The Eagle Cliff

Chapter 36

"I would read you a lecture now, sir," she said; "but will reserve it, for here is a letter that may interest you."

It did indeed interest all three of them, as they sat together that afternoon in the sunshine of Milly"s boudoir, for it was a long and well-written epistle from old Molly Donaldson.

We will not venture to weary the reader with all that the good old woman had to say, but it may perhaps be of interest to transcribe the concluding sentence. It ran thus,--"You will be glad to hear that my dear Ivor is doing well. He was married in March to Aggy Anderson, an"

they live in the old cottage beside me. Ivor has put on the blue ribbon. The laird has put it on too, to the surprise o" everybody. But I think little o" that. I think more o" a bit pasteboard that hangs over my son"s mantelpiece, on which he has written wi" his own hand the blessed words--`_Saved by Grace_.""


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