Nicotiana tabac.u.m--first generation: 4 : 18.50 : 4 : 32.75 : 178.

Nicotiana tabac.u.m--second generation: 9 : 53.84 : 7 : 51.78 : 96.

Nicotiana tabac.u.m--third generation: 7 : 95.25 : 7 : 79.60 : 83.

Nicotiana tabac.u.m--third generation but raised from a distinct plant: 7 : 70.78 : 9 : 71.30 : 101.

Nicotiana tabac.u.m--Number and average height of all the plants of Nicotiana: 27 : 63.73 : 27 : 61.31 : 96.

Cyclamen persic.u.m: 8 : 9.49 : 8?: 7.50 : 79.

Anagallis collina: 6 : 42.20 : 6 : 33.35 : 69.

Primula sinensis--a dimorphic species: 8 : 9.01 : 8 : 9.03 : 100.

f.a.gopyrum esculentum--a dimorphic species: 15 : 38.06 : 15 : 26.13 : 69.

Beta vulgaris--in pots: 8 : 34.09 : 8 : 29.81 : 87.

Beta vulgaris--in open ground: 8 : 30.92 : 8 : 30.70 : 99.

Canna warscewiczi--plants of three generations: 34 : 35.98 : 34 : 36.39 : 101.

Zea mays--in pots, whilst young, measured to tips of leaves: 15 : 20.19 : 15 : 17.57 : 87.

Zea mays--when full-grown, after the death of some, measured to tips of leaves: : 68.10 : : 62.34 : 91.

Zea mays--when full-grown, after the death of some, measured to tips of flowers: : 66.51 : : 61.59 : 93.

Zea mays--grown in open ground, measured to tips of leaves: 10 : 54.00 : 10 : 44.55 : 83.

Zea mays--grown in open ground, measured to tips of flowers: : 53.96 : : 43.45 : 80.

Phalaris canariensis--in pots.

11 : 38.90 : 11 : 35.69 : 92.

Phalaris canariensis--in open ground: 12 : 35.78 : 12 : 33.50 : 93.

TABLE 7/B.--Relative weights of plants from parents crossed with pollen from distinct plants of the same stock, and self-fertilised.

Column 1: Names of plants.

Column 2: Number of crossed plants.

Column 3: Number of self-fertilised plants.

Column 4: x, where the ratio of the Weight of the Crossed to the Self-fertilised Plants is expressed as 100 to x.

Ipomoea purpurea--plants of the tenth generation: 6 : 6 : 44.

Vandellia nummularifolia--first generation: 41 : 41 : 97.

Bra.s.sica oleracea--first generation: 9 : 9 : 37.

Eschscholtzia californica--plants of the second generation: 19 : 19 : 118.

Reseda lutea--first generation, grown in pots: 24 : 24 : 21.

Reseda lutea--first generation, grown in open ground: 8 : 8 : 40.

Reseda odorata--first generation, descended from a highly self-fertile plant, grown in pots: 19 : 19 : 67.

Reseda odorata--first generation, descended from a semi-self-fertile plant, grown in pots: 20 : 20 : 99.

Dianthus caryophyllus--plants of the third generation: 8 : 8 : 49.

Petunia violacea--plants of the fifth generation, in pots: 22 : 21 : 22.

Petunia violacea--plants of the fifth generation, in open ground: 10 : 10 : 36.

TABLE 7/C.--Relative heights, weights, and fertility of plants from parents crossed by a fresh stock, and from parents either self-fertilised or intercrossed with plants of the same stock.

Column 1: Names of the plants and nature of the experiments.

Column 2: Number of plants from a cross with a fresh stock.

Column 3: Average height in inches and weight.

Column 4: Number of the plants from self-fertilised or intercrossed parents of the same stock.

Column 5: Average height in inches and weight.

Column 4: x, where the ratio of the Height, Weight and Fertility of the plants from the Cross with a fresh stock is expressed as 100 to x.

Ipomoea purpurea--offspring of plants intercrossed for nine generations and then crossed by a fresh stock, compared with plants of the tenth intercrossed generation: 19 : 84.03 : 19 : 65.78 : 78.

Ipomoea purpurea--offspring of plants intercrossed for nine generations and then crossed by a fresh stock, compared with plants of the tenth intercrossed generation, in fertility: .. : .. : .. : .. : 51.

Mimulus luteus--offspring of plants self-fertilised for eight generations and then crossed by a fresh stock, compared with plants of the ninth self-fertilised generation: 28 : 21.62 : 19 : 10.44 : 52.

Mimulus luteus--offspring of plants self-fertilised for eight generations and then crossed by a fresh stock, compared with plants of the ninth self-fertilised generation, in fertility: .. : .. : .. : .. : 3.

Mimulus luteus--offspring of plants self-fertilised for eight generations and then crossed by a fresh stock, compared with the offspring of a plant self-fertilised for eight generations, and then intercrossed with another self-fertilised plant of the same generation: 28 : 21.62 : 27 : 12.20 : 56.

Mimulus luteus--offspring of plants self-fertilised for eight generations and then crossed by a fresh stock, compared with the offspring of a plant self-fertilised for eight generations, and then intercrossed with another self-fertilised plant of the same generation, in fertility: .. : .. : .. : .. : 4.

Bra.s.sica oleracea--offspring of plants self-fertilised for two generations and then crossed by a fresh stock, compared with plants of the third self-fertilised generation, by weight: 6 : : 6 : : 22.

Iberis umbellata--offspring from English variety crossed by slightly different Algerine variety, compared with the self-fertilised offspring of the English variety: 30 : 17.34 : 29 : 15.51 : 89.

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