Canst thou be a lover, And thus fly from me? [_Both unveil_.]

_Don Ferd_. How"s this? My sister! Clara, too--I"m confounded.

_Don. Louisa_. "Tis even so, good brother.

_Paul_. How! what impiety? did the man want to marry his own sister?

_Don. Louisa_. And ar"n"t you ashamed of yourself not to know your own sister?

_Don. Clara_. To drive away your own mistress----

_Don. Louisa_. Don"t you see how jealousy blinds people?

_Don. Clara_. Ay, and will you ever be jealous again?

_Don Ferd_. Never--never!--You, sister, I know will forgive me--but how, Clara, shall I presume----

_Don. Clara_. No, no; just now you told me not to tease you--"Who do you want, good signor?" "Not you, not you!" Oh you blind wretch! but swear never to be jealous again, and I"ll forgive you.

_Don Ferd_. By all----

_Don. Clara_. There, that will do--you"ll keep the oath just as well.

[_Gives her hand_.]

_Don. Louisa_. But, brother, here is one to whom some apology is due.

_Don Ferd_. Antonio, I am ashamed to think----

_Don Ant_. Not a word of excuse, Ferdinand--I have not been in love myself without learning that a lover"s anger should never be resented.

But come--let us retire, with this good father, and we"ll explain to you the cause of this error.


Oft does Hymen smile to hear Wordy vows of feign"d regard; Well, he knows when they"re sincere, Never slow to give reward For his glory is to prove Kind to those who wed for love. [_Exeunt_.]

SCENE VII--_A Grand Saloon in_ DON JEROME"S _House_.


_Don Jer_. Be sure, now, let everything be in the best order--let all my servants have on their merriest faces: but tell them to get as little drunk as possible, till after supper.--[_Exeunt_ SERVANTS.] So, Lopez, where"s your master? shan"t we have him at supper?

_Lop_. Indeed, I believe not, sir--he"s mad, I doubt! I"m sure he has frighted me from him.

_Don Jer_. Ay, ay, he"s after some wench, I suppose: a young rake!

Well, well, we"ll be merry without him. [_Exit_ LOPEZ.]

_Enter a_ SERVANT.

_Ser_. Sir, here is Signor Isaac. [_Exit_.]

_Enter_ ISAAC.

_Don Jer_. So, my dear son-in-law--there, take my blessing and forgiveness. But where"s my daughter? where"s Louisa?

_Isaac_. She"s without, impatient for a blessing, but almost afraid to enter.

_Don Jer_. Oh, fly and bring her in.--[_Exit_ ISAAC.] Poor girl, I long to see her pretty face.

_Isaac_. [_Without_.] Come, my, charmer! my trembling angel!

_Re-enter_ ISAAC _with_ DUENNA; DON JEROME _runs to meet them; she kneels_.

_Don Jer_. Come to my arms, my--[_Starts back_.] Why, who the devil have we here?

_Isaac_. Nay, Don Jerome, you promised her forgiveness; see how the dear creature droops!

_Don Jer_. Droops indeed! Why, Gad take me, this is old Margaret! But where"s my daughter? where"s Louisa?

_Isaac_. Why, here, before your eyes--nay, don"t be abashed, my sweet wife!

_Don Jer_. Wife with a vengeance! Why, zounds! you have not married the Duenna!

_Duen_. [_Kneeling_.] Oh, dear papa! you"ll not disown me, sure!

_Don Jer_. Papa! papa! Why, zounds! your impudence is as great as your ugliness!

_Isaac_. Rise, my charmer, go throw your snowy arms about his neck, and convince him you are----

_Duen_. Oh, sir, forgive me! [_Embraces him_.]

_Don Jer_. Help! murder!


_Ser_. What"s the matter, sir?

_Don Jer_. Why, here, this d.a.m.ned Jew has brought an old harridan to strangle me.

_Isaac_. Lord, it is his own daughter, and he is so hard-hearted he won"t forgive her!

_Enter_ DON ANTONIO _and_ DONNA LOUISA; _they kneel_.

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