancy between me and an ordinary person!”

Only one who achieves level three of NingYuan Realm or even higher can possess sufficient Qi to cultivate martial skills, while Yuan Feng has been stuck in the level two of NingYuan Realm, having never achieved contact with martial skills. Without martial skills to equip himself, to be frank, he feels no sense of security all the time.

“Where to obtain energy? If only there were a great amount of Magical Beast meat.”

It’s not so easy to gain the Magical Beast meat. Even in Yuan clan, the meat can be tasted only on regular basis because it is an arduous task to acquire the Magical Beast on primary stage and the Magical Beast without any rank only stores very little energy, which fails to cultivate currents of Qi.

“Yeah, Marvelous Vegetation! It’s not easy to get the Magical Beast but it should be much easier to obtain Marvelous Vegetation. I haven’t claimed the Magical Plant this month, so I can try it out alongside the hurt. Furthermore, I am the son of lord of Yuan clan. Though with low position, I still can gain the Magical Plant. But I don’t know what the effect will be.”

“Bang bang bang!”

“Third Young Childe, Wan’er is going to serve you.”

At the moment Yuan Feng is contemplating, comes the sound of knocking on the door. And the slightly shivering sound rings in his ears. “Er, come in!” Slightly frozen, he feels a little uneasy.

Wan’er is his servant girl who was reputedly picked up outside and later always cared for his diet and daily life. Previously, after Yuan Feng got drunk, he would hara.s.s this little girl. Thus, in Waner’s mind, Yuan Feng is a sheer scoundrel. Every time she came to serve him, she cowered a lot.

The door is opened[a1] , a maid aged fourteen years or so walks in, holding a washbasin. With the fair-complexioned cheek, a pair of black eyes flickering, pliant and black strings of hair combed into ponytail dangling behind her back and the fantastic eyebrows slightly frowning, she looks so charming and adorable. Noticing Yuan Feng sitting on the bed, she bites her lips and then musters her courage to walk towards him.

“Well, Waner, my wound is not very serious, so you can put down this washbasin and let me do it by myself.” Looking at the girl’s reluctant expression, Yuan Feng senses a blaze of guilt because he has no concept about conventional ranks and moreover, he is not accustomed to being served by others. In his opinion, if a man needs others’ a.s.sistance to wash face, he should be a c.r.a.p! Consequently, he can’t enjoy this kind of treatment.

“What?” After hearing Yuan Feng’s words of denial, Waner can’t refrain herself from being frozen and then cries a little bit subconsciously.

“So girl, I will a.s.sign you a task to obtain some tonic in the storeroom for me as much as possible, like ginseng and ganoderma or whatever can strengthen body.”

Actually, Waner really comes in time because with the injury, he can’t move freely. What’s more, he is unwilling to get contact with anyone before acquiring the basic capability of self-protection.

“Tonic? Okay, I will go there right now.” She seems extremely unwilling to stay with Yuan Feng. The girl gets exhilarated upon hearing she can leave and then goes out blissfully after bowing to Yuan Feng.

“Er, do I seem so horrifying?” He touches his handsome face, speechless. There is no denying that the former Yuan Feng has definitely left an awful impression on the little girl!

“No one knows whether the Magical Plant could work well. If it really does, I have to explore a.s.sorted ways to obtain it. But the Magical Beast is sure to be the most effective one, so I need to figure out one approach to get it.” Leaving his bed, he simply washes and dresses, not stopping meditating for a very short time. All the methods available have crossed his mind and remain to be conducted.

Waner returns very quickly with a vast tray in her hands instead of a washbasin.

“Childe, these are all fresh tonics purchased by workshop. So, which one do you prefer and I will cook for you.” Naturally remaining a distance between her and Yuan Feng, Waner holds the vast tray not proportionate to her body size in which are six or seven ginsengs and ganoderma and magical herbs. From the look of the girl, it can be easily concluded that the huge tray of tonics weighs heavily.

“Well, it’s far enough.” His eyelids quiver, and it doesn’t occur to him that the girl should have obtained such tremendous Magical Plants. It appears that she is astute.

“You don’t need to cook them. Just put them there and you can leave! If necessary, I will call you.” These Magical Plants are all presented before him and he is avid for trying them to see if these Magical Plants of old age can a.s.sist him in raising Qi.

“What? I don’t need to cook? Are you really ready to eat them raw?” Hearing Yuan Feng’s words, Waner feels astonished with her mouth largely open.

“What’s wrong with the Childe? Not only does he not need my service, but he speaks so genially as well. Is there something wrong with his brain?” With a trace of confusion, she puts down the tray and leaves tardily. Before walking out of the room, she secretly has a glimpse at him. Having served Yuan Feng for such a long span of time, now she feels he has changed a lot.

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“Wow, ganoderma, ginseng and Snow Soul herbs can provide strength. Let me see their effects!”

Dismissing Waner, Yuan Feng puts the vast tray of Magical Plants on the bed. He first takes ginseng. The sky-swallowing spirit can devour all energy to convert it into Qi, so he doesn’t need to worry about going to the extreme. Gnashing his teeth, he starts to consume them.


Half dozen of the ginsengs have been consumed by Yuan Feng in an instant. With the consumed ginsengs going into his stomach, he senses his entire body turning hotter. And now, the image of the sky-swallowing spirit emerges automatically and the Qi in Dantian begins to run.

Ceasing to take the herbs, Yuan Feng slightly closes his eyes and secretly conducts the spell to run the Soul-fostering Skills, guiding Qi to run through meridians.

He closes his eyes to have an inward vision, spotting brilliant rays thriving in his meridians. So tiny are they but the number is substantial! Almost in every meridian dwell such minor brilliant rays flickering and running following his Qi. With more and more brilliant rays joining Qi, the current of Qi gets increased again.

“Well, effective, it’s quite effective.”

Excitement has lightened his face, which indicates his exhilaration.

The sky-swallowing martial spirit is definitely the martial spirit transformed from the Magical Beast from palaeoid. Half of the seven ginsengs have already been converted into Qi, namely the flickering brilliant rays in his meridians. Just for a while, that current of Qi in his meridians has improved quite a lot.

“Eh? My meridians…”

At this moment, he spots a problem.

“Ah, my meridians, my meridians have turned much stronger.”

He removes his attention from the powerful Qi and notices that all these meridians throughout his body have become stronger than ever before. Qi runs in such meridians very smoothly and swiftly, and its speed multiplies a lot.

“Ha ha, well, the sky-swallowing martial spirit should have such function? To strengthen meridians is a premier step, extremely effective.”

Yuan Feng gets quite excited. The mere elevation of Qi should be considered as “haste makes waste”, while to strengthen meridians is quite different. The strengthening of meridians can change his apt.i.tude and benefit him once for all.

The reason why the former third Childe of Yuan clan wasn’t able to make a breakthrough is his deficiency of apt.i.tude, that is, he was so fragile, with slim and weak meridians, that he was not fit for practicing martial arts.

But now everything is different. As long as he continuously devours Marvelous Vegetation, his meridians can be bolstered so as to elevate his apt.i.tude, transforming him from a c.r.a.p to a genius. Since then, he can accelerate the speed of cultivating by virtue of his extraordinary apt.i.tude, more distinguished than others, even if there are no handfuls of energy provided for him

“The sky-swallowing martial spirit is absolutely a singular object!”

Without thinking, he stretches out both hands to grab the Magical Plants in the tray, and whatever the sorts, he puts them all into his mouth.

Ganoderma, Snow Soul herbs and Poria…

Just like a machine, he swallows these magical plants one by one. Then, the crisp image of the sky-swallowing martial spirit envelops him. Although there are a plenty of Magical Plants, the pharmaceutical effect will be converted by the sky-swallowing martial spirit into spots of lights of Qi in his meridians in an instant.

Soon, Yuan Feng has consumed all the Magical Plants in the vast tray, and he slightly adjusts his breathing for a second and then opens his eyes delightedly.

“Good, very good. Just for a moment, my meridians have become more than twice as strong as before. The person who knows it will be scared to death.”

For the second time of inward vision, he no longer pays attention to the increase of Qi because it has already been overshadowed by the strengthening of meridians.

Sensing the persistent strengthening of his meridians, Yuan Feng becomes a little complacent. With the a.s.sistance of the sky-swallowing martial spirit, his process of cultivation will become much successful. From his point of view, now he only lacks time. Given sufficient time, he is capable of surpa.s.sing his precedents and becomes a powerful core-formation warrior, let alone the mere rise in rank.

“Wow, my injury…” So exhilarated, he discovers his forehead and arm haven’t ached since a time not detected by him. Then, he pulls down the bandage and feels the wound, no [a2] scar on it.

“So good. It seems that the sky-swallowing martial spirit has not only converted these Magical Plants into Qi, but in the largest part stimulated their pharmaceutic effect. I definitely have picked up a treasure.”

With agility he jumps out of bed and he actuates his body. Now, he feels robust, full of energy with the strengthening of his meridians and Qi.

“By virtue of my ident.i.ty, the amount of Magical Plants I can dominate each mouth must be far more than this. After this month’s claim, my apt.i.tude of practicing martial arts will surely surpa.s.s many so-called geniuses! As for my Qi, it will absolutely achieve level three of NingYuan Realm.” With two eyes squinting, at this moment, he quite antic.i.p.ates that picture.

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