The Economist

Chapter 10

H. WALKER"S NEEDLES (by authority the "Queen"s own"), in the ill.u.s.trated Chinese boxes, are now in course of delivery to the trade. The needles have large eyes, easily threaded (even by blind persons), and improved points, temper, and finish. Each paper is labelled with a likeness of her Majesty or his Royal Highness Prince Albert, in relief on coloured grounds. Every quality of needles, fish hooks, hooks and eyes, steel pens, &c. for shipping. These needles or pens for the home trade are sent, free by post, by any respectable dealer, on receipt of 13 penny stamps for every shilling value.--H. Walker, manufacturer to the Queen, 20 Maiden lane, Wood street, London.


THE WESTMINSTER MARBLE COMPANY have now completed their Machinery, which will enable them in future to supply every variety of Marble Work at a considerable reduction in price.

A neat Box Belgium Marble Chimney-piece, with Moulded Caps, 3 feet high, can be supplied from 1_l._ to 2_l._

A Best Vein Marble Chimney-piece, from 2_l._ to 3_l._

A liberal commission for all orders will be allowed to the Trade; and those persons wishing to act as Agents, can have a Book of Designs forwarded by enclosing Twenty Postage Stamps.

Direct, "The Westminster Marble Company, Earl street, Horseferry road."

CARRIAGES.--The attention of Gentlemen about purchasing, or having carriages to dispose of, is invited to MARKS and Co."s London Carriage Repository, Langham place. An immense stock, new and second hand, by eminent builders, is always on sale, and a candid opinion of each carriage will be given as to its quality and condition. Invalid carriages for any journey. Carriages to be let on yearly job.

WONDERFUL CURE!--Read the following interesting facts, communicated by Mr Brown, bookseller, Gainsborough:--

"To Messrs T. Roberts and Co. Crane court, Fleet street, London, Proprietors of Parr"s Life Pills.

"Gentlemen, "West Stockwith, Aug. 11, 1843.

"I, James Jackson Easton, do hereby testify, that, by taking your excellent Parr"s Life Pills, I have derived greater benefit than in using all the other medicines I have tried since 1841; about which time I was attacked with severe illness, accompanied with excruciating pain and trembling, with large rupture. For the last six months I have had no return of this illness, nor the least appearance of the last-mentioned symptom. Through the mercy of G.o.d, I do at present feel perfectly recovered from it. I still continue the occasional use of your excellent Pills.--I am gentlemen, respectfully yours,


Sold by all respectable medicine venders, in boxes at 1s. 1-1/2d. 2s.

9d. and 11s.--See the words "Parr"s Life Pills," in white letters on a red ground, engraved on the Government stamp.

EUROPEAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 10 Chatham place, Blackfriars, London.

Established, January, 1819.


Sir James Rivett Carnac, Bart.


George Forbes, Esq. No. 9 Fitzroy square.

With Twelve Directors.

Facilities are offered by this long-established Society to suit the views and the means of every cla.s.s of insurers. Premiums are received yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly, or upon an increasing or decreasing scale. An insurance of 100_l._ may be effected on the ascending scale by an annual premium for the first five years of 1_l._ 9s. at the age of 25; 1_l._ 12s. 6d. at 30; 1_l._ 17s. at 35; 2_l._ 2s 5d. at 40; and 2_l._ 9s. 6d. at 45; or, one-half only of the usual rate, with interest on the remainder, will be received for five or seven years, the other half to be paid at the convenience of the a.s.sured.

The insured for life partic.i.p.ate septennially; in the profits realised.

A liberal commission is allowed to Solicitors and Agents.

DAVID FOGGO, Secretary.

N.B. Agents are wanted in towns where none have yet been appointed.

BRITANNIA LIFE a.s.sURANCE COMPANY, 1 Princes street, Bank, London.

Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, IV Vict. cap. IX.


William Bardgett, Esq.

Samuel Bevington, Esq.

Wm. Fechney Black, Esq.

John Brightman, Esq.

George Cohen, Esq.

Millis Coventry, Esq.

John Drewett, Esq.

Robert Eglinton, Esq.

Erasmus Rt. Foster, Esq.

Alex. Robert Irvine, Esq.

Peter Morison, Esq.

Henry Lewis Smale, Esq.

Thomas Teed, Esq.


J.B. Bevington, Esq.; F.P. c.o.c.kerill, Esq.; J.D. Dow, Esq.


John Clendinning, M.D. F.R.S. 16 Wimpolestreet, Cavendish square.


The Hon. John Ashley, New square, Lincoln"s inn.

Mr Serjeant Murphy, M.P. Temple.


William Bevan, Esq. Old Jewry.


Messrs Drewett and Fowler, Princes street, Bank.

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