And, i"faith, we"ll make a night on"t, with wine, and dance, and catches--then old and young shall join us.


_Don Jer_.

Come now for jest and smiling, Both old and young beguiling, Let us laugh and play, so blithe and gay, Till we banish care away.

_Don. Louisa_.

Thus crown"d with dance and song, The hours shall glide along, With a heart at ease, merry, merry glees Can never fail to please.

_Don Ferd_.

Each bride with blushes glowing, Our wine as rosy flowing, Let us laugh and play, so blithe and gay, Till we banish care away.

_Don Ant_.

Then healths to every friend The night"s repast shall end, With a heart at ease, merry, merry glees Can never fail to please.

_Don. Clar_.

Nor, while we are so joyous, Shall anxious fear annoy us; Let us laugh and play, so blithe and gay, Till we banish care away.

_Don Jer_.

For generous guests like these Accept the wish to please, So we"ll laugh and play, so blithe and gay, Your smiles drive care away.

[_Exeunt omnes_.]

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