[16]: Ed. _Men._ (Leipzig, 1891), ad 410.

[17]: Cf. opening lines of Eurip. _Iph. in Taur._

[18]: Pp. 13--19. V. Langen, _Plautinische Studien_, pp. 139-142. Cf.

also comments of Brix to _Menaechmi_ pa.s.sim.

[19]: Op. cit., p. 146.

[20]: Cf. Gel. N. A., III. 3-14 ff.

[21]: V. infra, Part II, under "Careless Composition".

[22]: _Beschluss der Critik iiber die Gefangenen des Plaulus_.

[23]: 23: Op. cit., fin.

[24]: _La Litterature latine depuis la fondation de Rome_ (Paris, 1899), Bk. II. chap. 3. sec. 15, p. 362.

[25]: Introd. to ed. _Mosl._, p. 37.

[26]: Bk. II, Ch. 4.

[27]: Lamarre, op. cit., Bk. II, Ch. 4, Sec. 12, p. 475.

[28]: _Theatre de Plaute_ (Paris, 1845), Introd. p. 18.

[29]: _Opuscula Philologica_, Vol. II p. 743.

[30]: _Opusc._ II. 733 ff.

[31]: In _Opusc._ III. 455, Ritschl relates that Varro wrote six books on drama, with Plautus as the especial object of his interest: _de originibus scaenicis, de scaenicis actionibus, de actibus scaenicis, de personis, de descriptionibus, quaestiones Plautinae_.

[32]: Langen, op. cit., p. 127.

[33]: _Opusc._ II. 746.

[34]: Op. cit., p. 165.

[35]: Op. cit., p. 167.

[36]: _Mil._ 522 ff. (All citations from Plautus are based on the text and numbering of the lines in the text of Goetz and Schoell).

[37]: _History of Rome_, (Transl. d.i.c.kson, Scribner, N.Y., 1900), Vol.

III, p. 143.

[38]: E.g., LeGrand, _Daos_, V. supra. Cf. also N. 80, Part II.

[39]: P. 190, trans. John Black (London, 1846), Lecture XIV.

[40]: _Theatre of the Greeks_, p. 443.

[41]: P. 197.

[42]: Cf. Ritschl"s opinion, Note 30.

[43]: V. supra.

[44]: P. 620. But cf. Note 37.

[45]: Cf. further Plessis, _La poesie latine_ (Paris, 1909), p. 54 ff.; Patin, _etudes sur la poesie latine_ (Paris, 1869), Vol. II, p.

224 ff.; Ribbeck, _Geschichte der romischen Dichtung_ (Stuttgart, 1894), Vol. I, p. 57 ff.; Tyrrell, _Early Latin Poetry_, p. 44 ff. A very excellent discussion is contained in Duff, _A Literary History of Rome_ (N.Y., 1909), p. 183 ff.

[46]: _History of Rome_, Vol. III, p. 139. Cf. note 37.

[47]: Cf. Prol. _Poen._ 28-9.

[48]: Prol. _Poen._, II ff.

[49]: _Plaudere_, p????, _sibilare_ or _exsibilare, explodere, eicere_ were expressions used to indicate approval or disapproval.

Cf. the discussion of Oehmichen, article _Buhnenwesen_ in Von Muller"s _Handbuch der kla.s.sischen Altertumswissenschaft_, 5ter Band, 3te Abteilung, -- 73. 2, p. 271.

[50]: Cf. Prol. _Poen._ 36 ff.

[51]: Cf. Tac. _Ann._ I. 77. V. Oehmichen, op. cit., -- 39.3, p. 220.

[52]: V. Prol. _Amph._ 52-3:

Quid contraxistis frontem?

Quia tragoediam Dixi futuram hanc?

[53]: _Parad._ III. 2.26. Cf. _Or._ 51.173, _de Or._ III.

50.196: _"theatra tota reclamant_"; Hor. _Ep._ II. 1.200 ff.; Suet. _Nero_, 24.1.

[54]: Cic. _de Or._ I.61.259, I.27.124.

[55]: _Hist. Rome_, ed. cit., Vol. III, p. 140.

[56]: _Cist._ 785: Qui deliquit vapulabit, qui non deliquit bibet. Cf.

_Trin._ 990. _Amph._ 83-4, (if this is not merely an imitation of the Greek original).

[57]: Tac. _Ann._ 1.77.

[58]: _Amph._ 65 ff., _Poen._ 36 ff., Ter. _Phor._ 16 ff., Cic. _ad Att._ IV. 15.6, Hor. _Ep._ II. 1.181.

[59]: _Cas._ 17 ff., _Trin._ 706 ff. But others argue that these pa.s.sages are only translations from the Greek. V. Leo in _Hermes_, 1883, p. 561, F. Ostermayer, _De hist. fab. in com. Pl._ (Greifswald, 1884), p. 7. Ritschl (_Parerga_, p. 229) argues that the pa.s.sages refer to cases of extraordinary public approval, not to formal contests.

Cf. Var. _L.L._ V. 178.

[60]: Cic. _pro. Ros. Com._ 10.28-9, Plin. _N. H._ 7.39.128, Dio 77.21. Cf. Sen. _Ep._ 80.7.

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