_Willoughby._ Be not alarmed, Miss Courtney.

_Louisa._ Mr Willoughby!

_Willoughby._ Yes, madam; the man you most avoid.

_Louisa._ Tell me, sir, immediately, how, and by whose appointment, you came here?

_Willoughby._ By love, madam; the same pa.s.sion that has prompted me to pursue you for years, now happily conducts me hither;--I come to lessen your fears, not to increase them.

_Louisa._ Then, leave me, sir, I can protect myself.

_Willoughby._ No, not till you have heard and pitied me; I have been long your suitor, and long scorned by you; you have treated me with indifference, and preferred my inferiors; how I have deserved all this, yourself can best explain, but, to prove all former cruelties are forgotten, I here offer you my hand, and, with it, my heart.

_Louisa._ Sir,--this is no time for hearing you on this subject; if you wish to oblige me, leave me.

_Willoughby._ No, not till I am answered;--years may elapse ere I shall have another opportunity like the present, therefore no time can be so well as now.

_Louisa._ Then I command you to leave me,--I will not be threatened into a compliance.

_Willoughby._ Look ye, Miss Courtney--I would avoid taking advantage of your situation--nay, start not--but if you persist in your contempt of me, I know not to what extremities pa.s.sion may hurry me; I have every motive for redress, and, if you do not instantly give me your word, to prefer me to that beggar Neville, I may do that, my cooler sense would scorn.

_Louisa._ Beggar, sir!

_Willoughby._ Yes; and, were he not beneath my resentment, I"d tell you more;--but he is too poor--too--

_Louisa._ Hold, sir; did you resemble him, I might esteem, nay, adore you; but as you are, I loath, I despise, I defy you;--you take advantage of my situation!--Hear me, sir,--though not a friend is near,--though night opposes me, and Heaven deserts me, yet can I smile upon your menaces, and make you tremble, villain as you are.

_Willoughby._ Have a care, madam! another declaration like that, and I"ll delay no longer;--I"ll force you to my purpose.

_Louisa._ You dare not, on your life you dare not.

_Willoughby._ Nay, then--I am not to be terrified by threats,--[_Lays hold of her._] all struggling is in vain; this moment gratifies my revenge,--away!

_Louisa._ Off,--let me go! Oh, help! help!

[_As he is forcing her out, enter FLORIVILLE, half drunk._]

_Flor._ "Donne, donne, donne, dow." [_Singing part of an Italian air._]

Oh, this burgundy"s a glorious liquor! hey-day! who have we here?

_Louisa._ Oh, sir! if you have any pity for an injured, helpless woman, a.s.sist one who never knew distress till now!

_Flor._ Go on, ma"am, go on--both d.a.m.n"d drunk I perceive.

_Louisa._ Do not be deaf to my entreaties--do not desert me--

_Flor._ Go on, ma"am, go on--I love oratory in a woman.

_Louisa._ Gracious Heaven! how have I deserved all this? I see, sir, you avoid me. I see you are indifferent to my fate.

_Flor._ No, ma"am, you wrong me--but in Italy--observe--we always take these things coolly--now, sir, will you explain?

_Willoughby._ No, sir, I will not.

_Flor._ You will not?

_Willoughby._ No, sir, and I warn you not to listen to the wild ravings of a senseless woman--it may be better for you, sir.

_Flor._ Why so, Prince Prettiman?

_Willoughby._ No matter, sir, I will not be amused from my purpose.

_Flor._ You won"t, old Pluto, won"t you? then, ma"am, observe! you shall behold my mode of fighting--I"ll kill him like a gentleman, and he shall die without a groan;--you"ll be delighted, ma"am--I learnt it all in Italy.--Come, Belzebub, are you ready?

_Willoughby._ "Sdeath! what can I do? he is drunk, perhaps I may disarm him.

_Flor._ Now, thou original sin, thou prince of darkness! come out; never let her see thy black infernal visage more, or by my life I"ll pulverize you--you see, ma"am, no bad orator either--learnt it all in Italy.

_Willoughby._ Come on, sir.

_Flor._ Ay, now old Sysiphus, push home--but fight like a gentleman, if you can, for remember, there is a lady in company--observe, ma"am, observe; you won"t see it again. [_They fight.--FLORIVILLE disarms WILLOUGHBY._]

_Flor._ What, vanquished, Tarquin? hah! hah! [_Parrying up and down the stage by himself._]--You see, ma"am, you see!--Oh! Italy"s your only country!--Now, ma"am, would you have me kill him here, "in Allegro," or postpone it, that you may have the pleasure of pinking him yourself, "in Penseroso?"

_Louisa._ [_Coming near FLORIVILLE, and discovering him._] Floriville, my deliverer!--generous man!--No, sir, whatever are his crimes, do not kill him; his greatest punishment will be to live.

_Flor._ There, then, caitiff, take your sword, and, d"ye hear?

retire;--that black front of thine offends the lady;--if you want another flourish, you will soon find Floriville--abscond.

_Willoughby._ Sir, you shall hear from me--distraction! [_Exit._

_Flor._ And now, my dear little angel, how can I a.s.sist you? I"m very sorry that I can"t help it--I"m cursed drunk, and not proper company for a lady of your dignity,--but I won"t affront you,--I mean to make myself agreeable, and if I do not--it is the fault of that place, [_Pointing to his head._] and not of this, [_Pointing to his heart._]

_Louisa._ Sir, your conduct has endeared you to me for ever, and while I live, your generosity and valour shall be engraven on my heart.

_Flor._ Gently, gently, have a care, make no declarations; if you are in love with me, as I suppose you are, keep it secret,--for at this moment you might raise a flame that would consume us both;--poor creature! how fond she is of me! any other time I would indulge her, but not now--[_Looks at her sometime, then runs, and kisses her hand._]--Oh, you paragon!--"Angels must paint to look as fair as you."--[_Goes from her again._]--I"ll leave you, or, by Heaven, it will be all over with us.

_Louisa._ No, no, don"t desert me! alas! I have no way left but to commit myself to your care--if I could bring him to recollect me, all would be safe. Mr Floriville, don"t you know me?

_Flor._ No, "would to Heaven I did.

_Louisa._ What, not Miss Courtney?

_Flor._ What, Louisa? my brother"s idol?

_Louisa._ Alas! the very same.

_Flor._ Then may I die, if I don"t get out of your debt before I leave you--where--where shall I conduct you?

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