Cf. also Ter. _Phor._ 210-11 and Moliere"s imitation in _Les Fourberies de Scapin_, l. 4.

[108]: Cf. Sittl, _Gebarden_, p. 201 and Warnecke"s citations from the Scholiast to Aristophanes in _Neue Jahr._ 1910, p. 592.

[109]: _Daos_, p. 617.

[110]: A.J.P. VIII. 15 ff.

[111]: Cf. _As._ 554 ff., _Bac._ 710 ff., _Cap._ 159 ff.

_Cur._ 572 ff., _Ep._ 437 ff., _Men._ 1342., _Per._ 753 ff., _Ps._ 761 ff., _Trin._ 718 ff., etc.

[112]: For further examples of bombast and mock-heroics v. _As._ 405-6, _Bac._ 792 f., 842 ff., _Cis._ 640 ff., _Cur._ 96 ff. 439 ff., _Ep._ 181 ff. (in similar vein most of the soliloquies of the name part), _Her._ 469 ff., 601 ff., 830 ff., _Mil._ 459 ff., 486 ff., 947 ff., _Per._ 251 ff., _Poen._ 470 ff., 1294 ff., _Ps._ 1063 f., _Truce._ 482 ff., 602 ff.

[113]: V. _Amph._ 370 ff., _As._ 431, _Cas._ 404 ff., _Cur._ 192 ff., 624 ff., _Mil._ 1394 ff., _Mos._ i ff., _Per._ 809 ff., _Poen._ 382 ff., _Rud._ 706 ff.

[114]: V. Frag. IV, G. & S., ap. Non. p. 543.

[115]: Cf. _Bac._ 581 ff., 1119, _Cap._ 830 ff., _Most._ 898 ff., _Rud._ 414, _St._ 308 ff., _Truc._ 254 ff.

[116]: Cf. also _Bac._ 925 ff., _Per._ 251 ff., _Men._ 409 ff. (v. supra, Part I, -- I, s.v. _Festus, Brix_). On _Bac._ 933, v. Ribbeck, _Scaenicae Romanorum Poesis Fragmenta_, on Enn., frag.

_Androm._ 81; Kiessling, _a.n.a.lecta Plautina_, I. 14 f.; Ostermayer, _De historia fabulari in comoediis Plautinis_, p. 9. On _Men._ 808 ff., v. Kiessling, II. 9.

[117]: Cf. further _As._ 606 ff., _Cur._ 147 ff., _Most._ 233 ff., _Poen._ 275 ff. and pa.s.sim, _Truc._ 434 ff.

[118]: Cf. _Ep._ 580 ff. Cf. also "bombast," supra A. 1, and "copious abuse" infra, A. 3. c. Cf. also wall-painting labeled "Der erzurnte Hausherr," in Baumeister, _Denkmaler des kla.s.sischen Altertums_, s.

v. _l.u.s.tspiel_.

[119]: Cf. _Mil._ 596 ff., _Most._ 454 ff., _Trin._ 517 ff.

[120]: Cf. _Mer._ 748 ff., _Men._ 607 ff.

[121]: Cf. further _Most._ 265 ff., 456 ff. and note Donat. ad _Phor._ 210-11: hic locus magis actoris quam lectoris est.

[122]: Cf. _Most._ 38 ff., _Poen._ 1309 ff. Cf. also "Lavishing of terms of endearment," supra, A. 3. c.

[123]: Cf. also _Poen._ 426 ff., _Rud._ 938 ff.

[124]: Cf. similarly _Cap._ 121 ff., 177 ff., _Cas._ 725 ff., _Most._ 909, 999 f. Cf. infra II. B.5.

[125]: _Plaut. Stud._ pp. 121 f. Cf. pp. 101, 137 f., 158 f., 217, 229 f.

[126]: _Die Kom. des Pl._, pp. 70-71.

[127]: _Daos_, p. 430-1.

[128]: Prol. _Haut._ 32-40, Prol. _Eun._ 35-40. Cf. Eugraphius ad _Haut._ 31: quid tale hic est, c.u.m servus currit, c.u.m populus discedit, quod domino insano oboediat servus? Cf. also ad _Haut._ 37; Donatus ad _Phor._ 1.4.

[129]: _And._ 338 ff., _Phor._ 179 ff., 841 ff., _Ad._ 299 ff. Weissman agrees with Donat. that in the last pa.s.sage humor is not the object. Cf. _ancilla currens_ in _Eun._ 643 ff.

[130]: Cf. _servi currentes_ supra. Cf. also _Aul._ 811 ff., _Ep._ 195 ff., _Mer._ 865 ff., _Ps._ 243 ff., _St._ 330 ff., _Trin._ 1068 ff., _Truc._ 115 ff.

[131]: For other pa.s.sages containing the comedy of "peering," v.

_Bac._ 534, _Ep._ 526 ff., _Rud._ 331 ff., et al. Cf.

Weise, op. cit., p. 72 f.

[132]: Further comments infra II. B. 3.

[133]: Cf. _As._ 403, and pa.s.sim.

[134]: Cf. _As._ 447, _Cur._ 111, _Men._ 125, 478 f., 909, _Mer._ 364, 379, _Mil._ 275, _Most._ 548, _Per._ 99, _Poen._ 840, _Ps._ 445, 615, 908, _Rud._ 97, _St._ 88, _Trin._ 45, 567, _Truc._ 499, etc.

[135]: _Daos, p. 431 ff._ See Dieterich, _Pulcinella, PI. II_.

Note esp. _As. 851 ff._

[136]: Cf. _Per. 81 ff., 599 ff., Poen. 210 ff., et al._

[137]: V. _Amph._ 952-3, _As._ 118 ff., 243 ff., _Aul._ 67 ff., 667 ff., 701 ff., _Bac._ 170 ff., 349 ff., 573 ff., 761 ff., _Cas._ 504 ff., _Cis._ 120 ff., _Cur._ 216 ff., 591 ff., _Mer._ 544 ff., 588 ff., _Mil._ 464 ff., _Most._ 931 ff., 1041 ff., _Rud._ 1191 ff., _St._ 674 ff., et al.

[138]: V. Cas. 424 ff., 759 ff., _Ep._ 81 ff., _Men._ 1039 ff., _Ps._ 1017 ff., 1052 ff., 1102 ff., _Rud._ 892 ff., 1281 ff., _St._ 641 ff., _Trin._ 199 ff., 1115 ff., _Truc._ 322 ff., 335 ff., 645 ff., 699 ff.

Cf. the treatment of Le Grand, _Daos_, p. 412 ff., where he has an a.n.a.lysis from a different point of view. The soliloquy and aside are evidently not so frequent in New Comedy.

[139]: _Daos_ p. 379. Cf. p. 550.

[140]: _Aul._ 587 ff., _Men._ 966 ff. Cf. _Most._ 858 ff.

and _As._ 545 ff., a duologue in _cantic.u.m_.

[141]: _Bac._ 640 ff. Cf. _Ps._ 767 ff.

[142]: _Cap._ 461 ff., Cf. _Per._ 53 ff.

[143]: _Men._ 77 ff., 446 ff., _St._ 155 ff.

[144]: _Cur._ 371 ff., (Cf. 494 ff.), _Men._ 571 ff., _Poen._ 823 ff.

[145]: _Ep._ 225 ff.

[146]: _Cas._ 217 ff., _Trin._ 223 ff. (Cf. 660 ff.)

[147]: _Men._ 753 ff.

[148]: _Aul._ 475 ff. (496-536 branded as spurious by Weise, op. cit., pp. 42-44).

[149]: _Mer._ 817 ff.

[150]: _Poen._ 210 ff. (though not a solo), _Truc._ 22 ff., 210 ff., 551 ff.

[151]: _Ps._ 790 ff.

[152]: _Truc._ 482 ff.

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