Chapter 37

(TLN: Ikeno’s POV… Italicized ones are Ikeno’s thoughts.)

A month later, Ikeno and his section one development team gathered at the auditorium for the joint meeting. It was their first time entering the auditorium. It was decided that a joint presentation would be held between the research lab’s section one and section two. For the following three days, they would present their data through various presentations and simulations. Finally, they would test out the prototype for the modified human.

Section one members were already settled down in their seats.

Ikeno looked at Komori Neito.

As always, he’s full of spirit…

The last to enter were the two representatives from the main office. They were the ones tasked to oversee and report the results to the main office. The decisions made from the main office were also going to be announced by them. In other words, they were the judges.

We’re talking about that Komori… I know he’s going to have some sort of trick under his sleeve. Even so, I refuse to lose to him. Wait and see… I’ll show you my abilities.

[And now, we will proceed to the modified human presentation.]

[Is it okay if we start first?]

Ikeno quickly s.n.a.t.c.hed the lead.

[Hmm. Is Chief Komori okay with letting section one present first?]

[I don’t mind at all.]

Receiving Komori’s words, their presentation started.

Section one’s idea was to use a [Beetle Crystal] and integrate it to move a mechanized body which boasts incredible strength. They named the project [Chevalier] after the western knights of Europe. It was a method of converting crystal energy into raw power.

Combining ma.s.sive strength and superior agility, it was possible to use a great sword to cut down its enemies in a single slash.

While the modified human project Chevalier is still in the pre-prototype stage and lacked hard numbers.  Ikeno a.s.sured that the crystals are easily produced and have great flexibility in application.  Furthermore his contacts overseas have overturned the global investment management sector using said crystals.  There was no reason for him to lose.

Ikeno took advantage of his communication skills and made a perfect presentation.

[ {Chevalier} huh? I didn’t pay much attention to your reports, but it’s really something. Tell me, how long would it take to create one?  Seeing as it is a complicated method, I reckon it would take more than two days.]

[Not at all. Please confirm on the 12th page of our report. Construction takes about thirteen hours. While the testing would approximately only cost one day..]

[Oh, to be able to do it that fast…]

[Thank you very much.]

Three years of experience working for Metallica had taught him how to exploit his capabilities and in turn display a perfect product.


[Next will be Section two. Chief Komori, if you please.]

Neito stood up, but retorted.

[Ah, no. For section two, Research head Maki-san will be the one to explain. She’s more informed than me.]


[[T-Thanks for having me.]

It was the first time Maki held a presentation. Ikeno knew much of this in advance. Ikeno didn’t know how they did it, but they managed to increase the spiritual energies conversion rate.  It certainly was an interesting idea, but it had a huge problem. The fact that it consumes the user’s spirit is a huge issue. The idea of a self-improving modified human is interesting, but is it enough to overturn the [Chevalier]? How much the judges would put an emphasis on the methods potential would determine the outcome of the compet.i.tion.

At least, that&rsq

uo;s what Ikeno thought. It was at that moment…


Blackout, red lights were flashing and the loudspeakers were wailing.  It was an emergency alarm.

[!!!??? What’s happening!!??]

[What’s going on?!]


The judge’s were screaming angrily at the audience. Well it was an expected reaction. Anybody would panic after hearing the emergency alarm.

Normally, this wouldn’t even be possible. This was Metallica’s top secret island. Only a few people know the exact location and furthermore, the island is heavily shielded.

Since it housed Professor H’s research projects,  this was done to guarantee that they wouldn’t be exposed to any danger.

But for one reason or another, someone had managed to find them despite the odds.

Ikeno, understanding the situation, raised his voice and shouted

[Calm down! This is the emergency alarm. We don’t know who, but someone is rapidly approaching the island. They should only have crossed the first detection line. Even if they rode the fastest ship in the world, it would approximately take them three hours to reach the island. Until we can confirm the situation, all level two and below are on standby and should be ready for battle.]

[Evacuate both judges to the underground shelter until we can ensure their safety.  For those who are above level two…]

[… Confirm the situation right? Tsurugi, Niina and Anice, let’s go! Please stay here Maki-san.]

Reacting a few seconds late, Neito regained his senses and followed up on Ikeno’s announcement.

Ikeno escorted the two judges from the main office to the shelters. After escorting them, Ikeno along with his section one subordinates and Neito’s section two subordinates, they went to the control room.



It was the brain of Purgatory Island.  From the control room it was possible to oversee the security of the whole island; it could detect and monitor the enemy over radar.

Entering the control room, they immediately looked at the surveillance monitor. The intruders clearly broke through the defensive line.]

[..!! Th-This is-!]

It was a submarine, but it wasn’t just a regular submarine.

It bore a mark which everyone knew. A five colored symbol etched on the side.

They knew.

The five representatives of justice. Psychic soldiers who fight evil.

[Maroon Five!]

[W-What does this mean?]

Niina spoke in a frightened tone.

[… I don’t know how, but they managed to find this place.]

Nieto was unusually calm. It may be unusual, but maybe it was because of his past experiences.

[Hmm, so is the compet.i.tion canceled? That’s unfortunate.]

Anice Jairus felt no fear.

[What a disaster! Those guys plan on attacking this island!]

[W-What are we going to do?! The research lab doesn’t even have any weapons stored! We don’t even have a fighting force!]

[How are we going to hold out? What’s more, what if that submarine doesn’t only carry the Maroon Five but also one hundred more guardians…]

[If they attack we’re all doomed. Everybody is going to be killed!]

Most of the members from section one and section two were researchers and scientists. The [battle] they were supposed to be engaged in was supposed to be the compet.i.tion. Everybody was panicking.  It was obvious that Ikeno didn’t bring a fighting force with him.

Komori Neito’s right hand man, Tsurugi was calm, but the  rest of the room was in a state of chaos.

Though Neito looked distressed but he didn’t show any sign of fear.

Instead he started thinking.

What should I do? How can we escape from this situation? As my subordinates have told me, we can’t fight our way out of this. We relied on the anonymity of this place so we didn’t bring any fighting force. The only ones that can probably fight are Ikeno, Tsurugi and Anice.

Seeing that the enemy had superior fighting capability, they were clearly at a disadvantage. They had a fighting force that could only withstand a single blast of psychic energy.

[… Ikeno, what do you think of their fighting force?]

Komori Neito asked him, trying to establish that they were equals at this moment.

[I’d say five from the Rocks Organization and a dozen more Guardians… They clearly outcla.s.s us.]

Neito was about to reply “Stating the obvious… You can already tell just by looking at the screen…” but he disregarded the idea.

[……. How did they discover this place?]

While Ikeno was thinking.

This is bad, bringing up the issue now would be a bad thing.

One of their subordinates shouted out.

[We can’t be sure how they did it, but… somebody… somebody must have leaked the information…]

[T-That’s right! Somebody clearly leaked out information!]

[Why would somebody do such a thing…? Isn’t it one of the lower tier guys?]

[That’s right! they must have done some sort of bargain in the dark.]

Tsk, how did it come to this?

As an evil organization, compet.i.tion is very common among the rank and file. It was natural to feel a sense of doubt towards one’s co-workers.

[W-Wha-?! That’s impossible. It would mean condemning us all! In the first place, we hardly even know where we are!]

Niina’s response was good, but futile.

When you think that someone could sacrifice others to save himself, especially when gaining something extra, then it would make sense. Furthermore, the island’s location could be easily determined if one had knowledge of astrology.

At this point Ikeno reluctantly confirmed that someone within their ranks must have sold information to the enemy. It was news that inspired chaos, but there was no other reasonable explanation.

They had no choice now but to doubt each other. The mole might even be one of their subordinates. There was even a possibility that the mole could leak their defense plans even as they tried to take down the enemy.  Thinking further, even Komori was a suspect. He could leak information of the island, imprison everyone and go on home declaring that he was the sole survivor, therefore winning the compet.i.tion.

[If that’s the case you–!]

[Calm down Niina. It’s no use picking a fight now. Wait for the Boss’ decision.]

[…… Understood.]

Section one’s members were calm, but the air in the room was full of doubt.

The emergency alarm was still ringing the sound combining with the confused voices and the fear of being attacked by the heroes of justice. It was a helpless situation.


There were few points clear and unclear.

The research lab housed Professor H’s various experiments and data. Losing the place could be a ma.s.sive blow towards Metallica.

Despite the professor’s data dumps being vital to Metallica, there was still a mole.

What does this mean?

[Hey Ikeno!]

Neito called out to Ikeno, who was lost deep in thought.

[……Hm? What?]

[Isn’t there a chance of us winning? No, if there isn’t, is there a way to create one?]

It seems like Komori Neito still has his sense of humor despite the situation… Thinking about the Harrison offensive, he asked the same thing. Something dark within him was awakening.

The same goes for me. I won’t lose to him.

[… At a minimum, we need a modified human to equally match the Rocks Organization. If we have that and a talented commander, we can last for more than five minutes during the attack.]

Ikeno had fought with the Rocks organization in the past and of course he’d never lost a battle. With his techniques sharpened by experience, he kept on winning the battles.

But there were no modified humans on the island.

(TLN: Back to Neito’s POV)

[… A talented commander huh?]

Hearing Ikeno’s words, Neito found a way out of their desperate situation.

[… Niina, call Maki.]


[Hurry up.]

I won’t die here. I’ve used too much villainy to achieve my goals. I can’t die midway through my plans.

[U-Understood Boss!]

After Niina ran off, Neito decided to tell Ikeno his plans,.

[Ikeno, I’ll undergo the compatibility surgery right now.]

There was no other way. He already finished his training. And his success rate had already been determined.

[What do you mean?]

Ikeno’s face expressed sincere doubt towards what Neito was about to do, but he understood what Neito was thinking.

[Maki-san’s idea was using [Spiritual Silhouette] to enhance one’s capabilities. There is no need to implement it on a machine. The surgery only takes a couple of hours.]


[And then what? Your plan lacks sustainable power. I doubt you’ll be a capable fighting force. Seeing all that’s happening around us, what a.s.surance do we have that you won’t escape alone after the surgery?]

As I had thought…. He and I are the same…

But the way we come up to a decision are different.

[I will fight… That’s why Ikeno… I want you to hand me section one’s Beetle Crystal.]

[You’ve got to be kidding me.]

Ikeno glared archly at Neito but he didn’t waver.

[Using the spiritual energy stored within the crystal, Maki-san’s simulation already calculated that it would be enough to render us capable of fighting.]

Knowing the existence of the crystal, Neito already ordered the simulation on what would happen if they were to have the crystal.

[… That may be the case, but I can’t give it to you.]

The air between them grew thick and slowly their surroundings began to quiet down.

[Why? Is it because it would influence the compet.i.tion? It’s necessary for the situation at hand; we can just explain after. Do you think we’ll take advantage of you?]

[Did you think that I would just go with your idea? This isn’t just about the compet.i.tion.]

Ikeno, who was unable to suppress his anger approached Neito and grabbed his shirt.

[There’s certainly a mole within Metallica. And there’s no guarantee that it isn’t you. Now how’s this for a theory? You implement both research concepts in your body, and escape alone. Everybody on the island gets killed, and you come back to the main office as the sole survivor. Thereby increasing your fame and influence over the company.]

[…… I see. Is that what you think?]

The voices around them were already quiet. Section one’s anger seemed to have faded away.

Ikeno was taller than Neito by fifteen centimeters. He kept holding him, but Neito didn’t break eye contact.


[Ikeno-san, Neito would never do that-!]

[Wh-, Hey senpai, you better say something back!]


He didn’t know when they had arrived, but Neito heard Maki and Niina’s voice behind him. He didn’t turn around.

[But… There’s also the possibility of me accepting the surgery, and defeating Maroon five.]

Neito shook off Ikeno’s grip and took some distance from him.

[You don’t trust me?]

It was Neito’s turn to glare down on Ikeno.

Silence surrounded them. Niina mentioned [The atmosphere created when I’m serious] must be in effect. Everyone from section one was quiet and held their eyes down.

It was almost like they were afraid of Neito.

But it was different for Ikeno.

[Do you think I’ll believe you? Cold and barbaric, that’s what you are. That must be how you have come up to this point.]

Ikeno glared down at Neito again. There was no other choice; Neito would have to settle it with words.

[Ikeno, never once I have betrayed one of my comrades.]

It was the truth. No matter how sly and barbaric he gets, he never betrayed his comrades.

He paid the reward he promised to the General affairs guys, and he used real explosives on his own neck during his stay at Okinawa.

[And what? ‘I won’t betray you, so please trust in me’… is that what you want to say?]

Well, I can’t help it because I’m a villain…

Neito let a few seconds past before he answered.


[No, I know I’ll eventually betray my comrades.]

After Neito’s response, people start to murmur around them.

Ah well, he still plans on betraying us…

You piece of s.h.i.t, we’ll never give it to you…

I’ll be the one to kill you before you betray us…

It was truly a sickening sight.


[Shut up.]

Neito shouted calmly.

[Anyone who can’t look me directly in the eye should just shut up. The one I’m talking to is Ikeno alone.]

Neito couldn’t suppress the evil inside him. The darkness inside him started coming out.

Section one fell immediately into silence. Section two on the other hand gulped and paid attention.

[I will betray you once, but not today.]

[… Have you gone mad?]

At Ikeno’s words… ‘Gone mad?’ Neito replied.

[No, I’m perfectly fine. This is for my goals.]

[Betrayal isn’t beneficial for villains. On the other hand, it creates disadvantages for them.]

That’s right, Betrayals are bad. Even common people know that fact.

[If you betray people, your allies decrease, create enemies and create doubt.  In the end, you’ll lose power. There are far too many disadvantages to doing it. Thinking about it, only a third rate villain would do it.]

The path you’re going down is going to be a twisted path at most.

I will keep moving on, on to the top.

But I won’t say that I won’t betray. That’s because…

[I’m a villain, in order for me to achieve my goals, I’ll do anything no matter how merciless I get. That’s why I’ll betray when needed. Calculating the disadvantages, I’ll betray when it is most beneficial for me.]

I won’t choose the method. If the time came for me to do it, I’ll do it, no matter how cold and merciless it may seem.

After saying those words, people held their breaths. They were focused on Neito’s speech.

The same goes for Ikeno. Neito walked towards Ikeno and shouted

[I’ll stand on top and shatter this world! My path still goes on!]

[Now isn’t the time to use betrayal as my trump card, since I still have a long way to go. Until I can justify my sins to those I betray, I won’t dare betray my comrades!]

Ikeno kept quiet and wore a serious expression.

Behind him, Neito comrades cheered for him.


[Woah, that was reckless! Nate ! You sounded so cool!]

[Senpai… I’ll run when it comes to that, until then I’ve got your back.]

[Hm…. As expected of the evil being I decided to follow.]

[As you have said Ikeno,  I may escape after the operation, but that’s if I manage to break through them.]

[…Now you…]

I’m sure a man such as Ikeno can understand.

Indeed, he could run away, but only if he managed to break through the Maroon Five. With their psychic attacks, it was impossible to escape unscathed, especially if his body was severely damaged.

That’s why, he can’t run away directly.

If he were to fight, he would fight to win and live.

[You said that we need a talented commander and a modified human to fight them right?]

There was n.o.body more capable than Ikeno.


Neito knew what Ikeno was thinking. Ikeno really hated losing.

They both knew how capable the other was. Therefore, losing wasn’t an option.

[I know how capable you are. You’re the ‘talented ‘one here. If you take command, we are sure to win.]

[Yeah, that’s if you don’t betray us.]

Neito still continued on after receiving Ikeno’s comment. It was the first time Neito had ever shouted this loud. He took a deep breath, prepared his soul, and shouted

[Trust in me. This isn’t out of my [goodwill] or because of [camaraderie], but trust in my [Evil] that’s bound to take over the world!]]

Neito expressed all his thoughts to Ikeno.

The whole room had been shocked and silenced.

Everybody was quiet as they antic.i.p.ated Ikeno’s response.

[……Komori, I hate you. If there were to be a barbaric being mad enough to try conquering the world, then it must be you…]

Neito responded to Ikeno’s words

[The same goes for me. I hate you. Always so proud and standing tall, I hate that part of you.]

But that’s why

After a long silence, they shouted at the same time

[ [ —– That’s why I’ll believe in you —-] ]

Their voices were perfectly in sync.

Amidst all the chaos, a small glimmer of hope had emerged. A light that was about to be snuffed was kept alight by the villains.


Ikeno took out a card and held it in between his index and middle finger. In a flash, he threw the card towards Neito.

The card glided across the room, and Neito caught it.

[That’s the keycard for Section one’s security room. The crystal is stored in there.]

Ikeno wouldn’t look at Neito’s face; he didn’t dare.  His pride wouldn’t allow it.

Neito smiled a bit and looked like he was about to laugh. It wasn’t out of joy, but of something else entirely.

In the end Neito didn’t laugh but only smiled. He then commanded his subordinates.

[Along with section one; Tsurugi, Niina, Anice, follow Ikeno’s commands. The Maroon Five are coming. Until I can finish the operation, hold them off.]

They all gave out a different response.


[Hm? You’re just someone who rose out of the ranks from the general affairs, you sure are haughty giving us orders.]

As expected, Ikeno hated him but that was just that. They both hated each other.

I always hated you for being stronger and better than me…. But that’s just because I’m weak. I may not be strong, but I’m certainly more villainous than you. Our eyes are set on different things, that’s why…

[Unlike me, my subordinates are more refined than yours. Be thankful you b.a.s.t.a.r.d.]

After his response, Neito grabbed Maki’s hand.

[So that’s what happening Maki-san… Now if you please–]

They kept running.

Neito started to think.

Back when I was a kid, I really adored the Maroon Five.

Warriors that fought for justice.

Now we are about to face off.

Yeah, I’m a villain. I won’t just stop.

That’s right.

Come at me.


If you guys are bounded with love and friendship,

Then we are bounded by the black chains of mistrust and villainy.

These black chains might not be beautiful, but they won’t be easily broken.

Author Notes: Next time [… Transform]

It looks like Ikeno is going to do some work.

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