"That"s how it _was_. None of my business, of course--"

"Say that again and you"ll say it without teeth."

"Any day, big man"--he looked up--"any place..."

"So go ahead. Get it said!"

"She doesn"t care about that b.l.o.o.d.y reptile, she came here to drag you back where you belong. You"re not the baitman this trip."

"Five years is too long."

"There must be something under that cruddy hide of yours that people like," he muttered, "or I wouldn"t be talking like this. Maybe you remind us humans of some really ugly dog we felt sorry for when we were kids. Anyhow, someone wants to take you home and raise you--also, something about beggars not getting menus."

"Buddy," I chuckled, "do you know what I"m going to do when I hit Lifeline?"

"I can guess."

"You"re wrong. I"m torching it to Mars, and then I"ll cruise back home, first cla.s.s. Venus bankruptcy provisions do not apply to Martian trust funds, and I"ve still got a wad tucked away where moth and corruption enter not. I"m going to pick up a big old mansion on the Gulf and if you"re ever looking for a job you can stop around and open bottles for me."

"You are a yellowbellied fink," he commented.

"Okay," I admitted, "but it"s her I"m thinking of, too."

"I"ve heard the stories about you both," he said. "So you"re a heel and a goofoff and she"s a b.i.t.c.h. That"s called compatibility these days. I dare you, baitman, try keeping something you catch."

I turned.

"If you ever want that job, look me up."

I closed the door quietly behind me and left him sitting there waiting for it to slam.

The day of the beast dawned like any other. Two days after my gutless flight from empty waters I went down to rebait. Nothing on the scope. I was just making things ready for the routine attempt.

I hollered a "good morning" from outside the Slider and received an answer from inside before I pushed off. I had reappraised Mike"s words, sans sound, sans fury, and while I did not approve of their sentiment or significance, I had opted for civility anyhow.

So down, under, and away. I followed a decent cast about two hundred-ninety meters out. The snaking cables burned black to my left and I paced their undulations from the yellowgreen down into the darkness.

Soundless lay the wet night, and I bent my way through it like a c.o.c.k-eyed comet, bright tail before.

I caught the line, slick and smooth, and began baiting. An icy world swept by me then, ankles to head. It was a draft, as if someone had opened a big door beneath me. I wasn"t drifting forwards that fast either.

Which meant that something might be moving up, something big enough to displace a lot of water. I still didn"t think it was Ikky. A freak current of some sort, but not Ikky. Ha!

I had finished attaching the leads and pulled the first plug when a big, rugged, black island grew beneath me....

I flicked the beam downward. His mouth was opened.

I was rabbit.

Waves of the death-fear pa.s.sed downward. My stomach imploded. I grew dizzy.

Only one thing, and one thing only. Left to do. I managed it, finally.

I pulled the rest of the plugs.

I could count the scaly articulations ridging his eyes by then.

The squiggler grew, pinked into phosph.o.r.escence...squiggled.

Then my lamp. I had to kill it, leaving just the bait before him.

One glance back as I jammed the jatoes to life.

He was so near that the squiggler reflected on his teeth, in his eyes.

Four meters, and I kissed his lambent jowls with two jets of backwash as I soared. Then I didn"t know whether he was following or had halted. I began to black out as I waited to be eaten.

The jatoes died and I kicked weakly.

Too fast, I felt a cramp coming on. One flick of the beam, cried rabbit. One second, to know...

Or end things up, I answered. No, rabbit, we don"t dart before hunters.

Stay dark.

Green waters, finally, to yellowgreen, then top.

Doubling, I beat off toward Tensquare. The waves from the explosion behind pushed me on ahead. The world closed in, and a screamed "He"s alive!"

in the distance.

A giant shadow and a shock wave. The line was alive, too. Happy Fishing Grounds. Maybe I did something wrong....

Somewhere Hand was clenched. What"s bait?

A few million years. I remember starting out as a one-celled organism and painfully becoming an amphibian, then an air-breather. From somewhere high in the treetops I heard a voice.

"He"s coming around."

I evolved back into h.o.m.osapience, then a step further into a hangover.

"Don"t try to get up yet."

"Have we got him?" I slurred.

"Still fighting, but he"s hooked. We thought he took you for an appetizer."

"So did I."

"Breath some of this and shut up."

A funnel over my face. Good. Lift your cups and drink....

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